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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2020 Dragonchain, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
# with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
# Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
#      6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
#         names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
#         and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
#         the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
# You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
# KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.

import re
import time
import os
from typing import List, Tuple, Set

from dragonchain.lib import dragonnet_config
from dragonchain.lib.interfaces import storage
from dragonchain.lib.database import redis
from dragonchain import exceptions

IN_FLIGHT_KEY = "broadcast:in-flight"
BROADCAST_BLOCK_PREFIX = "broadcast:block"
CLAIM_CHECK_KEY = "broadcast:claimcheck"
NOTIFICATION_KEY = "broadcast:notifications"


FAULT_TOLERATION = 10  # Number of times fetching verifications fails before rolling back block verification state

def state_key(block_id: str) -> str:
    """Get the redis key for the state (current accepting level) of a block
        block_id: block_id for the desired key
        Redis key for the broadcast state of the block_id
    return f"{BROADCAST_BLOCK_PREFIX}:{block_id}:state"

def verifications_key(block_id: str, level: int) -> str:
    """Get the redis key for verifications of a certain level of a block
        block_id: block_id for the desired key
        level: level for the verification list of a block
        Redis key for the broadcast state of the block_id
    return f"{BROADCAST_BLOCK_PREFIX}:{block_id}:l{level}"

def storage_error_key(block_id: str) -> str:
    """Get the redis key for number of storage errors for block verifications
        block_id: block_id for the desired key
        Redis key for the block storage errors
    return f"{BROADCAST_BLOCK_PREFIX}:{block_id}:errors"

def increment_storage_error_sync(block_id: str, current_level: int) -> None:
    """When getting a storage error/inconsistency between redis/storage, this should be called
    This will roll-back a block to a previous level for verifications if FAULT_TOLERATION is surpassed for a block

    Basically, the state in redis can be a mis-representation of what's in actual storage, and if this occurs, we need to roll back
    the block verifications state and remove any bogus verifications from redis that aren't truly saved in storage, which happens on occasion
        block_id: the block_id to increment a storage error
        current_level: the current block verification level state (should be in broadcast:block:state)
    # Don't do anything if at or below level two because no verifications are required yet
    if current_level <= 2:
    error_key = storage_error_key(block_id)
    current_count = int(redis.get_sync(error_key, decode=False) or 0)
    if current_count < FAULT_TOLERATION:
        redis.set_sync(error_key, str(current_count + 1))
    # Beyond fault toleration, we must rollback this block

    # First find all verifications actually in storage
    prefix = f"BLOCK/{block_id}-l{current_level - 1}"
    good_verifications = set()
    for key in storage.list_objects(prefix):
        good_verifications.add(re.search(f"^{prefix}-(.*)", key).group(1))  # noqa: T484

    # Now find all verifications the system thinks we have in redis
    redis_verifications_key = verifications_key(block_id, current_level - 1)
    all_verifications = redis.smembers_sync(redis_verifications_key)

    # Remove all bad verifications recorded in redis that aren't in storage, and demote block to previous level
    p = redis.pipeline_sync()
    p.srem(redis_verifications_key, *all_verifications.difference(good_verifications))
    p.set(state_key(block_id), str(current_level - 1))

async def get_blocks_to_process_for_broadcast_async() -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
    """Get the blocks scheduled to be checked by the broadcast processor right now
        List of (block_id, score) tuples to be processed by the broadcast processor (limit of 1000)
    return await redis.z_range_by_score_async(IN_FLIGHT_KEY, 0, int(time.time()), withscores=True, offset=0, count=1000)

async def get_notification_verifications_for_broadcast_async() -> set:
    """Get the notifications scheduled to be checked by the broadcast processor right now
        List of notifications to be re-transmitted by the broadcast processor
    return await redis.smembers_async(NOTIFICATION_KEY)

async def remove_notification_verification_for_broadcast_async(value: str) -> int:
    """Removes the notification object
        value: string to remove from the notification verification set
        Number of elements removed from the notification verification list
    return await redis.srem_async(NOTIFICATION_KEY, value)

async def get_current_block_level_async(block_id: str) -> int:
    """Get the current level of verifications that a particular block is accepting right now (async)
        block_id: block_id to fetch the current level
        Int of the level of verifications that this block is accepting
    return int(await redis.get_async(state_key(block_id), decode=False) or -1)

def get_current_block_level_sync(block_id: str) -> int:
    """Get the current level of verifications that a particular block is accepting right now (sync)
        block_id: block_id to fetch the current level
        Int of the level of verifications that this block is accepting
    return int(redis.get_sync(state_key(block_id), decode=False) or -1)

def is_block_accepting_verifications_from_level(block_id: str, level: int) -> bool:
    """Check if a block is currently accepting verifications from a particular level (sync)
        block_id: block_id to fetch the current level
        level: verification level to check if accepting
        Boolean true if accepting, false if not
    return get_current_block_level_sync(block_id) == level

async def set_current_block_level_async(block_id: str, level: int) -> None:
    """Set the current verification level for a block (async)
        block_id: block_id to set
        level: verification level to set for block_id
    await redis.set_async(state_key(block_id), str(level))

def set_current_block_level_sync(block_id: str, level: int) -> None:
    """Set the current verification level for a block (async)
        block_id: block_id to set
        level: verification level to set for block_id
    redis.set_sync(state_key(block_id), str(level))

def schedule_block_for_broadcast_sync(block_id: str, time: int = 0) -> None:
    """Schedule a certain block to be checked by the broadcast processor (sync)
        block_id: block_id to schedule
        time: unix timestamp to re-schedule for checking (0 means ASAP)
    redis.zadd_sync(IN_FLIGHT_KEY, {block_id: time})

