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/*! jQuery Google Maps Store Locator - v2.7.2 - 2016-12-03
* http://www.bjornblog.com/web/jquery-store-locator-plugin
* Copyright (c) 2016 Bjorn Holine; Licensed MIT */

;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
    'use strict';

    var pluginName = 'storeLocator';

    // Only allow for one instantiation of this script and make sure Google Maps API is included
    if (typeof $.fn[pluginName] !== 'undefined' || typeof google === 'undefined') {

    // Variables used across multiple methods
    var $this, map, listTemplate, infowindowTemplate, dataTypeRead, originalOrigin, originalData, originalZoom, dataRequest, searchInput, addressInput, olat, olng, storeNum, directionsDisplay, directionsService, prevSelectedMarkerBefore, prevSelectedMarkerAfter, firstRun;
    var featuredset = [], locationset = [], normalset = [], markers = [];
    var filters = {}, locationData = {}, GeoCodeCalc = {}, mappingObj = {};

    // Create the defaults once. DO NOT change these settings in this file - settings should be overridden in the plugin call
    var defaults = {
        'mapID'                    : 'bh-sl-map',
        'locationList'             : 'bh-sl-loc-list',
        'formContainer'            : 'bh-sl-form-container',
        'formID'                   : 'bh-sl-user-location',
        'addressID'                : 'bh-sl-address',
        'regionID'                 : 'bh-sl-region',
        'mapSettings'              : {
            zoom     : 12,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        'markerImg'                : null,
        'markerDim'                : null,
        'catMarkers'               : null,
        'selectedMarkerImg'        : null,
        'selectedMarkerImgDim'     : null,
        'disableAlphaMarkers'      : false,
        'lengthUnit'               : 'm',
        'storeLimit'               : 26,
        'distanceAlert'            : 60,
        'dataType'                 : 'xml',
        'dataLocation'             : 'data/locations.xml',
        'dataRaw'                  : null,
        'xmlElement'               : 'marker',
        'listColor1'               : '#ffffff',
        'listColor2'               : '#eeeeee',
        'originMarker'             : false,
        'originMarkerImg'          : null,
        'originMarkerDim'          : null,
        'bounceMarker'             : true,
        'slideMap'                 : true,
        'modal'                    : false,
        'overlay'                  : 'bh-sl-overlay',
        'modalWindow'              : 'bh-sl-modal-window',
        'modalContent'             : 'bh-sl-modal-content',
        'closeIcon'                : 'bh-sl-close-icon',
        'defaultLoc'               : false,
        'defaultLat'               : null,
        'defaultLng'               : null,
        'autoComplete'             : false,
        'autoCompleteOptions'      : {},
        'autoGeocode'              : false,
        'geocodeID'                : null,
        'maxDistance'              : false,
        'maxDistanceID'            : 'bh-sl-maxdistance',
        'fullMapStart'             : false,
        'fullMapStartBlank'        : false,
        'fullMapStartListLimit'    : false,
        'noForm'                   : false,
        'loading'                  : false,
        'loadingContainer'         : 'bh-sl-loading',
        'featuredLocations'        : false,
        'pagination'               : false,
        'locationsPerPage'         : 10,
        'inlineDirections'         : false,
        'nameSearch'               : false,
        'searchID'                 : 'bh-sl-search',
        'nameAttribute'            : 'name',
        'visibleMarkersList'       : false,
        'dragSearch'               : false,
        'infowindowTemplatePath'   : 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/infowindow-description.html',
        'listTemplatePath'         : 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/location-list-description.html',
        'KMLinfowindowTemplatePath': 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/kml-infowindow-description.html',
        'KMLlistTemplatePath'      : 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/kml-location-list-description.html',
        'listTemplateID'           : null,
        'infowindowTemplateID'     : null,
        'taxonomyFilters'          : null,
        'taxonomyFiltersContainer' : 'bh-sl-filters-container',
        'exclusiveFiltering'       : false,
        'querystringParams'        : false,
        'debug'                    : false,
        'sessionStorage'           : false,
        'markerCluster'            : null,
        'infoBubble'               : null,
        // Callbacks
        'callbackNotify'           : null,
        'callbackRegion'           : null,
        'callbackBeforeSend'       : null,
        'callbackSuccess'          : null,
        'callbackModalOpen'        : null,
        'callbackModalReady'       : null,
        'callbackModalClose'       : null,
        'callbackJsonp'            : null,
        'callbackCreateMarker'     : null,
        'callbackPageChange'       : null,
        'callbackDirectionsRequest': null,
        'callbackCloseDirections'  : null,
        'callbackNoResults'        : null,
        'callbackListClick'        : null,
        'callbackMarkerClick'      : null,
        'callbackFilters'          : null,
        'callbackMapSet'           : null,
        // Language options
        'addressErrorAlert'        : 'Unable to find address',
        'autoGeocodeErrorAlert'    : 'Automatic location detection failed. Please fill in your address or zip code.',
        'distanceErrorAlert'       : 'Unfortunately, our closest location is more than ',
        'mileLang'                 : 'mile',
        'milesLang'                : 'miles',
        'kilometerLang'            : 'kilometer',
        'kilometersLang'           : 'kilometers',
        'noResultsTitle'           : 'No results',
        'noResultsDesc'            : 'No locations were found with the given criteria. Please modify your selections or input.',
        'nextPage'                 : 'Next »',
        'prevPage'                 : '« Prev'

