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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2020 Dragonchain, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import logging
from typing import cast, Any, Dict, Optional, Union, List, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING

from dragonchain_sdk import request
from dragonchain_sdk import credentials

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from dragonchain_sdk.types import request_response, custom_index_fields_type, permissions_doc  # noqa: F401 used by typing

class Client(object):
    def __init__(
        dragonchain_id: Optional[str],
        auth_key_id: Optional[str],
        auth_key: Optional[str],
        endpoint: Optional[str],
        verify: bool,
        algorithm: str,
        self.credentials = credentials.Credentials(dragonchain_id, auth_key, auth_key_id, algorithm)
        self.request = request.Request(self.credentials, endpoint, verify)
        logger.debug("Client finished initialization")

    def get_smart_contract_secret(self, secret_name: str) -> str:
        """Gets secrets for smart contracts

            secret_name (str): name of the secret to retrieve

            TypeError: with bad parameter types
            RuntimeError: if not running in a smart contract environment

            String of the value of the specified secret
        if not isinstance(secret_name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "secret_name" must be of type str.')
        if not os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID"):
            raise RuntimeError('Missing "SMART_CONTRACT_ID" from environment')
        path = os.path.join(
            os.path.abspath(os.sep), "var", "openfaas", "secrets", "sc-{}-{}".format(os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID"), secret_name)
        return open(path, "r").read()

    def get_status(self) -> "request_response":
        """Get the status from a chain

            Returns the status of a Dragonchain
        return self.request.get("/v1/status")

    def list_smart_contracts(self) -> "request_response":
        """Get all smart contracts on a chain

            A list of all the smart contracts on the chain
        return self.request.get("/v1/contract")

    def get_smart_contract(self, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None, transaction_type: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response":
        """Perform a query on a chain's smart contracts

            smart_contract_id (str, exclusive): Id of the contract to get
            transaction_type (str, exclusive): Name of the Transaction Type bound to this contract. Usually the contract "name"

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The contract returned from the request
        if smart_contract_id is not None and not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.')
        if transaction_type is not None and not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
        if smart_contract_id and transaction_type:
            raise TypeError('Only one of "smart_contract_id" and "transaction_type" can be specified')
        if smart_contract_id:
            return self.request.get("/v1/contract/{}".format(smart_contract_id))
        elif transaction_type:
            return self.request.get("/v1/contract/txn_type/{}".format(transaction_type))
            raise ValueError('At least one of "smart_contract_id" or "transaction_type" must be specified')

    def get_smart_contract_logs(self, smart_contract_id: str, tail: Optional[int] = 100, since: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response":
        """Perform a query on a chain's smart contracts logs

            smart_contract_id (str): Id of the contract to get
            tail (int, optional): The number of logs to return
            since (str, optional): rfc3339 date string, returns all logs since this date string

            TypeError: with bad parameter types
            ValueError: when no smart_contract_id provided

            The contract returned from the request
        query_dict = cast(Dict[str, Any], {})
        if not smart_contract_id:
            raise ValueError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be specified')
        if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.')
        if tail is not None:
            if not isinstance(tail, int):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "tail" must be of type int.')
            query_dict["tail"] = tail
        if since is not None:
            if not isinstance(since, str):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "since" must be of type str.')
            query_dict["since"] = since

        return self.request.get("/v1/contract/{}/logs{}".format(smart_contract_id, self.request.generate_query_string(query_dict)))

    def create_smart_contract(  # noqa: C901
        transaction_type: str,
        image: str,
        cmd: str,
        args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        execution_order: str = "parallel",
        environment_variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        secrets: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        schedule_interval_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
        cron_expression: Optional[str] = None,
        registry_credentials: Optional[str] = None,
        custom_index_fields: Optional[Iterable["custom_index_fields_type"]] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Post a contract to a chain

            transaction_type (str): transaction_type of the contract to create
            image (str): Docker image containing the smart contract logic
            cmd (str): Entrypoint command to run in the docker container
            execution_order (optional, str): Order of execution. Valid values are 'serial' or 'parallel'. default: 'parallel'
            args (optional, list): List of arguments to the cmd field
            environment_variables (optional, dict): dict mapping of environment variables for your contract runtime
            secrets (optional, dict): dict mapping of secrets for your contract runtime
            schedule_interval_in_seconds (optional, int): The seconds of scheduled execution in seconds. Must not be set if cron_expression is set
            cron_expression (optional, str): The rate of scheduled execution specified as a cron. Must not be set if schedule_interval_in_seconds is set
            registry_credentials (optional, str): basic-auth for pulling docker images, base64 encoded (e.g. username:password)
            custom_index_fields (optional): Custom index fields to assign to the transaction type for this smart contract. See create_transaction_type for details

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            Success or failure object
        if custom_index_fields is None:
            custom_index_fields = []
        if not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(image, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "image" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(cmd, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "cmd" must be of type str.')
        if args is not None and not isinstance(args, list):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "args" must be of type list.')
        if not isinstance(execution_order, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "execution_order" must be of type str.')
        if execution_order is not None and execution_order not in ["parallel", "serial"]:
            raise ValueError('Parameter "execution_order" must be either "serial" or "parallel".')
        if environment_variables is not None and not isinstance(environment_variables, dict):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "environment_variables" must be of type dict.')
        if secrets is not None and not isinstance(secrets, dict):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "secrets" must be of type dict.')
        if schedule_interval_in_seconds is not None and cron_expression is not None:
            raise ValueError('Parameter "schedule_interval_in_seconds" and "cron_expression" can not both be set')
        if schedule_interval_in_seconds is not None and not isinstance(schedule_interval_in_seconds, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "schedule_interval_in_seconds" must be of type int.')
        if cron_expression is not None and not isinstance(cron_expression, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "cron_expression" must be of type str.')
        if registry_credentials is not None and not isinstance(registry_credentials, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "registry_credentials" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(custom_index_fields, list):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "custom_index_fields" must be of type list.')

