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//go:build linux

package iptables

import (

    dbus ""

// IPV defines the table string
type IPV string

const (
    // Iptables point ipv4 table
    Iptables IPV = "ipv4"
    // IP6Tables point to ipv6 table
    IP6Tables IPV = "ipv6"

const (
    dbusInterface   = "org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1"
    dbusPath        = "/org/fedoraproject/FirewallD1"
    dbusConfigPath  = "/org/fedoraproject/FirewallD1/config"
    dockerZone      = "docker"
    dockerFwdPolicy = "docker-forwarding"

// Conn is a connection to firewalld dbus endpoint.
type Conn struct {
    sysconn    *dbus.Conn
    sysObj     dbus.BusObject
    sysConfObj dbus.BusObject
    signal     chan *dbus.Signal

var (
    connection *Conn

    firewalldRunning bool      // is Firewalld service running
    onReloaded       []*func() // callbacks when Firewalld has been reloaded

// firewalldInit initializes firewalld management code.
func firewalldInit() error {
    var err error

    if connection, err = newConnection(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to D-Bus system bus: %v", err)
    firewalldRunning = checkRunning()
    if !firewalldRunning {
        connection = nil
    if connection != nil {
        go signalHandler()
        zoneAdded, err := setupDockerZone()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        policyAdded, policyAddErr := setupDockerForwardingPolicy()
        if policyAddErr != nil {
            // Log the error, but still reload firewalld if necessary.
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(policyAddErr).Warnf("Firewalld: failed to add policy %s", dockerFwdPolicy)
        if zoneAdded || policyAdded {
            // Reload for changes to take effect.
            if err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".reload", 0).Err; err != nil {
                return err

    return nil

// newConnection establishes a connection to the system bus.
func newConnection() (*Conn, error) {
    c := &Conn{}

    var err error
    c.sysconn, err = dbus.SystemBus()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // This never fails, even if the service is not running atm.
    c.sysObj = c.sysconn.Object(dbusInterface, dbusPath)
    c.sysConfObj = c.sysconn.Object(dbusInterface, dbusConfigPath)

    rule := fmt.Sprintf("type='signal',path='%s',interface='%s',sender='%s',member='Reloaded'", dbusPath, dbusInterface, dbusInterface)
    c.sysconn.BusObject().Call("org.freedesktop.DBus.AddMatch", 0, rule)

    rule = fmt.Sprintf("type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus',member='NameOwnerChanged',path='/org/freedesktop/DBus',sender='org.freedesktop.DBus',arg0='%s'", dbusInterface)
    c.sysconn.BusObject().Call("org.freedesktop.DBus.AddMatch", 0, rule)

    c.signal = make(chan *dbus.Signal, 10)
    return c, nil

func signalHandler() {
    for signal := range connection.signal {
        switch {
        case strings.Contains(signal.Name, "NameOwnerChanged"):
            firewalldRunning = checkRunning()

        case strings.Contains(signal.Name, "Reloaded"):

func dbusConnectionChanged(args []interface{}) {
    name := args[0].(string)
    oldOwner := args[1].(string)
    newOwner := args[2].(string)

    if name != dbusInterface {

    if len(newOwner) > 0 {
    } else if len(oldOwner) > 0 {

func connectionEstablished() {

func connectionLost() {
    // Doesn't do anything for now. Libvirt also doesn't react to this.

// call all callbacks
func reloaded() {
    for _, pf := range onReloaded {

// OnReloaded add callback
func OnReloaded(callback func()) {
    for _, pf := range onReloaded {
        if pf == &callback {
    onReloaded = append(onReloaded, &callback)

// Call some remote method to see whether the service is actually running.
func checkRunning() bool {
    if connection == nil {
        return false
    var zone string
    err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".getDefaultZone", 0).Store(&zone)
    return err == nil

// Passthrough method simply passes args through to iptables/ip6tables
func Passthrough(ipv IPV, args ...string) ([]byte, error) {
    var output string
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Firewalld passthrough: %s, %s", ipv, args)
    if err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".direct.passthrough", 0, ipv, args).Store(&output); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return []byte(output), nil

// firewalldZone holds the firewalld zone settings.
// Documented in
type firewalldZone struct {
    version            string
    name               string
    description        string
    unused             bool
    target             string
    services           []string
    ports              [][]interface{}
    icmpBlocks         []string
    masquerade         bool
    forwardPorts       [][]interface{}
    interfaces         []string
    sourceAddresses    []string
    richRules          []string
    protocols          []string
    sourcePorts        [][]interface{}
    icmpBlockInversion bool

