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# UiAccordion

Accordion component that could be used in a SPA or even as simple enhancement for your DOM components

## Usage

import { UiAccordion } from '@dreipol/vue-ui'

## Props

| Name        | Type    | Default | Description                                                                                          |
| ----------- | ------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `isOpen`    | boolean | false   | It will work only when also the `isPassive` property is enabled. It triggers the accordion animation |
| `isPassive` | boolean | false   | It allows you to control the accordion from the outside                                              |

## Events

- `change(isOpen: boolean)` callback called when the accordion starts the animation
- `changed(isOpen: boolean)` callback called when the accordion has finished the animation
- `request-change(isOpen: boolean)` the request change will be triggered before the accordion will change its internal state and only if has the `isPassive` mode set to false

## Example

<!-- basic usage -->
    <h1 v-slot:head>
        Click Me
    <p v-slot:body>
        Accordion body

<!-- using forwarded props -->
    <h1 v-slot:head>
        Click Me
    <div v-slot:body slot-scope="props">
        <google-maps v-if="props.isVisible"></google-maps>


.ui-accordion {
  // Vars

  // Support

  // Module
  & {
    .ui-accordion__head {
      cursor: pointer;

    .ui-accordion__body {
      overflow: hidden;
      max-height: 0;
      opacity: 0;
      transition: opacity 300ms ease;

  // Facets
  & {
    &.ui-accordion__is-open {
      .ui-accordion__body {
        opacity: 1;

    &.ui-accordion__is-animating {
      .ui-accordion__body {
        transition: opacity 300ms ease, max-height 300ms ease;

  // States