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5 days
Test Coverage
import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { BackButton } from '../medicalData/utils';
import Helmet from '../scaffold/helmet';
import store from '../../redux/store';
import style from './edss.module.css';
import { addError } from '../../redux/actions/error';
import { alterDataCall } from '../../redux/actions/addOrUpdateData';
import { checkIfObjIsEmpty } from '../medicalData/utils';

@connect(state => ({
    edssCalc: state.edssCalc,
    visitFields: state.availableFields.visitFields,
    patientProfile: state.patientProfile.data,
    sections: state.availableFields.visitSections
class EDSSPage extends Component {
    render() {
        if (this.props.patientProfile.visits) {
            const { edssCalc, visitFields, patientProfile, sections, match, override_style, childRef, renderedInFrontPage } = this.props;
            return <EDSSCalculator renderedInFrontPage={renderedInFrontPage} childRef={childRef} match={match} edssCalc={edssCalc} visitFields={visitFields} patientProfile={patientProfile} sections={sections} override_style={override_style} />;
        } else {
            return null;

export default EDSSPage;

class EDSSCalculator extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        const { childRef } = props;
        if (childRef) {
        this.state = { autoCalculatedScore: 0 };
        this.freeinputref = React.createRef();
        this._hoverType = this._hoverType.bind(this);
        this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this);
        this._handleCancel = this._handleCancel.bind(this);
        this._handleSubmit = this._handleSubmit.bind(this);

    componentDidMount() {    //this basically adds the originalValues and EDSSFields
        const { visitFields, patientProfile, match } = this.props;
        const { params } = match;
        const EDSSFields = visitFields.filter(el => /^edss:(.*)/.test(el.idname));
        if (EDSSFields.length !== 9) {
            store.dispatch(addError({ error: 'EDSS should have 9 entries in the database! please contact your admin' }));
        this.EDSSFields = EDSSFields;    //the 9 fields of edss
        this.EDSSFields_Hash = EDSSFields.reduce((a, el) => { a[el.id] = el.idname; return a; }, {});
        this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse = EDSSFields.reduce((a, el) => { a[el.idname] = el.id; return a; }, {});
        const edssFieldsId = EDSSFields.map(el => el.id);
        const visitsFiltered = patientProfile.visits.filter(el => el.id === parseInt(params.visitId));
        if (visitsFiltered.length !== 1) {
            this.originalValues = {};
        } else {
            const data = visitsFiltered[0].data;
            if (data) {
                this.originalValues = data.filter(el => edssFieldsId.includes(el.field)).reduce((a, el) => { a[el.field] = parseFloat(el.value); return a; }, {});
                this.setState({ autoCalculatedScore: edssAlgorithmFromProps(EDSSFields, data) });
            } else {
                this.originalValues = {};

    _handleClick(ev) {
        ev.target.nextSibling.checked = true;
        const value = ev.target.nextSibling.value;
        const radioGroup = ev.target.parentElement.parentElement.children;
        for (let i = 0; i < radioGroup.length; i++) {
            let button = radioGroup[i].children[0];
            let buttonvalue = button.value;  //value of the button; children[0] is <button> and [1] is <input>
            if (value === buttonvalue) {
            } else {
                if (button.classList.contains(style.radioClicked)) {
                } else {
        /* auto calculate the score */
        if (!document.querySelector('input[name="edss:expanded disability status scale - ambulation"]:checked')) {
            this.setState({ autoCalculatedScore: 'Ambulation score must be provided.' });
        const criteria = [
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - pyramidal',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - cerebellar',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - brain stem',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - sensory',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - bowel bladder',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - visual',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - mental'
        let scoreArr = [];
        for (let each of criteria) {
            if (document.querySelector(`input[name="${each}"]:checked`)) {
        this.setState({ saved: false, autoCalculatedScore: edssAlgorithm(scoreArr, parseFloat(document.querySelector('input[name="edss:expanded disability status scale - ambulation"]:checked').value)) });

    _handleSubmit(ev) {
        if (this.state.lastSubmit && (new Date()).getTime() - this.state.lastSubmit < 500 ? true : false)
        const criteria = [
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - pyramidal',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - cerebellar',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - brain stem',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - sensory',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - bowel bladder',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - visual',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - mental',
            'edss:expanded disability status scale - ambulation'
        const add = {};
        const update = {};
        for (let each of criteria) {
            if (document.querySelector(`input[name="${each}"]:checked`)) {    //if anything is checked
                if (typeof this.originalValues[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[each]] !== 'undefined') {  //if there's original value
                    if (this.originalValues[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[each]] !== parseFloat(document.querySelector(`input[name="${each}"]:checked`).value)) {
                        update[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[each]] = document.querySelector(`input[name="${each}"]:checked`).value;
                } else {
                    add[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[each]] = document.querySelector(`input[name="${each}"]:checked`).value;

