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.. _upgrade-notes-dropwizard-0_7_x:

Upgrade Notes for Dropwizard 0.7.x

-  Update Java source and target versions in ``maven-compiler-plugin`` to *1.7* (most applications should be already on 1.7);
-  Replace Maven dependencies from ``com.yammer.dropwizard`` to ``io.dropwizard``;
-  Replace package statements from ``com.yammer.dropwizard`` to ``io.dropwizard`` throughout the codebase;
-  If you use ``dropwizard-db``, update configuration class to use ``DataSourceFactory``;
-  If you use ``dropwizard-hibernate``, update Hibernate bundle by overriding ``getDataSourceFactory``;
-  If you use ``dropwizard-migrations``, update Migrations bundle by overriding ``getDataSourceFactory``;
-  If you serve static files, add ``dropwizard-assets`` to dependencies;
-  If you use templating, add ``dropwizard-views-freemarker`` or ``dropwizard-views-mustache`` accordingly;
-  Update the application to override ``getName()`` instead of providing the bundle with the name;
-  Change how resources are added from ``environment.addResource(resource)`` to ``environment.jersey().register(resource)``;
-  Once everything is compiling, rename ``*Service`` class to ``*Application``;
-  Change test classes extending ``ResourceTest`` to use ``ResourceTestRule``;
-  Convert ``app.yml`` to the new server layout (see ``ServerFactory`` and ``ConnectorFactory``);