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3 days
Test Coverage
// FIXME(thaJeztah): remove once we are a module; the go:build directive prevents go from downgrading language version to go1.16:
//go:build go1.21

package bridge

import (


type portBinding struct {
    // boundSocket is used to reserve a host port for the binding. If the
    // userland proxy is in-use, it's passed to the proxy when the proxy is
    // started, then it's closed and set to nil here.
    boundSocket *os.File
    // childHostIP is the host IP address, as seen from the daemon. This
    // is normally the same as PortBinding.HostIP but, in rootless mode, it
    // will be an address in the rootless network namespace. RootlessKit
    // binds the port on the real (parent) host address and maps it to the
    // same port number on the address dockerd sees in the child namespace.
    // So, for example, docker-proxy and DNAT rules need to use the child
    // namespace's host address. (PortBinding.HostIP isn't replaced by the
    // child address, because it's stored as user-config and the child
    // address may change if RootlessKit is configured differently.)
    childHostIP net.IP
    // portDriverRemove is a function that will inform the RootlessKit
    // port driver about removal of a port binding, or nil.
    portDriverRemove func() error
    // stopProxy is a function to stop the userland proxy for this binding,
    // if a proxy has been started - else nil.
    stopProxy func() error

// childPortBinding is pb.PortBinding, with the host address the daemon
// will see - which, in rootless mode, will be an address in the RootlessKit's
// child namespace (see portBinding.childHostIP).
func (pb portBinding) childPortBinding() types.PortBinding {
    res := pb.PortBinding
    res.HostIP = pb.childHostIP
    return res

type portBindingReq struct {
    childHostIP net.IP
    disableNAT  bool

// Allow unit tests to supply a dummy StartProxy.
var startProxy = portmapper.StartProxy

// addPortMappings takes cfg, the configuration for port mappings, selects host
// ports when ranges are given, binds host ports to check they're available and
// reserve them, starts docker-proxy if required, and sets up iptables
// NAT/forwarding rules as necessary. If anything goes wrong, it will undo any
// work it's done and return an error. Otherwise, the returned slice of
// portBinding has an entry per address family (if cfg describes a mapping for
// 'any' host address, it's expanded into mappings for IPv4 and IPv6, because
// that's how the mapping is presented in 'inspect'). HostPort and HostPortEnd in
// each returned portBinding are set to the selected and reserved port.
func (n *bridgeNetwork) addPortMappings(
    epAddrV4, epAddrV6 *net.IPNet,
    cfg []types.PortBinding,
    defHostIP net.IP,
) (_ []portBinding, retErr error) {
    if len(defHostIP) == 0 {
        defHostIP = net.IPv4zero
    } else if addr4 := defHostIP.To4(); addr4 != nil {
        // Unmap the address if it's IPv4-mapped IPv6.
        defHostIP = addr4

    var containerIPv4, containerIPv6 net.IP
    if epAddrV4 != nil {
        containerIPv4 = epAddrV4.IP
    if epAddrV6 != nil {
        containerIPv6 = epAddrV6.IP

    disableNAT4, disableNAT6 := n.getNATDisabled()
    if err := validatePortBindings(cfg, !disableNAT4, !disableNAT6, containerIPv6); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    bindings := make([]portBinding, 0, len(cfg)*2)

    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            if err := n.releasePortBindings(bindings); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Release port bindings: %s", err.Error())

    sortedCfg := slices.Clone(cfg)

    proxyPath := n.userlandProxyPath()
    pdc := n.getPortDriverClient()

    // toBind accumulates port bindings that should be allocated the same host port
    // (if required by NAT config). If the host address is unspecified, and defHostIP
    // is, one iteration of the loop may generate bindings for v4 and v6. If
    // a host address is specified, it'll either be IPv4 or IPv6, and only one
    // binding will be added per iteration. Config for bindings that only differ in
    // host IP are sorted next to each other, the loop continues until toBind has
    // collected them all, for both v4 and v6. The addresses may be and [::],
    // or multiple addresses of both address families. Once there are no more
    // bindings to collect, they're applied and toBind is reset.
    var toBind []portBindingReq
    for i, c := range sortedCfg {
        if bindingIPv4, ok := configurePortBindingIPv4(pdc, disableNAT4, c, containerIPv4, defHostIP); ok {
            toBind = append(toBind, bindingIPv4)

