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3 days
Test Coverage
package plugin // import ""

import (

    v2 ""
    ocispec ""

var acceptedPluginFilterTags = map[string]bool{
    "enabled":    true,
    "capability": true,

// Disable deactivates a plugin. This means resources (volumes, networks) cant use them.
func (pm *Manager) Disable(refOrID string, config *backend.PluginDisableConfig) error {
    p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(refOrID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    c := pm.cMap[p]

    if !config.ForceDisable && p.GetRefCount() > 0 {
        return errors.WithStack(inUseError(p.Name()))

    for _, typ := range p.GetTypes() {
        if typ.Capability == authorization.AuthZApiImplements {

    if err := pm.disable(p, c); err != nil {
        return err
    pm.publisher.Publish(EventDisable{Plugin: p.PluginObj})
    pm.config.LogPluginEvent(p.GetID(), refOrID, events.ActionDisable)
    return nil

// Enable activates a plugin, which implies that they are ready to be used by containers.
func (pm *Manager) Enable(refOrID string, config *backend.PluginEnableConfig) error {
    p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(refOrID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    c := &controller{timeoutInSecs: config.Timeout}
    if err := pm.enable(p, c, false); err != nil {
        return err
    pm.publisher.Publish(EventEnable{Plugin: p.PluginObj})
    pm.config.LogPluginEvent(p.GetID(), refOrID, events.ActionEnable)
    return nil

// Inspect examines a plugin config
func (pm *Manager) Inspect(refOrID string) (tp *types.Plugin, err error) {
    p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(refOrID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &p.PluginObj, nil

func computePrivileges(c types.PluginConfig) types.PluginPrivileges {
    var privileges types.PluginPrivileges
    if c.Network.Type != "null" && c.Network.Type != "bridge" && c.Network.Type != "" {
        privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
            Name:        "network",
            Description: "permissions to access a network",
            Value:       []string{c.Network.Type},
    if c.IpcHost {
        privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
            Name:        "host ipc namespace",
            Description: "allow access to host ipc namespace",
            Value:       []string{"true"},
    if c.PidHost {
        privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
            Name:        "host pid namespace",
            Description: "allow access to host pid namespace",
            Value:       []string{"true"},
    for _, mnt := range c.Mounts {
        if mnt.Source != nil {
            privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
                Name:        "mount",
                Description: "host path to mount",
                Value:       []string{*mnt.Source},
    for _, device := range c.Linux.Devices {
        if device.Path != nil {
            privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
                Name:        "device",
                Description: "host device to access",
                Value:       []string{*device.Path},
    if c.Linux.AllowAllDevices {
        privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
            Name:        "allow-all-devices",
            Description: "allow 'rwm' access to all devices",
            Value:       []string{"true"},
    if len(c.Linux.Capabilities) > 0 {
        privileges = append(privileges, types.PluginPrivilege{
            Name:        "capabilities",
            Description: "list of additional capabilities required",
            Value:       c.Linux.Capabilities,

    return privileges

// Privileges pulls a plugin config and computes the privileges required to install it.
func (pm *Manager) Privileges(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig) (types.PluginPrivileges, error) {
    var (
        config     types.PluginConfig
        configSeen bool

    h := func(ctx context.Context, desc ocispec.Descriptor) ([]ocispec.Descriptor, error) {
        switch desc.MediaType {
        case schema2.MediaTypeManifest, ocispec.MediaTypeImageManifest:
            data, err := content.ReadBlob(ctx, pm.blobStore, desc)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error reading image manifest from blob store for %s", ref)

            var m ocispec.Manifest
            if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &m); err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error unmarshaling image manifest for %s", ref)
            return []ocispec.Descriptor{m.Config}, nil
        case schema2.MediaTypePluginConfig:
            configSeen = true
            data, err := content.ReadBlob(ctx, pm.blobStore, desc)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error reading plugin config from blob store for %s", ref)

            if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &config); err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error unmarshaling plugin config for %s", ref)

        return nil, nil

    if err := pm.fetch(ctx, ref, authConfig, progress.DiscardOutput(), metaHeader, images.HandlerFunc(h)); err != nil {
        return types.PluginPrivileges{}, nil

    if !configSeen {
        return types.PluginPrivileges{}, errors.Errorf("did not find plugin config for specified reference %s", ref)

    return computePrivileges(config), nil

// Upgrade upgrades a plugin
// TODO: replace reference package usage with simpler url.Parse semantics
func (pm *Manager) Upgrade(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig, privileges types.PluginPrivileges, outStream io.Writer) (err error) {
    p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if p.IsEnabled() {
        return errors.Wrap(enabledError(p.Name()), "plugin must be disabled before upgrading")

