

1 day
Test Coverage
# coding: utf-8

import itertools

import verboselogs, logging
logger = verboselogs.VerboseLogger(__name__)

import os
import pathlib
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os.path import dirname
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from pathlib import Path

import gzip
import pandas as pd
import s3fs
import wrapt
import yaml
import joblib
import shutil
import subprocess
import io
import time
import polars as pl
import pyarrow

from triage.component.results_schema import (
from triage.util.pandas import downcast_matrix

class Store:
    """Base class for classes which know how to access a file in a preset medium.

    Used to hold references to persisted objects with knowledge about how they can be accessed.
    without loading them into memory. In this way, they can be easily and quickly serialized
    across processes but centralize the reading/writing code.

    Each subclass be scoped to a specific storage medium (e.g. Filesystem, S3)
        and implement the access methods for that medium.

    Implements write/load methods for interacting directly using bytestreams,
        plus an open method that works as an open filehandle.

    def __init__(self, *pathparts):
        self.pathparts = pathparts

    def factory(self, *pathparts):
        path_parsed = urlparse(pathparts[0])
        scheme = path_parsed.scheme

        if scheme in ("", "file"):
            return FSStore(*pathparts)
        elif scheme == "s3":
            return S3Store(*pathparts)
            raise ValueError("Unable to infer correct Store from project path")

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(path={self.path})"

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def exists(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load(self):
        with"rb") as fd:

    def write(self, bytestream):
        with"wb") as fd:

    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

class S3Store(Store):
    """Store an object in S3.

    store = S3Store('s3://my-bucket', 'models', 'model.pkl')
    return store.load()

        path_head, *path_parts: one or more path components,
            (to be joined by PurePosixPath to create the final path).

        **config: arguments to be passed to the S3Fs client constructor.

    class S3FileWrapper(wrapt.ObjectProxy):

        # don't allow wrapped object to take wrapper's place
        # upon __enter__
        def __enter__(self):
            return self

        def write(self, data, block_size=(5 * 2 ** 20)):
            out = 0

            for offset in itertools.count(0, block_size):
                chunk = data[offset:(offset + block_size)]

                if not chunk:
                    return out

                out += self.__wrapped__.write(chunk)

    def __init__(self, path_head, *path_parts, **config):
        self.path = str(
            pathlib.PurePosixPath(path_head.replace('s3://', ''),
        self.config = config

    def client(self):
        return s3fs.S3FileSystem(**self.config)

    def exists(self):
        return self.client.exists(self.path)

    def delete(self):

    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # NOTE: remove S3FileWrapper as soon as s3fs properly
        # NOTE: chunks out too-large writes
        # NOTE: see also: tests.catwalk_tests.test_storage.test_S3Store_large
        s3file =, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.S3FileWrapper(s3file)
    def download(self, *args, **kwargs):, "/tmp/")
        logger.debug(f"File {self.path} downloaded from S3 to /tmp/")

class FSStore(Store):
    """Store an object on the local filesystem.

    store = FSStore('/mnt', 'models', 'model.pkl')
    return store.load()

        *pathparts: A variable length list of components of the path, to be processed in order.
            All components will be joined using pathlib.Path to create the final path
                using the correct separator for the operating system. However, if you pass
                components that already contain a separator, those separators won't be modified

    def __init__(self, *pathparts):
        self.path = pathlib.Path(*pathparts)
        os.makedirs(dirname(self.path), exist_ok=True)

    def exists(self):
        return os.path.isfile(self.path)

    def delete(self):

    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return open(self.path, *args, **kwargs)

class ProjectStorage:
    """Store and access files associated with a project.

        project_path (string): The base path for all files in the project.
            The scheme prefix of the path will determine the storage medium.

    def __init__(self, project_path):
        self.project_path = project_path
        self.storage_class = Store.factory(self.project_path).__class__

    def get_store(self, directories, leaf_filename):
        """Return a storage object for one filename

        directories (list): A list of subdirectories
        leaf_filename (string): The filename without any directory information

        return self.storage_class(self.project_path, *directories, leaf_filename)

    def matrix_storage_engine(self, matrix_storage_class=None, matrix_directory=None):
        """Return a matrix storage engine bound to this project's storage

            matrix_storage_class (class) A subclass of MatrixStore
            matrix_directory (string, optional) A directory to store matrices.
                If not passed will allow the MatrixStorageEngine to decide
        return MatrixStorageEngine(self, matrix_storage_class, matrix_directory)

    def model_storage_engine(self, model_directory=None):
        """Return a model storage engine bound to this project's storage

            model_directory (string, optional) A directory to store models
                If not passed will allow the ModelStorageEngine to decide
        return ModelStorageEngine(self, model_directory)

class ModelStorageEngine:
    """Store arbitrary models in a given project storage using joblib

        project_storage (
            A project file storage engine
        model_directory (string, optional) A directory name for models.
            Defaults to 'trained_models'
    def __init__(self, project_storage, model_directory=None):
        self.project_storage = project_storage
        self.directories = [model_directory or "trained_models"]
        self.should_cache = False

    def reset_cache(self):
        self.cache = {}

    def cache_models(self):
        """Caches each model in memory as it is written.

