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# DPN Synchronization

An application for synchronizing DPN registry data from remote nodes, using the
[Sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq) background jobs framework.

## Components

- the DPN nodes are defined in `config/settings.yml`
  - the settings are handled by `DPN::Workers`
  - a set of DPN nodes is loaded by `DPN::Workers.nodes`
- a set of DPN nodes is modeled by the `DPN::Workers::Nodes` class
  - it requires a `local_namespace` to identify a `local_node`
  - it makes an important distinction between a `local_node` and `remote_nodes`
  - it has methods to `sync` data from `remote_nodes` into the `local_node`
    - the `DPN::Workers::SyncWorker` is a `Sidekiq::Worker`
    - subclasses of `DPN::Workers::Sync` implement `#sync`
      - they use `DPN::Workers::JobData` for tracking success
- a node is modeled by the `DPN::Workers::Node` class
  - it requires a node namespace, API URL, and authentication token
  - it contains a `DPN::Client` to access a node's HTTP API
  - the client is from https://github.com/dpn-admin/dpn-client
  - the HTTP API is https://github.com/dpn-admin/DPN-REST-Wiki
    - it is implemented in https://github.com/dpn-admin/dpn-server

## Requirements

- [Sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq) requires the [Redis](http://redis.io/) document store.
- Access to at least two DPN nodes that host a DPN HTTP-REST-API
  - https://github.com/dpn-admin/DPN-REST-Wiki
  - https://github.com/dpn-admin/dpn-server

## Getting Started

  git clone git@github.com:dpn-admin/dpn-sync.git
  cd dpn-sync
  bundle install
  # Start the Sidekiq daemon to run background jobs; some
  # jobs are managed by sidekiq-cron, see config/schedule.yml
  bundle exec rake sidekiq:service:start
  # Start the Sidekiq dashboard at http://localhost:9292/
  bundle exec rackup
  # Explore the dashboard web pages and then
  # Cnt-C to stop and then
  bundle exec rake sidekiq:service:stop

## Configuration

- Configuration files are in:
  - `config/*.yml`
  - `config/settings/*.yml`
  - `config/initializers/*.rb`
  - additional configuration details may be in the project wiki pages
    - https://github.com/dpn-admin/dpn-sync/wiki

The `config` gem provides several layers of specificity for settings, see

### Configuring Nodes

The most important values in `Settings` are the `nodes` definitions and the
`local_namespace` that should belong to one of the `nodes`.  These values
should be derived from the `Node` table of the `dpn-server` project.
From the `rails c` console of the `dpn-server` project, the nodes data
can be dumped using:

require 'yaml'
yml = Node.all.map do |n|
    namespace: n.namespace,
    api_root: n.api_root,
    auth_credential: n.auth_credential
puts yml

Note that the `auth_credential` values are private and should be kept secret.

The node information can be retrieved from the HTTP-REST-API.  The response
will include many details, including those required, but not the
`auth_credential` values. For example, when the `dpn-server` cluster
is running locally, it can be retrieved using:

curl -k -H "Authorization: Token token=aptrust_token" -L

An abridged response looks like:

  "count": 5,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [{
    "name": "APTrust",
    "namespace": "aptrust",
    "api_root": ""
  }, {
    "name": "Chronopolis",
    "namespace": "chron",
    "api_root": ""
  }, {
    "name": "Hathi Trust",
    "namespace": "hathi",
    "api_root": ""
  }, {
    "name": "Stanford Digital Repository",
    "namespace": "sdr",
    "api_root": ""
  }, {
    "name": "Texas Digital Repository",
    "namespace": "tdr",
    "api_root": ""

### Configuring Test Cluster

When running in development, the `dpn-server` project can run a test cluster and the nodes settings can be set to work with that cluster; the default values in `config/settings.yml` should work with this cluster.  See
- https://github.com/dpn-admin/dpn-server/blob/master/Cluster.md
- https://github.com/dpn-admin/dpn-server/blob/master/script/setup_cluster.rb
- https://github.com/dpn-admin/dpn-server/blob/master/script/run_cluster.rb

### Environment Variables

- Environment variables can be set in various places, with the following order
of importance:
  - On deployed apps, running under Apache/Passenger:
    - see `/etc/httpd/conf.d/z*`
    - The content of the config files is managed by puppet
  - Command line values, e.g. `RACK_ENV=production bundle exec rackup`

## Deployment

Capistrano is configured to run all the deployments.  See `cap -T` for all the options.  There are private configuration files in the [DLSS shared-configs](https://github.com/sul-dlss/shared_configs). The following files should be in the `shared_configs`, in a branch like `dpn-*-sync`.  The generic `settings.yml` should contain config parameters that are independent of the deployment `{environment}.yml` (like `development.yml` or `production.yml`), whereas the `settings/{environment}.yml` should contain `nodes` or other details that are specific to the deployment network.

├── redis.yml
├── settings
│   └── {environment}.yml
├── settings.yml
└── sidekiq_schedule.yml

Capistrano can start and stop the `Sidekiq` service.  The tasks include:
cap sidekiq:quiet                  # Quiet sidekiq (stop processing new tasks)
cap sidekiq:respawn                # Respawn missing sidekiq processes
cap sidekiq:restart                # Restart sidekiq
cap sidekiq:rolling_restart        # Rolling-restart sidekiq
cap sidekiq:start                  # Start sidekiq
cap sidekiq:stop                   # Stop sidekiq

## Rake

There are rake tasks for starting `dpn-sync` jobs and inspecting the `Sidekiq` API.  All the tasks can be listed using `bundle exec rake -T`, e.g.
rake dpn:sync:bags                  # DPN - queue a job to fetch bag meta-data from remote nodes
rake dpn:sync:members               # DPN - queue a job to fetch member meta-data from remote nodes
rake dpn:sync:nodes                 # DPN - queue a job to fetch node meta-data from remote nodes
rake dpn:sync:replications          # DPN - queue a job to fetch replication request meta-data from remote nodes
rake sidekiq:default_queue:clear    # Sidekiq - clear the default queue
rake sidekiq:default_queue:entries  # Sidekiq - default queue entries
rake sidekiq:stats:all              # Sidekiq - statistics - all
rake sidekiq:stats:history[days]    # Sidekiq - statistics - history[days]
rake sidekiq:stats:reset            # Sidekiq - statistics - reset

## Development

- To get a console: `bundle exec rackup -d`
  - if anything goes wrong, look at `log/rack_debug.log`
  - if the `dpn-server` cluster is running, the following works:

    #=> [true, true, true, true, true]

- To see and test jobs:
  - `bundle exec sidekiq -C ./config/sidekiq.yml -r ./config/initializers/sidekiq.rb`
  - in another shell, run `bundle exec rackup`
    - use a browser to open `http://localhost:9292`
    - use the `/test` page to check messages are processed by a worker
    - use the `/sidekiq` dashboard