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Test Coverage
package fakestorage // import ""

import (

    containertypes ""

var testEnv *environment.Execution

// Fake is a static file server. It might be running locally or remotely
// on test host.
type Fake interface {
    Close() error
    URL() string
    CtxDir() string

// SetTestEnvironment sets a static test environment
// TODO: decouple this package from environment
func SetTestEnvironment(env *environment.Execution) {
    testEnv = env

// New returns a static file server that is used as build context.
func New(t testing.TB, dir string, modifiers ...func(*fakecontext.Fake) error) Fake {
    if testEnv == nil {
        t.Fatal("fakstorage package requires SetTestEnvironment() to be called before use.")
    ctx := fakecontext.New(t, dir, modifiers...)
    switch {
    case testEnv.IsRemoteDaemon() && strings.HasPrefix(request.DaemonHost(), "unix:///"):
        t.Skip("e2e run : daemon is remote but docker host points to a unix socket")
    case testEnv.IsLocalDaemon():
        return newLocalFakeStorage(ctx)
        return newRemoteFileServer(t, ctx, testEnv.APIClient())
    return nil

// localFileStorage is a file storage on the running machine
type localFileStorage struct {

func (s *localFileStorage) URL() string {
    return s.Server.URL

func (s *localFileStorage) CtxDir() string {
    return s.Fake.Dir

func (s *localFileStorage) Close() error {
    defer s.Server.Close()
    return s.Fake.Close()

func newLocalFakeStorage(ctx *fakecontext.Fake) *localFileStorage {
    handler := http.FileServer(http.Dir(ctx.Dir))
    server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
    return &localFileStorage{
        Fake:   ctx,
        Server: server,

// remoteFileServer is a containerized static file server started on the remote
// testing machine to be used in URL-accepting docker build functionality.
type remoteFileServer struct {
    host      string // hostname/port web server is listening to on docker host e.g.
    container string
    image     string
    client    client.APIClient
    ctx       *fakecontext.Fake

func (f *remoteFileServer) URL() string {
    u := url.URL{
        Scheme: "http",
    return u.String()

func (f *remoteFileServer) CtxDir() string {
    return f.ctx.Dir

func (f *remoteFileServer) Close() error {
    defer func() {
        if f.ctx != nil {
            if err := f.ctx.Close(); err != nil {
                _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error closing remote file server: closing context: %v\n", err)
        if f.image != "" {
            if _, err := f.client.ImageRemove(context.Background(), f.image, image.RemoveOptions{Force: true}); err != nil {
                _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error closing remote file server: removing image: %v\n", err)
        if err := f.client.Close(); err != nil {
            _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error closing remote file server: closing client: %v\n", err)
    if f.container == "" {
        return nil
    return f.client.ContainerRemove(context.Background(), f.container, containertypes.RemoveOptions{
        Force:         true,
        RemoveVolumes: true,

func newRemoteFileServer(t testing.TB, ctx *fakecontext.Fake, c client.APIClient) *remoteFileServer {
    var (
        imgName   = fmt.Sprintf("fileserver-img-%s", strings.ToLower(testutil.GenerateRandomAlphaOnlyString(10)))
        container = fmt.Sprintf("fileserver-cnt-%s", strings.ToLower(testutil.GenerateRandomAlphaOnlyString(10)))


    // Build the image
    if err := ctx.Add("Dockerfile", `FROM httpserver
COPY . /static`); err != nil {
    resp, err := c.ImageBuild(context.Background(), ctx.AsTarReader(t), types.ImageBuildOptions{
        NoCache: true,
        Tags:    []string{imgName},
    assert.NilError(t, err)
    _, err = io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body)
    assert.NilError(t, err)

    // Start the container
    b, err := c.ContainerCreate(context.Background(), &containertypes.Config{
        Image: imgName,
    }, &containertypes.HostConfig{}, nil, nil, container)
    assert.NilError(t, err)
    err = c.ContainerStart(context.Background(), b.ID, containertypes.StartOptions{})
    assert.NilError(t, err)

    // Find out the system assigned port
    i, err := c.ContainerInspect(context.Background(), b.ID)
    assert.NilError(t, err)
    newP, err := nat.NewPort("tcp", "80")
    assert.NilError(t, err)
    ports, exists := i.NetworkSettings.Ports[newP]
    if !exists || len(ports) != 1 {
        t.Fatalf("unable to find port 80/tcp for %s", container)
    host := ports[0].HostIP
    port := ports[0].HostPort

    return &remoteFileServer{
        container: container,
        image:     imgName,
        host:      fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", host, port),
        ctx:       ctx,
        client:    c,