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Test Coverage
'use strict';

 * Add to the list of Audit Rules
 * Rule : "Avoid using the style attribute and defining styles inline and move them to stylesheets instead"
 * @return Rule Info object with Rule ID, Info, ErrMsg, Tags, Handler
var $ = require('jquery');
var _ = require('lodash/core');
var enums = require('../enums/enums');

//> check if the input param object is empty
function _checkIfIsEmpty(obj) {
    return _.isEmpty(obj);

function _ruleExector() {
    var _severityEnum = enums.severityEnum,
        _description = $("meta[name='description']"),
        _author = $("meta[name='author']"),
        _keywords = $("meta[name='keywords']"),
        _copyright = $("meta[name='copyright']"),
        _hasCharset = $('meta[charset]');

    if (_author.length === 1 && !_checkIfIsEmpty(_author.attr('content')) && _description.length === 1 &&
        !_checkIfIsEmpty(_description.attr('content')) && _keywords.length === 1 &&
        !_checkIfIsEmpty(_keywords.attr('content')) && _copyright.length === 1 &&
        !_checkIfIsEmpty(_copyright.attr('content')) && _hasCharset.length === 1 &&
        !_checkIfIsEmpty(_hasCharset.attr('charset'))) {
        return {
            TYPE: _severityEnum.INFO,
            RESULT: true,
            MSG: 'PASSED! Required META tags exists'
    } else {
        return {
            TYPE: _severityEnum.ERROR,
            RESULT: false,
            MSG: "FAILED! Some or all of Required META tags such as 'keywords', 'description', 'copyright', 'author', 'charset' are missing for this page"

module.exports = {
    name: 'hasRequiredMetaAttributes',
    description: 'Check if there is a meta tag with charset, keywords, description, author, copyright attributes defined',
    ruleID: 'AX_26',
    tagName: [],
    handler: _ruleExector,
    compliance: 'A',
    isGlobal: true