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// FIXME(thaJeztah): remove once we are a module; the go:build directive prevents go from downgrading language version to go1.16:
//go:build go1.21 && linux

package overlay

import (


const ovPeerTable = "overlay_peer_table"

type peerKey struct {
    peerIP  net.IP
    peerMac net.HardwareAddr

type peerEntry struct {
    eid        string
    vtep       net.IP
    peerIPMask net.IPMask
    isLocal    bool

func (p *peerEntry) MarshalDB() peerEntryDB {
    ones, bits := p.peerIPMask.Size()
    return peerEntryDB{
        eid:            p.eid,
        vtep:           p.vtep.String(),
        peerIPMaskOnes: ones,
        peerIPMaskBits: bits,
        isLocal:        p.isLocal,

// This the structure saved into the set (SetMatrix), due to the implementation of it
// the value inserted in the set has to be Hashable so the []byte had to be converted into
// strings
type peerEntryDB struct {
    eid            string
    vtep           string
    peerIPMaskOnes int
    peerIPMaskBits int
    isLocal        bool

func (p *peerEntryDB) UnMarshalDB() peerEntry {
    return peerEntry{
        eid:        p.eid,
        vtep:       net.ParseIP(p.vtep),
        peerIPMask: net.CIDRMask(p.peerIPMaskOnes, p.peerIPMaskBits),
        isLocal:    p.isLocal,

type peerMap struct {
    // set of peerEntry, note the values have to be objects and not pointers to maintain the proper equality checks
    mp setmatrix.SetMatrix[peerEntryDB]

type peerNetworkMap struct {
    // map with key peerKey
    mp map[string]*peerMap

func (pKey peerKey) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", pKey.peerIP, pKey.peerMac)

func (pKey *peerKey) Scan(state fmt.ScanState, verb rune) error {
    ipB, err := state.Token(true, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    pKey.peerIP = net.ParseIP(string(ipB))

    macB, err := state.Token(true, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    pKey.peerMac, err = net.ParseMAC(string(macB))
    return err

func (d *driver) peerDbWalk(f func(string, *peerKey, *peerEntry) bool) error {
    nids := []string{}
    for nid := range {
        nids = append(nids, nid)

    for _, nid := range nids {
        d.peerDbNetworkWalk(nid, func(pKey *peerKey, pEntry *peerEntry) bool {
            return f(nid, pKey, pEntry)
    return nil

func (d *driver) peerDbNetworkWalk(nid string, f func(*peerKey, *peerEntry) bool) error {
    pMap, ok :=[nid]

    if !ok {
        return nil

    mp := map[string]peerEntry{}
    for _, pKeyStr := range {
        entryDBList, ok :=
        if ok {
            peerEntryDB := entryDBList[0]
            mp[pKeyStr] = peerEntryDB.UnMarshalDB()

    for pKeyStr, pEntry := range mp {
        var pKey peerKey
        pEntry := pEntry
        if _, err := fmt.Sscan(pKeyStr, &pKey); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Peer key scan on network %s failed: %v", nid, err)
        if f(&pKey, &pEntry) {
            return nil

    return nil

func (d *driver) peerDbSearch(nid string, peerIP net.IP) (*peerKey, *peerEntry, error) {
    var pKeyMatched *peerKey
    var pEntryMatched *peerEntry
    err := d.peerDbNetworkWalk(nid, func(pKey *peerKey, pEntry *peerEntry) bool {
        if pKey.peerIP.Equal(peerIP) {
            pKeyMatched = pKey
            pEntryMatched = pEntry
            return true

        return false
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("peerdb search for peer ip %q failed: %v", peerIP, err)

    if pKeyMatched == nil || pEntryMatched == nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("peer ip %q not found in peerdb", peerIP)

    return pKeyMatched, pEntryMatched, nil

func (d *driver) peerDbAdd(nid, eid string, peerIP net.IP, peerIPMask net.IPMask, peerMac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP, isLocal bool) (bool, int) {
    pMap, ok :=[nid]
    if !ok {
        pMap = &peerMap{}[nid] = pMap

    pKey := peerKey{
        peerIP:  peerIP,
        peerMac: peerMac,

    pEntry := peerEntry{
        eid:        eid,
        vtep:       vtep,
        peerIPMask: peerIPMask,
        isLocal:    isLocal,

