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Test Coverage
package drivers // import ""

import (


var errNoSuchVolume = errors.New("no such volume")

type volumeDriverAdapter struct {
    name         string
    scopePath    func(s string) string
    capabilities *volume.Capability
    proxy        volumeDriver

func (a *volumeDriverAdapter) Name() string {

func (a *volumeDriverAdapter) Create(name string, opts map[string]string) (volume.Volume, error) {
    if err := a.proxy.Create(name, opts); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &volumeAdapter{
        proxy:      a.proxy,
        name:       name,
        scopePath:  a.scopePath,
    }, nil

func (a *volumeDriverAdapter) Remove(v volume.Volume) error {
    return a.proxy.Remove(v.Name())

func (a *volumeDriverAdapter) List() ([]volume.Volume, error) {
    ls, err := a.proxy.List()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var out []volume.Volume
    for _, vp := range ls {
        out = append(out, &volumeAdapter{
            proxy:      a.proxy,
            name:       vp.Name,
            scopePath:  a.scopePath,
            eMount:     a.scopePath(vp.Mountpoint),
    return out, nil

func (a *volumeDriverAdapter) Get(name string) (volume.Volume, error) {
    v, err := a.proxy.Get(name)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // plugin may have returned no volume and no error
    if v == nil {
        return nil, errNoSuchVolume

    return &volumeAdapter{
        proxy:      a.proxy,
        name:       v.Name,
        driverName: a.Name(),
        eMount:     v.Mountpoint,
        createdAt:  v.CreatedAt,
        status:     v.Status,
        scopePath:  a.scopePath,
    }, nil

func (a *volumeDriverAdapter) Scope() string {
    cap := a.getCapabilities()
    return cap.Scope

func (a *volumeDriverAdapter) getCapabilities() volume.Capability {
    if a.capabilities != nil {
        return *a.capabilities
    cap, err := a.proxy.Capabilities()
    if err != nil {
        // `GetCapabilities` is a not a required endpoint.
        // On error assume it's a local-only driver
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).WithField("driver","Volume driver returned an error while trying to query its capabilities, using default capabilities")
        return volume.Capability{Scope: volume.LocalScope}

    // don't spam the warn log below just because the plugin didn't provide a scope
    if len(cap.Scope) == 0 {
        cap.Scope = volume.LocalScope

    cap.Scope = strings.ToLower(cap.Scope)
    if cap.Scope != volume.LocalScope && cap.Scope != volume.GlobalScope {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithField("driver", a.Name()).WithField("scope", a.Scope).Warn("Volume driver returned an invalid scope")
        cap.Scope = volume.LocalScope

    a.capabilities = &cap
    return cap

type volumeAdapter struct {
    proxy      volumeDriver
    name       string
    scopePath  func(string) string
    driverName string
    eMount     string    // ephemeral host volume path
    createdAt  time.Time // time the directory was created
    status     map[string]interface{}

type proxyVolume struct {
    Name       string
    Mountpoint string
    CreatedAt  time.Time
    Status     map[string]interface{}

func (a *volumeAdapter) Name() string {

func (a *volumeAdapter) DriverName() string {
    return a.driverName

func (a *volumeAdapter) Path() string {
    if len(a.eMount) == 0 {
        mountpoint, _ := a.proxy.Path(
        a.eMount = a.scopePath(mountpoint)
    return a.eMount

func (a *volumeAdapter) CachedPath() string {
    return a.eMount

func (a *volumeAdapter) Mount(id string) (string, error) {
    mountpoint, err := a.proxy.Mount(, id)
    a.eMount = a.scopePath(mountpoint)
    return a.eMount, err

func (a *volumeAdapter) Unmount(id string) error {
    err := a.proxy.Unmount(, id)
    if err == nil {
        a.eMount = ""
    return err

func (a *volumeAdapter) CreatedAt() (time.Time, error) {
    return a.createdAt, nil

func (a *volumeAdapter) Status() map[string]interface{} {
    out := make(map[string]interface{}, len(a.status))
    for k, v := range a.status {
        out[k] = v
    return out