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Test Coverage
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve

Thank you for reporting a possible bug in Dragonchain

Please fill in the items in the template below before describing the bug.

Dragonchain Version: This is the contents of the `.version` file in the docker container where you're experiencing the bug
Entrypoint: The entrypoint used to start the container which experienced the bug (webserver, transaction processor, contract invoker, broadcast processor, scheduler, etc)

Please provide as detailed reproduction steps as possible in order to assist us diagnose the problem faster.
See the contributing guideline for more details on making a good bug report: https://github.com/dragonchain/dragonchain/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#bug-reports

- **Dragonchain Version**:
- **Entrypoint**:

<!-- Please provide more details below this comment. -->