    // revalidate because Pull is public
    if _, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(name); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(errdefs.InvalidParameter(err), "failed to parse %q", name)

    defer pm.muGC.RUnlock()

    tmpRootFSDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(pm.tmpDir(), ".rootfs")
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating tmp dir for plugin rootfs")

    var md fetchMeta

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    out, waitProgress := setupProgressOutput(outStream, cancel)
    defer waitProgress()

    if err := pm.fetch(ctx, ref, authConfig, out, metaHeader, storeFetchMetadata(&md), childrenHandler(pm.blobStore), applyLayer(pm.blobStore, tmpRootFSDir, out)); err != nil {
        return err
    pm.config.LogPluginEvent(reference.FamiliarString(ref), name, events.ActionPull)

    if err := validateFetchedMetadata(md); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := pm.upgradePlugin(p, md.config, md.manifest, md.blobs, tmpRootFSDir, &privileges); err != nil {
        return err
    p.PluginObj.PluginReference = ref.String()
    return nil

// Pull pulls a plugin, check if the correct privileges are provided and install the plugin.
// TODO: replace reference package usage with simpler url.Parse semantics
func (pm *Manager) Pull(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig, privileges types.PluginPrivileges, outStream io.Writer, opts ...CreateOpt) (err error) {
    defer pm.muGC.RUnlock()

    // revalidate because Pull is public
    nameref, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(name)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(errdefs.InvalidParameter(err), "failed to parse %q", name)
    name = reference.FamiliarString(reference.TagNameOnly(nameref))

    if err := pm.config.Store.validateName(name); err != nil {
        return errdefs.InvalidParameter(err)

    tmpRootFSDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(pm.tmpDir(), ".rootfs")
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(errdefs.System(err), "error preparing upgrade")
    defer os.RemoveAll(tmpRootFSDir)

    var md fetchMeta

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    out, waitProgress := setupProgressOutput(outStream, cancel)
    defer waitProgress()

    if err := pm.fetch(ctx, ref, authConfig, out, metaHeader, storeFetchMetadata(&md), childrenHandler(pm.blobStore), applyLayer(pm.blobStore, tmpRootFSDir, out)); err != nil {
        return err
    pm.config.LogPluginEvent(reference.FamiliarString(ref), name, events.ActionPull)

    if err := validateFetchedMetadata(md); err != nil {
        return err

    refOpt := func(p *v2.Plugin) {
        p.PluginObj.PluginReference = ref.String()
    optsList := make([]CreateOpt, 0, len(opts)+1)
    optsList = append(optsList, opts...)
    optsList = append(optsList, refOpt)

    // TODO: tmpRootFSDir is empty but should have layers in it
    p, err := pm.createPlugin(name, md.config, md.manifest, md.blobs, tmpRootFSDir, &privileges, optsList...)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    pm.publisher.Publish(EventCreate{Plugin: p.PluginObj})

    return nil

// List displays the list of plugins and associated metadata.
func (pm *Manager) List(pluginFilters filters.Args) ([]types.Plugin, error) {
    if err := pluginFilters.Validate(acceptedPluginFilterTags); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    enabledOnly := false
    disabledOnly := false
    if pluginFilters.Contains("enabled") {
        enabledFilter, err := pluginFilters.GetBoolOrDefault("enabled", false)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if enabledFilter {
            enabledOnly = true
        } else {
            disabledOnly = true

    plugins := pm.config.Store.GetAll()
    out := make([]types.Plugin, 0, len(plugins))

    for _, p := range plugins {
        if enabledOnly && !p.PluginObj.Enabled {
        if disabledOnly && p.PluginObj.Enabled {
        if pluginFilters.Contains("capability") {
            for _, f := range p.GetTypes() {
                if !pluginFilters.Match("capability", f.Capability) {
                    continue next
        out = append(out, p.PluginObj)
    return out, nil

