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package bridge

import (


const (
    // DefaultBridgeName is the default name for the bridge interface managed
    // by the driver when unspecified by the caller.
    DefaultBridgeName = "docker0"

// Interface models the bridge network device.
type bridgeInterface struct {
    Link        netlink.Link
    bridgeIPv4  *net.IPNet
    bridgeIPv6  *net.IPNet
    gatewayIPv4 net.IP
    gatewayIPv6 net.IP
    nlh         nlwrap.Handle

// newInterface creates a new bridge interface structure. It attempts to find
// an already existing device identified by the configuration BridgeName field,
// or the default bridge name when unspecified, but doesn't attempt to create
// one when missing
func newInterface(nlh nlwrap.Handle, config *networkConfiguration) (*bridgeInterface, error) {
    var err error
    i := &bridgeInterface{nlh: nlh}

    // Initialize the bridge name to the default if unspecified.
    if config.BridgeName == "" {
        config.BridgeName = DefaultBridgeName

    // Attempt to find an existing bridge named with the specified name.
    i.Link, err = nlh.LinkByName(config.BridgeName)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Did not find any interface with name %s: %v", config.BridgeName, err)
    } else if _, ok := i.Link.(*netlink.Bridge); !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("existing interface %s is not a bridge", i.Link.Attrs().Name)
    return i, nil

// exists indicates if the existing bridge interface exists on the system.
func (i *bridgeInterface) exists() bool {
    return i.Link != nil

// addresses returns a bridge's addresses, IPv4 (with family=netlink.FAMILY_V4)
// or IPv6 (family=netlink.FAMILY_V6).
func (i *bridgeInterface) addresses(family int) ([]netlink.Addr, error) {
    if !i.exists() {
        // A nonexistent interface, by definition, cannot have any addresses.
        return nil, nil
    addrs, err := i.nlh.AddrList(i.Link, family)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve addresses: %v", err)
    return addrs, nil

func (i *bridgeInterface) programIPv6Addresses(config *networkConfiguration) error {
    // Remember the configured addresses.
    i.bridgeIPv6 = config.AddressIPv6
    i.gatewayIPv6 = config.AddressIPv6.IP

    addrPrefix, ok := netiputil.ToPrefix(config.AddressIPv6)
    if !ok {
        return errdefs.System(
            fmt.Errorf("failed to convert bridge IPv6 address '%s' to netip.Prefix",

    // Get the IPv6 addresses currently assigned to the bridge, if any.
    existingAddrs, err := i.addresses(netlink.FAMILY_V6)
    if err != nil {
        return errdefs.System(err)
    // Remove addresses that aren't required.
    for _, existingAddr := range existingAddrs {
        ea, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(existingAddr.IP)
        if !ok {
            return errdefs.System(
                fmt.Errorf("Failed to convert IPv6 address '%s' to netip.Addr", config.AddressIPv6))
        // Don't delete the kernel-assigned link local address (or fe80::1 - if it was
        // assigned to the bridge by an older version of the daemon that deleted the
        // kernel_ll address, the bridge won't get a new kernel_ll address.) But, do
        // delete unexpected link-local addresses (fe80::/10) that aren't in fe80::/64,
        // those have been IPAM-assigned.
        if p, _ := ea.Prefix(64); p == linkLocalPrefix {
        // Don't delete multicast addresses as they're never added by the daemon.
        if ea.IsMulticast() {
        // Ignore the prefix length when comparing addresses, it's informational
        // (RFC-5942 section 4), and removing/re-adding an address that's still valid
        // would disrupt traffic on live-restore.
        if ea != addrPrefix.Addr() {
            err := i.nlh.AddrDel(i.Link, &existingAddr) //#nosec G601 -- Memory aliasing is not an issue in practice as the &existingAddr pointer is not retained by the callee after the AddrDel() call returns.
            if err != nil {
                    "error":   err,
                    "address": existingAddr.IPNet,
                ).Warnf("Failed to remove residual IPv6 address from bridge")
    // Using AddrReplace(), rather than AddrAdd(). When the subnet is changed for an
    // existing bridge in a way that doesn't affect the bridge's assigned address,
    // the old address has not been removed at this point - because that would be
    // service-affecting for a running container.
    // But if, for example, 'fixed-cidr-v6' is changed from '2000:dbe::/64' to
    // '2000:dbe::/80', the default bridge will still be assigned address
    // '2000:dbe::1'. In the output of 'ip a', the prefix length is displayed - and
    // the user is likely to expect to see it updated from '64' to '80'.
    // Unfortunately, 'netlink.AddrReplace()' ('RTM_NEWADDR' with 'NLM_F_REPLACE')
    // doesn't update the prefix length. This is a cosmetic problem, the prefix
    // length of an assigned address is not used to determine whether an address is
    // "on-link" (RFC-5942).
    if err := i.nlh.AddrReplace(i.Link, &netlink.Addr{IPNet: netiputil.ToIPNet(addrPrefix)}); err != nil {
        return errdefs.System(fmt.Errorf("failed to add IPv6 address %s to bridge: %v", i.bridgeIPv6, err))
    return nil