const ErrorMessage = {
CREATIONFAIL: 'Couldn\'t create entry',
DELETEFAIL: 'Couldn\'t delete entry',
UPDATEFAIL: 'Couldn\'t update entry',
GETFAIL: 'Couldn\'t fetch the entry',
NOTFOUND: 'Couldn\'t find the entry',
ERASEFAILED: 'Couldn\'t erase entry',
SEARCHFAIL: 'Couldn\'t search the database'
// Array because of mement.invalidAt()
const DateError = [
'The given year is invalid',
'The given month is invalid',
'The given day is invalid',
'The given hours is invalid',
'The given minutes is invalid',
'The given seconds is invalid',
'The given miliseconds is invalid'
const DateErrorIndex = {
YEAR: 0,
DAY: 2,
const UserRelatedErrorMessage = {
MISSINGARGUMENT: 'The request is missing some arguments',
WRONGARGUMENTS: 'Wrong value in the given arguments',
BADPASSWORD: 'The password provided doesn\'t match this account',
BADCREDENTIALS: 'Invalid credentials',
NORIGHTS: 'Unauthorized to do this action',
INVALIDDATE: 'The date provided is not valid',
WRONGPATH: 'The requested url doesn\'t exists',
INVALIDQUERY: 'The query string should be comprised of "value" or "field"+"value"',
NODATAAVAILABLE: 'No patient data available',
FREQANDINTERVALMUSTCOPRESENT: '"Frequency" and "Interval Unit" must be both present or missing'
const DataControllerMessageRelated = {
VISIT: 'Couldn\'t find your visit',
CLINICALEVENT: 'Couldn\'t find your clinical event',
TEST: 'Couldn\'t find your test',
PREGNANCYENTRY: 'Couldn\'t find your pregnancy entry',
OVERLAPERROR: 'Fields in "add" and "update" cannot have overlap',
INVALIDFIELD: 'Impossible to add or update this field because it its reference type is incompatible with the clinical event type',
MISSINGVALUE: 'Missing arguments : Please provide at least "add" or "update" field and an id (number) for ', //add datatype id here
BOOLEANFIELD: 'Value can only be "1" or "0" for the field ', //add field ID
CHARFIELD: /* Add field ID*/ ' only accepts values ', // add permitted value
INTEGERFIELD: 'Value should be an integer for the field ', //add field
NUMBERFIELD: 'Value should be a number for the field ', //add field
UNKNOWNFIELD: 'The field linked to this data is unknown',
FIELDNOTFOUND: 'One or more of the requested field(s) cannot be found',
UPDATEIMPOSSIBLE: 'One of the requested "update" cannot be performed',
ADDIMPOSSIBLE: 'One of the the requested "add" cannot be performed',
SUCCESS: 'Successfuly added entries.',
ERROR: 'An error occured while creating the entry'
export default { errorMessages: ErrorMessage, userError: UserRelatedErrorMessage, dataMessage: DataControllerMessageRelated, dateError: DateError, dateErrorIndex: DateErrorIndex };