        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "3", "txn_type": transaction_type, "image": image, "cmd": cmd, "execution_order": execution_order})
        if environment_variables:
            body["env"] = environment_variables
        if args:
            body["args"] = args
        if secrets:
            body["secrets"] = secrets
        if schedule_interval_in_seconds:
            body["seconds"] = schedule_interval_in_seconds
        if cron_expression:
            body["cron"] = cron_expression
        if registry_credentials:
            body["auth"] = registry_credentials
        if custom_index_fields:
            body["custom_indexes"] = _validate_and_build_custom_index_fields_array(custom_index_fields)
        return self.request.post("/v1/contract", body)

    def update_smart_contract(  # noqa: C901
        smart_contract_id: str,
        image: Optional[str] = None,
        cmd: Optional[str] = None,
        args: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        execution_order: Optional[str] = None,
        enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
        environment_variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        secrets: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        schedule_interval_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
        cron_expression: Optional[str] = None,
        registry_credentials: Optional[str] = None,
        disable_schedule: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Update an existing smart contract. The smart_contract_id and at least one optional parameter must be supplied.

            smart_contract_id (str): id of the contract to update
            image (str): Docker image containing the smart contract logic
            cmd (str): Entrypoint command to run in the docker container
            execution_order (str): Order of execution. Valid values are 'serial' or 'parallel'
            enabled (bool, optional): Enabled status of contract
            args (list, optional): List of arguments to the cmd field
            environment_variables (dict, optional): dict mapping of environment variables for your contract runtime
            secrets (dict, optional): dict mapping of secrets for your contract runtime
            schedule_interval_in_seconds (int, optional): The seconds of scheduled execution in seconds
            cron_expression (str, optional): The rate of scheduled execution specified as a cron
            registry_credentials (str, optional): basic-auth for pulling docker images, base64 encoded (e.g. username:password)
            disable_schedule (bool, optional): Set True to remove the existing schedule_interval_in_seconds or cron_expression from the contract

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            Success or failure object
        if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.')
        if image is not None and not isinstance(image, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "image" must be of type str.')
        if cmd is not None and not isinstance(cmd, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "cmd" must be of type str.')
        if execution_order is not None and not isinstance(execution_order, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "execution_order" must be of type str.')
        if execution_order is not None and execution_order not in ["parallel", "serial"]:
            raise ValueError('Parameter "execution_order" must be either "serial" or "parallel".')
        if enabled is not None and not isinstance(enabled, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "enabled" must be of type bool.')
        if args is not None and not isinstance(args, list):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "args" must be of type list.')
        if environment_variables is not None and not isinstance(environment_variables, dict):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "env" must be of type dict.')
        if secrets is not None and not isinstance(secrets, dict):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "secrets" must be of type dict.')
        if schedule_interval_in_seconds is not None and not isinstance(schedule_interval_in_seconds, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "schedule_interval_in_seconds" must be of type int.')
        if cron_expression is not None and not isinstance(cron_expression, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "cron_expression" must be of type str.')
        if registry_credentials is not None and not isinstance(registry_credentials, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "registry_credentials" must be of type str.')
        if disable_schedule is not None and not isinstance(disable_schedule, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "disable_schedule" must be of type bool.')

        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "3"})
        if image:
            body["image"] = image
        if cmd:
            body["cmd"] = cmd
        if execution_order:
            body["execution_order"] = execution_order
        if enabled is False:
            body["desired_state"] = "inactive"
        if enabled is True:
            body["desired_state"] = "active"
        if args:
            body["args"] = args
        if environment_variables:
            body["env"] = environment_variables
        if secrets:
            body["secrets"] = secrets
        if schedule_interval_in_seconds:
            body["seconds"] = schedule_interval_in_seconds
        if cron_expression:
            body["cron"] = cron_expression
        if registry_credentials:
            body["auth"] = registry_credentials
        if disable_schedule:
            body["disable_schedule"] = True

        return self.request.put("/v1/contract/{}".format(smart_contract_id), body)

    def delete_smart_contract(self, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None, transaction_type: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response":
        """Delete an existing contract

            smart_contract_id (str, optional): Contract ID of the contract to delete
            transaction_type (str, optional): Transaction type of the contract to delete

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The results of the delete request
        if smart_contract_id and transaction_type:
            raise TypeError('Only one of "smart_contract_id" or "transaction_type" can be specified')
        if smart_contract_id and not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.')
        if transaction_type and not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
        if smart_contract_id:
            return self.request.delete("/v1/contract/{}".format(smart_contract_id))
        if transaction_type:
            return self.request.delete("/v1/contract/txn_type/{}".format(transaction_type))
        raise TypeError('At least one of "smart_contract_id" or "transaction_type" must be supplied')

    def query_transactions(
        transaction_type: str,
        redisearch_query: str,
        verbatim: bool = False,
        offset: int = 0,
        limit: int = 10,
        sort_by: str = "",
        sort_ascending: bool = True,
        ids_only: bool = False,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Perform a query on a chain's transactions

            transaction_type (str): The single transaction type to query
            redisearch_query (str): Redisearch query syntax string to search with
            verbatim (bool, optional): Whether or not to use redisearch's VERBATIM (if true, no stemming occurs on the query)
            offset (int, optional): Pagination offset of query (default 0)
            limit (int, optional): Pagination limit (default 10)
            sort_by (str, optional): The name of the field to sort by
            sort_ascending (bool, optional): If sort_by is set, this sorts the results by field in ascending order (descending if false)
            ids_only (bool, optional): If true, rather than an array of transaction objects, it will return an array of transaction id strings instead

