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package io.dropwizard.auth;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext;
import java.security.Principal;

 * An interface for classes which authorize principal objects.
 * @param <P> the type of principals
public interface Authorizer<P extends Principal> {
     * Decides if access is granted for the given principal in the given role.
     * @param principal a {@link Principal} object, representing a user
     * @param role      a user role
     * @return {@code true}, if the access is granted, {@code false otherwise}
     * @deprecated Use {@link #authorize(Principal, String, ContainerRequestContext)} instead
    boolean authorize(P principal, String role);

     * Decides if access is granted for the given principal in the given role.
     * @param principal      a {@link Principal} object, representing a user
     * @param role           a user role
     * @param requestContext a request context.
     * @return {@code true}, if the access is granted, {@code false otherwise}
     * @since 2.0
    default boolean authorize(P principal, String role, @Nullable ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
        return authorize(principal, role);

     * Returns an {@link AuthorizationContext} object, to be used in {@link CachingAuthorizer} as cache key.
     * @param principal      a {@link Principal} object, representing a user
     * @param role           a user role
     * @param requestContext a request context.
     * @return {@link AuthorizationContext} object, to be used in {@link CachingAuthorizer}.
     * @since 2.1
    default AuthorizationContext<P> getAuthorizationContext(P principal, String role, @Nullable ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
        return new DefaultAuthorizationContext<>(principal, role, requestContext);