    // Plugin constructor
    function Plugin(element, options) {
        $this = $(element);
        this.element = element;
        this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
        this._defaults = defaults;
        this._name = pluginName;

    // Avoid Plugin.prototype conflicts
    $.extend(Plugin.prototype, {

         * Init function
        init: function () {
            var _this = this;
            // Calculate geocode distance functions
            if (this.settings.lengthUnit === 'km') {
                // Kilometers
                GeoCodeCalc.EarthRadius = 6367.0;
            else {
                // Default is miles
                GeoCodeCalc.EarthRadius = 3956.0;

            // KML is read as XML
            if (this.settings.dataType === 'kml') {
                dataTypeRead = 'xml';
            else {
                dataTypeRead = this.settings.dataType;

            // Add directions panel if enabled
            if(this.settings.inlineDirections === true) {
                $('.' + this.settings.locationList).prepend('<div class="bh-sl-directions-panel"></div>');

            // Save the original zoom setting so it can be retrieved if taxonomy filtering resets it
            originalZoom = this.settings.mapSettings.zoom;

            // Add Handlebars helper for handling URL output
            Handlebars.registerHelper('niceURL', function(url) {
                    return url.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '');

            // Do taxonomy filtering if set
            if (this.settings.taxonomyFilters !== null) {

            // Add modal window divs if set
            if (this.settings.modal === true) {
                // Clone the filters if there are any so they can be used in the modal
                if (this.settings.taxonomyFilters !== null) {
                    // Clone the filters
                    $('.' + this.settings.taxonomyFiltersContainer).clone(true, true).prependTo($this);

                $this.wrap('<div class="' + this.settings.overlay + '"><div class="' + this.settings.modalWindow + '"><div class="' + this.settings.modalContent + '">');
                $('.' + this.settings.modalWindow).prepend('<div class="' + this.settings.closeIcon + '"></div>');
                $('.' + this.settings.overlay).hide();

            // Set up Google Places autocomplete if it's set to true
            if (this.settings.autoComplete === true) {
                var searchInput = document.getElementById(this.settings.addressID);
                var autoPlaces = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(searchInput, this.settings.autoCompleteOptions);

                // Add listener when autoComplete selection changes.
                if (this.settings.autoComplete === true) {
                    autoPlaces.addListener('place_changed', function(e) {

            // Load the templates and continue from there

         * Destroy
         * Note: The Google map is not destroyed here because Google recommends using a single instance and reusing it (it's not really supported)
        destroy: function () {
            // Reset
            var $mapDiv = $('#' + this.settings.mapID);

            // Remove marker event listeners
            if(markers.length) {
                for(var i = 0; i <= markers.length; i++) {

            // Remove markup
            $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul').empty();
            if($mapDiv.hasClass('bh-sl-map-open')) {

            // Remove modal markup
            if (this.settings.modal === true) {
                $('. ' + this.settings.overlay).remove();

            // Remove map style from container
            $mapDiv.attr('style', '');

            // Hide map container
            // Remove data
            // Remove namespaced events
            // Unbind plugin

         * Reset function
         * This method clears out all the variables and removes events. It does not reload the map.
        reset: function () {
            locationset = [];
            featuredset = [];
            normalset = [];
            markers = [];
            firstRun = false;
            $(document).off('click.'+pluginName, '.' + this.settings.locationList + ' li');
            if( $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' .bh-sl-close-directions-container').length ) {
            if(this.settings.inlineDirections === true) {
                // Remove directions panel if it's there
                var $adp = $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' .adp');
                if ( $adp.length > 0 ) {
                    $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul').fadeIn();
                $(document).off('click', '.' + this.settings.locationList + ' li .loc-directions a');
            if(this.settings.pagination === true) {
                $(document).off('click.'+pluginName, '.bh-sl-pagination li');

