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title: gosaas configuration file

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# Configuration file

You may use a configuration file to enable and set options and behaviors of gosaas.

**File name**: gosaas.json | **Location**: at the root of your package

### Example

    "emailFrom": "you@yourdomain.com",
    "emailFromName": "Your Name",
    "emailProvider": "amazonses",
    "stripeKey": "your-stripe-key",
    "signupTemplate": "",
    "sendEmailValidation": false,
    "signupSuccessRedirect": "",
    "signupErrorRedirect": "",
    "signinTemplate": "",
    "signinSuccessRedirect": "",
    "signinErrorRedirect": "/users/login"

### Options

| name                                    | type            | description                                                                                |
| ---------------------:|:---------:| ------------                                                                             |
| emailFrom                            | `string`    | Email used as the `from` of transactional emails     |
| emailFromName                    | `string`    | From name field                                                                        |
| emailProvider                    | `string`    | Email provider (only amazonses for now)                        |
| stripeKey                            | `string`    | Your Stripe key                                                                        |
| signupTemplate                | `string`    | Template to use for sign up html page                            |
| sendEmailValidation        | `bool`        | Should it sends a validation email                                |
| signupSuccessRedirect    | `string`    | When using HTML, URL to redirect after signup            |
| signupErrorRedirect        | `string`    | When using HTML, URL when there's an error                |

*Sign in options are same as signup so they are not present in the table.*