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Contact map analysis.
# Maintainer: David W.H. Swenson (dwhs@hyperblazer.net)
# Licensed under LGPL, version 2.1 or greater
import collections
import itertools
import pickle
import json

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import mdtraj as md

from .contact_count import ContactCount
from .atom_indexer import AtomSlicedIndexer, IdentityIndexer
from .py_2_3 import inspect_method_arguments
from .fix_parameters import ParameterFixer

# * switch to something where you can define the haystack -- the trick is to
#   replace the current mdtraj._compute_neighbors with something that
#   build a voxel list for the haystack, and then checks the voxel for each
#   query atom. Doesn't look like anything is doing that now: neighbors
#   doesn't use voxels, neighborlist doesn't limit the haystack

def _residue_and_index(residue, topology):
    res = residue
        res_idx = res.index
    except AttributeError:
        res_idx = residue
        res = topology.residue(res_idx)
    return (res, res_idx)

def residue_neighborhood(residue, n=1):
    """Find n nearest neighbor residues

    residue : mdtraj.Residue
        this residue
    n : positive int
        number of neighbors to find

    list of int
        neighbor residue numbers
    neighborhood = set([residue.index+i for i in range(-n, n+1)])
    chain = set([res.index for res in residue.chain.residues])
    # we could probably choose an faster approach here, but this is pretty
    # good, and it only gets run once per residue
    return [idx for idx in neighborhood if idx in chain]

def _residue_for_atom(topology, atom_list):
    return set([topology.atom(a).residue for a in atom_list])

def _residue_idx_for_atom(topology, atom_list):
    return set([topology.atom(a).residue.index for a in atom_list])

def _range_from_iterable(iterable):
    sort = sorted(iterable)
    return (sort[0], sort[-1]+1)

class ContactsDict(object):
    """Dict-like object giving access to atom or residue contacts.

    In some algorithmic situations, either the atom_contacts or the
    residue_contacts might be used. Rather than use lots of if-statements,
    or build an actual dictionary with the associated time cost of
    generating both, this class provides an object that allows dict-like
    access to either the atom or residue contacts.

    Atom-based contacts (``contact.atom_contacts``) can be accessed with as
    ``contact_dict['atom']`` or ``contact_dict['atoms']``. Residue-based
    contacts can be accessed with the keys ``'residue'``, ``'residues'``, or

    contacts : :class:`.ContactObject`
        contact object with fundamental data
    def __init__(self, contacts):
        self.contacts = contacts

    def __getitem__(self, atom_or_res):
        if atom_or_res in ["atom", "atoms"]:
            contacts = self.contacts.atom_contacts
        elif atom_or_res in ["residue", "residues", "res"]:
            contacts = self.contacts.residue_contacts
            raise RuntimeError("Bad value for atom_or_res: " +
        return contacts

class ContactObject(object):
    Generic object for contact map related analysis. Effectively abstract.

    Much of what we need to do the contact map analysis is the same for all
    analyses. It's in here.

    # Class default for use atom slice, None tries to be smart
    _class_use_atom_slice = None

    def __init__(self, topology, query, haystack, cutoff, n_neighbors_ignored):
        # all inits required: no defaults for abstract class!

        self._topology = topology
        if query is None:
            query = topology.select("not water and symbol != 'H'")
        if haystack is None:
            haystack = topology.select("not water and symbol != 'H'")

