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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2015 The Regents of the University of Michigan.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed according to the terms of the Revised BSD License
# See LICENSE.md for details.

# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.

# Your secret key is used for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid!

# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
# You can use `rake secret` to generate a secure secret key.

# Make sure the secrets in this file are kept private
# if you're sharing your code publicly.

defaults: &default
  # Load a salt in what is probably not a good place for it.
  salt: "development_salt"
  # Set the cipher key used to *crypt the auth_tokens other nodes
  # identify us by.
  cipher_key: "foMXggnM3xLHatbSP0ZXW6ThZXOXqp8ImyaJQ/0Jlqo=\n"
  cipher_iv: "L213BeYaK4QDG8krUaCYnA==\n"
  # The location of the private key used to pull files from other nodes
  transfer_private_key: "/l/home/dpnadm/.ssh/hathi.key"

  <<: *default
  secret_key_base: 2ea1fbd4ac4699fd0e31096b51ef545b482d9ad4bd40ca7a07276a6712e45dccb821a88bc2adc09793b0ddc2be19e16068c48286ab659aad7807a8e5c1b32c3a

  <<: *default
  secret_key_base: 525e7a0e528c0972699d038ef6a5eb35c493cd6db6db85baf0bf756ba59aeb50a2f5bd38b421d61cc99683df3da779048ec615a5fd72e62c65a86f3f71edcc25

# Each of the following "impersonate" configurations are used
# when running a local cluster with the script/run_cluster.sh
# script. That runs 5 DPN REST servers, each impersonating one
# of the actual DPN nodes. Use this for local end-to-end testing
# of replication and other features that require inter-node
# communication.
  <<: *default
  secret_key_base: 2d5fac2f138c1e7bd27267afa22f7234ac7b92c66b578e66836fc7ad6c5fd7f5edc6327d14e28058fc9b77933dc1bc2d5625e0fb373bc39a7035161ffc8e359b
  salt: aptrust_salt

  <<: *default
  secret_key_base: e08f0a36cd73d4b4ae8adfff90e58c45f5da389f59646e45a8135f6ed7f30a06a321596160ed0dfbb30ae1a4f846959e0242ba2a3cfeaff00632cfda589b4ec8
  salt: chron_salt

  <<: *default
  secret_key_base: 12d7f7cb101ad020a6abdbecf68415b763d7dea59f8ea376aa52e1e3c9487b9a1c857625c2307972f961a39fa27802ebeeabbd7df2e2445a5372b6a13a784de4
  salt: hathi_salt

  <<: *default
  secret_key_base: 01ade897835d9e586ed8769dbe49ae6ad93d7877a9b91e93b9fa8a97af70c6b9a0687596736a1ca0c93e8b10b9b15c5e3db679789dedb8769a8baad8ad40b189
  salt: sdr_salt

  <<: *default
  secret_key_base: 968e666858a23af0725be4632c3ee90b84b88207be2dbe2fa9879ce963f75278347377042891a3a6f224acc0016ad0ac29f3010e18b9329220e41309721308a6
  salt: tdr_salt