// Push pushes a plugin to the registry.
func (pm *Manager) Push(ctx context.Context, name string, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error {
    p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    ref, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(p.Name())
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(err, "plugin has invalid name %v for push", p.Name())

    statusTracker := docker.NewInMemoryTracker()

    resolver, err := pm.newResolver(ctx, statusTracker, authConfig, metaHeader, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    pusher, err := resolver.Pusher(ctx, ref.String())
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating plugin pusher")

    pj := newPushJobs(statusTracker)

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    out, waitProgress := setupProgressOutput(outStream, cancel)
    defer waitProgress()

    progressHandler := images.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, desc ocispec.Descriptor) ([]ocispec.Descriptor, error) {
        log.G(ctx).WithField("mediaType", desc.MediaType).WithField("digest", desc.Digest.String()).Debug("Preparing to push plugin layer")
        id := stringid.TruncateID(desc.Digest.String())
        pj.add(remotes.MakeRefKey(ctx, desc), id)
        progress.Update(out, id, "Preparing")
        return nil, nil

    desc, err := pm.getManifestDescriptor(ctx, p)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error reading plugin manifest")

    progress.Messagef(out, "", "The push refers to repository [%s]", reference.FamiliarName(ref))

    // TODO: If a layer already exists on the registry, the progress output just says "Preparing"
    go func() {
        timer := time.NewTimer(100 * time.Millisecond)
        defer timer.Stop()
        if !timer.Stop() {
        var statuses []contentStatus
        for {
            timer.Reset(100 * time.Millisecond)
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
            case <-timer.C:
                statuses = pj.status()

            for _, s := range statuses {
                out.WriteProgress(progress.Progress{ID: s.Ref, Current: s.Offset, Total: s.Total, Action: s.Status, LastUpdate: s.Offset == s.Total})

    // Make sure we can authenticate the request since the auth scope for plugin repos is different than a normal repo.
    ctx = docker.WithScope(ctx, scope(ref, true))
    if err := remotes.PushContent(ctx, pusher, desc, pm.blobStore, nil, nil, func(h images.Handler) images.Handler {
        return images.Handlers(progressHandler, h)
    }); err != nil {
        // Try fallback to http.
        // This is needed because the containerd pusher will only attempt the first registry config we pass, which would
        // typically be https.
        // If there are no http-only host configs found we'll error out anyway.
        resolver, _ := pm.newResolver(ctx, statusTracker, authConfig, metaHeader, true)
        if resolver != nil {
            pusher, _ := resolver.Pusher(ctx, ref.String())
            if pusher != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithField("ref", ref).Debug("Re-attmpting push with http-fallback")
                err2 := remotes.PushContent(ctx, pusher, desc, pm.blobStore, nil, nil, func(h images.Handler) images.Handler {
                    return images.Handlers(progressHandler, h)
                if err2 == nil {
                    err = nil
                } else {
                    log.G(ctx).WithError(err2).WithField("ref", ref).Debug("Error while attempting push with http-fallback")
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "error pushing plugin")

    // For blobs that already exist in the registry we need to make sure to update the progress otherwise it will just say "pending"
    // TODO: How to check if the layer already exists? Is it worth it?
    for _, j := range {
        progress.Update(out, pj.names[j], "Upload complete")

    // Signal the client for content trust verification
    progress.Aux(out, types.PushResult{Tag: ref.(reference.Tagged).Tag(), Digest: desc.Digest.String(), Size: int(desc.Size)})

    return nil

// manifest wraps an OCI manifest, because...
// Historically the registry does not support plugins unless the media type on the manifest is specifically schema2.MediaTypeManifest
// So the OCI manifest media type is not supported.
// Additionally, there is extra validation for the docker schema2 manifest than there is a mediatype set on the manifest itself
// even though this is set on the descriptor
// The OCI types do not have this field.
type manifest struct {
    MediaType string `json:"mediaType,omitempty"`

func buildManifest(ctx context.Context, s content.Manager, config digest.Digest, layers []digest.Digest) (manifest, error) {
    var m manifest
    m.MediaType = images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest
    m.SchemaVersion = 2

    configInfo, err := s.Info(ctx, config)
    if err != nil {
        return m, errors.Wrapf(err, "error reading plugin config content for digest %s", config)
    m.Config = ocispec.Descriptor{
        MediaType: mediaTypePluginConfig,
        Size:      configInfo.Size,
        Digest:    configInfo.Digest,

    for _, l := range layers {
        info, err := s.Info(ctx, l)
        if err != nil {
            return m, errors.Wrapf(err, "error fetching info for content digest %s", l)
        m.Layers = append(m.Layers, ocispec.Descriptor{
            MediaType: images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2LayerGzip, // TODO: This is assuming everything is a gzip compressed layer, but that may not be true.
            Digest:    l,
            Size:      info.Size,
    return m, nil