         * Reset the form filters
        formFiltersReset: function () {
            if (this.settings.taxonomyFilters === null) {

            var $inputs = $('.' + this.settings.taxonomyFiltersContainer + ' input'),
                $selects = $('.' + this.settings.taxonomyFiltersContainer + ' select');

            if ( typeof($inputs) !== 'object') {

            // Loop over the input fields
            $inputs.each(function() {
                if ($(this).is('input[type="checkbox"]') || $(this).is('input[type="radio"]')) {

            // Loop over select fields
            $selects.each(function() {

         * Reload everything
         * This method does a reset of everything and reloads the map as it would first appear.
        mapReload: function() {

            if ( this.settings.taxonomyFilters !== null ) {

            if ((olat) && (olng)) {
                this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = originalZoom;
            else {

         * Notifications
         * Some errors use alert by default. This is overridable with the callbackNotify option
         * @param notifyText {string} the notification message
        notify: function (notifyText) {
            if (this.settings.callbackNotify) {
                this.settings.callbackNotify.call(this, notifyText);
            else {

         * Distance calculations
        geoCodeCalcToRadian: function (v) {
            return v * (Math.PI / 180);
        geoCodeCalcDiffRadian: function (v1, v2) {
            return this.geoCodeCalcToRadian(v2) - this.geoCodeCalcToRadian(v1);
        geoCodeCalcCalcDistance: function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2, radius) {
            return radius * 2 * Math.asin(Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(( Math.pow(Math.sin((this.geoCodeCalcDiffRadian(lat1, lat2)) / 2.0), 2.0) + Math.cos(this.geoCodeCalcToRadian(lat1)) * Math.cos(this.geoCodeCalcToRadian(lat2)) * Math.pow(Math.sin((this.geoCodeCalcDiffRadian(lng1, lng2)) / 2.0), 2.0) ))));

         * Check for query string
         * @param param {string} query string parameter to test
         * @returns {string} query string value
        getQueryString: function(param) {
            if(param) {
                param = param.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]');
                var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + param + '=([^&#]*)'),
                    results = regex.exec(location.search);
                return (results === null) ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));

         * Get google.maps.Map instance
         * @returns {Object} google.maps.Map instance
        getMap: function() {
            return this.map;

         * Load templates via Handlebars templates in /templates or inline via IDs - private
        _loadTemplates: function () {
            var source;
            var _this = this;
            var templateError = '<div class="bh-sl-error">Error: Could not load plugin templates. Check the paths and ensure they have been uploaded. Paths will be wrong if you do not run this from a web server.</div>';
            // Get the KML templates
            if (this.settings.dataType === 'kml' && this.settings.listTemplateID === null && this.settings.infowindowTemplateID === null) {

                // Try loading the external template files
                    // KML infowindows
                    $.get(this.settings.KMLinfowindowTemplatePath, function (template) {
                        source = template;
                        infowindowTemplate = Handlebars.compile(source);

                    // KML locations list
                    $.get(this.settings.KMLlistTemplatePath, function (template) {
                        source = template;
                        listTemplate = Handlebars.compile(source);
                ).then(function () {
                    // Continue to the main script if templates are loaded successfully

                }, function () {
                    // KML templates not loaded
                    $('.' + _this.settings.formContainer).append(templateError);
                    throw new Error('Could not load storeLocator plugin templates');
            // Handle script tag template method
            else if (this.settings.listTemplateID !== null && this.settings.infowindowTemplateID !== null) {
                // Infowindows
                infowindowTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#' + this.settings.infowindowTemplateID).html());

                // Locations list
                listTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#' + this.settings.listTemplateID).html());

                // Continue to the main script
            // Get the JSON/XML templates
            else {
                // Try loading the external template files
                    // Infowindows
                    $.get(this.settings.infowindowTemplatePath, function (template) {
                        source = template;
                        infowindowTemplate = Handlebars.compile(source);

                    // Locations list
                    $.get(this.settings.listTemplatePath, function (template) {
                        source = template;
                        listTemplate = Handlebars.compile(source);
                ).then(function () {
                    // Continue to the main script if templates are loaded successfully

                }, function () {
                    // JSON/XML templates not loaded
                    $('.' + _this.settings.formContainer).append(templateError);
                    throw new Error('Could not load storeLocator plugin templates');