            The results of the query
        if not transaction_type or not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
        if not redisearch_query or not isinstance(redisearch_query, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "redisearch_query" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(verbatim, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "verbatim" must be of type bool.')
        if not isinstance(offset, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "offset" must be of type int.')
        if not isinstance(limit, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "limit" must be of type int.')
        if not isinstance(sort_by, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_by" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(sort_ascending, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_ascending" must be of type bool.')
        if not isinstance(ids_only, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "ids_only" must be of type bool.')
        query_dict = cast(
            Dict[str, Any],
                "transaction_type": transaction_type,
                "q": redisearch_query,
                "verbatim": verbatim,
                "offset": offset,
                "limit": limit,
                "id_only": ids_only,
        if sort_by:
            query_dict["sort_by"] = sort_by
            query_dict["sort_asc"] = sort_ascending
        return self.request.get("/v1/transaction{}".format(self.request.generate_query_string(query_dict)))

    def get_transaction(self, transaction_id: str) -> "request_response":
        """Get a specific transaction by id

            transaction_id (str): ID of the transaction to get (should be a UUID)

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The transaction searched for
        if not isinstance(transaction_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_id" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/transaction/{}".format(transaction_id))

    def create_transaction(
        self, transaction_type: str, payload: Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]], tag: Optional[str] = None, callback_url: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Post a transaction to a chain

            transaction_type (str): Type of transaction
            payload (dict or string): The payload of the transaction
            tag (str, optional): A tag string to search on

            Transaction ID on success
        headers = {}
        if callback_url:
            headers["X-Callback-Url"] = callback_url

        return self.request.post("/v1/transaction", _build_transaction_dict(transaction_type, payload, tag), additional_headers=headers)

    def create_bulk_transaction(self, transaction_list: List[Dict[Any, Any]]) -> "request_response":
        """Post many transactions to a chain at once, over a single connnection

            transaction_list (list): List of transaction dictionaries. Schema: ``{'transaction_type': 'str', 'payload': 'str or dict', 'tag': 'str (optional)'}``

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            List of succeeded transaction id's and list of failed transactions
        if not isinstance(transaction_list, list):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_list" must be of type list.')

        post_data = []

        for transaction in transaction_list:
            if not isinstance(transaction, dict):
                raise TypeError('All items in parameter "transaction_list" must be of type dict.')
                _build_transaction_dict(transaction.get("transaction_type") or "", transaction.get("payload") or "", transaction.get("tag") or "")

        return self.request.post("/v1/transaction_bulk", post_data)

    def query_blocks(
        self, redisearch_query: str, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 10, sort_by: str = "", sort_ascending: bool = True, ids_only: bool = False
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Perform a query on a chain's blocks

            redisearch_query (str): Redisearch query syntax string to search with
            offset (int, optional): Pagination offset of query (default 0)
            limit (int, optional): Pagination limit (default 10)
            sort_by (str, optional): The name of the field to sort by
            sort_ascending (bool, optional): If sort_by is set, this sorts the results by field in ascending order (descending if false)
            ids_only (bool, optional): If true, rather than an array of block objects, it will return an array of block id strings instead

            The results of the query
        if not redisearch_query or not isinstance(redisearch_query, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "redisearch_query" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(offset, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "offset" must be of type int.')
        if not isinstance(limit, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "limit" must be of type int.')
        if not isinstance(sort_by, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_by" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(sort_ascending, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_ascending" must be of type bool.')
        if not isinstance(ids_only, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "ids_only" must be of type bool.')
        query_dict = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"q": redisearch_query, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "id_only": ids_only})
        if sort_by:
            query_dict["sort_by"] = sort_by
            query_dict["sort_asc"] = sort_ascending
        return self.request.get("/v1/block{}".format(self.request.generate_query_string(query_dict)))

    def get_block(self, block_id: str) -> "request_response":
        """Get a specific block by id

            block_id (str): ID of the block to get

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The block which was retrieved from the chain
        if not isinstance(block_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "block_id" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/block/{}".format(block_id))

    def get_pending_verifications(self, block_id: str) -> "request_response":
        """Get chain ids for pending and/or scheduled verifications

            block_id (str): ID of the block to get pending verifications for

            Chain ids at each level (2-5) for verifications that are scheduled or sent, but not receieved
        if not isinstance(block_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "block_id" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/verifications/pending/{}".format(block_id))

    def get_verifications(self, block_id: str, level: Optional[int] = None) -> "request_response":
        """Get higher level block verifications by level 1 block id

            block_id (str): ID of the block to get verifications for
            level (int, optional): Level of verifications to get (valid values are 2, 3, 4 and 5)

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            Higher level block verifications
        if not isinstance(block_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "block_id" must be of type str.')
        if level is not None:
            if not isinstance(level, int):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "level" must be of int.')
            if level not in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
                raise ValueError('Parameter "level" must be between 2 and 5 inclusive.')
            return self.request.get("/v1/verifications/{}?level={}".format(block_id, level))
        return self.request.get("/v1/verifications/{}".format(block_id))

    def get_api_key(self, key_id: str) -> "request_response":
        """Get information about an HMAC API key

            key_id (str): The ID of the api key to retrieve data about

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            Data about the API key
        if not isinstance(key_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "key_id" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/api-key/{}".format(key_id))

    def list_api_keys(self) -> "request_response":
        """List of HMAC API keys

            A list of key IDs and their associated data
        return self.request.get("/v1/api-key")

    def create_api_key(self, nickname: Optional[str] = None, permissions_document: Optional["permissions_doc"] = None) -> "request_response":
        """Generate a new HMAC API key

            nickname (str, optional): The nickname to give to this new api key
            permissions_document (dict, optional): The permissions dictionary to use with this key.
                Check `the dragonchain core docs <https://dragonchain-core-docs.dragonchain.com/latest/usage/permissioning.html>`_ for more details

