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Package golp gives Go bindings for LPSolve, a Mixed Integer Linear
Programming (MILP) solver.

For usage examples, see https://github.com/draffensperger/golp#examples.

Not all LPSolve functions have bindings. Feel free to open an issue or
contact me if you would like more added.

One difference from the LPSolve C library, is that the golp columns are always

The Go code of golp is MIT licensed, but LPSolve itself is licensed under the
LGPL. This roughly means that you can include golp in a closed-source project
as long as you do not modify LPSolve itself and you use dynamic linking to
access LPSolve (and provide a way for someone to link your program to a
different version of LPSolve).
For the legal details: http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.0/LGPL.htm
package golp

// For Mac, assume LPSolve installed via MacPorts
#cgo darwin CFLAGS: -I/opt/local/include/lpsolve
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -L/opt/local/lib -llpsolve55

// For Linux, assume LPSolve bundled in local lpsolve directory
#cgo linux CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/lpsolve
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/lpsolve -llpsolve55 -Wl,-rpath=${SRCDIR}/lpsolve

// For Windows, assume LPSolve bundled in local lpsolve directory
#cgo windows CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/lpsolve
#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/lpsolve -llpsolve55 -Wl,-rpath=${SRCDIR}/lpsolve

#include "lp_lib.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stringbuilder.h"

int write_lp_to_str_callback(void* userhandle, char* buf) {
    sb_append_str((stringbuilder*) userhandle, buf);
    return 0;

char* write_lp_to_str(lprec *lp) {
    stringbuilder* sb = sb_new();
    write_lpex(lp, sb, write_lp_to_str_callback);
    char* str = sb_cstring(sb);
    sb_destroy(sb, 0);
    return str;
import "C"

import (

// LP stores a linear (or mixed integer) programming problem
type LP struct {
    ptr *C.lprec

// NewLP create a new linear program structure with specified number of rows and
// columns. The underlying C data structure's memory will be freed in a Go
// finalizer, so there is no need to explicitly deallocate it.
func NewLP(rows, cols int) *LP {
    l := new(LP)
    l.ptr = C.make_lp(C.int(rows), C.int(cols))
    runtime.SetFinalizer(l, deleteLP)
    return l

func deleteLP(l *LP) {

func (l *LP) Copy() *LP {
    cpy := &LP{C.copy_lp(l.ptr)}
    runtime.SetFinalizer(cpy, deleteLP)
    return cpy

// NumRows returns the number of rows (constraints) in the linear program.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/get_Nrows.htm
func (l *LP) NumRows() int {
    return int(C.get_Nrows(l.ptr))

// NumCols returns the number of columns (variables) in the linear program.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/get_Ncolumns.htm
func (l *LP) NumCols() int {
    return int(C.get_Ncolumns(l.ptr))

// VerboseLevel represents different verbose levels,
// see http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.1/set_verbose.htm
type VerboseLevel int

// Verbose levels
const (
    NEUTRAL  VerboseLevel = iota // NEUTRAL == 0
    CRITICAL                     // CRITICAL == 1

// Note that we can't use stringer because this does not work well with cgo
// yet: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20358

func (level VerboseLevel) String() string {
    switch level {
    case NEUTRAL:
        return "NEUTRAL"
    case CRITICAL:
        return "CRITICAL"
    case SEVERE:
        return "SEVERE"
    case IMPORTANT:
        return "IMPORTANT"
    case NORMAL:
        return "NORMAL"
    case DETAILED:
        return "DETAILED"
    case FULL:
        return "FULL"
        return fmt.Sprintf("VerboseLevel(%d)", int(level))

// SetVerboseLevel changes the output verbose level (golp defaults it to
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.1/set_verbose.htm
func (l *LP) SetVerboseLevel(level VerboseLevel) {
    C.set_verbose(l.ptr, C.int(level))

// SetColName changes a column name. Unlike the LPSolve C library, col is zero-based
func (l *LP) SetColName(col int, name string) {
    cstrName := C.CString(name)
    C.set_col_name(l.ptr, C.int(col+1), cstrName)

// ColName gives a column name, index is zero-based.
func (l *LP) ColName(col int) string {
    return C.GoString(C.get_col_name(l.ptr, C.int(col+1)))

// SetUnbounded specifies that the given column has a lower bound of -infinity
// and an upper bound of +infinity. (By default, columns have a lower bound of
// 0 and an upper bound of +infinity.)
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_unbounded.htm
func (l *LP) SetUnbounded(col int) {
    C.set_unbounded(l.ptr, C.int(col+1))