// getManifestDescriptor gets the OCI descriptor for a manifest
// It will generate a manifest if one does not exist
func (pm *Manager) getManifestDescriptor(ctx context.Context, p *v2.Plugin) (ocispec.Descriptor, error) {
    logger := log.G(ctx).WithField("plugin", p.Name()).WithField("digest", p.Manifest)
    if p.Manifest != "" {
        info, err := pm.blobStore.Info(ctx, p.Manifest)
        if err == nil {
            desc := ocispec.Descriptor{
                Size:      info.Size,
                Digest:    info.Digest,
                MediaType: images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest,
            return desc, nil
        logger.WithError(err).Debug("Could not find plugin manifest in content store")
    } else {
        logger.Info("Plugin does not have manifest digest")
    logger.Info("Building a new plugin manifest")

    manifest, err := buildManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, p.Config, p.Blobsums)
    if err != nil {
        return ocispec.Descriptor{}, err

    desc, err := writeManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, &manifest)
    if err != nil {
        return desc, err

    if err :=; err != nil {
        logger.WithError(err).Error("Could not save plugin with manifest digest")
    return desc, nil

func writeManifest(ctx context.Context, cs content.Store, m *manifest) (ocispec.Descriptor, error) {
    platform := platforms.DefaultSpec()
    desc := ocispec.Descriptor{
        MediaType: images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest,
        Platform:  &platform,
    data, err := json.Marshal(m)
    if err != nil {
        return desc, errors.Wrap(err, "error encoding manifest")
    desc.Digest = digest.FromBytes(data)
    desc.Size = int64(len(data))

    if err := content.WriteBlob(ctx, cs, remotes.MakeRefKey(ctx, desc), bytes.NewReader(data), desc); err != nil {
        return desc, errors.Wrap(err, "error writing plugin manifest")
    return desc, nil

// Remove deletes plugin's root directory.
func (pm *Manager) Remove(name string, config *backend.PluginRmConfig) error {
    p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(name)
    c := pm.cMap[p]

    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !config.ForceRemove {
        if p.GetRefCount() > 0 {
            return inUseError(p.Name())
        if p.IsEnabled() {
            return enabledError(p.Name())

    if p.IsEnabled() {
        if err := pm.disable(p, c); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("failed to disable plugin '%s': %s", p.Name(), err)

    defer func() {
        go pm.GC()

    id := p.GetID()
    pluginDir := filepath.Join(pm.config.Root, id)

    if err := mount.RecursiveUnmount(pluginDir); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error unmounting plugin data")

    if err := atomicRemoveAll(pluginDir); err != nil {
        return err

    pm.config.LogPluginEvent(id, name, events.ActionRemove)
    pm.publisher.Publish(EventRemove{Plugin: p.PluginObj})
    return nil

// Set sets plugin args
func (pm *Manager) Set(name string, args []string) error {
    p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err := p.Set(args); err != nil {
        return err

// CreateFromContext creates a plugin from the given pluginDir which contains
// both the rootfs and the config.json and a repoName with optional tag.
func (pm *Manager) CreateFromContext(ctx context.Context, tarCtx io.ReadCloser, options *types.PluginCreateOptions) (err error) {
    defer pm.muGC.RUnlock()

    ref, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(options.RepoName)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse reference %v", options.RepoName)
    if _, ok := ref.(reference.Canonical); ok {
        return errors.Errorf("canonical references are not permitted")
    name := reference.FamiliarString(reference.TagNameOnly(ref))

    if err := pm.config.Store.validateName(name); err != nil { // fast check, real check is in createPlugin()
        return err

    tmpRootFSDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(pm.tmpDir(), ".rootfs")
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create temp directory")
    defer os.RemoveAll(tmpRootFSDir)