         * Primary locator function runs after the templates are loaded
        locator: function () {
            if (this.settings.slideMap === true) {
                // Let's hide the map container to begin


         * Form event handler setup - private
        _formEventHandler: function () {
            var _this = this;
            // ASP.net or regular submission?
            if (this.settings.noForm === true) {
                $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '.' + this.settings.formContainer + ' button', function (e) {
                $(document).on('keydown.'+pluginName, function (e) {
                    if (e.keyCode === 13 && $('#' + _this.settings.addressID).is(':focus')) {
            else {
                $(document).on('submit.'+pluginName, '#' + this.settings.formID, function (e) {

            // Reset button trigger
            if ($('.bh-sl-reset').length && $('#' + this.settings.mapID).length) {
                $(document).on('click.' + pluginName, '.bh-sl-reset', function () {

         * AJAX data request - private
         * @param lat {number} latitude
         * @param lng {number} longitude
         * @param address {string} street address
         * @param geocodeData {object} full Google geocode results object
         * @returns {Object} deferred object
        _getData: function (lat, lng, address, geocodeData ) {
            var _this = this,
                northEast = '',
                southWest = '',
                formattedAddress = '';

            // Define extra geocode result info
            if ( typeof geocodeData !== 'undefined' && typeof geocodeData.geometry.bounds !== 'undefined') {
                formattedAddress = geocodeData.formatted_address;
                northEast = JSON.stringify( geocodeData.geometry.bounds.getNorthEast() );
                southWest = JSON.stringify( geocodeData.geometry.bounds.getSouthWest() );

            // Before send callback
            if (this.settings.callbackBeforeSend) {
                this.settings.callbackBeforeSend.call(this, lat, lng, address, formattedAddress, northEast, southWest);

            // Raw data
            if( _this.settings.dataRaw !== null ) {
                // XML
                if( dataTypeRead === 'xml' ) {
                    return $.parseXML(_this.settings.dataRaw);

                // JSON
                else if( dataTypeRead === 'json' ) {
                    if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(_this.settings.dataRaw)) {
                        return _this.settings.dataRaw;
                    else if (typeof _this.settings.dataRaw === 'string') {
                        return $.parseJSON(_this.settings.dataRaw);
                    else {
                        return [];

            // Remote data
            else {
                var d = $.Deferred();

                // Loading
                if(this.settings.loading === true){
                    $('.' + this.settings.formContainer).append('<div class="' + this.settings.loadingContainer +'"></div>');

                // AJAX request
                    type         : 'GET',
                    url          : this.settings.dataLocation + (this.settings.dataType === 'jsonp' ? (this.settings.dataLocation.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + 'callback=?' : ''),
                    // Passing the lat, lng, address, formatted address and bounds with the AJAX request so they can optionally be used by back-end languages
                    data: {
                        'origLat' : lat,
                        'origLng' : lng,
                        'origAddress': address,
                        'formattedAddress': formattedAddress,
                        'boundsNorthEast' : northEast,
                        'boundsSouthWest' : southWest
                    dataType     : dataTypeRead,
                    jsonpCallback: (this.settings.dataType === 'jsonp' ? this.settings.callbackJsonp : null)
                }).done(function(p) {

                    // Loading remove
                    if(_this.settings.loading === true){
                        $('.' + _this.settings.formContainer + ' .' + _this.settings.loadingContainer).remove();
                return d.promise();

         * Checks for default location, full map, and HTML5 geolocation settings - private
        _start: function () {
            var _this = this,
                    doAutoGeo = this.settings.autoGeocode,

            // Full map blank start
            if (_this.settings.fullMapStartBlank !== false) {
                var $mapDiv = $('#' + _this.settings.mapID);
                var myOptions = _this.settings.mapSettings;
                myOptions.zoom = _this.settings.fullMapStartBlank;

                latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(this.settings.defaultLat, this.settings.defaultLng);
                myOptions.center = latlng;

                // Create the map
                _this.map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(_this.settings.mapID), myOptions);

                // Re-center the map when the browser is re-sized
                google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'resize', function() {
                    var center = _this.map.getCenter();
                    google.maps.event.trigger(_this.map, 'resize');

                // Only do this once
                _this.settings.fullMapStartBlank = false;
                myOptions.zoom = originalZoom;
            else {
                // If a default location is set
                if (this.settings.defaultLoc === true) {