// SetInt specifies that the given column must take an integer value.
// This triggers LPSolve to use branch-and-bound instead of simplex to solve.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_int.htm
func (l *LP) SetInt(col int, mustBeInt bool) {
    C.set_int(l.ptr, C.int(col+1), boolToUChar(mustBeInt))

// IsInt returns whether the given column must take an integer value
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/is_int.htm
func (l *LP) IsInt(col int) bool {
    return uCharToBool(C.is_int(l.ptr, C.int(col+1)))

// SetBinary specifies that the given column must take a binary (0 or 1) value
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_binary.htm
func (l *LP) SetBinary(col int, mustBeBinary bool) {
    C.set_binary(l.ptr, C.int(col+1), boolToUChar(mustBeBinary))

// IsBinary returns whether the given column must take a binary (0 or 1) value
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/is_binary.htm
func (l *LP) IsBinary(col int) bool {
    return uCharToBool(C.is_binary(l.ptr, C.int(col+1)))

// SetAddRowMode specifies whether adding by row (true) or by column (false)
// performs best. By default NewLP sets this for adding by row to perform best.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_add_rowmode.htm
func (l *LP) SetAddRowMode(addRowMode bool) {
    C.set_add_rowmode(l.ptr, boolToUChar(addRowMode))

func boolToUChar(b bool) C.uchar {
    if b {
        return C.uchar(1)
    return C.uchar(0)

func uCharToBool(c C.uchar) bool {
    return c != C.uchar(0)

// PresolveType specifies type of presolve,
// see http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_presolve.htm
type PresolveType int

// Presolve types
const (
    NONE        PresolveType = 0
    ROWS                     = 1
    COLS                     = 2
    LINDEP                   = 4
    SOS                      = 32
    REDUCEMIP                = 64
    KNAPSACK                 = 128
    ELIMEQ2                  = 256
    IMPLIEDFREE              = 512
    REDUCEGCD                = 1024
    PROBEFIX                 = 2048
    PROBEREDUCE              = 4096
    ROWDOMANITE              = 8192
    COLDOMINATE              = 16384
    MERGEROWS                = 32768
    COLFIXDUAL               = 131072
    BOUNDS                   = 262144
    DUALS                    = 524288
    SENSDUALS                = 1048576

func (level PresolveType) String() string {
    switch level {
    case NONE:
        return "PRESOLVE_NONE"
    case ROWS:
        return "PRESOLVE_ROWS"
    case COLS:
        return "PRESOLVE_COLS"
    case LINDEP:
        return "PRESOLVE_LINDEP"
    case SOS:
        return "PRESOLVE_SOS"
    case REDUCEMIP:
        return "PRESOLVE_REDUCEMIP"
    case KNAPSACK:
        return "PRESOLVE_KNAPSACK"
    case ELIMEQ2:
        return "PRESOLVE_ELIMEQ2"
    case REDUCEGCD:
        return "PRESOLVE_REDUCEGCD"
    case PROBEFIX:
        return "PRESOLVE_PROBEFIX"
    case MERGEROWS:
        return "PRESOLVE_MERGEROWS"
    case COLFIXDUAL:
        return "PRESOLVE_COLFIXDUAL"
    case BOUNDS:
        return "PRESOLVE_BOUNDS"
    case DUALS:
        return "PRESOLVE_DUALS"
    case SENSDUALS:
        return "PRESOLVE_SENSDUALS"
        return fmt.Sprintf("PresolveType(%d)", int(level))

// SetPresolve specifies whether pre solve should be used to try to simplify problem,
// by default it is set to not to perform pre solve, level specifies type of pre solve
// and maxLoops the maximum number of times pre solve may be done (use 0 to determine
// number of pre solve loops automatically by get_presolveloop()).
// For more info see: http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_presolve.htm
func (l *LP) SetPresolve(level PresolveType, maxLoops int) {
    if maxLoops == 0 {
        maxLoops = l.GetPresolveLoops()
    C.set_presolve(l.ptr, C.int(level), C.int(maxLoops))

// GetPresolveLoops determines optimal number of loops for pre solve.
// See: http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/get_presolveloops.htm
func (l *LP) GetPresolveLoops() int {
    return int(C.get_presolveloops(l.ptr))

// ConstraintType can be less than (golp.LE), greater than (golp.GE) or equal (golp.EQ)
type ConstraintType int

// Contraint type constants
const ( // iota is reset to 0
    _  ConstraintType = iota // don't use 0
    LE                       // LE == 1
    GE                       // GE == 2
    EQ                       // EQ == 3

func (t ConstraintType) String() string {
    switch t {
    case LE:
        return "LE"
    case GE:
        return "GE"
    case EQ:
        return "EQ"
        return fmt.Sprintf("ConstraintType(%d)", int(t))