// settings returns the firewalldZone struct as an interface slice, which can be
// passed to "org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.addZone". Note that 'addZone',
// which is deprecated, requires this whole struct. Its replacement, 'addZone2'
// (introduced in firewalld 0.9.0) accepts a dictionary where only non-default
// values need to be specified.
func (z firewalldZone) settings() []interface{} {
    return []interface{}{

// setupDockerZone creates a zone called docker in firewalld which includes docker interfaces to allow
// container networking. The bool return value is true if a firewalld reload is required.
func setupDockerZone() (bool, error) {
    var zones []string
    // Check if zone exists
    if err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".zone.getZones", 0).Store(&zones); err != nil {
        return false, err
    if contains(zones, dockerZone) {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Infof("Firewalld: %s zone already exists, returning", dockerZone)
        return false, nil
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Firewalld: creating %s zone", dockerZone)

    // Permanent
    dz := firewalldZone{
        version:     "1.0",
        name:        dockerZone,
        description: "zone for docker bridge network interfaces",
        target:      "ACCEPT",
    if err := connection.sysConfObj.Call(dbusInterface+".config.addZone", 0, dockerZone, dz.settings()).Err; err != nil {
        return false, err
    return true, nil

// setupDockerForwardingPolicy creates a policy to allow forwarding to anywhere to the docker
// zone (where packets will be dealt with by docker's usual/non-firewalld configuration).
// The bool return value is true if a firewalld reload is required.
func setupDockerForwardingPolicy() (bool, error) {
    policy := map[string]interface{}{
        "version":       "1.0",
        "description":   "allow forwarding to the docker zone",
        "ingress_zones": []string{"ANY"},
        "egress_zones":  []string{dockerZone},
        "target":        "ACCEPT",
    if err := connection.sysConfObj.Call(dbusInterface+".config.addPolicy", 0, dockerFwdPolicy, policy).Err; err != nil {
        var derr dbus.Error
        if errors.As(err, &derr) {
            if derr.Name == dbusInterface+".Exception" && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "NAME_CONFLICT") {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Firewalld: %s policy already exists", dockerFwdPolicy)
                return false, nil
            if derr.Name == dbus.ErrMsgUnknownMethod.Name {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Firewalld: addPolicy %s: unknown method", dockerFwdPolicy)
                return false, nil
        return false, err
    log.G(context.TODO()).Infof("Firewalld: created %s policy", dockerFwdPolicy)
    return true, nil

// AddInterfaceFirewalld adds the interface to the trusted zone. It is a
// no-op if firewalld is not running.
func AddInterfaceFirewalld(intf string) error {
    if !firewalldRunning {
        return nil

    var intfs []string
    // Check if interface is already added to the zone
    if err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".zone.getInterfaces", 0, dockerZone).Store(&intfs); err != nil {
        return err
    // Return if interface is already part of the zone
    if contains(intfs, intf) {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Infof("Firewalld: interface %s already part of %s zone, returning", intf, dockerZone)
        return nil

    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Firewalld: adding %s interface to %s zone", intf, dockerZone)
    // Runtime
    if err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".zone.addInterface", 0, dockerZone, intf).Err; err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// DelInterfaceFirewalld removes the interface from the trusted zone It is a
// no-op if firewalld is not running.
func DelInterfaceFirewalld(intf string) error {
    if !firewalldRunning {
        return nil

    var intfs []string
    // Check if interface is part of the zone
    if err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".zone.getInterfaces", 0, dockerZone).Store(&intfs); err != nil {
        return err
    // Remove interface if it exists
    if !contains(intfs, intf) {
        return &interfaceNotFound{fmt.Errorf("firewalld: interface %q not found in %s zone", intf, dockerZone)}

    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Firewalld: removing %s interface from %s zone", intf, dockerZone)
    // Runtime
    if err := connection.sysObj.Call(dbusInterface+".zone.removeInterface", 0, dockerZone, intf).Err; err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

type interfaceNotFound struct{ error }

func (interfaceNotFound) NotFound() {}

func contains(list []string, val string) bool {
    for _, v := range list {
        if v == val {
            return true
    return false