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Test Coverage
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<div class=' ten large-10 column'>
  <b>Order Information:</b>
  <div  id='order-items'
        class='panel callout'>
      <ul class='vertical-list '>
            <li><label>Order Number:</label> <%= @order.number %></li>
            <li><label>Customer:    </label> <%= @order.name %></li>
            <li><label>Email:       </label> <%= @order.email %></li>
            <li><label>Completed at:</label> <%= @order.completed_at ? I18n.localize(@order.completed_at, :format => :us_time) : '' %></li>
            <li><label>Shipped:     </label> <%= @order.has_shipment? ? 'Yes' : 'No' %></li>

<% if @order.order_items.size > 0 %>

  <div class=' six large-6 column'>
    <div  id='order-items'
          class=' panel callout'>

            <% @order.order_items.each do |item| %>
              <%= item.variant.product_name %> <%= number_to_currency item.total %><br/>
            <% end %>

<% end %>
<div class=' six large-6 column'>
  <b>Shipping Address</b>
  <div  id='order-address'
        class='panel callout'>
            <%= render :partial => '/shared/compact_address', :locals => {:shopping_address => @order.ship_address} %>
            <p><%= link_to 'Change Address', admin_history_order_addresses_path(@order), :class => 'button green' %> <br>
            (This will not change the shipments that have already been placed)</p>

<div class=' six large-6 column '>
  <% @order.shipments.each do |shipment| %>
      <div  id='order-shipment-items'
            class='panel callout'>
          State: <%= shipment.state.humanize %> <br/>
          Shipping Method: <%= shipment.shipping_method.name %> <br/>
          Shipping #: <%= shipment.number %> Tracking:<%= shipment.tracking %>
  <% end %>
  <% if @order.shipments.empty? %>
    <div  id='order-shipment-items'
          class=' panel callout'>
      No Shipments have been made for this Order.
  <% end %>

<div class=' span-7 six large-6 column'>
  <% @order.invoices.each do |invoice| %>
      <div  id='order-invoices'
            class=' panel callout'>
          <ul class='vertical-list'>
            <li><label>Number:</label> <%= invoice.number %> </li>
            <li><label>State: </label><%= invoice.state %></li>
            <li><label>at:</label> <%= I18n.localize(invoice.updated_at, :format => :us_time)%></li>
            <li><label>Amount:</label> <%= number_to_currency invoice.amount %></li>
  <% end %>

<div class=' six large-6 column'>
  <b>Return Merchandise Authorization:</b>
  <div class=' panel callout'>
    <% if @order.return_authorizations.size > 0 %>
       <%= link_to 'View RMAs', admin_rma_order_return_authorizations_path(@order),
                                :class => 'button ' %>
    <% else %>
      <%= link_to 'Create RMA', new_admin_rma_order_return_authorization_path(@order),
                                :class => 'button ' %>
    <% end %>
<%#= link_to 'Edit', edit_admin_history_order_path(@order) %>