                // If there is already have a value in the address bar
                if ($.trim($('#' + this.settings.addressID).val()) !== ''){
                    _this.writeDebug('Using Address Field');
                    doAutoGeo = false; // No need for additional processing
                // If show full map option is true
                else if (this.settings.fullMapStart === true) {
                    if((this.settings.querystringParams === true && this.getQueryString(this.settings.addressID)) || (this.settings.querystringParams === true && this.getQueryString(this.settings.searchID)) || (this.settings.querystringParams === true && this.getQueryString(this.settings.maxDistanceID))) {
                        _this.writeDebug('Using Query String');
                        doAutoGeo = false; // No need for additional processing
                    else {

                // HTML5 auto geolocation API option
                if (this.settings.autoGeocode === true && doAutoGeo === true) {
                    _this.writeDebug('Auto Geo');


                // HTML5 geolocation API button option
                if (this.settings.autoGeocode !== null) {
                    _this.writeDebug('Button Geo');

                    $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '#' + this.settings.geocodeID, function () {

         * Geocode function used for auto geocode setting and geocodeID button
        htmlGeocode: function() {
            var _this = this;

            if (this.settings.sessionStorage === true && window.sessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.getItem('myGeo')){
                this.writeDebug('Using Session Saved Values for GEO');
                return false;
            else if (navigator.geolocation) {
                    _this.writeDebug('Current Position Result');
                    // To not break autoGeocodeQuery then we create the obj to match the geolocation format
                    var pos = {
                        coords: {
                            latitude : position.coords.latitude,
                            longitude: position.coords.longitude,
                            accuracy : position.coords.accuracy
                    // Have to do this to get around scope issues
                    if (_this.settings.sessionStorage === true && window.sessionStorage) {
                }, function(error){

         * Geocode function used to geocode the origin (entered location)
        googleGeocode: function (thisObj) {
            var _this = thisObj;
            var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
            this.geocode = function (request, callbackFunction) {
                geocoder.geocode(request, function (results, status) {
                    if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
                        var result = {};
                        result.latitude = results[0].geometry.location.lat();
                        result.longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng();
                        result.geocodeResult = results[0];
                    } else {
                        throw new Error('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);

         * Reverse geocode to get address for automatic options needed for directions link
        reverseGoogleGeocode: function (thisObj) {
            var _this = thisObj;
            var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
            this.geocode = function (request, callbackFunction) {
                geocoder.geocode(request, function (results, status) {
                    if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
                        if (results[0]) {
                            var result = {};
                            result.address = results[0].formatted_address;
                    } else {
                        throw new Error('Reverse geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);

         * Rounding function used for distances
         * @param num {number} the full number
         * @param dec {number} the number of digits to show after the decimal
         * @returns {number}
        roundNumber: function (num, dec) {
            return Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, dec)) / Math.pow(10, dec);

         * Checks to see if the object is empty. Using this instead of $.isEmptyObject for legacy browser support
         * @param obj {Object} the object to check
         * @returns {boolean}
        isEmptyObject: function (obj) {
            for (var key in obj) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    return false;
            return true;

         * Checks to see if all the property values in the object are empty
         * @param obj {Object} the object to check
         * @returns {boolean}
        hasEmptyObjectVals: function (obj) {
                var objTest = true;

                for(var key in obj) {
                    if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                        if(obj[key] !== '' && obj[key].length !== 0) {
                            objTest = false;

                return objTest;

         * Modal window close function
        modalClose: function () {
            // Callback
            if (this.settings.callbackModalClose) {

            // Reset the filters
            filters = {};

            // Undo category selections
            $('.' + this.settings.overlay + ' select').prop('selectedIndex', 0);
            $('.' + this.settings.overlay + ' input').prop('checked', false);

            // Hide the modal
            $('.' + this.settings.overlay).hide();

         * Create the location variables - private
         * @param loopcount {number} current marker id
        _createLocationVariables: function (loopcount) {
            var value;
            locationData = {};

            for (var key in locationset[loopcount]) {
                if (locationset[loopcount].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    value = locationset[loopcount][key];

                    if (key === 'distance') {
                        value = this.roundNumber(value, 2);

                    locationData[key] = value;

         * Location distance sorting function
         * @param locationsarray {array} locationset array
        sortNumerically: function (locationsarray) {
            locationsarray.sort(function (a, b) {
                return ((a.distance < b.distance) ? -1 : ((a.distance > b.distance) ? 1 : 0));

         * Filter the data with Regex
         * @param data {array} data array to check for filter values
         * @param filters {Object} taxonomy filters object
         * @returns {boolean}
        filterData: function (data, filters) {
            var filterTest = true;

            for (var k in filters) {
                if (filters.hasOwnProperty(k)) {

                    // Exclusive filtering
                    if(this.settings.exclusiveFiltering === true) {
                        var filterTests = filters[k];
                        var exclusiveTest = [];