            The newly created api key
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {})
        if nickname:
            if not isinstance(nickname, str):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "nickname" must be of type str.')
            body["nickname"] = nickname
        if permissions_document:
            if not isinstance(permissions_document, dict):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "permissions_document" must be of type dict.')
            body["permissions_document"] = permissions_document
        return self.request.post("/v1/api-key", body)

    def delete_api_key(self, key_id: str) -> "request_response":
        """Delete an existing HMAC API key

            key_id (str): The id of the api key to delete

            Generic success message
        if not isinstance(key_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "key_id" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.delete("/v1/api-key/{}".format(key_id))

    def update_api_key(
        self, key_id: str, nickname: Optional[str] = None, permissions_document: Optional["permissions_doc"] = None
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Update the nickname of an existing HMAC API key

            key_id (str): The id of the key to update
            nickname (str, optional): The nickname to set on this api key
            permissions_document (dict, optional): The permissions dictionary to set with this key.
                Check `the dragonchain core docs <https://dragonchain-core-docs.dragonchain.com/latest/usage/permissioning.html>`_ for more details

            The updated api key
        if not isinstance(key_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "key_id" must be of type str.')
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {})
        if nickname:
            if not isinstance(nickname, str):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "nickname" must be of type str.')
            body["nickname"] = nickname
        if permissions_document:
            if not isinstance(permissions_document, dict):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "permissions_document" must be of type dict.')
            body["permissions_document"] = permissions_document
        return self.request.put("/v1/api-key/{}".format(key_id), body)

    def get_smart_contract_object(self, key: str, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response":
        """Retrieve data from the object storage of a smart contract
        Note: When ran in an actual smart contract, smart_contract_id will be pulled automatically from the environment if not explicitly provided

            key (str): The key stored in the heap to retrieve
            smart_contract_id (str, optional): The ID of the smart contract, optional if called from within a smart contract

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The value of the object in the heap
        if not isinstance(key, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "key" must be of type str.')
        if smart_contract_id is None:
            smart_contract_id = os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID")
        if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/get/{}/{}".format(smart_contract_id, key), parse_response=False)

    def list_smart_contract_objects(self, prefix_key: Optional[str] = None, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response":
        """Lists all objects stored in a smart contracts heap
        Note: When ran in an actual smart contract, smart_contract_id will be pulled automatically from the environment if not explicitly provided

            smart_contract_id (str, optional): smart_contract_id heap to list. If not provided explicitly, it must be in the SMART_CONTRACT_NAME env var
            prefix_key (str, optional): the prefix_key or "folder" from which to list objects. Must NOT contain trailing slash "/".
                                        Note: Defaults to the root of the accessable filesystem + /list/{smart_contract_id}/

            TypeError: with bad parameter types
            ValueError: with bad parameter values

            Parsed json response from the chain
        if smart_contract_id is None:
            smart_contract_id = os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID")
        if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.')
        if prefix_key is not None:
            if not isinstance(prefix_key, str):
                raise TypeError('Parameter "prefix_key" must be of type str.')
            if prefix_key.endswith("/"):
                raise ValueError('Parameter "prefix_key" cannot end with /.')
            return self.request.get("/v1/list/{}/{}/".format(smart_contract_id, prefix_key))
        return self.request.get("/v1/list/{}/".format(smart_contract_id))

    def get_transaction_type(self, transaction_type: str) -> "request_response":
        """Gets information on a registered transaction type

            transaction_type (str): transaction_type to retrieve data for

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            parsed json response of the transaction type or None
        if not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/transaction-type/{}".format(transaction_type))

    def list_transaction_types(self) -> "request_response":
        """Lists out all registered transaction types for a chain

            list of registered transaction types
        return self.request.get("/v1/transaction-types")

    def create_transaction_type(
        self, transaction_type: str, custom_index_fields: Optional[Iterable["custom_index_fields_type"]] = None
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Creates a new custom transaction type.

            transaction_type (str): transaction_type to update
            custom_index_fields (optional): custom index fields to create. Ex.: ``[{"path":"a.b","field_name":"myField","type":"text","options":{"no_index":True}}]``

                Transaction Types can optionally link custom search index fields to your transactions for easier querying later.
                A custom_index_field is a dictionary with 'path', 'field_name', 'type', and an optional 'options' dictionary:

                - path (str): the JSONPath of your transaction payload you would like to result form a search on the "key"
                - field_name (str): The field for this custom extracted value to be indexed under
                - type ('text', 'tag', or 'number'): The type of redisearch index to use for this field
                - options: (object) The redisearch options for this field

                    - no_index (bool) (all types) whether or not to index on this field, or simply make it sortable only if false
                    - separator (str) (tag only) what string should be used for the tag separator
                    - weight (number) (text only) The weight to give this text field when doing text queries
                    - no_stem (bool) (text only) Whether or not to allow search stemming in text searches on this field
                    - sortable (bool) (text and number only) Whether or not a search on the index can be sortable by this field

                See `the redisearch docs <https://oss.redislabs.com/redisearch/Commands.html#field_options>`_ for more details on these options