    var configJSON []byte
    rootFS := splitConfigRootFSFromTar(tarCtx, &configJSON)

    rootFSBlob, err := pm.blobStore.Writer(ctx, content.WithRef(name))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer rootFSBlob.Close()

    gzw := gzip.NewWriter(rootFSBlob)
    rootFSReader := io.TeeReader(rootFS, gzw)

    if err := chrootarchive.Untar(rootFSReader, tmpRootFSDir, nil); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := rootFS.Close(); err != nil {
        return err

    if configJSON == nil {
        return errors.New("config not found")

    if err := gzw.Close(); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error closing gzip writer")

    var config types.PluginConfig
    if err := json.Unmarshal(configJSON, &config); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse config")

    if err := pm.validateConfig(config); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := rootFSBlob.Commit(ctx, 0, ""); err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err != nil {
            go pm.GC()

    config.Rootfs = &types.PluginConfigRootfs{
        Type:    "layers",
        DiffIds: []string{rootFSBlob.Digest().String()},

    config.DockerVersion = dockerversion.Version

    configBlob, err := pm.blobStore.Writer(ctx, content.WithRef(name+"-config.json"))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer configBlob.Close()
    if err := json.NewEncoder(configBlob).Encode(config); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "error encoding json config")
    if err := configBlob.Commit(ctx, 0, ""); err != nil {
        return err

    configDigest := configBlob.Digest()
    layers := []digest.Digest{rootFSBlob.Digest()}

    manifest, err := buildManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, configDigest, layers)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    desc, err := writeManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, &manifest)
    if err != nil {

    p, err := pm.createPlugin(name, configDigest, desc.Digest, layers, tmpRootFSDir, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    p.PluginObj.PluginReference = name

    pm.publisher.Publish(EventCreate{Plugin: p.PluginObj})
    pm.config.LogPluginEvent(p.PluginObj.ID, name, events.ActionCreate)

    return nil

func (pm *Manager) validateConfig(config types.PluginConfig) error {
    return nil // TODO:

func splitConfigRootFSFromTar(in io.ReadCloser, config *[]byte) io.ReadCloser {
    pr, pw := io.Pipe()
    go func() {
        tarReader := tar.NewReader(in)
        tarWriter := tar.NewWriter(pw)
        defer in.Close()

        hasRootFS := false

        for {
            hdr, err := tarReader.Next()
            if err == io.EOF {
                if !hasRootFS {
                    pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "no rootfs found"))
                // Signals end of archive.
            if err != nil {
                pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read from tar"))

            content := io.Reader(tarReader)
            name := path.Clean(hdr.Name)
            if path.IsAbs(name) {
                name = name[1:]
            if name == configFileName {
                dt, err := io.ReadAll(content)
                if err != nil {
                    pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read %s", configFileName))
                *config = dt
            if parts := strings.Split(name, "/"); len(parts) != 0 && parts[0] == rootFSFileName {
                hdr.Name = path.Clean(path.Join(parts[1:]...))
                if hdr.Typeflag == tar.TypeLink && strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(hdr.Linkname), rootFSFileName+"/") {
                    hdr.Linkname = hdr.Linkname[len(rootFSFileName)+1:]
                if err := tarWriter.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
                    pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "error writing tar header"))
                if _, err := pools.Copy(tarWriter, content); err != nil {
                    pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "error copying tar data"))
                hasRootFS = true
            } else {
                io.Copy(io.Discard, content)
    return pr

func atomicRemoveAll(dir string) error {
    renamed := dir + "-removing"

    err := os.Rename(dir, renamed)
    switch {
    case os.IsNotExist(err), err == nil:
        // even if `dir` doesn't exist, we can still try and remove `renamed`
    case os.IsExist(err):
        // Some previous remove failed, check if the origin dir exists
        if e := containerfs.EnsureRemoveAll(renamed); e != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "rename target already exists and could not be removed")
        if _, err := os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
            // origin doesn't exist, nothing left to do
            return nil

        // attempt to rename again
        if err := os.Rename(dir, renamed); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to rename dir for atomic removal")
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to rename dir for atomic removal")

    if err := containerfs.EnsureRemoveAll(renamed); err != nil {
        os.Rename(renamed, dir)
        return err
    return nil