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Test Coverage
* 0.8.0
  - BUG FIX: correct parsing of tag 86 ING in case it doesn't contain an IBAN number
  - Now with a more general IBAN regexp pattern

* 0.7.1
  - Small fix, prevent invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 while reading mt940 file
  - Replace more than two or more spaces with only one 

* 0.7.0
  - No support for Ruby 1.8.7, default 2.1.0
  - I was uncomfortable with using class methods, so I introduced the Mt940::Parser and refactored. See Readme
  - Parser now works for mt940 files after SEPA was introduced (with the so called structured export format)

* 0.6.6
  - Added currency support in transaction (contribution of Bob Forma)

* 0.6.5

  - Use bundler for gem building and release
  - Add travis configuration

* 0.6.4

  - Fix for multiline description for Rabobank

* 0.6.3

  - include the updated Changelog and README as well

* 0.6.2 (Was never released)

  - Parse a NONREF contra account for the rabobank correctly

* 0.6.1 (Was never released)

  - Extracting contra account for ING, AbnAmro and Triodos as well
  - Standardized all account numbers to exactly 9 digits

* 0.6.0 (Was never released)

* 0.5.1

  - Delegated determination of bank to corresponding subclass

* 0.5.0

  - Added bank to a transaction

* 0.4.1

  - Handle can be a Tempfile as well

* 0.4.0

  - Also handle to MT940 file possible

* 0.3.0

  - Added a date to a transaction
  - Change transaction attribute name of contra_account_name into contra_account_owner

* 0.2.0
  - General parse method refactored and broke down in individual parse methods per tag
  - Automatic determination of bank on the base of the first line implemented

* 0.1.0

  Initial release