        // If the container has no IPv6 address, allow proxying host IPv6 traffic to it
        // by setting up the binding with the IPv4 interface if the userland proxy is enabled
        // This change was added to keep backward compatibility
        // TODO(robmry) - this will silently ignore port bindings with an explicit IPv6
        //  host address, when docker-proxy is disabled, and the container is IPv4-only.
        //  If there's no proxying and the container has no IPv6, should probably error if ...
        //  - the mapping's host address is IPv6, or
        //  - the mapping has no host address, but the default address is IPv6.
        containerIP := containerIPv6
        if proxyPath != "" && (containerIPv6 == nil) {
            containerIP = containerIPv4
        if bindingIPv6, ok := configurePortBindingIPv6(pdc, disableNAT6, c, containerIP, defHostIP); ok {
            toBind = append(toBind, bindingIPv6)

        if i < len(sortedCfg)-1 && needSamePort(c, sortedCfg[i+1]) {
            // This port binding matches the next, apart from host IP. So, continue
            // collecting bindings, then allocate the same host port for all addresses.

        // Allocate and bind a host port.
        newB, err := bindHostPorts(toBind, proxyPath)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        bindings = append(bindings, newB...)

        // Reset toBind now the ports are bound.
        toBind = toBind[:0]

    for i := range bindings {
        if pdc != nil && bindings[i].HostPort != 0 {
            var err error
            b := &bindings[i]
            hip, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(b.HostIP)
            if !ok {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid host IP address in %s", b)
            chip, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(b.childHostIP)
            if !ok {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid child host IP address %s in %s", b.childHostIP, b)
            b.portDriverRemove, err = pdc.AddPort(context.TODO(), b.Proto.String(), hip, chip, int(b.HostPort))
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
        if err := n.setPerPortIptables(bindings[i], true); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    // Now the iptables rules are set up, it's safe to start the userland proxy.
    // (If it was started before the iptables rules were created, it may have
    // accepted a connection, then become unreachable due to NAT rules sending
    // packets directly to the container.)
    // If not starting the proxy, nothing will ever accept a connection on the
    // socket. But, listen anyway so that the binding shows up in "netstat -at".
    somaxconn := 0
    if proxyPath != "" {
        somaxconn = -1 // silently capped to "/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn"
    for i := range bindings {
        if bindings[i].boundSocket == nil {
        if bindings[i].Proto == types.TCP {
            rc, err := bindings[i].boundSocket.SyscallConn()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("raw conn not available on TCP socket: %w", err)
            if errC := rc.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
                err = syscall.Listen(int(fd), somaxconn)
            }); errC != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to Control TCP socket: %w", err)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to listen on TCP socket: %w", err)
        if proxyPath != "" {
            var err error
            bindings[i].stopProxy, err = startProxy(
                bindings[i].childPortBinding(), proxyPath, bindings[i].boundSocket,
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start userland proxy for port mapping %s: %w",
                    bindings[i].PortBinding, err)
            if err := bindings[i].boundSocket.Close(); err != nil {
                    "error":   err,
                    "mapping": bindings[i].PortBinding,
                }).Warnf("failed to close proxy socket")
            bindings[i].boundSocket = nil

    return bindings, nil

// Limit the number of errors reported, because there may be a lot of port
// bindings (host port ranges are expanded by the CLI).
const validationErrLimit = 6

