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package overlay

import (


// vniMatchBPF returns a BPF program suitable for passing to the iptables and
// ip6tables bpf match which matches on the VXAN Network ID of encapsulated
// packets. The program assumes that it will be used in a rule which only
// matches UDP datagrams.
func vniMatchBPF(vni uint32) []bpf.RawInstruction {
    asm, err := bpf.Assemble([]bpf.Instruction{
        // Load offset of UDP payload into X.
        bpf.LoadExtension{Num: bpf.ExtPayloadOffset}, // ld poff
        bpf.TAX{}, // tax

        bpf.LoadIndirect{Off: 4, Size: 4},                      // ld [x + 4] ; Load VXLAN ID into top 24 bits of A
        bpf.ALUOpConstant{Op: bpf.ALUOpShiftRight, Val: 8},     // rsh #8     ; A >>= 8
        bpf.JumpIf{Cond: bpf.JumpEqual, Val: vni, SkipTrue: 1}, // jeq $vni, match
        bpf.RetConstant{Val: 0},                                // ret #0
        bpf.RetConstant{Val: ^uint32(0)},                       // match: ret #-1
    // bpf.Assemble() only errors if an instruction is invalid. As the only variable
    // part of the program is an instruction value for which the entire range is
    // valid, whether the program can be successfully assembled is independent of
    // the input. Given that the only recourse is to fix this function and
    // recompile, there's little value in bubbling the error up to the caller.
    if err != nil {
    return asm

// marshalXTBPF marshals a BPF program into the "decimal" byte code format
// which is suitable for passing to the [iptables bpf match].
//    iptables -m bpf --bytecode
// [iptables bpf match]:
func marshalXTBPF(prog []bpf.RawInstruction) string { //nolint:unused
    var b strings.Builder
    fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%d", len(prog))
    for _, ins := range prog {
        fmt.Fprintf(&b, ",%d %d %d %d", ins.Op, ins.Jt, ins.Jf, ins.K)
    return b.String()

// matchVXLAN returns an iptables rule fragment which matches VXLAN datagrams
// with the given destination port and VXLAN Network ID utilizing the xt_bpf
// netfilter kernel module. The returned slice's backing array is guaranteed not
// to alias any other slice's.
func matchVXLAN(port, vni uint32) []string {
    dport := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(port), 10)
    vniMatch := marshalXTBPF(vniMatchBPF(vni))

    return []string{"-p", "udp", "--dport", dport, "-m", "bpf", "--bytecode", vniMatch}