        # make things private and accessible through read-only properties so
        # they don't get accidentally changed after analysis
        self._cutoff = cutoff
        self._query = set(query)
        self._haystack = set(haystack)

        self._query_res_idx = set(_residue_idx_for_atom(topology, query))
        self._haystack_res_idx = set(_residue_idx_for_atom(topology, haystack))
        # Make tuple for efficient lookupt
        all_atoms_set = set(query).union(set(haystack))
        self._all_atoms = tuple(sorted(list(all_atoms_set)))
        self._all_residues = _residue_idx_for_atom(self._topology,
        self._use_atom_slice = self._set_atom_slice(self._all_atoms)
        has_indexer = getattr(self, 'indexer', None) is not None
        if not has_indexer:
            Indexer = {True: AtomSlicedIndexer,
                       False: IdentityIndexer}[self.use_atom_slice]
            self.indexer = Indexer(topology, self._query, self._haystack,

        self._n_neighbors_ignored = n_neighbors_ignored

    def from_contacts(cls, atom_contacts, residue_contacts, topology,
                      query=None, haystack=None, cutoff=0.45,
                      n_neighbors_ignored=2, indexer=None):
        obj = cls.__new__(cls)
        obj.indexer = indexer
        super(cls, obj).__init__(topology, query, haystack, cutoff,

        def get_contact_counter(contact):
            if isinstance(contact, ContactCount):
                return contact.counter
                return contact

        obj._atom_contacts = get_contact_counter(atom_contacts)
        obj._residue_contacts = get_contact_counter(residue_contacts)
        return obj

    def _set_atom_slice(self, all_atoms):
        """ Set atom slice logic """
        if (self._class_use_atom_slice is None and
            not len(all_atoms) < self._topology.n_atoms):
            # Don't use if there are no atoms to be sliced
            return False
        elif self._class_use_atom_slice is None:
            # Use if there are atms to be sliced
            return True
            # Use class default
            return self._class_use_atom_slice

    def contacts(self):
        """:class:`.ContactsDict` : contact dict for these contacts"""
        return ContactsDict(self)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.cutoff, self.n_neighbors_ignored,
                     frozenset(self._query), frozenset(self._haystack),

    def __eq__(self, other):
        is_equal = (self.cutoff == other.cutoff
                    and self.n_neighbors_ignored == other.n_neighbors_ignored
                    and self.query == other.query
                    and self.haystack == other.haystack
                    and self.topology == other.topology)
        return is_equal

    def to_dict(self):
        """Convert object to a dict.

        Keys should be strings; values should be (JSON-) serializable.

        See also
        # need to explicitly convert possible np.int64 to int in several
        dct = {
            'topology': self._serialize_topology(self.topology),
            'cutoff': self._cutoff,
            'query': list([int(val) for val in self._query]),
            'haystack': list([int(val) for val in self._haystack]),
            'query_res_idx': list([int(val) for val
                                   in self._query_res_idx]),
            'haystack_res_idx': list([int(val) for val in
            'all_atoms': tuple(
                [int(val) for val in self._all_atoms]),
            'all_residues': tuple(
                [int(val) for val in self._all_residues]),
            'n_neighbors_ignored': self._n_neighbors_ignored,
            'use_atom_slice': self._use_atom_slice}
        return dct

    def from_dict(cls, dct):
        """Create object from dict.

        dct : dict
            dict-formatted serialization (see to_dict for details)

        See also
        deserialize_set = set
        deserialize_atom_to_residue_dct = lambda d: {int(k): d[k] for k in d}
        deserialization_helpers = {
            'topology': cls._deserialize_topology,
            'atom_contacts': cls._deserialize_contact_counter,
            'residue_contacts': cls._deserialize_contact_counter,
            'query': deserialize_set,
            'haystack': deserialize_set,
            'query_res_idx': deserialize_set,
            'haystack_res_idx': deserialize_set,
            'all_atoms': deserialize_set,
            'all_residues': deserialize_set,
            'atom_idx_to_residue_idx': deserialize_atom_to_residue_dct
        for key in deserialization_helpers:
            if key in dct:
                dct[key] = deserialization_helpers[key](dct[key])

        kwarg_keys = inspect_method_arguments(cls.__init__)
        set_keys = set(dct.keys())
        missing = set(kwarg_keys) - set_keys
        dct.update({k: None for k in missing})
        instance = cls.__new__(cls)
        for k in dct:
            setattr(instance, "_" + k, dct[k])
        return instance

    def _deserialize_topology(topology_json):
        """Create MDTraj topology from JSON-serialized version"""
        table, bonds = json.loads(topology_json)
        topology_df = pd.read_json(table)
        topology = md.Topology.from_dataframe(topology_df,
        return topology

    def _serialize_topology(topology):
        """Serialize MDTraj topology (to JSON)"""
        table, bonds = topology.to_dataframe()
        json_tuples = (table.to_json(), bonds.tolist())
        return json.dumps(json_tuples)