// AddConstraint adds a constraint to the linear program. This (unlike the
// LPSolve C function), expects the data in the row param to start at index 0
// for the first column.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/add_constraint.htm
func (l *LP) AddConstraint(row []float64, ct ConstraintType, rightHand float64) error {
    cRow := make([]C.double, len(row)+1)
    cRow[0] = 0.0
    for i := 0; i < len(row); i++ {
        cRow[i+1] = C.double(row[i])
    C.add_constraint(l.ptr, &cRow[0], C.int(ct), C.double(rightHand))
    return nil

// Entry is for sparse constraint or objective function rows
type Entry struct {
    Col int
    Val float64

// AddConstraintSparse adds a constraint row by specifying only the non-zero
// entries. Entries column indices are zero-based.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/add_constraint.htm
func (l *LP) AddConstraintSparse(row []Entry, ct ConstraintType, rightHand float64) error {
    cRow := make([]C.double, len(row))
    cColNums := make([]C.int, len(row))
    for i, entry := range row {
        cRow[i] = C.double(entry.Val)
        cColNums[i] = C.int(entry.Col + 1)
    C.add_constraintex(l.ptr, C.int(len(row)), &cRow[0], &cColNums[0], C.int(ct), C.double(rightHand))
    return nil

// SetObjFn changes the objective function. Row indices are zero-based.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_obj_fn.htm
func (l *LP) SetObjFn(row []float64) {

    cRow := make([]C.double, len(row)+1)
    cRow[0] = 0.0
    for i := 0; i < len(row); i++ {
        cRow[i+1] = C.double(row[i])
    C.set_obj_fn(l.ptr, &cRow[0])

// SetMaximize will set the objective function  to maximize instead of
// minimizing by default.
// and http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/set_maxim.htm
func (l *LP) SetMaximize() {

// SolutionType represents the result type.
type SolutionType int

// Return values must not be enumerated from 0 in, many are not used
// any more and therefore there are gaps.
// Also lpsolve55 will not return PROCFAIL and other types any more,
// they're here for compatibility reasons.
// To make this clear we don't use iota but list the values.

// Constants for the solution result type.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/solve.htm
const (
    NOMEMORY    SolutionType = -2
    OPTIMAL                  = 0
    SUBOPTIMAL               = 1
    INFEASIBLE               = 2
    UNBOUNDED                = 3
    DEGENERATE               = 4
    NUMFAILURE               = 5
    USERABORT                = 6
    TIMEOUT                  = 7
    PROCFAIL                 = 10
    PROCBREAK                = 11
    FEASFOUND                = 12
    NOFEASFOUND              = 13

func (t SolutionType) String() string {
    switch t {
    case NOMEMORY:
        return "NOMEMORY"
    case OPTIMAL:
        return "OPTIMAL"
    case SUBOPTIMAL:
        return "SUBOPTIMAL"
    case INFEASIBLE:
        return "INFEASIBLE"
    case UNBOUNDED:
        return "UNBOUNDED"
    case DEGENERATE:
        return "DEGENERATE"
    case NUMFAILURE:
        return "NUMFAILURE"
    case USERABORT:
        return "USERABORT"
    case TIMEOUT:
        return "TIMEOUT"
    case PROCFAIL:
        return "PROCFAIL"
    case PROCBREAK:
        return "PROCBREAK"
    case FEASFOUND:
        return "FEASFOUND"
        return "NOFEASFOUND"
        return fmt.Sprintf("SolutionType(%d)", int(t))

// Solve the linear (or mixed integer) program and return the solution type
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/solve.htm
func (l *LP) Solve() SolutionType {
    return SolutionType(C.solve(l.ptr))

// WriteToStdout writes a representation of the linear program to standard out
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/write_lp.htm
func (l *LP) WriteToStdout() {
    C.write_LP(l.ptr, C.stdout)

// WriteToString returns a representation of the linear program as a string
func (l *LP) WriteToString() string {
    cstr := C.write_lp_to_str(l.ptr)
    str := C.GoString(cstr)
    return str

// Objective gives the value of the objective function of the solved linear
// program.
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/get_objective.htm
func (l *LP) Objective() float64 {
    return float64(C.get_objective(l.ptr))

// Variables return the values for the variables of the solved linear program
// See http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/get_variables.htm
func (l *LP) Variables() []float64 {
    numCols := int(C.get_Ncolumns(l.ptr))
    cRow := make([]C.double, numCols)
    C.get_variables(l.ptr, &cRow[0])
    row := make([]float64, numCols)
    for i := 0; i < numCols; i++ {
        row[i] = float64(cRow[i])
    return row