                        for(var l = 0; l < filterTests.length; l++) {
                            exclusiveTest[l] = new RegExp(filterTests[l], 'i').test(data[k].replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, ''));

                        if(exclusiveTest.indexOf(true) === -1) {
                            filterTest = false;
                    // Inclusive filtering
                    else {
                        if (typeof data[k] === 'undefined' || !(new RegExp(filters[k].join(''), 'i').test(data[k].replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, '')))) {
                            filterTest = false;

            if (filterTest) {
                return true;

         * Build pagination numbers and next/prev links - private
         * @param currentPage {number}
         * @param totalPages {number}
         * @returns {string}
        _paginationOutput: function(currentPage, totalPages) {

            currentPage = parseFloat(currentPage);
            var output = '';
            var nextPage = currentPage + 1;
            var prevPage = currentPage - 1;

            // Previous page
            if( currentPage > 0 ) {
                output += '<li class="bh-sl-next-prev" data-page="' + prevPage + '">' + this.settings.prevPage + '</li>';

            // Add the numbers
            for (var p = 0; p < Math.ceil(totalPages); p++) {
                var n = p + 1;

                if (p === currentPage) {
                    output += '<li class="bh-sl-current" data-page="' + p + '">' + n + '</li>';
                else {
                    output += '<li data-page="' + p + '">' + n + '</li>';

            // Next page
            if( nextPage < totalPages ) {
                output += '<li class="bh-sl-next-prev" data-page="' + nextPage + '">' + this.settings.nextPage + '</li>';

            return output;

         * Set up the pagination pages
         * @param currentPage {number} optional current page
        paginationSetup: function (currentPage) {
            var pagesOutput = '';
            var totalPages;
            var $paginationList = $('.bh-sl-pagination-container .bh-sl-pagination');

            // Total pages
            if ( this.settings.storeLimit === -1 || locationset.length < this.settings.storeLimit ) {
                totalPages = locationset.length / this.settings.locationsPerPage;
            } else {
                totalPages = this.settings.storeLimit / this.settings.locationsPerPage;

            // Current page check
            if (typeof currentPage === 'undefined') {
                currentPage = 0;

            // Initial pagination setup
            if ($paginationList.length === 0) {

                pagesOutput = this._paginationOutput(currentPage, totalPages);
            // Update pagination on page change
            else {
                // Remove the old pagination

                // Add the numbers
                pagesOutput = this._paginationOutput(currentPage, totalPages);


         * Marker image setup
         * @param markerUrl {string} path to marker image
         * @param markerWidth {number} width of marker
         * @param markerHeight {number} height of marker
         * @returns {Object} Google Maps icon object
        markerImage: function (markerUrl, markerWidth, markerHeight) {
            var markerImg;

            // User defined marker dimensions
            if(typeof markerWidth !== 'undefined' && typeof markerHeight !== 'undefined') {
                markerImg = {
                    url: markerUrl,
                    size: new google.maps.Size(markerWidth, markerHeight),
                    scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(markerWidth, markerHeight)
            // Default marker dimensions: 32px x 32px
            else {
                markerImg = {
                    url: markerUrl,
                    size: new google.maps.Size(32, 32),
                    scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(32, 32)

            return markerImg;

         * Map marker setup
         * @param point {Object} LatLng of current location
         * @param name {string} location name
         * @param address {string} location address
         * @param letter {string} optional letter used for front-end identification and correlation between list and points
         * @param map {Object} the Google Map
         * @param category {string} location category/categories
         * @returns {Object} Google Maps marker
        createMarker: function (point, name, address, letter, map, category) {
            var marker, markerImg, letterMarkerImg;
            var categories = [];

            // Custom multi-marker image override (different markers for different categories
            if(this.settings.catMarkers !== null) {
                if(typeof category !== 'undefined') {
                    // Multiple categories
                    if(category.indexOf(',') !== -1) {
                        // Break the category variable into an array if there are multiple categories for the location
                        categories = category.split(',');
                        // With multiple categories the color will be determined by the last matched category in the data
                        for(var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
                            if(categories[i] in this.settings.catMarkers) {
                                markerImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.catMarkers[categories[i]][0], parseInt(this.settings.catMarkers[categories[i]][1]), parseInt(this.settings.catMarkers[categories[i]][2]));
                    // Single category
                    else {
                        if(category in this.settings.catMarkers) {
                            markerImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.catMarkers[category][0], parseInt(this.settings.catMarkers[category][1]), parseInt(this.settings.catMarkers[category][2]));

