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Test Coverage

1. First ensure that you have python3 installed on your machine.
   If you don't have python installed, you can get it from `python.org <https://www.python.org/downloads/>`_,
   or a package manager (such as ``apt`` or ``yum``) on a Linux machine.

2. Choose from one of the options below to install.
   It is recommended to use PyPI

From PyPI

The easiest way to install this repository is with pip.
Simply run the following in a terminal:


   python3 -m pip install -U dragonchain-sdk

With asyncio support

For async/await support (python 3.5+ only),
be sure to install with the aio extras instead:


   python3 -m pip install -U dragonchain-sdk[aio]

For more information on asyncio support, visit the `aio section <aio.html>`_

From Source

You can also install this package from source. To do so, get the source
code (via git clone like
``git clone https://github.com/dragonchain/dragonchain-sdk-python.git``
or simply downloading/extracting a source tarball from releases), then
navigate into the root project directory. Now ensure that you have pip
installed and you can install all the requirements for this project


   python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Once these requirements successfully install, run:

.. code:: sh

   ./run.sh build
   sudo ./run.sh install

On windows, simply replace the above 2 commands with:

.. code:: bat

   python3 setup.py build
   python3 setup.py install

Windows Note:
If running on a Windows computer, you will probably have to replace
``python3`` with ``python`` in the commands above, depending on how
python3 was installed on your computer.