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Test Coverage
package email

import (

    ses "github.com/sourcegraph/go-ses"

type AmazonSES struct{}

// Send uses Amazon SES to send an HTML email, it will convert body to text automatically
func (a AmazonSES) Send(toEmail, toName, fromEmail, fromName, subject, body, replyTo string) error {
    if len(toEmail) == 0 || strings.Index(toEmail, "@") == -1 {
        return fmt.Errorf("empty To email")

    m := gomail.NewMessage()
    m.SetHeader("To", toEmail)
    if len(replyTo) > 0 {
        m.SetHeader("From", fromName+" <"+replyTo+">")
        m.SetHeader("Reply-To", replyTo)
    } else {
        m.SetHeader("From", fromName+" <"+fromEmail+">")
    m.SetHeader("Subject", subject)
    m.AddAlternative("text/plain", stripHTML(body))
    m.SetBody("text/html", body)

    var b bytes.Buffer

    res, err := ses.EnvConfig.SendRawEmail(b.Bytes())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    } else if len(res) == 0 {
        return errors.New("No email id returned by Amazon SES")

    return nil

// stripHTML returns a version of a string with HTML tags stripped
func stripHTML(s string) string {
    output := ""

    // if we have a full html page we only need the body
    startBody := strings.Index(s, "<body")
    if startBody > -1 {
        endBody := strings.Index(s, "</body>")
        // try to find the end of the <body tag
        for i := startBody; i < endBody; i++ {
            if s[i] == '>' {
                startBody = i

        if startBody < endBody {
            s = s[startBody:endBody]

    // Shortcut strings with no tags in them
    if !strings.ContainsAny(s, "<>") {
        output = s
    } else {
        // Removing line feeds
        s = strings.Replace(s, "\n", "", -1)

        // Then replace line breaks with newlines, to preserve that formatting
        s = strings.Replace(s, "</h1>", "\n\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "</h2>", "\n\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "</h3>", "\n\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "</h4>", "\n\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "</h5>", "\n\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "</h6>", "\n\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "</p>", "\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "<br>", "\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "<br/>", "\n", -1)
        s = strings.Replace(s, "<br />", "\n", -1)

        // Walk through the string removing all tags
        b := bytes.NewBufferString("")
        inTag := false
        for _, r := range s {
            switch r {
            case '<':
                inTag = true
            case '>':
                inTag = false
                if !inTag {
        output = b.String()

    // Remove a few common harmless entities, to arrive at something more like plain text
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&#8216;", "'", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&#8217;", "'", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&#8220;", "\"", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&#8221;", "\"", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&nbsp;", " ", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&quot;", "\"", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&apos;", "'", -1)

    // Translate some entities into their plain text equivalent (for example accents, if encoded as entities)
    output = html.UnescapeString(output)

    // In case we have missed any tags above, escape the text - removes <, >, &, ' and ".
    output = template.HTMLEscapeString(output)

    // After processing, remove some harmless entities &, ' and " which are encoded by HTMLEscapeString
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&#34;", "\"", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&#39;", "'", -1)
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&amp; ", "& ", -1)     // NB space after
    output = strings.Replace(output, "&amp;amp; ", "& ", -1) // NB space after

    return output