            // Custom single marker image override
            if(this.settings.markerImg !== null) {
                if(this.settings.markerDim === null) {
                    markerImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.markerImg);
                else {
                    markerImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.markerImg, this.settings.markerDim.width, this.settings.markerDim.height);

            // Marker setup
            if (this.settings.callbackCreateMarker) {
                // Marker override callback
                marker = this.settings.callbackCreateMarker.call(this, map, point, letter, category);
            else {
                // Create the default markers
                if (this.settings.disableAlphaMarkers === true || this.settings.storeLimit === -1 || this.settings.storeLimit > 26 || this.settings.catMarkers !== null || this.settings.markerImg !== null || (this.settings.fullMapStart === true && firstRun === true && (isNaN(this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit) || this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit > 26 || this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit === -1))) {
                    marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                        position : point,
                        map      : map,
                        draggable: false,
                        icon: markerImg // Reverts to default marker if nothing is passed
                else {
                    // Letter markers image
                    letterMarkerImg = {
                        url: 'https://mt.googleapis.com/vt/icon/name=icons/spotlight/spotlight-waypoint-b.png&text=' + letter + '&psize=16&font=fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf&color=ff333333&ax=44&ay=48'

                    // Letter markers
                    marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                        position : point,
                        map      : map,
                        icon     : letterMarkerImg,
                        draggable: false

            return marker;

         * Define the location data for the templates - private
         * @param currentMarker {Object} Google Maps marker
         * @param storeStart {number} optional first location on the current page
         * @param page {number} optional current page
         * @returns {Object} extended location data object
        _defineLocationData: function (currentMarker, storeStart, page) {
            var indicator = '';

            var distLength;
            if (locationData.distance <= 1) {
                if (this.settings.lengthUnit === 'km') {
                    distLength = this.settings.kilometerLang;
                else {
                    distLength = this.settings.mileLang;
            else {
                if (this.settings.lengthUnit === 'km') {
                    distLength = this.settings.kilometersLang;
                else {
                    distLength = this.settings.milesLang;

            // Set up alpha character
            var markerId = currentMarker.get('id');
            // Use dot markers instead of alpha if there are more than 26 locations
            if (this.settings.disableAlphaMarkers === true || this.settings.storeLimit === -1 || this.settings.storeLimit > 26 || (this.settings.fullMapStart === true && firstRun === true && (isNaN(this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit) || this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit > 26 || this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit === -1))) {
                indicator = markerId + 1;
            else {
                if (page > 0) {
                    indicator = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt(0) + (storeStart + markerId));
                else {
                    indicator = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt(0) + markerId);

            // Define location data
            return {
                location: [$.extend(locationData, {
                    'markerid': markerId,
                    'marker'  : indicator,
                    'length'  : distLength,
                    'origin'  : originalOrigin

         * Set up the list templates
         * @param marker {Object} Google Maps marker
         * @param storeStart {number} optional first location on the current page
         * @param page {number} optional current page
        listSetup: function (marker, storeStart, page) {
            // Define the location data
            var locations = this._defineLocationData(marker, storeStart, page);

            // Set up the list template with the location data
            var listHtml = listTemplate(locations);
            $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul').append(listHtml);

         * Change the selected marker image
         * @param marker {Object} Google Maps marker object
        changeSelectedMarker: function (marker) {
            var markerImg;

            // Reset the previously selected marker
            if ( typeof prevSelectedMarkerAfter !== 'undefined' ) {
                prevSelectedMarkerAfter.setIcon( prevSelectedMarkerBefore );

            // Change the selected marker icon
            if(this.settings.selectedMarkerImgDim === null) {
                markerImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.selectedMarkerImg);
            } else {
                markerImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.selectedMarkerImg, this.settings.selectedMarkerImgDim.width, this.settings.selectedMarkerImgDim.height);

            // Save the marker before switching it
            prevSelectedMarkerBefore = marker.icon;

            marker.setIcon( markerImg );

            // Save the marker to a variable so it can be reverted when another marker is clicked
            prevSelectedMarkerAfter = marker;

         * Create the infowindow
         * @param marker {Object} Google Maps marker object
         * @param location {string} indicates if the list or a map marker was clicked
         * @param infowindow Google Maps InfoWindow constructor
         * @param storeStart {number}
         * @param page {number}
        createInfowindow: function (marker, location, infowindow, storeStart, page) {
            var _this = this;
            // Define the location data
            var locations = this._defineLocationData(marker, storeStart, page);

