* Common settings that can be used across all methods
namespace dwmsw\sagepay;
class AbstractSettings
* The version of tha API to use
* @var int
protected $protocol = 3.00;
* The currency being used
* @var string
protected $currency = null;
* The vendor name to be used with Sagepay
* @var string
protected $vendorName = null;
* The method to be used to access the Sagepay API
* @var string
protected $method = 'direct';
* The basket items to be passed to Sagepay
protected $basket;
* The mode of connection to the API
* V3 currently only supports live and test
* @var string
protected $mode = 'live';
* Set this value for callback url called by PayPal
* @var string
protected $paypalCallbackUrl = '';
* Which type of Sagepay account is to be used
* E = Use the e-commerce merchant account (default).
* M = Use the mail
* C = Use the continuous authority merchant account (if present).
* @var string
protected $accountType = 'E';
* Apply Address Verification Status / Card Verification Value
* 0 = If AVS/CV2 enabled then check them. If rules apply, use rules (default).
* 1 = Force AVS/CV2 checks even if not enabled for the account. If rules apply, use rules.
* 2 = Force NO AVS/CV2 checks even if enabled on account.
* 3 = Force AVS/CV2 checks even if not enabled for the account but DON'T apply any rules.
* @var int
protected $applyAvsCv2 = 0;
* Apply 3D-Secure
* 0 = If 3D-Secure checks are possible and rules allow, perform the checks and apply the authorisation rules. (default)
* 1 = Force 3D-Secure checks for this transaction if possible and apply rules for authorisation.
* 2 = Do not perform 3D-Secure checks for this transaction and always authorise.
* 3 = Force 3D-Secure checks for this transaction if possible but ALWAYS obtain an auth code, irrespective of rule base.
* @var int
protected $apply3dSecure = 0;
* Billing Address
* @var Address
protected $billingAddress;
* Delivery Addess
* @var Address
protected $deliveryAddress;
* Transaction Code
* @var string
protected $vendorTxCode;
* Description of transaction
* @var string
protected $description;
* The customers email address
* @var string
protected $customerEmail;
* Whether it's gift aid
* @var int
protected $giftAid;
* The card to be used
* @var Card
protected $card;
* Sagepay Response
* @var array
protected $response;
* Whether to create a token or not
* @var int
protected $createToken;
* For Repeat Payment, the vendorTXCode of the last authed payment
* @var string
protected $relatedVendorTxCode;
* For Repeat Payment, the security key returned from the last authed payment
* @var string
protected $relatedSecurityKey;
* For Repeat Payment, the transaction auth number returned from the last authed payment
* @var string
protected $relatedTxAuthNo;
* For Repeat Payment, the VPS transaction ID returned from the last authed payment
* @var string
protected $relatedVPSTxId;
* An array holding the endpoints available to the Direct API
* @var array
protected $directEndPoints = array(
'live' => array(
'register' => '',
'3dsecure' => '',
'abort' => '',
'authorise' => '',
'cancel' => '',
'refund' => '',
'release' => '',
'repeat' => '',
'void' => '',
'complete' => '',
'removeToken' => '',
'createToken' => '',
'test' => array(
'register' => '',
'3dsecure' => '',
'abort' => '',
'authorise' => '',
'cancel' => '',
'refund' => '',
'release' => '',
'repeat' => '',
'void' => '',
'complete' => '',
'removeToken' => '',
'createToken' => '',
* Timeout limit for cURL requests
* @var integer
protected $timeOut = 30;