// validatePortBindings checks that, if NAT is disabled for all uses of a
// PortBinding, no HostPort, or non-zero HostIP, is specified - because they have
// no meaning. A zero HostIP is allowed, as it's used to determine the address
// family.
// The default binding IP is not considered, meaning that no error is raised if
// there is a default binding address that is not used but could have been.
// For example, the default is an IPv6 interface address, no HostIP is specified,
// and NAT6 is disabled; the default is ignored and no error will be raised. (Note
// that this example may be valid if the container has no IPv6 address, and
// docker-proxy is used to forward between the default IPv6 address and the
// container's IPv4. So, simply disallowing a non-zero IPv6 default when NAT6
// is disabled for the network would be incorrect.)
func validatePortBindings(pbs []types.PortBinding, nat4, nat6 bool, cIPv6 net.IP) error {
    var errs []error
    for i := range pbs {
        pb := &pbs[i]
        disallowHostPort := false
        if !nat4 && len(pb.HostIP) > 0 && pb.HostIP.To4() != nil && !pb.HostIP.Equal(net.IPv4zero) {
            // There's no NAT4, so don't allow a nonzero IPv4 host address in the mapping. The port will
            // be accessible via any host interface.
            errs = append(errs,
                fmt.Errorf("NAT is disabled, omit host address in port mapping %s, or use to open port %d for IPv4-only",
                    pb, pb.Port, pb.Port))
            // The mapping is IPv4-specific but there's no NAT4, so a host port would make no sense.
            disallowHostPort = true
        } else if !nat6 && len(pb.HostIP) > 0 && pb.HostIP.To4() == nil && !pb.HostIP.Equal(net.IPv6zero) {
            // If the container has no IPv6 address, the userland proxy will proxy between the
            // host's IPv6 address and the container's IPv4. So, even with no NAT6, it's ok for
            // an IPv6 port mapping to include a specific host address or port.
            if len(cIPv6) > 0 {
                // There's no NAT6, so don't allow an IPv6 host address in the mapping. The port will
                // accessible via any host interface.
                errs = append(errs,
                    fmt.Errorf("NAT is disabled, omit host address in port mapping %s, or use [::]::%d to open port %d for IPv6-only",
                        pb, pb.Port, pb.Port))
                // The mapping is IPv6-specific but there's no NAT6, so a host port would make no sense.
                disallowHostPort = true
        } else if !nat4 && !nat6 {
            // There's no NAT, so it would make no sense to specify a host port.
            disallowHostPort = true
        if disallowHostPort && pb.HostPort != 0 {
            errs = append(errs,
                fmt.Errorf("host port must not be specified in mapping %s because NAT is disabled", pb))
        if len(errs) >= validationErrLimit {
    return errors.Join(errs...)

// sortAndNormPBs normalises cfg by making HostPortEnd=HostPort (rather than 0) if the
// host port isn't a range - and sorts it into the ordering defined by cmpPortBinding.
func sortAndNormPBs(cfg []types.PortBinding) {
    for i := range cfg {
        if cfg[i].HostPortEnd == 0 {
            cfg[i].HostPortEnd = cfg[i].HostPort
    slices.SortFunc(cfg, cmpPortBinding)

// cmpPortBinding defines an ordering over PortBinding such that bindings that differ
// only in host IP are adjacent (those bindings should be allocated the same port).
// Exact host ports are placed before ranges (in case exact ports fall within ranges,
// giving a better chance of allocating the exact ports), then PortBindings with the:
// - same container port are adjacent (lowest ports first), then
// - same protocols are adjacent (tcp < udp < sctp), then
// - same host ports or ranges are adjacent, then
// - ordered by container IP (then host IP, if set).
func cmpPortBinding(a, b types.PortBinding) int {
    // Exact host port < host port range.
    aIsRange := a.HostPort == 0 || a.HostPort != a.HostPortEnd
    bIsRange := b.HostPort == 0 || b.HostPort != b.HostPortEnd
    if aIsRange != bIsRange {
        if aIsRange {
            return 1
        return -1
    if a.Port != b.Port {
        return int(a.Port) - int(b.Port)
    if a.Proto != b.Proto {
        return int(a.Proto) - int(b.Proto)
    if a.HostPort != b.HostPort {
        return int(a.HostPort) - int(b.HostPort)
    if a.HostPortEnd != b.HostPortEnd {
        return int(a.HostPortEnd) - int(b.HostPortEnd)
    aHostIP, _ := netip.AddrFromSlice(a.HostIP)
    bHostIP, _ := netip.AddrFromSlice(b.HostIP)
    if c := aHostIP.Unmap().Compare(bHostIP.Unmap()); c != 0 {
        return c
    aIP, _ := netip.AddrFromSlice(a.IP)
    bIP, _ := netip.AddrFromSlice(b.IP)
    return aIP.Unmap().Compare(bIP.Unmap())