    # TODO: adding a separate object for these frozenset counters will be
    # useful for many things, and this serialization should be moved there
    def _serialize_contact_counter(counter):
        """JSON string from contact counter"""
        # have to explicitly convert to int because json doesn't know how to
        # serialize np.int64 objects, which we get in Python 3
        serializable = {json.dumps([int(val) for val in key]): counter[key]
                        for key in counter}
        return json.dumps(serializable)

    def _deserialize_contact_counter(json_string):
        """Contact counted from JSON string"""
        dct = json.loads(json_string)
        counter = collections.Counter({
            frozenset(json.loads(key)): dct[key] for key in dct
        return counter

    def to_json(self):
        """JSON-serialized version of this object.

        See also
        dct = self.to_dict()
        return json.dumps(dct)

    def from_json(cls, json_string):
        """Create object from JSON string

        json_string : str
            JSON-serialized version of the object

        See also
        dct = json.loads(json_string)
        return cls.from_dict(dct)

    def _check_compatibility(self, other, err=AssertionError):
        compatibility_attrs = ['cutoff', 'topology', 'query', 'haystack',
        failed_attr = {}
        err_msg = ""
        for attr in compatibility_attrs:
            self_val = getattr(self, attr)
            other_val = getattr(other, attr)
            if self_val != other_val:
                failed_attr[attr] = (self_val, other_val)
                err_msg += "        {attr}: {self} != {other}\n".format(
                    attr=attr, self=str(self_val), other=str(other_val)

        msg = "Incompatible ContactObjects:\n"
        msg += err_msg
        if failed_attr and err is not None:
            raise err(msg)
            return failed_attr

    def save_to_file(self, filename, mode="w"):
        """Save this object to the given file.

        filename : string
            the file to write to
        mode : 'w' or 'a'
            file writing mode. Use 'w' to overwrite, 'a' to append. Note
            that writing by bytes ('b' flag) is automatically added.

        See also
        from_file : load from generated file
        with open(filename, mode+"b") as f:
            pickle.dump(self, f)

    def from_file(cls, filename):
        """Load this object from a given file

        filename : string
            the file to read from

            the reloaded object

        See also
        save_to_file : save to a file
        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            reloaded = pickle.load(f)
        return reloaded

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return ContactDifference(positive=self, negative=other)

    def cutoff(self):
        """float : cutoff distance for contacts, in nanometers"""
        return self._cutoff

    def n_neighbors_ignored(self):
        """int : number of neighbor residues (in same chain) to ignore"""
        return self._n_neighbors_ignored

    def query(self):
        """list of int : indices of atoms to include as query"""
        return list(self._query)

    def haystack(self):
        """list of int : indices of atoms to include as haystack"""
        return list(self._haystack)

    def all_atoms(self):
        """list of int: all atom indices used in the contact map"""
        return list(self._all_atoms)

    def topology(self):
        :class:`mdtraj.Topology` :
            topology object for this system

