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7 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict';
import 'babel-polyfill';
import _ from 'lodash';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import genBase from '../genBase';
import mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import path from 'path';
import pify from 'pify';
import pkg from '../../package.json';
import utils from '../utils';
import yosay from 'yosay';

module.exports = genBase.extend({
  initializing() {
    this.host = this.options.host || 'localhost';
    this.port = this.options.port || 3000;
    this.appDir = this.options['app-dir'] || 'app';
    this.unitTestDir = this.options['unit-test-dir'] || 'app';
    this.skipController = this.options['skip-controller'] || false;

    console.log(chalk.yellow(`Using host: ${this.host}`));
    console.log(chalk.yellow(`Using port: ${this.port}`));
    console.log(chalk.yellow(`Using app directory: ${this.appDir}`));
    console.log(chalk.yellow(`Using unit test directory: ${this.unitTestDir}`));
      `Route generator will ${(this.skipController ? chalk.red('NOT ') : '')}create controllers`));

  prompting() {
    this.log(yosay('Welcome to ngPoly!'));

    // ask for app name
    // get preferred langugaes
    return this.prompt([
        name: 'appName',
        message: 'What is the app\'s name?',
        validate: input => !!input
        type: 'list',
        name: 'ngversion',
        message: 'Which version of Angular should be used?',
        default: '1.4.*',
        choices: utils.getAngularVersions()
        type: 'list',
        name: 'structure',
        message: 'Which structure should be used?',
        default: 'module-only',
        choices: utils.getModuleStructures()
        type: 'list',
        name: 'markup',
        message: 'Which is the preferred markup language?',
        default: 'jade',
        choices: utils.getMarkupLanguages()
        type: 'list',
        name: 'appScript',
        message: 'Which is the preferred application scripting language?',
        default: 'js',
        choices: utils.getScriptLanguages()
        type: 'confirm',
        name: 'controllerAs',
        message: 'Want to use Controller As syntax?',
        default: true
        type: 'confirm',
        name: 'directiveTemplateUrl',
          'Should directives be generated using a templateUrl (and markup file) instead of an inline template?',
        default: true
        type: 'list',
        name: 'testScript',
        message: 'Which is the preferred test scripting language?',
        default: answers => answers.appScript,
        choices: utils.getScriptLanguages()
        type: 'list',
        name: 'testFramework',
        message: 'Which is the preferred unit testing framework?',
        default: 'jasmine',
        choices: utils.getTestFrameworks()
        type: 'list',
        name: 'e2eTestFramework',
        message: 'Which is the preferred e2e testing framework?',
        default: answers => answers.testFramework,
        choices: utils.getTestFrameworks()
        type: 'list',
        name: 'style',
        message: 'Which is the preferred style language?',
        default: 'less',
        choices: utils.getStyleLanguages()
        type: 'confirm',
        name: 'polymer',
        message: 'Should Polymer support be enabled?',
        default: false
        type: 'list',
        name: 'framework',
        message: 'Should a framework be setup?',
        choices: answers => utils.getUIFrameworks(answers.ngversion)
        type: 'confirm',
        name: 'ngRoute',
        message: 'Should ngRoute be used instead of UI Router?',
        default: false
        type: 'checkbox',
        name: 'bower',
        message: 'Which additional Bower components should be installed?',
        choices: answers => utils.getBowerComponents(answers.ngversion)
    ]).then(props => {
      // needs to be a string
      props.bower = props.bower.join(',');

      // attach answers to `this`
      _.merge(this, props);

  configuring() {
    // create a directory named `appName`

    // save config
    ].forEach(option => this.config.set(option, this[option]));

    this.context = {
      appName: this.appName,
      structure: this.structure,
      ngversion: this.ngversion,
      appDir: this.appDir,
      appScript: this.appScript,
      testScript: this.testScript,
      markup: this.markup,
      style: this.style,
      unitTestDir: this.unitTestDir,
      host: this.host,
      port: this.port,
      moduleName: utils.lowerCamel(this.appName),
      polymer: this.polymer,
      framework: this.framework,
      testFramework: this.testFramework,
      e2eTestFramework: this.e2eTestFramework,
      ngRoute: this.ngRoute,
      bower: this.bower

    // copy over common project files
    ].forEach(file => this.copySimpleFile(file));

    // files that need to be renamed when copied
    this.copySimpleFile('_gulpfile.js', 'Gulpfile.js');
    this.copySimpleFile('gitignore', '.gitignore');
    this.copySimpleFile('_readme.md', 'README.md');

    if (this.appScript === 'ts') {
      ['_tsd.json', '_tslint.json'].forEach(file => this.copySimpleFile(file));

  async writing() {
    // create main module and index.html
    this.copySimpleFile(`_app.${this.appScript}`, path.join(this.appDir, `app-module.${this.appScript}`));
    this.copySimpleFile(`_app-routes.${this.appScript}`, path.join(this.appDir, `app-routes.${this.appScript}`));
    this.copySimpleFile(`_index.${this.markup}`, path.join(this.appDir, `index.${this.markup}`));

    await pify(mkdirp)(path.join(this.appDir, 'fonts'));
    await pify(mkdirp)(path.join(this.appDir, 'images'));

    return Promise.resolve();

  install() {
    if (!this.options['skip-install']) {
      if (this.appScript === 'ts') {
        this.log(`Running ${chalk.yellow.bold('tsd reinstall --save')}. If this fails run the commands ` +
          'yourself. TSD must be installed via `npm install -g tsd`.');
        this.spawnCommand('tsd', ['reinstall', '--save']);

  end() {
    this.composeWith('ng-poly:module', {
      args: ['home'],
      options: {
        module: 'home',
        markup: this.markup,
        style: this.style,
        'test-dir': this.testDir,
        'test-script': this.testScript,
        'controller-as': this.controllerAs,
        'skip-controller': this.skipController,
        'ng-route': this.ngRoute
    }, {
      local: require.resolve('../module'),
      link: 'strong'