// needSamePort returns true iff a and b only differ in the host IP address,
// meaning they should be allocated the same host port (so that, if v4/v6
// addresses are returned in a DNS response or similar, clients can bind without
// needing to adjust the port number depending on which address is used).
func needSamePort(a, b types.PortBinding) bool {
    return a.Port == b.Port &&
        a.Proto == b.Proto &&
        a.HostPort == b.HostPort &&
        a.HostPortEnd == b.HostPortEnd &&

// configurePortBindingIPv4 returns a new port binding with the HostIP field populated
// if a binding is required, else nil.
func configurePortBindingIPv4(pdc portDriverClient, disableNAT bool, bnd types.PortBinding, containerIPv4, defHostIP net.IP) (portBindingReq, bool) {
    if len(containerIPv4) == 0 {
        return portBindingReq{}, false
    if len(bnd.HostIP) > 0 && bnd.HostIP.To4() == nil {
        // The mapping is explicitly IPv6.
        return portBindingReq{}, false
    // If there's no host address, use the default.
    if len(bnd.HostIP) == 0 {
        if defHostIP.To4() == nil {
            // The default binding address is IPv6.
            return portBindingReq{}, false
        bnd.HostIP = defHostIP
    // Unmap the addresses if they're IPv4-mapped IPv6.
    bnd.HostIP = bnd.HostIP.To4()
    bnd.IP = containerIPv4.To4()
    return setChildHostIP(pdc, portBindingReq{
        PortBinding: bnd,
        disableNAT:  disableNAT,
    }), true

// configurePortBindingIPv6 returns a new port binding with the HostIP field populated
// if a binding is required, else nil.
func configurePortBindingIPv6(pdc portDriverClient, disableNAT bool, bnd types.PortBinding, containerIP, defHostIP net.IP) (portBindingReq, bool) {
    if containerIP == nil {
        return portBindingReq{}, false
    if len(bnd.HostIP) > 0 && bnd.HostIP.To4() != nil {
        // The mapping is explicitly IPv4.
        return portBindingReq{}, false

    // If there's no host address, use the default.
    if len(bnd.HostIP) == 0 {
        if defHostIP.Equal(net.IPv4zero) {
            if !netutils.IsV6Listenable() {
                // No implicit binding if the host has no IPv6 support.
                return portBindingReq{}, false
            // Implicit binding to "::", no explicit HostIP and the default is
            bnd.HostIP = net.IPv6zero
        } else if defHostIP.To4() == nil {
            // The default binding IP is an IPv6 address, use it.
            bnd.HostIP = defHostIP
        } else {
            // The default binding IP is an IPv4 address, nothing to do here.
            return portBindingReq{}, false
    bnd.IP = containerIP
    return setChildHostIP(pdc, portBindingReq{
        PortBinding: bnd,
        disableNAT:  disableNAT,
    }), true

func setChildHostIP(pdc portDriverClient, req portBindingReq) portBindingReq {
    if pdc == nil {
        req.childHostIP = req.HostIP
        return req
    hip, _ := netip.AddrFromSlice(req.HostIP)
    req.childHostIP = pdc.ChildHostIP(hip).AsSlice()
    return req

// bindHostPorts allocates and binds host ports for the given cfg. The
// caller is responsible for ensuring that all entries in cfg map the same proto,
// container port, and host port range (their host addresses must differ).
func bindHostPorts(cfg []portBindingReq, proxyPath string) ([]portBinding, error) {
    if len(cfg) == 0 {
        return nil, nil
    // Ensure that all of cfg's entries have the same proto and ports.
    proto, port, hostPort, hostPortEnd := cfg[0].Proto, cfg[0].Port, cfg[0].HostPort, cfg[0].HostPortEnd
    for _, c := range cfg[1:] {
        if c.Proto != proto || c.Port != port || c.HostPort != hostPort || c.HostPortEnd != hostPortEnd {
            return nil, types.InternalErrorf("port binding mismatch %d/%s:%d-%d, %d/%s:%d-%d",
                port, proto, hostPort, hostPortEnd,
                port, c.Proto, c.HostPort, c.HostPortEnd)

    // Try up to maxAllocatePortAttempts times to get a port that's not already allocated.
    var err error
    for i := 0; i < maxAllocatePortAttempts; i++ {
        var b []portBinding
        b, err = attemptBindHostPorts(cfg, proto.String(), hostPort, hostPortEnd, proxyPath)
        if err == nil {
            return b, nil
        // There is no point in immediately retrying to map an explicitly chosen port.
        if hostPort != 0 && hostPort == hostPortEnd {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to allocate and map port: %s", err)
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to allocate and map port: %s, retry: %d", err, i+1)
    return nil, err