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            Parsed json with success message
        if custom_index_fields is None:
            custom_index_fields = []
        if not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(custom_index_fields, (list, set, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "custom_index_fields" must be iterable.')
        params = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "2", "txn_type": transaction_type})
        if custom_index_fields:
            params["custom_indexes"] = _validate_and_build_custom_index_fields_array(custom_index_fields)
        return self.request.post("/v1/transaction-type", params)

    def delete_transaction_type(self, transaction_type: str) -> "request_response":
        """Deletes a transaction type registration

            transaction_type (str): transaction_type to delete

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            Parsed json with success message
        if not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.delete("/v1/transaction-type/{}".format(transaction_type))

    def create_bitcoin_interchain(
        name: str,
        testnet: Optional[bool] = None,
        private_key: Optional[str] = None,
        rpc_address: Optional[str] = None,
        rpc_authorization: Optional[str] = None,
        utxo_scan: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Create (or overwrite) a bitcoin wallet/network for interchain use

            name (str): The name to use for this network. Will overwrite if providing a name that already exists
            testnet (bool, optional): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address (not required if providing private_key as WIF)
            private_key (str, optional): The base64 encoded private key, or WIF for the desired wallet. Will generate randomly if not provided
            rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the bitcoin core RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8332)
            rpc_authorization (str, optional): The base64-encoded username:password for the rpc node. For example, user: a pass: b would be 'YTpi' (base64("a:b"))
            utxo_scan (bool, optional): Whether or not to force a utxo-rescan for the address.
                If using a private key for an existing wallet with funds, this must be True to use its existing funds

            TypeError: with bad parameter values

            The created interchain network
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.')
        if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_authorization is not None and not isinstance(rpc_authorization, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_authorization" must be of type str.')
        if utxo_scan is not None and not isinstance(utxo_scan, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "utxo_scan" must be of type bool.')
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "name": name})
        if testnet is not None:
            body["testnet"] = testnet
        if utxo_scan is not None:
            body["utxo_scan"] = utxo_scan
        if private_key:
            body["private_key"] = private_key
        if rpc_address:
            body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address
        if rpc_authorization:
            body["rpc_authorization"] = rpc_authorization
        return self.request.post("/v1/interchains/bitcoin", body)

    def update_bitcoin_interchain(
        name: str,
        testnet: Optional[bool] = None,
        private_key: Optional[str] = None,
        rpc_address: Optional[str] = None,
        rpc_authorization: Optional[str] = None,
        utxo_scan: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Update an existing bitcoin wallet/network for interchain use. Will only update the provided fields

            name (str): The name of the network to update
            testnet (bool): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address (not required if providing private_key as WIF)
            private_key (str, optional): The base64 encoded private key, or WIF for the desired wallet
            rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the bitcoin core RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8332)
            rpc_authorization (str, optional): The base64-encoded username:password for the rpc node. For example, user: a pass: b would be 'YTpi' (base64("a:b"))
            utxo_scan (bool, optional): Whether or not to force a utxo-rescan for the address.
                If using a new private key for an existing wallet with funds, this must be True to use its existing funds

            TypeError: with bad parameter values

            The updated bitcoin interchain network
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.')
        if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_authorization is not None and not isinstance(rpc_authorization, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_authorization" must be of type str.')
        if utxo_scan is not None and not isinstance(utxo_scan, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "utxo_scan" must be of type bool.')
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"})
        if testnet is not None:
            body["testnet"] = testnet
        if utxo_scan is not None:
            body["utxo_scan"] = utxo_scan
        if private_key:
            body["private_key"] = private_key
        if rpc_address:
            body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address
        if rpc_authorization:
            body["rpc_authorization"] = rpc_authorization
        return self.request.patch("/v1/interchains/bitcoin/{}".format(name), body)

    def sign_bitcoin_transaction(
        name: str,
        satoshis_per_byte: Optional[int] = None,
        data: Optional[str] = None,
        change_address: Optional[str] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Create and sign a bitcoin transaction using your chain's interchain network

            name (str): name of the bitcoin network to use for signing
            satoshis_per_byte (int, optional): fee to pay in satoshis/byte. If not supplied, it will be estimated for you.
            data (str, optional): string to embed in the transaction as null-data output type
            change_address (str, optional): address to send change to. If not supplied, it will default to the address you are sending from
            outputs (list, optional): (list of {'to': str, 'value': float} dictionaries. Value float is in BTC)

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The built and signed transaction
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        transaction = _build_bitcoin_transaction_body(satoshis_per_byte=satoshis_per_byte, data=data, change_address=change_address, outputs=outputs)
        return self.request.post("/v1/interchains/bitcoin/{}/transaction".format(name), transaction)

    def create_ethereum_interchain(
        self, name: str, private_key: Optional[str] = None, rpc_address: Optional[str] = None, chain_id: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Create (or overwrite) an ethereum wallet/network for interchain use

            name (str): The name to use for this network. Will overwrite if providing a name that already exists
            private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key. Will generate randomly if not provided
            rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the ethereum RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8545)
            chain_id (int, optional): The ethereum chain id to use. Will automatically derive this if providing a custom rpc_address
                Without providing a custom rpc_address, Dragonchain manages and supports: 1=ETH Mainnet|3=ETH Ropsten|61=ETC Mainnet

            TypeError: with bad parameters

            The created interchain network
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.')
        if chain_id is not None and not isinstance(chain_id, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "chain_id" must be of type int.')
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "name": name})
        if private_key:
            body["private_key"] = private_key
        if rpc_address:
            body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address
        if chain_id is not None:
            body["chain_id"] = chain_id
        return self.request.post("/v1/interchains/ethereum", body)

    def update_ethereum_interchain(
        self, name: str, private_key: Optional[str] = None, rpc_address: Optional[str] = None, chain_id: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Update an existing ethereum wallet/network for interchain use

            name (str): The name of the network to update
            private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key
            rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the ethereum RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8545)
            chain_id (int, optional): The ethereum chain id to use. Will automatically derive this if providing a custom rpc_address
                Without providing a custom rpc_address, Dragonchain manages and supports: 1=ETH Mainnet|3=ETH Ropsten|61=ETC Mainnet