async def schedule_block_for_broadcast_async(block_id: str, time: int = 0) -> None:
    """Schedule a certain block to be checked by the broadcast processor (sync)
        block_id: block_id to schedule
        time: unix timestamp to re-schedule for checking (0 means ASAP)
    await redis.zadd_async(IN_FLIGHT_KEY, time, block_id)

def schedule_notification_for_broadcast_sync(notification_location: str) -> None:
    """Schedule a certain notification to be checked by the broadcast processor (sync)
        notification_location: notification_location to schedule
    redis.sadd_sync(NOTIFICATION_KEY, notification_location)

def verification_storage_location(l1_block_id: str, level_received_from: int, chain_id: str) -> str:
    """Format the path for the storage of a verification object
        l1_block_id: the id of the L1 block which this verification verifies
        level_received_from: the level from which this verification was received
        chain_id: the internal id of the chain who sent this verification
        path: the formatted path
    return f"BLOCK/{l1_block_id}-l{level_received_from}-{chain_id}"

def set_receieved_verification_for_block_from_chain_sync(block_id: str, level: int, chain_id: str) -> None:
    """Signify a successful receipt from a higher level node receipt for a certain block (sync)
        block_id: block_id of lvl 1 block for received receipt
        level: level of the node from the higher level receipt
        chain_id: id of the higher level dragonchain receipt
    # Check that this block is accepting verifications for the specified level
    accepting_verification_level = get_current_block_level_sync(block_id)
    if accepting_verification_level != level:
        raise exceptions.NotAcceptingVerifications(
            f"Block {block_id} is only accepting verifications for level {accepting_verification_level} (Not {level}) at the moment"

    set_key = verifications_key(block_id, level)
    p = redis.pipeline_sync()
    p.sadd(set_key, chain_id)
    verifications = p.execute()[1]  # Execute the commands and get the result of the scard operation (number of members in the set)
    required = dragonnet_config.DRAGONNET_CONFIG[f"l{level}"]["nodesRequired"]

        # Schedule the notification of this verification
        schedule_notification_for_broadcast_sync(verification_storage_location(block_id, level, chain_id))

    # Check if this block needs to be promoted to the next level
    if verifications >= required:
        if level >= 5:
            # If level 5, block needs no more verifications; remove it from the broadcast system
            # Set the block to the next level and schedule it for broadcasting
            set_current_block_level_sync(block_id, level + 1)

def get_all_verifications_for_block_sync(block_id: str) -> List[Set[str]]:
    """Get an array of the sets of chain_ids for properly received receipts from a higher level for a certain block (sync)
        block_id: block_id to check for received receipts
        List of sets of strings (of chain ids). List[0] is for L2 receipts, List[1] is for L3 receipts, etc
    transaction = redis.pipeline_sync()
    transaction.smembers(verifications_key(block_id, 2))
    transaction.smembers(verifications_key(block_id, 3))
    transaction.smembers(verifications_key(block_id, 4))
    transaction.smembers(verifications_key(block_id, 5))
    result = transaction.execute()
    # Decode the results because this used a raw redis pipeline
    for i in range(len(result)):
        decoded_set = set()
        for chain in result[i]:
        result[i] = decoded_set
    return result

def get_receieved_verifications_for_block_and_level_sync(block_id: str, level: int) -> set:
    """Get a set of chain_ids for properly receieved receipts from a higher level for a certain block (sync)
        block_id: block_id to check for received receipts
        level: Which higher level of receipts to fetch for block_id
        Python set of chain ids (str)
    return redis.smembers_sync(verifications_key(block_id, level))

async def get_receieved_verifications_for_block_and_level_async(block_id: str, level: int) -> set:
    """Get a set of chain_ids for properly receieved receipts from a higher level for a certain block (async)
        block_id: block_id to check for received receipts
        level: Which higher level of receipts to fetch for block_id
        Python set of chain ids (str)
    return await redis.smembers_async(verifications_key(block_id, level))

def remove_block_from_broadcast_system_sync(block_id: str) -> None:
    """Clean up a block from the verifications/broadcast system (sync)

    This should be called when a block has received all necessary verifications
    and no longer needs to be involved with the broadcast system

        block_id: block_id to remove from the system
    # Make a multi exec redis transaction for less overhead
    transaction = redis.pipeline_sync()

    transaction.zrem(IN_FLIGHT_KEY, block_id)
    for i in range(2, 6):
        transaction.delete(verifications_key(block_id, i))
    # This one is for the claim check from matchmaking that is saved locally
    transaction.hdel(CLAIM_CHECK_KEY, block_id)


async def remove_block_from_broadcast_system_async(block_id: str) -> None:
    """Clean up a block from the verifications/broadcast system (async)

    This should be called when a block has received all necessary verifications
    and no longer needs to be involved with the broadcast system

        block_id: block_id to remove from the system
    # Make a multi exec redis transaction for less overhead
    transaction = await redis.multi_exec_async()

    transaction.zrem(IN_FLIGHT_KEY, block_id)
    for i in range(2, 6):
        transaction.delete(verifications_key(block_id, i))
    # This one is for the claim check from matchmaking that is saved locally
    transaction.hdel(CLAIM_CHECK_KEY, block_id)

    await transaction.execute()

async def save_unfinished_claim(block_id: str) -> None:
    """If a claim no longer exists in Dragon Net, but we don't have all the results,
       save its id for a potentially later date.

        block_id: The block_id to save and remove from the broadcasting system
    storage.put_object_as_json(f"{STORAGE_FOLDER}/UNFINISHED/{block_id}", {"time": time.time()})
    await remove_block_from_broadcast_system_async(block_id)