        /* for the free input */
        const freeInputOrigVal = this.originalValues[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse['edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total']];
        if (freeInputOrigVal !== undefined) {
            if (this.freeinputref.current.value !== freeInputOrigVal) {
                update[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse['edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total']] = this.freeinputref.current.value;
        } else {
            if (this.freeinputref.current.value !== '') {
                add[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse['edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total']] = this.freeinputref.current.value;

        const body = { data: { add, update, visitId: this.props.match.params.visitId }, patientId: this.props.match.params.patientId, type: 'visit' };

        if (checkIfObjIsEmpty(update, add)) {
            this.setState({ saved: true });

            lastSubmit: (new Date()).getTime()
        }, () => {
            store.dispatch(alterDataCall(body, () => {
                this.originalValues = Object.assign({}, this.originalValues, add);
                    close: true,
                    saved: true

    _handleCancel() {
            close: true

    _hoverType(id, number) {
        if (id)
                currentHoverMeasure: id
                currentHoverPower: number

    render() {

        if (!this.originalValues || !this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse || !this.EDSSFields) return null;

        const { match: { params }, patientProfile: { visits } } = this.props;

        if (this.state.close === true && !this.props.override_style)  // this.props.override_style is present when this component is rendered in visitfrontpage wrapper
            return <Redirect to={`/patientProfile/${params.patientId}/edit/msPerfMeas/${params.visitId}`} />;

        const { EDSSFields_Hash_reverse, originalValues, EDSSFields } = this;
        const rangeGen = ceiling => [...Array(ceiling).keys()];  //returns [0,1,2,3,...,*ceiling_inclusive*]
        const range_pyramidal = rangeGen(7);
        const range_cerebellar = rangeGen(6);
        const range_brainstem = rangeGen(6);
        const range_sensory = rangeGen(7);
        const range_bowelbladder = rangeGen(7);
        const range_visual = rangeGen(7);
        const range_mental = rangeGen(6);
        const range_ambulation = rangeGen(13);
        const criteria = [
            { name: 'Pyramidal', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - pyramidal', range: range_pyramidal },
            { name: 'Cerebellar', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - cerebellar', range: range_cerebellar },
            { name: 'Brain stem', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - brain stem', range: range_brainstem },
            { name: 'Sensory', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - sensory', range: range_sensory },
            { name: 'Bowel bladder', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - bowel bladder', range: range_bowelbladder },
            { name: 'Visual', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - visual', range: range_visual },
            { name: 'Mental', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - mental', range: range_mental },
            { name: 'Ambulation', idname: 'edss:expanded disability status scale - ambulation', range: range_ambulation }

        if (visits === undefined)
            return null;

        const visitFiltered = visits.filter(el => parseInt(params.visitId) === el.id);
        const currentEDSSObject = EDSSFields.reduce((a, el) => { a[el.id] = el; return a; }, {})[this.state.currentHoverMeasure];

        let _style = style;
        if (this.props.override_style) {
            _style = { ...style, ...this.props.override_style };

        return (
                <div className={_style.ariane}>
                    <Helmet title='Performance Measures' />
                    <h2>Performance Measures Calculator ({this.props.match.params.patientId})</h2>
                    <BackButton to={`/patientProfile/${this.props.match.params.patientId}/edit/msPerfMeas/${params.visitId}`} />
                <div className={_style.panel}>
                    {visitFiltered.length === 1 ?
                        <form onSubmit={this._handleSubmit}>
                            <span><i>This is the EDSS performance score calculator for visit of the {(new Date(parseInt(visitFiltered[0].visitDate))).toDateString()}</i><br /><br />
                                The helper calculator below will automatically compute a score for you. However, you are free to indicate a score without the use of this helper calculator.</span><br /><br />
                            <div className={style.calculatorArea}>
                                {criteria.map(el =>
                                    <div className={style.criterion} key={el.name} onMouseOver={() => this._hoverType(EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[el.idname])} onMouseLeave={() => this._hoverType(null)}>
                                        <span>{`${el.name} :  `}</span>
                                            {el.range.map(number =>
                                                <span key={number} className={style.radioButtonWrapper}>
                                                    <button type='button'
                                                        className={typeof originalValues[EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[el.idname]] !== 'undefined' && number === parseFloat(this.originalValues[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[el.idname]]) ? [style.radioButton, style.radioClicked].join(' ') : style.radioButton}
                                                        onMouseOver={() => this._hoverType(null, number)}
                                                    <input type='radio' name={el.idname} value={number} defaultChecked={typeof originalValues[EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[el.idname]] !== 'undefined' && number === parseFloat(this.originalValues[this.EDSSFields_Hash_reverse[el.idname]]) ? true : false} />
                            <div className={style.contextArea}>
                                {this.state.currentHoverMeasure ? currentEDSSObject.labels.split('@').map((e, i) => (
                                    <Fragment key={i}>
                                        <span className={this.state.currentHoverPower === i ? style.currentHoverPower : ''}>{i}. {e}</span><br />
                                )) : null}
                            <br /><br />
                            <label htmlFor='calcSocre'>Computed total score (automatically generated): </label><input type='text' name='calcSocre' value={this.state.autoCalculatedScore} readOnly />
                            <br /><br />
                            <label htmlFor='edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total'>Estimated total score (by the clinician): </label><input type='text' ref={this.freeinputref} name='edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total' defaultValue={originalValues[EDSSFields_Hash_reverse['edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total']] ? originalValues[EDSSFields_Hash_reverse['edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total']] : ''} />
                            <br /><br />
                            { this.state.saved ? <><button disabled style={{ cursor: 'default', backgroundColor: 'green' }}>Successfully saved!</button><br/></> : null }
                                    <button type='submit'>Save</button>
                            <br /><br />
                            <button className={_style.cancelButton} onClick={this._handleCancel}>Cancel</button>
                            <i>We could not find the visit you are looking for.</i>

