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// Package layer is package for managing read-only
// and read-write mounts on the union file system
// driver. Read-only mounts are referenced using a
// content hash and are protected from mutation in
// the exposed interface. The tar format is used
// to create read-only layers and export both
// read-only and writable layers. The exported
// tar data for a read-only layer should match
// the tar used to create the layer.
package layer // import ""

import (


var (
    // ErrLayerDoesNotExist is used when an operation is
    // attempted on a layer which does not exist.
    ErrLayerDoesNotExist = errors.New("layer does not exist")

    // ErrLayerNotRetained is used when a release is
    // attempted on a layer which is not retained.
    ErrLayerNotRetained = errors.New("layer not retained")

    // ErrMountDoesNotExist is used when an operation is
    // attempted on a mount layer which does not exist.
    ErrMountDoesNotExist = errors.New("mount does not exist")

    // ErrMountNameConflict is used when a mount is attempted
    // to be created but there is already a mount with the name
    // used for creation.
    ErrMountNameConflict = errors.New("mount already exists with name")

    // ErrMaxDepthExceeded is used when a layer is attempted
    // to be created which would result in a layer depth
    // greater than the 125 max.
    ErrMaxDepthExceeded = errors.New("max depth exceeded")

// ChainID is the content-addressable ID of a layer.
type ChainID digest.Digest

// String returns a string rendition of a layer ID
func (id ChainID) String() string {
    return string(id)

// DiffID is the hash of an individual layer tar.
type DiffID digest.Digest

// String returns a string rendition of a layer DiffID
func (diffID DiffID) String() string {
    return string(diffID)

// TarStreamer represents an object which may
// have its contents exported as a tar stream.
type TarStreamer interface {
    // TarStream returns a tar archive stream
    // for the contents of a layer.
    TarStream() (io.ReadCloser, error)

// Layer represents a read-only layer
type Layer interface {

    // TarStreamFrom returns a tar archive stream for all the layer chain with
    // arbitrary depth.
    TarStreamFrom(ChainID) (io.ReadCloser, error)

    // ChainID returns the content hash of the entire layer chain. The hash
    // chain is made up of DiffID of top layer and all of its parents.
    ChainID() ChainID

    // DiffID returns the content hash of the layer
    // tar stream used to create this layer.
    DiffID() DiffID

    // Parent returns the next layer in the layer chain.
    Parent() Layer

    // Size returns the size of the entire layer chain. The size
    // is calculated from the total size of all files in the layers.
    Size() int64

    // DiffSize returns the size difference of the top layer
    // from parent layer.
    DiffSize() int64

    // Metadata returns the low level storage metadata associated
    // with layer.
    Metadata() (map[string]string, error)

// RWLayer represents a layer which is
// read and writable
type RWLayer interface {

    // Name of mounted layer
    Name() string

    // Parent returns the layer which the writable
    // layer was created from.
    Parent() Layer

    // Mount mounts the RWLayer and returns the filesystem path
    // to the writable layer.
    Mount(mountLabel string) (string, error)

    // Unmount unmounts the RWLayer. This should be called
    // for every mount. If there are multiple mount calls
    // this operation will only decrement the internal mount counter.
    Unmount() error

    // Size represents the size of the writable layer
    // as calculated by the total size of the files
    // changed in the mutable layer.
    Size() (int64, error)

    // Changes returns the set of changes for the mutable layer
    // from the base layer.
    Changes() ([]archive.Change, error)

    // Metadata returns the low level metadata for the mutable layer
    Metadata() (map[string]string, error)

    // ApplyDiff applies the diff to the RW layer
    ApplyDiff(diff io.Reader) (int64, error)

// Metadata holds information about a
// read-only layer
type Metadata struct {
    // ChainID is the content hash of the layer
    ChainID ChainID

    // DiffID is the hash of the tar data used to
    // create the layer
    DiffID DiffID

    // Size is the size of the layer and all parents
    Size int64

    // DiffSize is the size of the top layer
    DiffSize int64

// MountInit is a function to initialize a
// writable mount. Changes made here will
// not be included in the Tar stream of the
// RWLayer.
type MountInit func(root string) error

// CreateRWLayerOpts contains optional arguments to be passed to CreateRWLayer
type CreateRWLayerOpts struct {
    MountLabel string
    InitFunc   MountInit
    StorageOpt map[string]string

// Store represents a backend for managing both
// read-only and read-write layers.
type Store interface {
    Register(io.Reader, ChainID) (Layer, error)
    Get(ChainID) (Layer, error)
    Map() map[ChainID]Layer
    Release(Layer) ([]Metadata, error)
    CreateRWLayer(id string, parent ChainID, opts *CreateRWLayerOpts) (RWLayer, error)
    GetRWLayer(id string) (RWLayer, error)
    GetMountID(id string) (string, error)
    ReleaseRWLayer(RWLayer) ([]Metadata, error)
    Cleanup() error
    DriverStatus() [][2]string
    DriverName() string

// DescribableStore represents a layer store capable of storing
// descriptors for layers.
type DescribableStore interface {
    RegisterWithDescriptor(io.Reader, ChainID, distribution.Descriptor) (Layer, error)

// CreateChainID returns ID for a layerDigest slice
func CreateChainID(dgsts []DiffID) ChainID {
    return createChainIDFromParent("", dgsts...)

func createChainIDFromParent(parent ChainID, dgsts ...DiffID) ChainID {
    if len(dgsts) == 0 {
        return parent
    if parent == "" {
        return createChainIDFromParent(ChainID(dgsts[0]), dgsts[1:]...) // #nosec G602 -- slice index out of range, which is a false positive
    // H = "H(n-1) SHA256(n)"
    dgst := digest.FromBytes([]byte(string(parent) + " " + string(dgsts[0]))) // #nosec G602 -- slice index out of range, which is a false positive
    return createChainIDFromParent(ChainID(dgst), dgsts[1:]...)               // #nosec G602 -- slice index out of range, which is a false positive

// ReleaseAndLog releases the provided layer from the given layer
// store, logging any error and release metadata
func ReleaseAndLog(ls Store, l Layer) {
    metadata, err := ls.Release(l)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("Error releasing layer %s: %v", l.ChainID(), err)

// LogReleaseMetadata logs a metadata array, uses this to
// ensure consistent logging for release metadata
func LogReleaseMetadata(metadatas []Metadata) {
    for _, metadata := range metadatas {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Infof("Layer %s cleaned up", metadata.ChainID)