            The topology includes information about the atoms, how they are
            grouped into residues, and how the residues are grouped into
        return self._topology

    def use_atom_slice(self):
        """bool : Indicates if `mdtraj.atom_slice()` is used before calculating
        the contact map"""
        return self._use_atom_slice

    def _residue_ignore_atom_idxs(self):
        """dict : maps query residue index to atom indices to ignore"""
        all_atoms_set = set(self._all_atoms)
        result = {}
        for residue_idx in self.indexer.residue_query_atom_idxs.keys():
            residue = self.topology.residue(residue_idx)
            # Several steps to go residue indices -> atom indices
            ignore_residue_idxs = residue_neighborhood(
            ignore_residues = [self.topology.residue(idx)
                               for idx in ignore_residue_idxs]
            ignore_atoms = sum([list(res.atoms)
                                for res in ignore_residues], [])
            ignore_atom_idxs = self.indexer.ignore_atom_idx(ignore_atoms,
            result[residue_idx] = ignore_atom_idxs
        return result

    def haystack_residues(self):
        """list : residues for atoms in the haystack"""
        return _residue_for_atom(self.topology, self.haystack)

    def query_residues(self):
        """list : residues for atoms in the query"""
        return _residue_for_atom(self.topology, self.query)

    def query_range(self):
        """return an tuple with the (min, max+1) of query"""
        return _range_from_iterable(self.query)

    def haystack_range(self):
        """return an tuple with the (min, max+1) of haystack"""
        return _range_from_iterable(self.haystack)

    def haystack_residue_range(self):
        """(int, int): min and (max + 1) of haystack residue indices"""
        return _range_from_iterable(self._haystack_res_idx)

    def query_residue_range(self):
        """(int, int): min and (max + 1) of query residue indices"""
        return _range_from_iterable(self._query_res_idx)

    def most_common_atoms_for_residue(self, residue):
        Most common atom contact pairs for contacts with the given residue

        residue : Residue or int
            the Residue object or index representing the residue for which
            the most common atom contact pairs will be calculated

        list :
            Atom contact pairs involving given residue, order of frequency.
            Referring to the list as ``l``, each element of the list
            ``l[e]`` consists of two parts: ``l[e][0]`` is a list containing
            the two MDTraj Atom objects that make up the contact, and
            ``l[e][1]`` is the measure of how often the contact occurs.
        residue = _residue_and_index(residue, self.topology)[0]
        residue_atoms = set(atom.index for atom in residue.atoms)
        results = []
        for atoms, number in self.atom_contacts.most_common_idx():
            atoms_in_residue = atoms & residue_atoms
            if atoms_in_residue:
                as_atoms = [self.topology.atom(a) for a in atoms]
                results += [(as_atoms, number)]

        return results

    def most_common_atoms_for_contact(self, contact_pair):
        Most common atom contacts for a given residue contact pair

        contact_pair : length 2 list of Residue or int
            the residue contact pair for which the most common atom contact
            pairs will be calculated

        list :
            Atom contact pairs for the residue contact pair, in order of
            frequency.  Referring to the list as ``l``, each element of the
            list ``l[e]`` consists of two parts: ``l[e][0]`` is a list
            containing the two MDTraj Atom objects that make up the contact,
            and ``l[e][1]`` is the measure of how often the contact occurs.
        contact_pair = list(contact_pair)
        res_1 = _residue_and_index(contact_pair[0], self.topology)[0]
        res_2 = _residue_and_index(contact_pair[1], self.topology)[0]
        atom_idxs_1 = set(atom.index for atom in res_1.atoms)
        atom_idxs_2 = set(atom.index for atom in res_2.atoms)
        all_atom_pairs = [
            for pair in itertools.product(atom_idxs_1, atom_idxs_2)
        result = [([self.topology.atom(idx) for idx in contact[0]], contact[1])
                  for contact in self.atom_contacts.most_common_idx()
                  if frozenset(contact[0]) in all_atom_pairs]
        return result

    def _contact_map(self, trajectory, frame_number, residue_query_atom_idxs,
        Returns atom and residue contact maps for the given frame.