            TypeError: with bad parameters

            The updated ethereum interchain network
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.')
        if chain_id is not None and not isinstance(chain_id, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "chain_id" must be of type int.')
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"})
        if private_key:
            body["private_key"] = private_key
        if rpc_address:
            body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address
        if chain_id is not None:
            body["chain_id"] = chain_id
        return self.request.patch("/v1/interchains/ethereum/{}".format(name), body)

    def sign_ethereum_transaction(
        name: str,
        to: str,
        value: str,
        data: Optional[str] = None,
        gas_price: Optional[str] = None,
        gas: Optional[str] = None,
        nonce: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Create and sign an ethereum transaction using your chain's interchain network

            name (str): name of the ethereum network to use for signing
            to (str): hex of the address to send to
            value (str): hex value in wei to send
            data (str, optional): hex data to publish in the transaction
            gas_price (str, optional): hex value of the gas price to pay (in wei), if not supplied it will be estimated for you
            gas (str, optional): hex value of the maximum amount of gas allowed (gasLimit), if not supplied it will be estimated for you
            nonce (str, optional): hex value of the nonce ot use for this transaction, if not supplied it will be automatically determined

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The built and signed transaction
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        transaction = _build_ethereum_transaction_body(to=to, value=value, data=data, gas_price=gas_price, gas=gas, nonce=nonce)
        return self.request.post("/v1/interchains/ethereum/{}/transaction".format(name), transaction)

    def create_binance_interchain(
        name: str,
        testnet: Optional[bool] = None,
        private_key: Optional[str] = None,
        node_url: Optional[str] = None,
        rpc_port: Optional[int] = None,
        api_port: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Create (or overwrite) a binance wallet/network for interchain use

            name (str): The name to use for this network. Will overwrite if providing a name that already exists
            testnet (bool, optional): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address.  Defaults to True.
            private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key. Will generate randomly if not provided
            node_url (str, optional): The endpoint of the binance RPC node to use (i.e. http://my.node.address)
            rpc_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the RPC endpoints (i.e. 27147)
            api_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the API endpoints (i.e. 1169)

            TypeError: with bad parameters

            The created interchain network
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.')
        if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.')
        if node_url is not None and not isinstance(node_url, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "node_url" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_port is not None and not isinstance(rpc_port, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_port" must be of type str.')
        if api_port is not None and not isinstance(api_port, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "api_port" must be of type str.')
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "name": name})
        if testnet is not None:
            body["testnet"] = testnet
        if private_key:
            body["private_key"] = private_key
        if node_url:
            body["node_url"] = node_url
        if rpc_port:
            body["rpc_port"] = rpc_port
        if api_port:
            body["api_port"] = api_port
        return self.request.post("/v1/interchains/binance", body)

    def update_binance_interchain(
        name: str,
        testnet: Optional[bool] = None,
        private_key: Optional[str] = None,
        node_url: Optional[str] = None,
        rpc_port: Optional[int] = None,
        api_port: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Update an existing binance wallet/network for interchain use

            name (str): The name of the network to update
            testnet (bool): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address
            private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key. Will generate randomly if not provided
            node_url (str, optional): The endpoint of the binance RPC node to use (i.e. http://my.node.address)
            rpc_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the RPC endpoints (i.e. 27147)
            api_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the API endpoints (i.e. 1169)

            TypeError: with bad parameters

            The updated interchain network
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.')
        if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.')
        if node_url is not None and not isinstance(node_url, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "node_url" must be of type str.')
        if rpc_port is not None and not isinstance(rpc_port, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_port" must be of type str.')
        if api_port is not None and not isinstance(api_port, int):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "api_port" must be of type str.')
        body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"})
        if testnet is not None:
            body["testnet"] = testnet
        if private_key:
            body["private_key"] = private_key
        if node_url:
            body["node_url"] = node_url
        if rpc_port:
            body["rpc_port"] = rpc_port
        if api_port:
            body["api_port"] = api_port
        return self.request.patch("/v1/interchains/binance/{}".format(name), body)

    def sign_binance_transaction(
        self, name: str, amount: int, to_address: str, symbol: Optional[str] = None, memo: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> "request_response":
        """Create and sign a binance transaction using your chain's interchain network

            name (str): name of the binance network to use for signing
            amount (int): amount of token in transaction
            to_address (str): hex of the address to send to
            symbol (str, optional): the exchange symbol for the token (defaults to BNB)
            memo (str, optional): string of data to publish in the transaction (defaults to "")
            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The built and signed transaction
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        transaction = _build_binance_transaction_body(symbol=symbol, amount=amount, to_address=to_address, memo=memo)
        return self.request.post("/v1/interchains/binance/{}/transaction".format(name), transaction)

    def get_interchain_network(self, blockchain: str, name: str) -> "request_response":
        """Get a configured interchain network/wallet from the chain

            blockchain (str): The blockchain type to get (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum')
            name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network (set when creating the network)

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            The saved interchain network (exact schema depends on blockchain)
        if not isinstance(blockchain, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/interchains/{}/{}".format(blockchain, name))

    def delete_interchain_network(self, blockchain: str, name: str) -> "request_response":
        """Delete an interchain network/wallet from the chain

            blockchain (str): The blockchain type to delete (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum')
            name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network (set when creating the network)

            TypeError: with bad parameter types

            Success message
        if not isinstance(blockchain, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.delete("/v1/interchains/{}/{}".format(blockchain, name))

    def list_interchain_networks(self, blockchain: str) -> "request_response":
        """List all the interchain network/wallets for a blockchain type

            blockchain (str): The blockchain type to get (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum')

            TypeError: with bad parameter type

            List of interchain networks for the specified blockchain type
        if not isinstance(blockchain, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.get("/v1/interchains/{}".format(blockchain))

    def set_default_interchain_network(self, blockchain: str, name: str) -> "request_response":
        """Set the default interchain network for the chain to use (L5 Only)

            blockchain (str): The blockchain type to set (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum')
            name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network to use (set when creating the network)

