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package archive // import ""

import (


// longPathPrefix is the longpath prefix for Windows file paths.
const longPathPrefix = `\\?\`

// addLongPathPrefix adds the Windows long path prefix to the path provided if
// it does not already have it. It is a no-op on platforms other than Windows.
// addLongPathPrefix is a copy of [].
func addLongPathPrefix(srcPath string) string {
    if strings.HasPrefix(srcPath, longPathPrefix) {
        return srcPath
    if strings.HasPrefix(srcPath, `\\`) {
        // This is a UNC path, so we need to add 'UNC' to the path as well.
        return longPathPrefix + `UNC` + srcPath[1:]
    return longPathPrefix + srcPath

// getWalkRoot calculates the root path when performing a TarWithOptions.
// We use a separate function as this is platform specific.
func getWalkRoot(srcPath string, include string) string {
    return filepath.Join(srcPath, include)

// chmodTarEntry is used to adjust the file permissions used in tar header based
// on the platform the archival is done.
func chmodTarEntry(perm os.FileMode) os.FileMode {
    // Remove group- and world-writable bits.
    perm &= 0o755

    // Add the x bit: make everything +x on Windows
    return perm | 0o111

func setHeaderForSpecialDevice(hdr *tar.Header, name string, stat interface{}) (err error) {
    // do nothing. no notion of Rdev, Nlink in stat on Windows

func getInodeFromStat(stat interface{}) (inode uint64, err error) {
    // do nothing. no notion of Inode in stat on Windows

// handleTarTypeBlockCharFifo is an OS-specific helper function used by
// createTarFile to handle the following types of header: Block; Char; Fifo
func handleTarTypeBlockCharFifo(hdr *tar.Header, path string) error {
    return nil

func handleLChmod(hdr *tar.Header, path string, hdrInfo os.FileInfo) error {
    return nil

func getFileUIDGID(stat interface{}) (idtools.Identity, error) {
    // no notion of file ownership mapping yet on Windows
    return idtools.Identity{UID: 0, GID: 0}, nil