        frame : mdtraj.Trajectory
            the desired frame (uses the first frame in this trajectory)
        residue_query_atom_idxs : dict
        residue_ignore_atom_idxs : dict

        atom_contacts : collections.Counter
        residue_contact : collections.Counter
        used_trajectory = self.indexer.slice_trajectory(trajectory)

        neighborlist = md.compute_neighborlist(used_trajectory, self.cutoff,

        contact_pairs = set([])
        residue_pairs = set([])
        haystack = self.indexer.haystack
        atom_idx_to_residue_idx = self.indexer.atom_idx_to_residue_idx
        for residue_idx in residue_query_atom_idxs:
            ignore_atom_idxs = set(residue_ignore_atom_idxs[residue_idx])
            query_idxs = residue_query_atom_idxs[residue_idx]
            for atom_idx in query_idxs:
                # sets should make this fast, esp since neighbor_idxs
                # should be small and s-t is avg cost len(s)
                neighbor_idxs = set(neighborlist[atom_idx])
                contact_neighbors = neighbor_idxs - ignore_atom_idxs
                contact_neighbors = contact_neighbors & haystack
                # frozenset is unique key independent of order
                # local_pairs = set(frozenset((atom_idx, neighb))
                #                   for neighb in contact_neighbors)
                local_pairs = set(map(
                    itertools.product([atom_idx], contact_neighbors)
                contact_pairs |= local_pairs
                # contact_pairs |= set(frozenset((atom_idx, neighb))
                #                      for neighb in contact_neighbors)
                local_residue_partners = set(atom_idx_to_residue_idx[a]
                                             for a in contact_neighbors)
                local_res_pairs = set(map(
                    itertools.product([residue_idx], local_residue_partners)
                residue_pairs |= local_res_pairs

        atom_contacts = collections.Counter(contact_pairs)
        # residue_pairs = set(
        #     frozenset(self._atom_idx_to_residue_idx[aa] for aa in pair)
        #     for pair in contact_pairs
        # )
        residue_contacts = collections.Counter(residue_pairs)
        return (atom_contacts, residue_contacts)

    def atom_contacts(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def residue_contacts(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    "The ContactMap class has been removed. Please use ContactFrequency."
    " For more, see: https://github.com/dwhswenson/contact_map/issues/82"
def ContactMap(*args, **kwargs):  # -no-cov-
    raise RuntimeError(CONTACT_MAP_ERROR)

class ContactFrequency(ContactObject):
    Contact frequency (atomic and residue) for a trajectory.

    The contact frequency is defined as fraction of the trajectory that a
    certain contact is made. This object calculates this quantity for all
    contacts with atoms in the `query` residue, with "contact" defined as
    being within a certain cutoff distance.

    trajectory : mdtraj.Trajectory
        Trajectory (segment) to analyze
    query : list of int
        Indices of the atoms to be included as query. Default ``None``
        means all atoms.
    haystack : list of int
        Indices of the atoms to be included as haystack. Default ``None``
        means all atoms.
    cutoff : float
        Cutoff distance for contacts, in nanometers. Default 0.45.
    n_neighbors_ignored : int
        Number of neighboring residues (in the same chain) to ignore.
        Default 2.
    # Default for use_atom_slice, None tries to be smart
    _class_use_atom_slice = None
    _pending_dep_msg = (
        "ContactFrequency will be renamed to ContactMap in version 0.8. "
        "Invoking it as ContactFrequency will be deprecated in 0.8. For "
        "more, see https://github.com/dwhswenson/contact_map/issues/82"

    def __init__(self, trajectory, query=None, haystack=None, cutoff=0.45,
        warnings.warn(self._pending_dep_msg, PendingDeprecationWarning)
        self._n_frames = len(trajectory)
        super(ContactFrequency, self).__init__(trajectory.topology,
                                               query, haystack, cutoff,
        contacts = self._build_contact_map(trajectory)
        (self._atom_contacts, self._residue_contacts) = contacts