// attemptBindHostPorts allocates host ports for each port mapping that requires
// one, and reserves those ports by binding them.
// If the allocator doesn't have an available port in the required range, or the
// port can't be bound (perhaps because another process has already bound it),
// all resources are released and an error is returned. When ports are
// successfully reserved, a portBinding is returned for each mapping.
// If NAT is disabled for any of the bindings, no host port reservation is
// needed. These bindings are included in results, as the container port itself
// needs to be opened in the firewall.
func attemptBindHostPorts(
    cfg []portBindingReq,
    proto string,
    hostPortStart, hostPortEnd uint16,
    proxyPath string,
) (_ []portBinding, retErr error) {
    var err error
    var port int

    addrs := make([]net.IP, 0, len(cfg))
    for _, c := range cfg {
        if !c.disableNAT {
            addrs = append(addrs, c.childHostIP)

    if len(addrs) > 0 {
        pa := portallocator.Get()
        port, err = pa.RequestPortsInRange(addrs, proto, int(hostPortStart), int(hostPortEnd))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer func() {
            if retErr != nil {
                for _, a := range addrs {
                    pa.ReleasePort(a, proto, port)

    res := make([]portBinding, 0, len(cfg))
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            for _, pb := range res {
                if pb.boundSocket != nil {
                    if err := pb.boundSocket.Close(); err != nil {
                        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to close port binding for %s: %s", pb, err)
                // TODO(robmry) - this is only needed because the userland proxy may have
                //  been started for SCTP. If a bound socket is passed to the proxy after
                //  iptables rules have been configured (as it is for TCP/UDP), remove this.
                if pb.stopProxy != nil {
                    if err := pb.stopProxy(); err != nil {
                        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to stop proxy for %s: %s", pb, err)

    for _, c := range cfg {
        var pb portBinding
        if c.disableNAT {
            pb = portBinding{PortBinding: c.GetCopy()}
            pb.HostPort = 0
            pb.HostPortEnd = 0
        } else {
            switch proto {
            case "tcp":
                pb, err = bindTCPOrUDP(c, port, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, syscall.IPPROTO_TCP)
            case "udp":
                pb, err = bindTCPOrUDP(c, port, syscall.SOCK_DGRAM, syscall.IPPROTO_UDP)
            case "sctp":
                if proxyPath == "" {
                    pb, err = bindSCTP(c, port)
                } else {
                    // TODO(robmry) - it's not currently possible to pass a bound SCTP port
                    //  to the userland proxy, because the proxy is not able to convert the
                    //  file descriptor into an sctp.SCTPListener (fd is an unexported member
                    //  of the struct, and ListenSCTP is the only constructor).
                    //  So, it is possible for the proxy to start listening and accept
                    //  connections before iptables rules are created that would bypass
                    //  the proxy for external connections.
                    //  Remove this and pb.stopProxy() from the cleanup function above if
                    //  this is fixed.
                    pb, err = startSCTPProxy(c, port, proxyPath)
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown addr type: %s", proto)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
        res = append(res, pb)
    return res, nil

func bindTCPOrUDP(cfg portBindingReq, port, typ, proto int) (_ portBinding, retErr error) {
    pb := portBinding{PortBinding: cfg.PortBinding.GetCopy()}
    pb.HostPort = uint16(port)
    pb.HostPortEnd = pb.HostPort
    pb.childHostIP = cfg.childHostIP

    var domain int
    var sa syscall.Sockaddr
    if hip := cfg.childHostIP.To4(); hip != nil {
        domain = syscall.AF_INET
        sa4 := syscall.SockaddrInet4{Port: port}
        copy(sa4.Addr[:], hip)
        sa = &sa4
    } else {
        domain = syscall.AF_INET6
        sa6 := syscall.SockaddrInet6{Port: port}
        copy(sa6.Addr[:], cfg.childHostIP)
        sa = &sa6

    sd, err := syscall.Socket(domain, typ|syscall.SOCK_CLOEXEC, proto)
    if err != nil {
        return portBinding{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to create socket for userland proxy for %s: %w", cfg, err)
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {

    if domain == syscall.AF_INET6 {
        syscall.SetsockoptInt(sd, syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6, syscall.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)
    if err := syscall.Bind(sd, sa); err != nil {
        if cfg.HostPort == cfg.HostPortEnd {
            return portBinding{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to bind host port for %s: %w", cfg, err)
        return portBinding{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to bind host port %d for %s: %w", port, cfg, err)

    pb.boundSocket = os.NewFile(uintptr(sd), "listener")
    if pb.boundSocket == nil {
        return portBinding{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert socket for userland proxy for %s", cfg)
    return pb, nil

