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var validator = require('validator'); // github.com/chriso/validator.js

 * extract_validation_error does what its name suggests
 * given that the error is not in a very useable format we
 * need to extract it into a simple set of key:value pairs
 * @param {Object} error see: http://git.io/vcwiU
 * @returns {Object} err - the simplified error object
function extract_validation_error(error){
  var key = error.data.details[0].path;
  err = {}
  err[key] = {
    class   : 'input-error',                // css class
    message : error.data.details[0].message // Joi error message
  return err;

 * return_values extracts the values the person submitted if they
 * submitted the form with incomplete or invalid data so that
 * the form is not "wiped" each time it gets valdiated!
 * @param {Object} error - see: http://git.io/vciZd
 * @returns {Object} values - key:value pairs of the fields
 * with the value sent by the client.
function return_form_input_values(error) {
  // var values;
  // if(error.data && error.data._object) { // see: http://git.io/vciZd
    var values = {};
    var keys = Object.keys(error.data._object)
      values[k] = validator.escape(error.data._object[k]);
  // }
  return values;

 * register_handler is a dual-purpose handler that initially renders
 * the registration form but is re-used to display the form with any
 * Joi validation errors to the client until they input valid info
 * @param {Object} request - the hapi request object
 * @param {Object} reply - the standard hapi reply object
 * @param {String} source - source of the invalid field e.g: 'payload'
 * @param {Object} error - the error object prepared for the client
 * response (including the validation function error under error.data
function login_handler(request, reply, source, error) {
  // show the registration form until its submitted correctly
  if(!request.payload || request.payload && error) {
    var errors, values; // return empty if not set.
    if(error && error.data) { // means the handler is dual-purpose
      errors = extract_validation_error(error); // the error field + message
      values = return_form_input_values(error); // avoid wiping form data
    return reply.view('index', {
      title  : 'Please Register ' + request.server.version,
      error  : errors, // error object used in html template
      values : values  // (escaped) values displayed in form inputs
    }).code(error ? 400 : 200);
  else { // once successful, show welcome message!
    return reply.view('success', {
      name   : 'Friend',
      email  : validator.escape(request.payload.email)

module.exports = login_handler;