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# Releasing `dqsegdb2`

The instructions below detail how to finalise a new release
for version `{X.Y.Z}`.

In all commands below that placeholder should be replaced
with an actual release version.

## 1. Update the packaging files

-   Create a new branch on which to update the OS packaging files:

    git checkout -b finalise-{X.Y.Z}

-   Bump versions and add changelog entries in OS packaging files:

    - `debian/changelog`
    - `python-dqsegdb2.spec`

    and then commit the changes to the branch.

-   Push this branch to your fork:

    git push -u origin finalise-{X.Y.Z}

-   Open a merge request on GitLab to finalise the packaging update.

## 2. Tag the release

-   Draft release notes by looking through the merge requests associated
    with the relevant
    [milestone on GitLab](https://git.ligo.org/duncanmmacleod/dqsegdb2/-/milestones).

-   Create an annotated, signed tag in `git` using the release notes
    as the tag message:

    git tag --sign {X.Y.Z}

-   Push the tag to the project on GitLab:

    git push -u upstream {X.Y.Z}

## 3. Create a Release on GitLab

-   Create a
    [Release on GitLab](https://git.ligo.org/duncanmmacleod/dqsegdb2/-/releases/new), copying the same release notes from the tag message.

    Make sure and correctly associated the correct Tag and Milestone to
    the Release.

## 4. Publish the new release on PyPI:

-   Generate a new source distribution and binary wheel for this release:

    git clean -dfX
    python -m build --sdist --wheel

-   Upload these distributions to PyPI:

    python -m twine upload --sign dist/dqsegdb2*{X.Y.Z}*