        Must be used as a context manager.
        The cache is cleared when the context manager goes out of scope
        self.should_cache = True
            self.should_cache = False

    def write(self, obj, model_hash):
        """Persist a model object using joblib. Also performs compression

            obj  (object) A picklable model object
            model_hash (string) An identifier, unique within this project, for the model
        if self.should_cache:
            logger.spam(f"Caching model {model_hash}")
            self.cache[model_hash] = obj
        with self._get_store(model_hash).open("wb") as fd:
            joblib.dump(obj, fd, compress=True)

    def load(self, model_hash):
        """Load a model object using joblib

            model_hash (string) An identifier, unique within this project, for the model

        Returns: (object) A model object
        if self.should_cache and model_hash in self.cache:
            logger.spam(f"Returning model {model_hash} from cache")
            return self.cache[model_hash]
        with self._get_store(model_hash).open("rb") as fd:
            return joblib.load(fd)

    def exists(self, model_hash):
        """Check whether the model is persisted

            model_hash (string) An identifier, unique within this project, for the model

        Returns: (bool) Whether or not a model by that identifier exists in project storage
        return self._get_store(model_hash).exists()

    def delete(self, model_hash):
        """Delete the model identified by this hash from project storage

            model_hash (string) An identifier, unique within this project, for the model
        return self._get_store(model_hash).delete()

    def _get_store(self, model_hash):
        return self.project_storage.get_store(self.directories, model_hash)

class MatrixStorageEngine:
    """Store matrices in a given project storage

        project_storage (
            A project file storage engine
        matrix_storage_class (class) A subclass of MatrixStore
        matrix_directory (string, optional) A directory to store matrices. Defaults to 'matrices'

    def __init__(
        self, project_storage, matrix_storage_class=None, matrix_directory=None
        self.project_storage = project_storage
        self.matrix_storage_class = matrix_storage_class or CSVMatrixStore
        self.directories = [matrix_directory or "matrices"]

    def get_store(self, matrix_uuid):
        """Return a storage object for a given matrix uuid.

            matrix_uuid (string) A unique identifier within the project for a matrix.

        Returns: (MatrixStore) a reference to the matrix and its companion metadata
        return self.matrix_storage_class(
            self.project_storage, self.directories, matrix_uuid

class MatrixStore:
    """Base class for classes that allow access of a matrix and its metadata.

    Subclasses should be scoped to a storage format (e.g. CSV)
        and implement the _load, save, and head_of_matrix methods for that storage format

        project_storage (
            A project file storage engine
        directories (list): A list of subdirectories
        matrix_uuid (string): A unique identifier within the project for a matrix.
        matrix (pandas.DataFrame, optional): The raw matrix.
            Defaults to None, which means it will be loaded from storage on demand
        metadata (dict, optional). The matrix' metadata.
            Defaults to None, which means it will be loaded from storage on demand.
    _matrix_label_tuple = None
    indices = ['entity_id', 'as_of_date']

    def __init__(
        self, project_storage, directories, matrix_uuid, matrix=None, metadata=None
        self.should_cache = False
        self.matrix_uuid = matrix_uuid
        self.matrix_base_store = project_storage.get_store(
            directories, f"{matrix_uuid}.{self.suffix}"
        self.metadata_base_store = project_storage.get_store(
            directories, f"{matrix_uuid}.yaml"

        self.metadata = metadata
        if matrix is not None:
            self._matrix_label_tuple = self._preprocess_and_split_matrix(matrix)

    def cache(self):
        """Enable caching

        Must be used as a context manager.
        The cache is cleared when the context manager goes out of scope
        self.should_cache = True
            self.should_cache = False

    def _preprocess_and_split_matrix(self, matrix_with_labels):
        """Perform desired preprocessing that we generally want to do after loading a matrix