    defer pMap.Unlock()
    b, i :=, pEntry.MarshalDB())
    if i != 1 {
        // Transient case, there is more than one endpoint that is using the same IP,MAC pair
        s, _ :=
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("peerDbAdd transient condition - Key:%s cardinality:%d db state:%s", pKey.String(), i, s)
    return b, i

func (d *driver) peerDbDelete(nid, eid string, peerIP net.IP, peerIPMask net.IPMask, peerMac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP, isLocal bool) (bool, int) {
    pMap, ok :=[nid]
    if !ok {
        return false, 0

    pKey := peerKey{
        peerIP:  peerIP,
        peerMac: peerMac,

    pEntry := peerEntry{
        eid:        eid,
        vtep:       vtep,
        peerIPMask: peerIPMask,
        isLocal:    isLocal,

    defer pMap.Unlock()
    b, i :=, pEntry.MarshalDB())
    if i != 0 {
        // Transient case, there is more than one endpoint that is using the same IP,MAC pair
        s, _ :=
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("peerDbDelete transient condition - Key:%s cardinality:%d db state:%s", pKey.String(), i, s)
    return b, i

// The overlay uses a lazy initialization approach, this means that when a network is created
// and the driver registered the overlay does not allocate resources till the moment that a
// sandbox is actually created.
// At the moment of this call, that happens when a sandbox is initialized, is possible that
// networkDB has already delivered some events of peers already available on remote nodes,
// these peers are saved into the peerDB and this function is used to properly configure
// the network sandbox with all those peers that got previously notified.
// Note also that this method sends a single message on the channel and the go routine on the
// other side, will atomically loop on the whole table of peers and will program their state
// in one single atomic operation. This is fundamental to guarantee consistency, and avoid that
// new peerAdd or peerDelete gets reordered during the sandbox init.
func (d *driver) initSandboxPeerDB(nid string) {
    defer d.peerOpMu.Unlock()
    if err := d.peerInitOp(nid); err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warn("Peer init operation failed")

func (d *driver) peerInitOp(nid string) error {
    return d.peerDbNetworkWalk(nid, func(pKey *peerKey, pEntry *peerEntry) bool {
        // Local entries do not need to be added
        if pEntry.isLocal {
            return false

        d.peerAddOp(nid, pEntry.eid, pKey.peerIP, pEntry.peerIPMask, pKey.peerMac, pEntry.vtep, false, pEntry.isLocal)
        // return false to loop on all entries
        return false

func (d *driver) peerAdd(nid, eid string, peerIP net.IP, peerIPMask net.IPMask, peerMac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP, localPeer bool) {
    defer d.peerOpMu.Unlock()
    err := d.peerAddOp(nid, eid, peerIP, peerIPMask, peerMac, vtep, true, localPeer)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warn("Peer add operation failed")

func (d *driver) peerAddOp(nid, eid string, peerIP net.IP, peerIPMask net.IPMask, peerMac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP, updateDB, localPeer bool) error {
    if err := validateID(nid, eid); err != nil {
        return err

    var dbEntries int
    var inserted bool
    if updateDB {
        inserted, dbEntries = d.peerDbAdd(nid, eid, peerIP, peerIPMask, peerMac, vtep, localPeer)
        if !inserted {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Entry already present in db: nid:%s eid:%s peerIP:%v peerMac:%v isLocal:%t vtep:%v",
                nid, eid, peerIP, peerMac, localPeer, vtep)

    // Local peers do not need any further configuration
    if localPeer {
        return nil

    n :=
    if n == nil {
        return nil

    sbox := n.sandbox()
    if sbox == nil {
        // We are hitting this case for all the events that are arriving before that the sandbox
        // is being created. The peer got already added into the database and the sanbox init will
        // call the peerDbUpdateSandbox that will configure all these peers from the database
        return nil