            TypeError: with bad parameter type

            The interchain network which was set as default
        if not isinstance(blockchain, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.post("/v1/interchains/default", {"version": "1", "blockchain": blockchain, "name": name})

    def get_default_interchain_network(self) -> "request_response":
        """Get the set default interchain network for this chain (L5 Only)

            The interchain network which was set as default
        return self.request.get("/v1/interchains/default")

    def publish_interchain_transaction(self, blockchain: str, name: str, signed_transaction: str) -> "request_response":
        """Publish an interchain transaction that's already been signed

            blockchain (str): The blockchain type to set (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum')
            name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network to use (set when creating the network)
            signed_transaction (str): Signed transaction string (return from sign_<network>_transaction function)

            TypeError: with bad parameter type

            The transaction hash (or equivalent) of the published transaction
        if not isinstance(blockchain, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.')
        if not isinstance(signed_transaction, str):
            raise TypeError('Parameter "signed_transaction" must be of type str.')
        return self.request.post(
            "/v1/interchains/transaction/publish", {"version": "1", "blockchain": blockchain, "name": name, "signed_txn": signed_transaction}

    def create_bitcoin_transaction(
        network: str,
        satoshis_per_byte: Optional[int] = None,
        data: Optional[str] = None,
        change_address: Optional[str] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
    ) -> "request_response":
        """!This method is deprecated and should not be used!
        Backwards compatibility will exist for legacy chains, but will not work on new chains. sign_bitcoin_transaction should be used instead

        Create and sign a bitcoin transaction using your chain's private keys

            network (str): network to create transaction for. Only valid values are ``BTC_MAINNET`` and ``BTC_TESTNET3``
            satoshis_per_byte (int, optional): fee to pay in satoshis/byte. If not supplied, it will be estimated for you.
            data (str, optional): string to embed in the transaction as null-data output type
            change_address (str, optional): address to send change to. If not supplied, it will default to the address you are sending from
            outputs (list, optional): (list of {'to': str, 'value': float} dictionaries. Value float is in BTC)

            TypeError: with bad parameter types
            ValueError: with bad parameter values

            The built and signed transaction
            "This method is deprecated. It will continue to work for legacy chains, but will not work on any new chains. Use sign_bitcoin_transaction instead"
        valid_networks = ["BTC_MAINNET", "BTC_TESTNET3"]
        if network not in valid_networks:
            raise ValueError('Parameter "network" must be one of {}.'.format(valid_networks))
        transaction = _build_bitcoin_transaction_body(satoshis_per_byte=satoshis_per_byte, data=data, change_address=change_address, outputs=outputs)
        return self.request.post("/v1/public-blockchain-transaction", body={"network": network, "transaction": transaction})

    def create_ethereum_transaction(
        self, network: str, to: str, value: str, data: Optional[str] = None, gas_price: Optional[str] = None, gas: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> "request_response":
        """!This method is deprecated and should not be used!
        Backwards compatibility will exist for legacy chains, but will not work on new chains. sign_ethereum_transaction should be used instead

        Create and sign a public ethereum transaction using your chain's private keys

            network (str): network to create transaction for. Only valid values are:

            to (str): hex of the address to send to
            value (str): hex value (in wei) to send
            data (str, optional): hex data to publish in the transaction
            gas_price (str, optional): hex value of the gas price to pay (in wei), if not supplied it will be estimated for you
            gas (str, optional): hex value of the maximum amount of gas allowed (gasLimit), if not supplied it will be estimated for you

            TypeError: with bad parameter types
            ValueError: with bad parameter values

            The built and signed transaction
            "This method is deprecated. It will continue to work for legacy chains, but will not work on any new chains. Use sign_ethereum_transaction instead"
        valid_networks = ["ETH_MAINNET", "ETH_ROPSTEN", "ETC_MAINNET"]
        if network not in valid_networks:
            raise ValueError('Parameter "network" must be one of {}.'.format(valid_networks))
        transaction = _build_ethereum_transaction_body(to=to, value=value, data=data, gas_price=gas_price, gas=gas)
        return self.request.post("/v1/public-blockchain-transaction", body={"network": network, "transaction": transaction})

    def get_public_blockchain_addresses(self) -> "request_response":
        """!This method is deprecated and should not be used!
        Backwards compatibility will exist for legacy chains, but will not work on new chains. list_interchain_networks should be used instead

        Get interchain addresses for this Dragonchain node (L1 and L5 only)

            Dictionary containing addresses
            "This method is deprecated. It will continue to work for legacy chains, but will not work on any new chains. Use list_interchain_networks instead"
        return self.request.get("/v1/public-blockchain-address")

def _validate_and_build_custom_index_fields_array(  # noqa: C901
    custom_index_fields: Iterable["custom_index_fields_type"],
) -> List["custom_index_fields_type"]:
    """Validate a list of custom index fields and return a list which can be passed as a body for custom indexes to the chain