// bindSCTP is based on sctp.ListenSCTP. The socket is created and bound, but
// does not start listening.
func bindSCTP(cfg portBindingReq, port int) (_ portBinding, retErr error) {
    pb := portBinding{PortBinding: cfg.GetCopy()}
    pb.HostPort = uint16(port)
    pb.HostPortEnd = pb.HostPort
    pb.childHostIP = cfg.childHostIP

    domain := syscall.AF_INET
    if cfg.childHostIP.To4() == nil {
        domain = syscall.AF_INET6

    sd, err := syscall.Socket(domain, syscall.SOCK_STREAM|syscall.SOCK_CLOEXEC, syscall.IPPROTO_SCTP)
    if err != nil {
        return portBinding{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to create socket for userland proxy for %s: %w", cfg, err)
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {

    if domain == syscall.AF_INET6 {
        syscall.SetsockoptInt(sd, syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6, syscall.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)

    options := sctp.InitMsg{NumOstreams: sctp.SCTP_MAX_STREAM}
    if _, _, errno := syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_SETSOCKOPT,
        0); errno != 0 {
        return portBinding{}, errno

    if err := sctp.SCTPBind(sd,
        &sctp.SCTPAddr{IPAddrs: []net.IPAddr{{IP: cfg.childHostIP}}, Port: int(cfg.HostPort)},
        sctp.SCTP_BINDX_ADD_ADDR); err != nil {
        return portBinding{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to bind socket for userland proxy for %s: %w", cfg, err)

    pb.boundSocket = os.NewFile(uintptr(sd), "listener")
    if pb.boundSocket == nil {
        return portBinding{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert socket for userland proxy for %s", cfg)
    return pb, nil

func startSCTPProxy(cfg portBindingReq, port int, proxyPath string) (_ portBinding, retErr error) {
    pb := portBinding{PortBinding: cfg.GetCopy()}
    pb.HostPort = uint16(port)
    pb.HostPortEnd = pb.HostPort
    pb.childHostIP = cfg.childHostIP

    var err error
    pb.stopProxy, err = startProxy(pb.childPortBinding(), proxyPath, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return portBinding{}, err
    return pb, nil

// releasePorts attempts to release all port bindings, does not stop on failure
func (n *bridgeNetwork) releasePorts(ep *bridgeEndpoint) error {
    pbs := ep.portMapping
    ep.portMapping = nil

    return n.releasePortBindings(pbs)

func (n *bridgeNetwork) releasePortBindings(pbs []portBinding) error {
    var errs []error
    for _, pb := range pbs {
        var errS, errPD, errP error
        if pb.boundSocket != nil {
            errS = pb.boundSocket.Close()
            if errS != nil {
                errS = fmt.Errorf("failed to close socket for port mapping %s: %w", pb, errS)
        if pb.portDriverRemove != nil {
            errPD = pb.portDriverRemove()
        if pb.stopProxy != nil {
            errP = pb.stopProxy()
            if errP != nil {
                errP = fmt.Errorf("failed to stop userland proxy for port mapping %s: %w", pb, errP)
        errN := n.setPerPortIptables(pb, false)
        if errN != nil {
            errN = fmt.Errorf("failed to remove iptables rules for port mapping %s: %w", pb, errN)
        if pb.HostPort > 0 {
            portallocator.Get().ReleasePort(pb.childHostIP, pb.Proto.String(), int(pb.HostPort))
        errs = append(errs, errS, errPD, errP, errN)
    return errors.Join(errs...)

