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# Draper Changelog

## 4.0.2 - 2021-05-27

### Fixes
* Fix kwargs usage for Ruby 3 compatibility [#885](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/885)
* Fix ruby warnings for "ambiguous first argument" [#881](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/881)
* Fix rake warnings in CI [#897](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/897)
* Fix decoration spec [#895](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/895)

### Other Changes
* Migration from Travis CI to GitHub Actions [#893](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/893), [#896](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/896), [#903](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/903)

## 4.0.1 - 2020-03-25

### Fixes
* Check only object's private methods when preventing delegation [#875](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/875)

### Other Changes
* Use `alias` over `alias_method` [#877](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/877)

## 4.0.0 - 2020-02-05

### Breaking Changes
* Drop support for Ruby < 2.4 [#852](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/852), [#872](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/872)
* Don't delegate public methods overridden by a private method in the decorator [#849](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/849)

### Fixes
* Add preservation of decorator options on QueryMethods [#868](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/868)
* Add `#respond_to_missing?` to `CollectionDecorator` so it correctly responds to ORM methods [#850](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/850)
* Fix deprecation warning with the new Rails 6 `ActionView::Base` constructor [#866](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/866)
* Fix deprecation warning with Ruby 2.7 [#870](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/870)

### Other Changes
* Add SimpleCov for code coverage analysis [#851](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/851)
* Update RSpec syntax in the README [#855](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/855)
* Update continuous integration configuration [#861](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/861), [#862](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/862), [#863](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/863), [#872](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/872)

## 3.1.0
* Rails 6 support [#841](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/841)
* Include ORM query methods in `CollectionDecorator` (e.g. `includes`) [#845](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/845)
* Document the fix for view context leaking in specs [#847](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/847)

## 3.0.1
* Let `decorator_class` infer anonymous class decorator from superclass [#820](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/820)
* When inferring decorator fails, show original class instead of `ActiveRecord::Base` [#821](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/821)
* ActiveJob compatibility and documentation [#817](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/817)

## 3.0.0 - 2017

### Breaking Changes
* Rename UninferrableSourceError to UninferrableObjectError [#768](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/768)
* Remove conflicting source aliases: `source`, `to_source`, `source_class` and `source_class?` [#786](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/786)

### New Features
* Generator for creating `ApplicationDecorator` that other decorators inherit from [#796](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/796)
* Draper configuration with ability to customize the controller Draper uses [#788](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/788)
* Added support for Rails 5 API-only applications [#793](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/793)
* Added support for Rails runner [#739](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/739)

### Other Changes
* Clear view context when the controller changes [#799](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/799)
* Removed previously deprecated functionality [#785](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/785)
* Only delegate === if other is an instance of a class that inherits from `Decorator` [#720](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/720)
* Always default to `CollectionDecorator` when `NameError` is raised [#795](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/795)
* Fixed issues in order to support Rails 5.1
* Fixed a bug where helpers were used inside a decorator and this decorator was used outside of controller context

## 3.0.0.pre1 - 2016-07-10

* Added support for Rails 5, dropped 4.0 - 4.2
  * Ruby >= 2.2 is required, matching Rails 5
* Dropped support for ActiveModelSerializers 0.8

## 2.1.0 - 2015-03-26

* Cleared most issues and merged a few PRs
* Improved behavior when decorating structs
* Improved how equality is handled
* Minor improvements to the README

## 2.0.0 - 2015-03-26

Working to breathe new life into the project by shedding baggage.

* Rails 3.2 support dropped
* Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0 support dropped
* Add support for Rails 4.2 and Ruby 2.2
* Rewrite tests to get over RSpec deprecations
* Get RSpec up to 3.2
* Try to un-screw the challenges of ActiveModelSerializers

Due to the breakages of dropping legacy support, we've bumped the major version. From here,
development effort will likely focus on a version 3.0 that removes features and simplifies
usage of the library.

## 1.3.0 - 2013-10-26

[30 commits by 11 authors](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/compare/v1.2.1...v1.3.0)

* [Add `decorator_class?` method](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/53e1df5c3ee169144a2778c6d2ee13cc6af99429)

* [Clear ViewContext before specs instead of after](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/547)

* [Add alias method `#{model_name}` to the decorated object ](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/f5f27243c3f0c37bff4872e1e78521e570ff1e4f)

* [Hook into `controller_generator` and `scaffold_controller_generator` instead of resource generator](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/cd4f298987c3b4ad8046563ad4a087055fc7efe2)

* [Delegate `to_s` method to the object](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/58b8181050c2a9a86f54660e7bb6bfefa5fd0b64)

## 1.2.1 - 2013-05-05

[28 commits by 4 authors](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1)

* [Document stubbing route helpers](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/dbe8a81ca7d4d9ae87b4b62926a0ba6379397fbc)

* [Rename `source` to `object`. `source` still works, but will be deprecated in a future release.](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/4b933ef39d252ecfe93c573a072633be545c49fb)

Various bugfixes, as always.

