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// Package reexec facilitates the busybox style reexec of a binary.
// Handlers can be registered with a name and the argv 0 of the exec of
// the binary will be used to find and execute custom init paths.
// It is used in dockerd to work around forking limitations when using Go.
package reexec

import (

var registeredInitializers = make(map[string]func())

// Register adds an initialization func under the specified name. It panics
// if the given name is already registered.
func Register(name string, initializer func()) {
    if _, exists := registeredInitializers[name]; exists {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("reexec func already registered under name %q", name))

    registeredInitializers[name] = initializer

// Init is called as the first part of the exec process and returns true if an
// initialization function was called.
func Init() bool {
    if initializer, ok := registeredInitializers[os.Args[0]]; ok {
        return true
    return false

// Self returns the path to the current process's binary. On Linux, it
// returns "/proc/self/exe", which provides the in-memory version of the
// current binary, whereas on other platforms it attempts to looks up the
// absolute path for os.Args[0], or otherwise returns os.Args[0] as-is.
func Self() string {
    if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
        return "/proc/self/exe"
    return naiveSelf()

func naiveSelf() string {
    name := os.Args[0]
    if filepath.Base(name) == name {
        if lp, err := exec.LookPath(name); err == nil {
            return lp
    // handle conversion of relative paths to absolute
    if absName, err := filepath.Abs(name); err == nil {
        return absName
    // if we couldn't get absolute name, return original
    // (NOTE: Go only errors on Abs() if os.Getwd fails)
    return name