export const edssAlgorithmFromProps = (EDSSFields, visitData) => {

    const EDSSFieldsIdArray = EDSSFields.map(el => el.id);
    const EDSSFieldsByName = EDSSFields.reduce((a, el) => ({ ...a, [el.idname]: el.id }), {});
    const estimatedTotalID = EDSSFieldsByName['edss:expanded disability status scale - estimated total'];
    const ambulationID = EDSSFieldsByName['edss:expanded disability status scale - ambulation'];

    let EDSSValues = visitData.filter(el => EDSSFieldsIdArray.includes(el.field)).reduce((a, el) => ({ ...a, [el.field]: parseFloat(el.value) }), {});
    let ambulationScore = parseFloat(EDSSValues[ambulationID]) || 0;
    delete EDSSValues[ambulationID];
    delete EDSSValues[estimatedTotalID];

    return edssAlgorithm(Object.values(EDSSValues), ambulationScore);

/* FSArray would be [1,1,2,0,6] etc; ambulation is separated because it's separate in the calculation */
function edssAlgorithm(FSArrayWithoutAmbulation, ambulationScore) {

    if (FSArrayWithoutAmbulation.length === 0)
        return '';

    FSArrayWithoutAmbulation.sort((a, b) => b - a);
    const maxScore = FSArrayWithoutAmbulation[0] || 0;
    const secondMaxScore = FSArrayWithoutAmbulation[1] || 0;
    const countHash = FSArrayWithoutAmbulation.reduce((hash, el) => {
        if (hash[el]) hash[el]++;
        else hash[el] = 1;
        return hash;
    }, {});

    //just some crude error checking
    if (maxScore > 6) {
        return 'EDSS function system scores are incorrect';

    const ambulationMap = {
        12: 8,
        11: 7.5,
        10: 7,
        9: 6.5,
        8: 6.5,
        7: 6,
        6: 6,
        5: 6,
        4: 5.5
    if (ambulationMap[ambulationScore]) {
        return ambulationMap[ambulationScore];
    switch (ambulationScore) {
        case 3:
            if (maxScore === 5)
                return 5;
            if (maxScore === 6)
                return 6;
            if (maxScore === 4 && countHash[4] >= 2)
                return 5;
            if (maxScore === 3 && countHash[3] >= 6)
                return 5;
            return 4;
        case 2:
            if (maxScore > 4) {
                return maxScore - 1;
            if (maxScore === 4 && countHash[4] === 1 && secondMaxScore === 3 && countHash[3] <= 2)
                return 4.5;
            if (maxScore === 3 && countHash[3] > 5)
                return 4.5;
            return 4;
        case 1:
        case 0:
            switch (maxScore) {
                case 0:
                    return 0;
                case 1:
                    if (countHash[1] > 1) {
                        return 1.5;
                    } else {
                        return 1;
                case 2:
                    if (countHash[2] > 1) {
                        return 2.5;
                    } else {
                        return 2;
                case 3:
                    if (countHash[3] === 1) {
                        if ([0, 1].includes(secondMaxScore)) {
                            return 3;
                        } else {
                            return 3.5;
                    } else {
                        return 3.5;
                case 4:
                    return 4;
                    return 5;
            return 'Ambulation score must be provided';