'use strict';
import 'babel-polyfill';
import fs from 'fs';
import genBase from '../genBase';
import mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import ngAddDep from 'ng-add-dep';
import path from 'path';
import pify from 'pify';
import utils from '../utils';
module.exports = genBase.extend({
initialize() {
this.module =;
// used by genBase to know this is not a normal component for module-type structures
// used for creating TypeScript reference path
this.isModule = true;
// if moduleName ends with a slash remove it
if (this.module.charAt(this.module.length - 1) === '/' || this.module.charAt(this.module.length - 1) === '\\') {
this.module = this.module.slice(0, this.module.length - 1);
async writing() {
let filePathToCheck, parentDir, parentModuleName;
this.context = await this.getConfig();
// extract the new module name (last part of path)
this.context.moduleName = path.basename(this.module);
// modify context because these were all performed on the ENTIRE module path
// instead of just the new module's name
this.context.lowerCamel = utils.lowerCamel(this.context.moduleName);
this.context.hyphenModule = utils.hyphenName(this.context.moduleName);
this.context.upperModule = utils.upperCamel(this.context.moduleName);
this.context.templateUrl = path.join(this.module).replace(/\\/g, '/');
this.context.modulePath = await utils.normalizeModulePath(this.module);
// create new module directory
await pify(mkdirp)(path.join(this.context.appDir, this.context.modulePath));
// check if path and moduleName are the same
// if yes - get root app.js file to prepare adding dep
// else - get parent module file to prepare adding dep
if (this.context.moduleName === this.module) {
filePathToCheck = path.join(this.context.appDir, 'app');
} else {
// go up one driectory from new module's path to retrieve parent's directory
parentDir = path.join(this.context.appDir, this.context.modulePath, '..');
// get parent module's name
parentModuleName = path.basename(parentDir);
filePathToCheck = path.join(this.context.appDir, this.context.modulePath, '..', parentModuleName);
// get module path
const filePath = await utils.findModuleFile(filePathToCheck);
// if adding dep to app file, then dep is `module
// else dep is `parent.module`
const depName = (this.context.parentModuleName ? this.context.parentModuleName + '.' : '') + this.context.lowerCamel;
// add dep and save modifications
await pify(fs.writeFile)(filePath, ngAddDep(await pify(fs.readFile)(filePath, 'utf8'), depName));
// create new module
const moduleDest = path.join(this.context.appDir, this.context.modulePath, this.context.hyphenModule);
await this.copySrcFile('module', `${moduleDest}-module.${this.context.appScript}`, this.context);
if (this.options && !this.options.empty) {
await this.copySrcFile('module-routes', `${moduleDest}-routes.${this.context.appScript}`, this.context);
end() {
if (this.options && !this.options.empty) {
this.composeWith('ng-poly:route', {
args: [utils.lowerCamel(this.module.split(/[\/\\]/).pop())],
options: {
module: this.module,
url: '/' + this.context.hyphenModule,
'template-url': `${this.context.modulePath}/` +
`${(this.context.structure === 'module-type' ? 'views/' : '')}${this.context.hyphenModule}.tpl.html`,
markup: this.options.markup,
'app-script': this.options['app-script'],
'controller-as': this.options['controller-as'],
'pass-func': this.options['pass-func'],
'named-func': this.options['named-func'],
'test-script': this.options['test-script'],
'test-dir': this.options['test-dir'],
'ng-route': this.options['ng-route'],
}, {
local: require.resolve('../route'),
link: 'strong'