        This includes setting the index (depending on the storage, may not be serializable)
        and downcasting.
        if matrix_with_labels.index.names != self.indices:
            matrix_with_labels.set_index(self.indices, inplace=True)
        index_of_date = matrix_with_labels.index.names.index('as_of_date')
        if matrix_with_labels.index.levels[index_of_date].dtype != "datetime64[ns]":
            raise ValueError(f"Woah is {matrix_with_labels.index.levels[index_of_date].dtype}")
        matrix_with_labels = downcast_matrix(matrix_with_labels)
        labels = matrix_with_labels.pop(self.label_column_name)
        design_matrix = matrix_with_labels
        return design_matrix, labels

    def matrix_label_tuple(self):
        if self._matrix_label_tuple:
            return self._matrix_label_tuple
        design_matrix, labels = self._preprocess_and_split_matrix(self._load())
        if self.should_cache:
            self._matrix_label_tuple = design_matrix, labels
        return design_matrix, labels

    def matrix_label_tuple(self, matrix_label_tuple):
        self._matrix_label_tuple = matrix_label_tuple

    def design_matrix(self):
        """The matrix without the label vector, only the index and features"""
        return self.matrix_label_tuple[0]

    def labels(self):
        if type(self.matrix_label_tuple[1]) != pd.Series:
            raise TypeError("Label stored as something other than pandas Series")
        return self.matrix_label_tuple[1]

    def metadata(self):
        """The raw metadata. Will load from storage into memory if not already loaded"""
        if self.__metadata is not None:
            return self.__metadata
        self.__metadata = self.load_metadata()
        return self.__metadata

    def metadata(self, metadata):
        self.__metadata = metadata

    def head_of_matrix(self):
        """The first line of the matrix"""
        return self.matrix.head(1)

    def exists(self):
        """Whether or not the matrix and metadata exist in storage"""
        return self.matrix_base_store.exists() and self.metadata_base_store.exists()

    def empty(self):
        """Whether or not the matrix has at least one row"""
        if not self.matrix_base_store.exists():
            return True
            head_of_matrix = self.head_of_matrix
            return head_of_matrix.empty

    def columns(self, include_label=False):
        """The matrix's column list"""
        head_of_matrix = self.head_of_matrix
        columns = head_of_matrix.columns.tolist()
        if include_label:
            return columns
            return [col for col in columns if col != self.metadata.get("label_name", None)]

    def label_column_name(self):
        return self.metadata["label_name"]

    def index(self):
        if self.metadata['indices'] != self.indices:
            raise ValueError(f"Indices must be {self.indices}")
        return self.design_matrix.index

    def uuid(self):
        """The matrix's unique id within the project"""
        return self.matrix_uuid

    def as_of_dates(self):
        """All as-of-dates in the matrix. Will be converted to"""
        return sorted(set(
   if hasattr(as_of_date, 'date') else as_of_date
            for entity_id, as_of_date in self.design_matrix.index

    def num_entities(self):
        """The number of entities in the matrix"""
        return len(

    def matrix_type(self):
        """The MatrixType (train or test). Returns an object with:
            a string name,
            evaluation ORM class
            prediction ORM class
            a boolean `is_test`
        if self.metadata["matrix_type"] == "train":
            return TrainMatrixType
        elif self.metadata["matrix_type"] == "test":
            return TestMatrixType
        elif self.metadata["matrix_type"] == "production":
            return ProductionMatrixType
            raise Exception(
                """matrix metadata for matrix {} must contain 'matrix_type'
             = "train" or "test" """.format(

    def matrix_with_sorted_columns(self, columns):
        """Return the matrix with columns sorted in the given column order

            columns (list) The order of column names to return.
                Will error if this list does not contain the same elements as the matrix's columns
        columnset = set(self.columns())
        desired_columnset = set(columns)
        if columnset == desired_columnset:
            if self.columns() != columns:
                logger.debug("Column orders not the same, re-ordering")
            return self.design_matrix[columns]
            if columnset.issuperset(desired_columnset):
                raise ValueError(
                    Columnset is superset of desired columnset. Extra items: %s
                    columnset - desired_columnset,
            elif columnset.issubset(desired_columnset):
                raise ValueError(
                    Columnset is subset of desired columnset. Extra items: %s
                    desired_columnset - columnset,
                raise ValueError(
                    Columnset and desired columnset mismatch. Unique items: %s
                    columnset ^ desired_columnset,

    def full_matrix_for_saving(self):
        if self.labels is not None:
            return self.design_matrix.assign(**{self.label_column_name: self.labels})
            return self.design_matrix

    def load_metadata(self):
        """Load metadata from storage"""
        with"rb") as fd:
            return yaml.load(fd, Loader=yaml.Loader)

    def save(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def clear_cache(self):
        self._matrix_label_tuple = None

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Remove object of a large size upon serialization.

