from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ["TrainingRunner"]
import logging
from import Sequence
from coola.utils import str_indent, str_mapping, str_sequence
from gravitorch.distributed import comm as dist
from gravitorch.engines.base import BaseEngine
from gravitorch.handlers import setup_and_attach_handlers
from gravitorch.handlers.base import BaseHandler
from gravitorch.rsrc.base import BaseResource
from gravitorch.runners.resource import BaseResourceRunner
from gravitorch.utils.exp_trackers import setup_exp_tracker
from gravitorch.utils.exp_trackers.base import BaseExpTracker
from gravitorch.utils.seed import manual_seed
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TrainingRunner(BaseResourceRunner):
r"""Implements a runner to train a ML model.
Internally, this runner does the following steps:
- set the experiment tracker
- set the random seed
- instantiate the engine
- set up and attach the handlers
- train the model with the engine
engine (``BaseEngine`` or dict): Specifies the engine or its
handlers (list or tuple or ``None``): Specifies the list of
handlers or their configuration. The handlers will be
attached to the engine. If ``None``, no handler is
attached to the engine. Default: ``None``
exp_tracker (``BaseExpTracker`` or dict or None): Specifies
the experiment tracker or its configuration. If ``None``,
the no-operation experiment tracker is used.
random_seed (int, optional): Specifies the random seed.
Default: ``10139531598155730726``
resources (sequence or ``None``, optional): Specifies a
sequence of resources or their configurations.
Default: ``None``
Example usage:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from gravitorch.runners import TrainingRunner
>>> from gravitorch.testing import create_dummy_engine
>>> engine = create_dummy_engine()
>>> runner = TrainingRunner(engine)
>>> runner # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
(engine): AlphaEngine(
(datasource): DummyDataSource(
(train): DummyDataset(num_examples=4, feature_size=4)
(eval): DummyDataset(num_examples=4, feature_size=4)
(train): DataLoaderCreator(
(seed): 0
(batch_size): 2
(shuffle): False
(eval): DataLoaderCreator(
(seed): 0
(batch_size): 2
(shuffle): False
(model): DummyClassificationModel(
(linear): Linear(in_features=4, out_features=3, bias=True)
(criterion): CrossEntropyLoss()
(optimizer): SGD (
Parameter Group 0
dampening: 0
differentiable: False
foreach: None
lr: 0.01
maximize: False
momentum: 0
nesterov: False
weight_decay: 0
(lr_scheduler): None
(training_loop): TrainingLoop(
(set_grad_to_none): True
(batch_device_placement): AutoDevicePlacement(device=cpu)
(tag): train
(clip_grad_fn): None
(clip_grad_args): ()
(observer): NoOpLoopObserver()
(profiler): NoOpProfiler()
(evaluation_loop): EvaluationLoop(
(batch_device_placement): AutoDevicePlacement(device=cpu)
(grad_enabled): False
(tag): eval
(condition): EveryEpochEvalCondition(every=1)
(observer): NoOpLoopObserver()
(profiler): NoOpProfiler()
(state): EngineState(
(modules): AssetManager(num_assets=5)
(histories): HistoryManager()
(random_seed): 9984043075503325450
(max_epochs): 1
(epoch): -1
(iteration): -1
(event_manager): EventManager(
(last_triggered_event): None
(exp_tracker): NoOpExpTracker(experiment_path=..., is_activated=True))
(exp_tracker): None
(handlers): ()
(resources): ()
(random_seed): 10139531598155730726
def __init__(
engine: BaseEngine | dict,
handlers: Sequence[BaseHandler | dict] | None = None,
exp_tracker: BaseExpTracker | dict | None = None,
random_seed: int = 10139531598155730726,
resources: Sequence[BaseResource | dict] | None = None,
) -> None:
self._engine = engine
self._handlers = () if handlers is None else tuple(handlers)
self._exp_tracker = exp_tracker
self._random_seed = random_seed
def __repr__(self) -> str:
args = str_indent(
"engine": self._engine,
"exp_tracker": self._exp_tracker,
"handlers": "\n" + str_sequence(self._handlers) if self._handlers else "()",
"resources": "\n" + str_sequence(self._resources) if self._resources else "()",
"random_seed": self._random_seed,
return f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}(\n {args}\n)"
def _run(self) -> BaseEngine:
return _run_training_pipeline(
def _run_training_pipeline(
engine: BaseEngine | dict,
handlers: tuple[BaseHandler | dict, ...] | list[BaseHandler | dict],
exp_tracker: BaseExpTracker | dict | None,
random_seed: int = 4398892194000378040,
) -> BaseEngine:
r"""Implements the training pipeline.
Internally, this function does the following steps:
- set the experiment tracker
- set the random seed
- instantiate the engine
- set up and attach the handlers
- train the model with the engine
engine (``BaseEngine`` or dict): Specifies the engine or its
handlers (list or tuple): Specifies the list of handlers or
their configuration.
exp_tracker (``BaseExpTracker`` or dict or None): Specifies
the experiment tracker or its configuration. If ``None``,
the no-operation experiment tracker is used.
random_seed (int, optional): Specifies the random seed.
Default: ``4398892194000378040``
``BaseEngine``: The trained engine.
with setup_exp_tracker(exp_tracker) as tracker:
random_seed = random_seed + dist.get_rank()"Set the random seed to {random_seed}")
if isinstance(engine, dict):
tracker.log_hyper_parameters(engine)"Initializing the engine from its configuration...")
engine = BaseEngine.factory(exp_tracker=tracker, **engine)"Adding the handlers to the engine...")
setup_and_attach_handlers(engine, handlers)"engine:\n{engine}")
return engine