    def from_contacts(cls, atom_contacts, residue_contacts, n_frames,
                      topology, query=None, haystack=None, cutoff=0.45,
                      n_neighbors_ignored=2, indexer=None):
        warnings.warn(cls._pending_dep_msg, PendingDeprecationWarning)
        obj = super(ContactFrequency, cls).from_contacts(
            atom_contacts, residue_contacts, topology, query, haystack,
            cutoff, n_neighbors_ignored, indexer
        obj._n_frames = n_frames
        return obj

    def from_dict(cls, dct):
        warnings.warn(cls._pending_dep_msg, PendingDeprecationWarning)
        return super(ContactFrequency, cls).from_dict(dct)

    def from_file(cls, filename):
        warnings.warn(cls._pending_dep_msg, PendingDeprecationWarning)
        return super(ContactFrequency, cls).from_file(filename)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((super(ContactFrequency, self).__hash__(),

    def __eq__(self, other):
        is_equal = (super(ContactFrequency, self).__eq__(other)
                    and self._atom_contacts == other._atom_contacts
                    and self._residue_contacts == other._residue_contacts
                    and self.n_frames == other.n_frames)
        return is_equal

    def to_dict(self):
        dct = super(ContactFrequency, self).to_dict()
        dct.update({'n_frames': self.n_frames})
        return dct

    def _build_contact_map(self, trajectory):
        # We actually build the contact map on a per-residue basis, although
        # we save it on a per-atom basis. This allows us ignore
        # n_nearest_neighbor residues.
        # TODO: this whole thing should be cleaned up and should replace
        # MDTraj's really slow old compute_contacts by using MDTraj's new
        # neighborlists (unless the MDTraj people do that first).
        atom_contacts_count = collections.Counter([])
        residue_contacts_count = collections.Counter([])

        # cache things that can be calculated once based on the topology
        # (namely, which atom indices matter for each residue)
        residue_ignore_atom_idxs = self._residue_ignore_atom_idxs
        residue_query_atom_idxs = self.indexer.residue_query_atom_idxs

        used_trajectory = self.indexer.slice_trajectory(trajectory)
        for frame_num in range(len(trajectory)):
            frame_contacts = self._contact_map(used_trajectory, frame_num,
            frame_atom_contacts = frame_contacts[0]
            frame_residue_contacts = frame_contacts[1]
            residue_contacts_count += frame_residue_contacts

        atom_contacts_count = \
        return (atom_contacts_count, residue_contacts_count)

    def n_frames(self):
        """Number of frames in the mapped trajectory"""
        return self._n_frames

    def add_contact_frequency(self, other):
        """Add results from `other` to the internal counter.

        other : :class:`.ContactFrequency`
            contact frequency made from the frames to remove from this
            contact frequency
        self._atom_contacts += other._atom_contacts
        self._residue_contacts += other._residue_contacts
        self._n_frames += other._n_frames

    def subtract_contact_frequency(self, other):
        """Subtracts results from `other` from internal counter.

        Note that this is intended for the case that you're removing a
        subtrajectory of the already-calculated trajectory. If you want to
        compare two different contact frequency maps, use

        other : :class:`.ContactFrequency`
            contact frequency made from the frames to remove from this
            contact frequency
        self._atom_contacts -= other._atom_contacts
        self._residue_contacts -= other._residue_contacts
        self._n_frames -= other._n_frames

    def atom_contacts(self):
        """Atoms pairs mapped to fraction of trajectory with that contact"""
        return ContactCount(collections.Counter({
            item[0]: float(item[1])/self.n_frames
            for item in self._atom_contacts.items()
        }), self.topology.atom, self.query_range, self.haystack_range,

    def residue_contacts(self):
        """Residue pairs mapped to fraction of trajectory with that contact"""
        return ContactCount(collections.Counter({
            item[0]: float(item[1])/self.n_frames
            for item in self._residue_contacts.items()
        }), self.topology.residue, self.query_residue_range,
            self.haystack_residue_range, self.topology.n_residues)