        This helps in a multiprocessing context.
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        state['_matrix_label_tuple'] = None
        return state

class CSVMatrixStore(MatrixStore):
    """Store and access compressed matrices using CSV"""

    suffix = "csv.gz"

    def head_of_matrix(self):
            with"rb") as fd:
                head_of_matrix = pd.read_csv(fd, compression="gzip", nrows=1)
                head_of_matrix.set_index(self.indices, inplace=True)
        except FileNotFoundError as fnfe:
            logger.exception(f"Matrix {self.uuid} not found Returning Empty data frame")
            head_of_matrix = pd.DataFrame()

        return head_of_matrix

    def get_storage_directory(self):
        """Gets only the directory part of the storage path of the project"""
        logger.debug(f"original path: {self.matrix_base_store.path}")
        # if is is File system storage type
        if isinstance(self.matrix_base_store.path, Path):
            parts_path = list([1:-1])
            path_ = Path("/" + "/".join(parts_path))
        # if it is a S3 storage type
            path_ = Path("/tmp/triage_output/matrices")
            os.makedirs(path_, exist_ok=True)
        logger.debug(f"get storage directory path: {path_}")
        return path_

    def _load(self):
            Loads a CSV file as a polars data frame while downcasting then creates a pandas data frame.
            If the CSV file is stored on S3 we downloaded to /tmp and then read it with polars (as a gzip),
            after reading it we delete the file. 
            If the CSV file is stored on FSystem we read it directly with polars (as a gzip).
        # if S3FileSystem then download the CSV.gzip to FileSystem, then ser 
        file_in_tmp = False
        if isinstance(self.matrix_base_store, S3Store):
  "file in S3")
            file_in_tmp = True
            filename = self.matrix_base_store.path.split("/")[-1]
            filename_ = f"/tmp/{filename}"
  "file in FS")
            filename_ = str(self.matrix_base_store.path) 
        start = time.time()
        logger.debug(f"load matrix with polars {filename_}")
        df_pl = pl.read_csv(filename_, infer_schema_length=0).with_columns(pl.all().exclude(
            ['entity_id', 'as_of_date']).cast(pl.Float32, strict=False))
        end = time.time()

        # delete downlowded file from S3 
        # if file_in_tmp:
        #"rm {filename_}", shell=True)

        logger.debug(f"time for loading matrix as polar df (sec): {(end-start)/60}")

        # casting entity_id and as_of_date 
        logger.debug(f"casting entity_id and as_of_date")
        start = time.time()
        # define if as_of_date is date or datetime for correct cast
        if len(df_pl.get_column('as_of_date').head(1)[0].split()) > 1: 
            format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
            format = "%Y-%m-%d"

        df_pl = df_pl.with_columns(pl.col("as_of_date").str.to_datetime(format))
        df_pl = df_pl.with_columns(pl.col("entity_id").cast(pl.Int32, strict=False))
        end = time.time()
        logger.debug(f"time casting entity_id and as_of_date of matrix with uuid {self.matrix_uuid} (sec): {(end-start)/60}")
        # converting from polars to pandas
        logger.debug(f"about to convert polars df into pandas df")
        start = time.time()
        df = df_pl.to_pandas()
        end = time.time()
        logger.debug(f"Time converting from polars to pandas (sec): {(end-start)/60}")
        df.set_index(["entity_id", "as_of_date"], inplace=True)
        logger.debug(f"df data types: {df.dtypes}")
        logger.spam(f"Pandas DF memory usage: {df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum()/1000000} MB")

        return df

    def _load_as_df(self):
        with"rb") as fd:
           return pd.read_csv(fd, compression="gzip", parse_dates=["as_of_date"])

    def save_matrix_metadata(self):
        with"wb") as fd:
            yaml.dump(self.metadata, fd, encoding="utf-8")
    def _save(self, local_path, remote_path):
        local_path += "/" + remote_path.split("/")[-1]
        logger.debug(f"_save file {local_path} on S3 bucket path {remote_path}")
        self.matrix_base_store.client.put_file(lpath=local_path , rpath=remote_path)

    def save(self):
        with"wb") as fd:
            yaml.dump(self.metadata, fd, encoding="utf-8")

    def save_tmp_csv(self, output, path_, matrix_uuid, suffix):
        logger.debug(f"saving temporal csv for matrix {matrix_uuid + suffix} ")
        with open(path_ + "/" + matrix_uuid + suffix, "wb") as fd:  
            return fd.write(output)

class TestMatrixType:
    string_name = "test"
    evaluation_obj = TestEvaluation
    prediction_obj = TestPrediction
    aequitas_obj = TestAequitas
    prediction_metadata_obj = TestPredictionMetadata
    is_test = True

class TrainMatrixType:
    string_name = "train"
    evaluation_obj = TrainEvaluation
    prediction_obj = TrainPrediction
    aequitas_obj = TrainAequitas
    prediction_metadata_obj = TrainPredictionMetadata
    is_test = False

class ProductionMatrixType(object):
    string_name = "production"
    prediction_obj = ListPrediction
    prediction_metadata_obj = ListPredictionMetadata