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Test Coverage
package libnetwork

import (

// ErrNoSuchNetwork is returned when a network query finds no result
type ErrNoSuchNetwork string

func (nsn ErrNoSuchNetwork) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("network %s not found", string(nsn))

// NotFound denotes the type of this error
func (nsn ErrNoSuchNetwork) NotFound() {}

// ErrNoSuchEndpoint is returned when an endpoint query finds no result
type ErrNoSuchEndpoint string

func (nse ErrNoSuchEndpoint) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("endpoint %s not found", string(nse))

// NotFound denotes the type of this error
func (nse ErrNoSuchEndpoint) NotFound() {}

// ErrInvalidID is returned when a query-by-id method is being invoked
// with an empty id parameter
type ErrInvalidID string

func (ii ErrInvalidID) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("invalid id: %s", string(ii))

// InvalidParameter denotes the type of this error
func (ii ErrInvalidID) InvalidParameter() {}

// ErrInvalidName is returned when a query-by-name or resource create method is
// invoked with an empty name parameter
type ErrInvalidName string

func (in ErrInvalidName) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("invalid name: %s", string(in))

// InvalidParameter denotes the type of this error
func (in ErrInvalidName) InvalidParameter() {}

// NetworkNameError is returned when a network with the same name already exists.
type NetworkNameError string

func (nnr NetworkNameError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("network with name %s already exists", string(nnr))

// Conflict denotes the type of this error
func (nnr NetworkNameError) Conflict() {}

// UnknownNetworkError is returned when libnetwork could not find in its database
// a network with the same name and id.
type UnknownNetworkError struct {
    name string
    id   string

func (une *UnknownNetworkError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("unknown network %s id %s",,

// NotFound denotes the type of this error
func (une *UnknownNetworkError) NotFound() {}

// ActiveEndpointsError is returned when a network is deleted which has active
// endpoints in it.
type ActiveEndpointsError struct {
    name string
    id   string

func (aee *ActiveEndpointsError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("network %s id %s has active endpoints",,

// Forbidden denotes the type of this error
func (aee *ActiveEndpointsError) Forbidden() {}

// ActiveContainerError is returned when an endpoint is deleted which has active
// containers attached to it.
type ActiveContainerError struct {
    name string
    id   string

func (ace *ActiveContainerError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("endpoint with name %s id %s has active containers",,

// Forbidden denotes the type of this error
func (ace *ActiveContainerError) Forbidden() {}

// ManagerRedirectError is returned when the request should be redirected to Manager
type ManagerRedirectError string

func (mr ManagerRedirectError) Error() string {
    return "Redirect the request to the manager"

// Maskable denotes the type of this error
func (mr ManagerRedirectError) Maskable() {}