        custom_index_fields: The iterable of the user-input custom index fields

        TypeError: with bad custom index parameters

        List of custom index fields to pass to the chain
    return_list = []
    for cust_index in custom_index_fields:
        if not isinstance(cust_index, dict):
            raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields" must be of type dict.')
        # Check all the required fields
        type_val = cust_index.get("type")
        path_val = cust_index.get("path")
        field_name_val = cust_index.get("field_name")
        options_val = cust_index.get("options")
        if not path_val or not isinstance(path_val, str):
            raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.path" must be of type str.')
        if type_val not in ["text", "tag", "number"]:
            raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.type" must be either "text", "tag", or "number".')
        if not field_name_val or not isinstance(field_name_val, str):
            raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.field_name" must be of type str.')
        # Check the (not required) options dict if it exists
        if options_val:
            if not isinstance(options_val, dict):
                raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options" must be of type dict.')
            separator = options_val.get("separator")
            no_index = options_val.get("no_index")
            weight = options_val.get("weight")
            no_stem = options_val.get("no_stem")
            sortable = options_val.get("sortable")
            if separator and not isinstance(separator, str):
                raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.separator" must be of type str.')
            if no_index and not isinstance(no_index, bool):
                raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.no_index" must be of type bool.')
            if weight and not isinstance(weight, (int, float)):
                raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.weight" must be of type int or float.')
            if no_stem and not isinstance(no_stem, bool):
                raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.no_stem" must be of type bool.')
            if sortable and not isinstance(sortable, bool):
                raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.sortable" must be of type bool.')
            # Trim options val to only necessary values in case extras were passed in
            sending_options = {}
            if no_index is not None:
                sending_options["no_index"] = no_index
            if type_val == "tag":
                if separator is not None:
                    sending_options["separator"] = separator
            elif type_val == "number":
                if sortable is not None:
                    sending_options["sortable"] = sortable
            else:  # Text is only one left
                if no_stem is not None:
                    sending_options["no_stem"] = no_stem
                if weight is not None:
                    sending_options["weight"] = weight
                if sortable is not None:
                    sending_options["sortable"] = sortable
            options_val = sending_options
            cast("custom_index_fields_type", {"path": path_val, "type": type_val, "field_name": field_name_val, "options": options_val or {}})
    return return_list

def _build_transaction_dict(transaction_type: str, payload: Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]], tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Build the json (dictionary) body for a transaction given its inputs

        transaction_type (str): The transaction type for this transaction
        payload (str, dict): The intended payload for this transaction
        tag (str, optional): The intended tag for this transaction

        TypeError: with bad parameter types

        Dictionary body to use for sending as a transaction
    if not isinstance(transaction_type, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.')
    if not isinstance(payload, str) and not isinstance(payload, dict):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "payload" must be of type dict or str.')
    if tag is not None and not isinstance(tag, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "tag" must be of type str.')

    body = {"version": "1", "txn_type": transaction_type, "payload": payload}
    if tag:
        body["tag"] = tag

    return body

def _build_ethereum_transaction_body(
    to: str, value: str, data: Optional[str] = None, gas_price: Optional[str] = None, gas: Optional[str] = None, nonce: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Build the json (dictionary) body for an ethereum transaction given its inputs

        to (str): hex of the address to send to
        value (str): hex value (in wei) to send
        data (str, optional): hex data to publish in the transaction
        gas_price (str, optional): hex value of the gas price to pay (in wei), if not supplied it will be estimated for you
        gas (str, optional): hex value of the maximum amount of gas allowed (gasLimit), if not supplied it will be estimated for you
        nonce (str, optional): hex value of the nonce ot use for this transaction, if not supplied it will be automatically determined

        TypeError: with bad parameter types

        Dictionary body to use for sending an ethereum transaction
    if not isinstance(to, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "to" must be of type str.')
    if not isinstance(value, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "value" must be of type str.')
    if data is not None and not isinstance(data, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "data" must be of type str.')
    if gas_price is not None and not isinstance(gas_price, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "gas_price" must be of type str.')
    if gas is not None and not isinstance(gas, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "gas" must be of type str.')
    if nonce is not None and not isinstance(nonce, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "nonce" must be of type str.')

    body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "to": to, "value": value})
    if data:
        body["data"] = data
    if gas_price:
        body["gasPrice"] = gas_price
    if gas:
        body["gas"] = gas
    if nonce:
        body["nonce"] = nonce

    return body

def _build_bitcoin_transaction_body(
    satoshis_per_byte: Optional[int] = None,
    data: Optional[str] = None,
    change_address: Optional[str] = None,
    outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Build the json (dictionary) body for a bitcoin transaction given its inputs

        satoshis_per_byte (int, optional): fee to pay in satoshis/byte. If not supplied, it will be estimated for you.
        data (str, optional): string to embed in the transaction as null-data output type
        change_address (str, optional): address to send change to. If not supplied, it will default to the address you are sending from
        outputs (list, optional): (list of {'to': str, 'value': float} dictionaries. Value float is in BTC)

        TypeError: with bad parameter types

        Dictionary body to use for sending a bitcoin transaction
    if satoshis_per_byte is not None and not isinstance(satoshis_per_byte, int):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "satoshis_per_byte" must be of type int.')
    if data is not None and not isinstance(data, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "data" must be of type str.')
    if change_address is not None and not isinstance(change_address, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "change_address" must be of type str.')
    if outputs is not None and not isinstance(outputs, list):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "outputs" must be of type list.')

    body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"})
    if outputs:
        body["outputs"] = outputs
    if satoshis_per_byte:
        body["fee"] = satoshis_per_byte
    if data:
        body["data"] = data
    if change_address:
        body["change"] = change_address

    return body

def _build_binance_transaction_body(amount: int, to_address: str, symbol: Optional[str] = None, memo: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Build the json (dictionary) body for a binance transaction given its inputs

        amount (int): amount of token in transaction
        to_address (str): hex of the address to send to
        symbol (str, optional): the exchange symbol for the token (defaults to BNB)
        memo (str, optional): string of data to publish in the transaction (defaults to "")

        TypeError: with bad parameter types

        Dictionary body to use for sending a binance transaction

    if not isinstance(amount, int):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "amount" must be of type int.')
    if not isinstance(to_address, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "to_address" must be of type str.')
    if symbol is not None and not isinstance(symbol, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "symbol" must be of type str.')
    if memo is not None and not isinstance(memo, str):
        raise TypeError('Parameter "memo" must be of type str.')

    body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "amount": amount, "to_address": to_address})
    if symbol:
        body["symbol"] = symbol
    if memo:
        body["memo"] = memo

    return body