## 1.2.0 - 2013-04-01

[78 commits by 14 authors](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0)

* [Added license to the gemspec](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/731fa85f7744a12da1364a3aa94cdf6994efa9e2)

* [Improvements in serialization](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/pull/448)

* [Fix support for Guard in development](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/93c95200277fd3922e30e74c7a7e05563747e896)

* [Improved support for #capture](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/efb934a6f59b9d8afe4a7fe29e9a94aae983b05c)

* [CollectionDecorator now has #decorated?](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/65e3c4e4573173b510440b7e80f95a87109a1d15)

* [Added #respond_to_missing?](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/11bb59bcf89f8e0be4ba2851eb78634caf783ecd)

* [Add proper STI support](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/7802d97446cf6ea130a66c2781f5a7a087d28c0a)

* [Added before_remove_const callback for ActiveSupport](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/9efda27c6a4f8680df4fad8f67ecb58e3f91703f)

* [Accept a lambda for context](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/3ab3b35e875b8b2bd99a57e4add388313e765230)

* [Start testing against Ruby 2.0.0](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/dbd1cbceedb0ddb3f060196cd31eb967db8a370b)

* [Fix our use of #scoped per Rails 4 deprecation](https://github.com/haines/draper/commit/47ee29c3b739eee3fc28a561432ad2363c14813c)

* [Properly swallow NameErrors](https://github.com/haines/draper/commit/09ad84fb712a30dd4302b9daa03d11281ac7d169)

* [Delegate CollectionDecorator#kind_of? to the underlying collection](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/d5975f2c5b810306a96d9485fd39d550896dc2a1)

* [Make CollectionDecorators respond to #decorated_with?](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/dc430b3e82de0d9cae86f7297f816e5b69d9ca58)

* [Avoid using #extend in Decorator#== for performance reasons](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/commit/205a0d43b4141f7b1756fe2b44b877545eb37517)

## 1.1.0 - 2013-01-28

[44 commits by 6 authors](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0)

* README improvements.
* Rails 4 compatibility.
* Added support for testing decorators without loading `ApplicationController`.
  See the [README](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/blob/v1.1.0/README.md#isolated-tests) for details.
* Improved the `==` method to check for `decorated?` before attempting to
  compare with `source`.
* Changed the way helpers are accessed, so that helper methods may be stubbed
  in tests.
* Made the Devise test helper `sign_in` method independent of mocking
* Stopped attempting to call `to_a` on decorated objects (a now-redundant lazy
  query workaround).
* Fixed a minor bug where view contexts could be accidentally shared between
* Improved helper method performance.
* Our specs now use the new RSpec `expect( ).to` syntax.

## 1.0.0 - 2013-01-14

[249 commits by 19 authors](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/compare/v0.18.0...v1.0.0)

Major changes are described [in the upgrade guide](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/wiki/Upgrading-to-1.0).

* Infer collection decorators.
* Prevent calls to `scoped` on decorated associations.
* Add `helper` method to tests.
* Inherit method security.
* Test against all versions of Rails 3.
* Pretend to be `instance_of?(source.class)`.
* Remove security from `Decorator`. Do manual delegation with `:delegate`.
* Add generators for MiniTest.
* Test against edge rails.

### 1.0.0.beta6 - 2012-12-31

* Fix up README to include changes made.
* `CollectionDecorator` no longer freezes its collection: direct access is
  discouraged by making access private.
* A fix for `Decoratable#==`.
* Ensure we coerce to an array in the right place.

### 1.0.0.beta5 - 2012-12-27

* Change CollectionDecorator to freeze its collection.
* Bugfix on `CollectionDecorator#to_s`.
* Upgrade `request_store` dependency to take advantage of a bugfix.

### 1.0.0.beta4 - 2012-12-18

* Fixed a race condition with capybara integration.
* `[]` can be decorated again.
* `model == decorator` as well as `decorator == model`.
* Preliminary Mongoid integration.
* Add a helper method `sign_in` for devise in decorator specs.
* Brought back `context`.
* Fixed issue where classes were incorrectly being looked up.
* Integrate RequestStore for per-request storage.

### 1.0.0.beta3 - 2012-12-03

* Relaxed Rails version requirement to 3.0. Support for < 3.2 should be
  considered experimental. Please file bug reports.

### 1.0.0.beta2 - 2012-12-03

* `has_finders` is now `decorates_finders`.
* If a finder method is used, and the source class is not set and cannot be
  inferred, an `UninferrableSourceError` is raised.
* Class methods are now properly delegated again.
* We no longer `respond_to?` private methods on the source.
* Rails versioning relaxed to support Rails 4.

### 1.0.0.beta1 - 2012-11-30

* Renaming `Draper::Base` to `Draper::Decorator`. This is the most significant
  change you'll need to upgrade your application.
* Added an internal Rails application for integration tests. This won't affect
  your application, but we're now running a set of Cucumber tests inside of a
  Rails app in both development and production mode to help ensure that we
  don't make changes that break Draper.
* Add `#decorated?` method. This gives us a free RSpec matcher,
* `#decorates` is no longer needed inside your models, and should be removed.
  Decorators automatically infer the class they decorate.
* Decorators do not automatically come with 'finders' by default. If you'd like
  to use `SomeDecorator.find(1)`, for example, simply add `#has_finders` to
  the decorator to include them.
* To refer to the object being decorated, `#source` is now the preferred
* `ActiveModel::Serialization` is included in Decorators if you've requred
  `ActiveModel::Serializers`, so that decorators can be serialized.
* Properly support Test::Unit.

And many small bug fixes and refactorings.

## 0.x

See changes prior to version 1.0 [here](https://github.com/drapergem/draper/blob/16140fed55f57d18f8b10a0789dd1fa5b3115a8d/CHANGELOG.markdown).