func (n *bridgeNetwork) setPerPortIptables(b portBinding, enable bool) error {
    if (b.IP.To4() != nil) != (b.HostIP.To4() != nil) {
        // The binding is between containerV4 and hostV6 (not vice-versa as that
        // will have been rejected earlier). It's handled by docker-proxy, so no
        // additional iptables rules are required.
        return nil
    v := iptables.IPv4
    if b.IP.To4() == nil {
        v = iptables.IPv6

    if enabled, err := n.iptablesEnabled(v); err != nil || !enabled {
        // Nothing to do, iptables/ip6tables is not enabled.
        return nil

    bridgeName := n.getNetworkBridgeName()
    proxyPath := n.userlandProxyPath()
    if err := setPerPortNAT(b, v, proxyPath, bridgeName, enable); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := setPerPortForwarding(b, v, bridgeName, enable); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func setPerPortNAT(b portBinding, ipv iptables.IPVersion, proxyPath string, bridgeName string, enable bool) error {
    if b.HostPort == 0 {
        // NAT is disabled.
        return nil
    // iptables interprets "" as "", whereas we
    // want "". "0/0" is correctly interpreted as "any
    // value" by both iptables and ip6tables.
    hostIP := "0/0"
    if !b.childHostIP.IsUnspecified() {
        hostIP = b.childHostIP.String()
    args := []string{
        "-p", b.Proto.String(),
        "-d", hostIP,
        "--dport", strconv.Itoa(int(b.HostPort)),
        "-j", "DNAT",
        "--to-destination", net.JoinHostPort(b.IP.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(b.Port))),
    hairpinMode := proxyPath == ""
    if !hairpinMode {
        args = append(args, "!", "-i", bridgeName)
    rule := iptRule{ipv: ipv, table: iptables.Nat, chain: DockerChain, args: args}
    if err := appendOrDelChainRule(rule, "DNAT", enable); err != nil {
        return err

    args = []string{
        "-p", b.Proto.String(),
        "-s", b.IP.String(),
        "-d", b.IP.String(),
        "--dport", strconv.Itoa(int(b.Port)),
        "-j", "MASQUERADE",
    rule = iptRule{ipv: ipv, table: iptables.Nat, chain: "POSTROUTING", args: args}
    if err := appendOrDelChainRule(rule, "MASQUERADE", enable); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func setPerPortForwarding(b portBinding, ipv iptables.IPVersion, bridgeName string, enable bool) error {
    args := []string{
        "!", "-i", bridgeName,
        "-o", bridgeName,
        "-p", b.Proto.String(),
        "-d", b.IP.String(),
        "--dport", strconv.Itoa(int(b.Port)),
        "-j", "ACCEPT",
    rule := iptRule{ipv: ipv, table: iptables.Filter, chain: DockerChain, args: args}
    if err := appendOrDelChainRule(rule, "MASQUERADE", enable); err != nil {
        return err

    if b.Proto == types.SCTP && os.Getenv("DOCKER_IPTABLES_SCTP_CHECKSUM") == "1" {
        // Linux kernel v4.9 and below enables NETIF_F_SCTP_CRC for veth by
        // the following commit.
        // This introduces a problem when combined with a physical NIC without
        // NETIF_F_SCTP_CRC. As for a workaround, here we add an iptables entry
        // to fill the checksum.
        args = []string{
            "-p", b.Proto.String(),
            "--sport", strconv.Itoa(int(b.Port)),
            "-j", "CHECKSUM",
        rule := iptRule{ipv: ipv, table: iptables.Mangle, chain: "POSTROUTING", args: args}
        if err := appendOrDelChainRule(rule, "MASQUERADE", enable); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func (n *bridgeNetwork) reapplyPerPortIptables4() {
    n.reapplyPerPortIptables(func(b portBinding) bool { return b.IP.To4() != nil })

func (n *bridgeNetwork) reapplyPerPortIptables6() {
    n.reapplyPerPortIptables(func(b portBinding) bool { return b.IP.To4() == nil })

func (n *bridgeNetwork) reapplyPerPortIptables(needsReconfig func(portBinding) bool) {
    var allPBs []portBinding
    for _, ep := range n.endpoints {
        allPBs = append(allPBs, ep.portMapping...)

    for _, b := range allPBs {
        if needsReconfig(b) {
            if err := n.setPerPortIptables(b, true); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to reconfigure NAT %s: %s", b, err)