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namespace DrMVC\Database\Drivers;

use MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID;
use MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception as MongoException;
use MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException;
use MongoDB\Driver\Exception\BulkWriteException;
use MongoDB\Driver\Manager as MongoManager;
use MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite as MongoBulk;
use MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern as MongoWrite;
use MongoDB\Driver\Command as MongoCommand;
use MongoDB\Driver\Query as MongoQuery;
use DrMVC\Database\Exception;
use DrMVC\Database\Drivers\Interfaces\MongodbInterface;
use DrMVC\Database\Drivers\Interfaces\DriverInterface;

 * Class for work with modern MongoDB php driver (for PHP >= 7.0 only)
 * @package DrMVC\Database\Drivers
 * @since   3.0
class Mongodb extends NoSQL implements MongodbInterface
    const DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost';
    const DEFAULT_PORT = '27017';

     * @link http://nl1.php.net/manual/en/mongodb-driver-manager.construct.php
     * Additional connection string options, which will overwrite any options with
     * the same name in the uri parameter.


     * Get current connection
     * @return  MongoManager
    public function getInstance(): MongoManager
        return $this->_instance;

     * Initiate connection with database
     * @return  DriverInterface
    public function connect(): DriverInterface
        // URL options
        $options = $this->getConfig()->get();

        // TODO: This option should be optional, in addition, it may not be an array
        // Driver options
        $optionsDriver = $options['driver_options']->get();

        try {
            $connection = new MongoManager(
                $this->getOptions($options, self::AVAILABLE_OPTIONS),
                $this->getOptions($optionsDriver, self::AVAILABLE_DRIVER_OPTIONS)

        } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            new Exception('Unable to connect');
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            new Exception('Invalid argument provided');

        return $this;

     * Generate DSN by parameters in config
     * @param   array $config
     * @return  string
    public function genDsn($config): string
        // Get driver of connection
        $driver = strtolower($config['driver']);
        $url = $config['url'];

        return "$driver://$url";

     * Generate options array
     * @param   array $options
     * @param   array $allowed
     * @return  array
    private function getOptions(array $options, array $allowed): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            if (\in_array($key, $allowed, false)) {
                $result[$key] = $value;
        return $result;

     * @return MongoBulk
    private function getBulk(): MongoBulk
        try {
            $bulk = new MongoBulk();
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            new Exception('Unable to create Bulk object');
        return $bulk;

     * @return ObjectID
    private function getID(): ObjectID
        try {
            $objectID = new ObjectID();
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            new Exception('ObjectID could not to be generated');
        return $objectID;

     * @return MongoWrite
    private function getWrite(): MongoWrite
        try {
            $write = new MongoWrite(MongoWrite::MAJORITY, 1000);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            new Exception('WriteConcern could not to be initiated');
        return $write;

     * Insert in database and return of inserted element
     * @param   array $data array of columns and values
     * @return  mixed
    public function insert(array $data): string
        // Set object ID as id of item
        $data['_id'] = $this->getID();

        // Set statement of bulk object
        $bulk = $this->getBulk();

        try {
                $this->getParam('database') . '.' . $this->getCollection(),

        } catch (BulkWriteException $e) {
            new Exception('Unable to write in database');

        return (string) $data['_id'];

     * Create query object from filter and option arrays
     * @param   array $where
     * @param   array $options
     * @return  MongoQuery
    private function getQuery(array $where, array $options): MongoQuery
        try {
            $query = new MongoQuery($where, $options);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            new Exception('WriteConcern could not to be initiated');
        return $query;

     * Execute MongoQuery
     * @param   array $filter
     * @param   array $options
     * @return  mixed
    public function select(array $filter = [], array $options = [])
        // Create query object from filter and option arrays
        $query = $this->getQuery($filter, $options);

        try {
            $cursor = $this->getInstance()->executeQuery(
                $this->getParam('database') . '.' . $this->getCollection(),
            $response = $cursor->toArray();

        } catch (MongoException $e) {
            new Exception('Unable to execute query');

        return $response ?? false;

     * Update data in database
     * @param   array $data
     * @param   array $filter
     * @param   array $updateOptions
     * @return  mixed
    public function update(array $data, array $filter = [], array $updateOptions = [])
        // Set statement of bulk object
        $bulk = $this->getBulk();
        $bulk->update($filter, $data, $updateOptions);

        try {
            $response = $this->getInstance()->executeBulkWrite(
                $this->getParam('database') . '.' . $this->getCollection(),

        } catch (BulkWriteException $e) {
            new Exception('Unable to write in database');

        return $response ?? false;

     * Delete data from table/collection
     * @param   array $filter
     * @param   array $deleteOptions
     * @return  mixed
    public function delete(array $filter, array $deleteOptions = [])
        // Set statement of bulk object
        $bulk = $this->getBulk();
        $bulk->delete($filter, $deleteOptions);

        try {
            $response = $this->getInstance()->executeBulkWrite(
                $this->getParam('database') . '.' . $this->getCollection(),

        } catch (BulkWriteException $e) {
            new Exception('Unable to write in database');

        return $response ?? false;

     * Create command from query
     * @param   array $query
     * @return  MongoCommand
    private function getCommand($query): MongoCommand
        try {
            $command = new MongoCommand($query);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            new Exception('WriteConcern could not to be initiated');
        return $command;

     * Execute MongoCommand
     * @param   array $query should be like new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, $options);
     * @return  mixed
    public function command(array $query)
        // Create command from query
        $command = $this->getCommand($query);

        try {
            $cursor = $this->getInstance()->executeCommand(
            $response = $cursor->toArray();

        } catch (MongoException $e) {
            new Exception('Unable to execute command');

        return $response ?? false;