    IP := &net.IPNet{
        IP:   peerIP,
        Mask: peerIPMask,

    s := n.getSubnetforIP(IP)
    if s == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("couldn't find the subnet %q in network %q", IP.String(),

    if err := n.joinSandbox(s, false); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("subnet sandbox join failed for %q: %v", s.subnetIP.String(), err)

    if err := d.checkEncryption(nid, vtep, false, true); err != nil {

    // Add neighbor entry for the peer IP
    if err := sbox.AddNeighbor(peerIP, peerMac, false, osl.WithLinkName(s.vxlanName)); err != nil {
        if _, ok := err.(osl.NeighborSearchError); ok && dbEntries > 1 {
            // We are in the transient case so only the first configuration is programmed into the kernel
            // Upon deletion if the active configuration is deleted the next one from the database will be restored
            // Note we are skipping also the next configuration
            return nil
        return fmt.Errorf("could not add neighbor entry for nid:%s eid:%s into the sandbox:%v", nid, eid, err)

    // Add fdb entry to the bridge for the peer mac
    if err := sbox.AddNeighbor(vtep, peerMac, false, osl.WithLinkName(s.vxlanName), osl.WithFamily(syscall.AF_BRIDGE)); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not add fdb entry for nid:%s eid:%s into the sandbox:%v", nid, eid, err)

    return nil

func (d *driver) peerDelete(nid, eid string, peerIP net.IP, peerIPMask net.IPMask, peerMac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP, localPeer bool) {
    defer d.peerOpMu.Unlock()
    err := d.peerDeleteOp(nid, eid, peerIP, peerIPMask, peerMac, vtep, localPeer)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warn("Peer delete operation failed")

func (d *driver) peerDeleteOp(nid, eid string, peerIP net.IP, peerIPMask net.IPMask, peerMac net.HardwareAddr, vtep net.IP, localPeer bool) error {
    if err := validateID(nid, eid); err != nil {
        return err

    deleted, dbEntries := d.peerDbDelete(nid, eid, peerIP, peerIPMask, peerMac, vtep, localPeer)
    if !deleted {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Entry was not in db: nid:%s eid:%s peerIP:%v peerMac:%v isLocal:%t vtep:%v",
            nid, eid, peerIP, peerMac, localPeer, vtep)

    n :=
    if n == nil {
        return nil

    sbox := n.sandbox()
    if sbox == nil {
        return nil

    if err := d.checkEncryption(nid, vtep, localPeer, false); err != nil {

    // Local peers do not have any local configuration to delete
    if !localPeer {
        // Remove fdb entry to the bridge for the peer mac
        if err := sbox.DeleteNeighbor(vtep, peerMac); err != nil {
            if _, ok := err.(osl.NeighborSearchError); ok && dbEntries > 0 {
                // We fall in here if there is a transient state and if the neighbor that is being deleted
                // was never been configured into the kernel (we allow only 1 configuration at the time per <ip,mac> mapping)
                return nil
            return fmt.Errorf("could not delete fdb entry for nid:%s eid:%s into the sandbox:%v", nid, eid, err)

        // Delete neighbor entry for the peer IP
        if err := sbox.DeleteNeighbor(peerIP, peerMac); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not delete neighbor entry for nid:%s eid:%s into the sandbox:%v", nid, eid, err)

    if dbEntries == 0 {
        return nil

    // If there is still an entry into the database and the deletion went through without errors means that there is now no
    // configuration active in the kernel.
    // Restore one configuration for the <ip,mac> directly from the database, note that is guaranteed that there is one
    peerKey, peerEntry, err := d.peerDbSearch(nid, peerIP)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("peerDeleteOp unable to restore a configuration for nid:%s ip:%v mac:%v err:%s", nid, peerIP, peerMac, err)
        return err
    return d.peerAddOp(nid, peerEntry.eid, peerIP, peerEntry.peerIPMask, peerKey.peerMac, peerEntry.vtep, false, peerEntry.isLocal)

func (d *driver) peerFlush(nid string) {
    defer d.peerOpMu.Unlock()
    if err := d.peerFlushOp(nid); err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warn("Peer flush operation failed")

func (d *driver) peerFlushOp(nid string) error {
    defer d.peerDb.Unlock()
    _, ok :=[nid]
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("Unable to find the peerDB for nid:%s", nid)
    delete(, nid)
    return nil

func (d *driver) peerDBUpdateSelf() {
    d.peerDbWalk(func(nid string, pkey *peerKey, pEntry *peerEntry) bool {
        if pEntry.isLocal {
            pEntry.vtep = d.advertiseAddress
        return false