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package netlabel

const (
    // Prefix constant marks the reserved label space for libnetwork
    Prefix = ""

    // DriverPrefix constant marks the reserved label space for libnetwork drivers
    DriverPrefix = Prefix + ".driver"

    // DriverPrivatePrefix constant marks the reserved label space
    // for internal libnetwork drivers
    DriverPrivatePrefix = DriverPrefix + ".private"

    // GenericData constant that helps to identify an option as a Generic constant
    GenericData = Prefix + ".generic"

    // PortMap constant represents Port Mapping
    PortMap = Prefix + ".portmap"

    // MacAddress constant represents Mac Address config of a Container
    MacAddress = Prefix + ".endpoint.macaddress"

    // ExposedPorts constant represents the container's Exposed Ports
    ExposedPorts = Prefix + ".endpoint.exposedports"

    // DNSServers A list of DNS servers associated with the endpoint
    DNSServers = Prefix + ".endpoint.dnsservers"

    // EndpointSysctls is a comma separated list interface-specific sysctls
    // where the interface name is represented by the string "IFNAME".
    EndpointSysctls = Prefix + ".endpoint.sysctls"

    // EnableIPv4 constant represents enabling IPV4 at network level
    EnableIPv4 = Prefix + ".enable_ipv4"

    // EnableIPv6 constant represents enabling IPV6 at network level
    EnableIPv6 = Prefix + ".enable_ipv6"

    // DriverMTU constant represents the MTU size for the network driver
    DriverMTU = DriverPrefix + ".mtu"

    // OverlayVxlanIDList constant represents a list of VXLAN Ids as csv
    OverlayVxlanIDList = DriverPrefix + ".overlay.vxlanid_list"

    // Gateway represents the gateway for the network
    Gateway = Prefix + ".gateway"

    // Internal constant represents that the network is internal which disables default gateway service
    Internal = Prefix + ".internal"

    // ContainerIfacePrefix can be used to override the interface prefix used inside the container
    ContainerIfacePrefix = Prefix + ".container_iface_prefix"

    // HostIPv4 is the Source-IPv4 Address used to SNAT IPv4 container traffic
    HostIPv4 = Prefix + ".host_ipv4"

    // HostIPv6 is the Source-IPv6 Address used to SNAT IPv6 container traffic
    HostIPv6 = Prefix + ".host_ipv6"

    // LocalKVClient constants represents the local kv store client
    LocalKVClient = DriverPrivatePrefix + "localkv_client"