class ContactDifference(ContactObject):
    Contact map comparison (atomic and residue).
    This can compare single frames or entire trajectories (or even mix the
    two!) While this can be directly instantiated by the user, the more
    common way to make this object is by using the ``-`` operator, i.e.,
    ``diff = map_1 - map_2``.
    # Some class variables on how we handle mismatches, mainly for subclassing.
    _allow_mismatched_atoms = False
    _allow_mismatched_residues = False
    _override_topology = True

    def __init__(self, positive, negative):
        self.positive = positive
        self.negative = negative
        fix_parameters = ParameterFixer(

        (topology, query,
         haystack, cutoff,
         n_neighbors_ignored) = fix_parameters.get_parameters(positive,
        self._all_atoms_intersect = set(
        self._all_residues_intersect = set(
        super(ContactDifference, self).__init__(topology,

    def to_dict(self):
        """Convert object to a dict.
        Keys should be strings; values should be (JSON-) serializable.
        See also
        return {
            'positive': self.positive.to_json(),
            'negative': self.negative.to_json(),
            'positive_cls': self.positive.__class__.__name__,
            'negative_cls': self.negative.__class__.__name__

    def from_dict(cls, dct):
        """Create object from dict.
        dct : dict
            dict-formatted serialization (see to_dict for details)
        See also
        # TODO: add searching for subclasses (http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576949-find-all-subclasses-of-a-given-class/)
        supported_classes = [ContactMap, ContactFrequency]
        supported_classes_dict = {class_.__name__: class_
                                  for class_ in supported_classes}

        def rebuild(pos_neg):
            class_name = dct[pos_neg + "_cls"]
                cls_ = supported_classes_dict[class_name]
            except KeyError:  # pragma: no cover
                raise RuntimeError("Can't rebuild class " + class_name)
            obj = cls_.from_json(dct[pos_neg])
            return obj

        positive = rebuild('positive')
        negative = rebuild('negative')
        return cls(positive, negative)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def contact_map(self, *args, **kwargs):  #pylint: disable=W0221
        raise NotImplementedError

    def from_contacts(self, *args, **kwargs):  #pylint: disable=W0221
        raise NotImplementedError

    def atom_contacts(self):
        return self._get_filtered_sub(pos_count=self.positive.atom_contacts,

    def residue_contacts(self):
        return self._get_filtered_sub(pos_count=self.positive.residue_contacts,

    def _get_filtered_sub(self, pos_count, neg_count, selection, *args,
        """Get a filtered subtraction between two ContactCounts"""
        filtered_pos = pos_count.filter(selection)
        filtered_neg = neg_count.filter(selection)
        diff = collections.Counter(filtered_pos.counter)
        return ContactCount(diff, *args, **kwargs)

class AtomMismatchedContactDifference(ContactDifference):
    Contact map comparison (only residues).
    _allow_mismatched_atoms = True

    def most_common_atoms_for_contact(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def most_common_atoms_for_residue(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def atom_contacts(self):

    def haystack_residues(self):

    def query_residues(self):

    def _missing_atom_contacts(self):
        raise RuntimeError("Different atom indices involved between the two"
                           " maps, so this does not make sense.")

class ResidueMismatchedContactDifference(ContactDifference):
    Contact map comparison (only atoms).
    _allow_mismatched_residues = True

    def residue_contacts(self):

    def _residue_ignore_atom_idxs(self):

    def most_common_atoms_for_contact(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def most_common_atoms_for_residue(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def haystack_residues(self):

    def query_residues(self):

    def _missing_residue_contacts(self):
        raise RuntimeError("Different residue indices involved between the two"
                           " maps, so this does not make sense.")

class OverrideTopologyContactDifference(ContactDifference):
    Contact map comparison with a user provided Topology.

    def __init__(self, positive, negative, topology):
        self._override_topology = topology
        super().__init__(positive, negative)