            // Set up the infowindow template with the location data
            var formattedAddress = infowindowTemplate(locations);

            // Opens the infowindow when list item is clicked
            if (location === 'left') {
                infowindow.open(marker.get('map'), marker);
            // Opens the infowindow when the marker is clicked
            else {
                google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {
                    infowindow.open(marker.get('map'), marker);
                    // Focus on the list
                    var markerId = marker.get('id');
                    var $selectedLocation = $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' li[data-markerid=' + markerId + ']');

                    if ($selectedLocation.length > 0) {
                        // Marker click callback
                        if (_this.settings.callbackMarkerClick) {
                            _this.settings.callbackMarkerClick.call(this, marker, markerId, $selectedLocation);

                        $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' li').removeClass('list-focus');

                        // Scroll list to selected marker
                        var $container = $('.' + _this.settings.locationList);
                            scrollTop: $selectedLocation.offset().top - $container.offset().top + $container.scrollTop()

                    // Custom selected marker override
                    if(_this.settings.selectedMarkerImg !== null) {

         * HTML5 geocoding function for automatic location detection
         * @param position {Object} coordinates
        autoGeocodeQuery: function (position) {
            var _this = this,
                distance = null,
                $distanceInput = $('#' + this.settings.maxDistanceID),

            // Query string parameters
            if(this.settings.querystringParams === true) {
                // Check for distance query string parameters
                    distance = this.getQueryString(this.settings.maxDistanceID);

                    if($distanceInput.val() !== '') {
                        distance = $distanceInput.val();
                    // Get the distance if set
                    if (this.settings.maxDistance === true) {
                        distance = $distanceInput.val() || '';
            else {
                // Get the distance if set
                if (this.settings.maxDistance === true) {
                    distance = $distanceInput.val() || '';

            // The address needs to be determined for the directions link
            var r = new this.reverseGoogleGeocode(this);
            var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
            r.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function (data) {
                if (data !== null) {
                    originAddress = addressInput = data.address;
                    olat = mappingObj.lat = position.coords.latitude;
                    olng = mappingObj.lng = position.coords.longitude;
                    mappingObj.origin = originAddress;
                    mappingObj.distance = distance;
                } else {
                    // Unable to geocode

         * Handle autoGeocode failure - private
        _autoGeocodeError: function () {
            // If automatic detection doesn't work show an error

         * Default location method
        defaultLocation: function() {
            var _this = this,
                distance = null,
                $distanceInput = $('#' + this.settings.maxDistanceID),

            // Query string parameters
            if(this.settings.querystringParams === true) {
                // Check for distance query string parameters
                    distance = this.getQueryString(this.settings.maxDistanceID);

                    if($distanceInput.val() !== '') {
                        distance = $distanceInput.val();
                    // Get the distance if set
                    if (this.settings.maxDistance === true) {
                        distance = $distanceInput.val() || '';
            else {
                // Get the distance if set
                if (this.settings.maxDistance === true) {
                    distance = $distanceInput.val() || '';

            // The address needs to be determined for the directions link
            var r = new this.reverseGoogleGeocode(this);
            var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(this.settings.defaultLat, this.settings.defaultLng);
            r.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function (data) {
                if (data !== null) {
                    originAddress = addressInput = data.address;
                    olat = mappingObj.lat = _this.settings.defaultLat;
                    olng = mappingObj.lng = _this.settings.defaultLng;
                    mappingObj.distance = distance;
                    mappingObj.origin = originAddress;
                } else {
                    // Unable to geocode

         * Change the page
         * @param newPage {number} page to change to
        paginationChange: function (newPage) {

            // Page change callback
            if (this.settings.callbackPageChange) {
                this.settings.callbackPageChange.call(this, newPage);

            mappingObj.page = newPage;

         * Get the address by marker ID
         * @param markerID {number} location ID
         * @returns {string} formatted address
        getAddressByMarker: function(markerID) {
            var formattedAddress = "";
            // Set up formatted address
            if(locationset[markerID].address){ formattedAddress += locationset[markerID].address + ' '; }
            if(locationset[markerID].address2){ formattedAddress += locationset[markerID].address2 + ' '; }
            if(locationset[markerID].city){ formattedAddress += locationset[markerID].city + ', '; }
            if(locationset[markerID].state){ formattedAddress += locationset[markerID].state + ' '; }
            if(locationset[markerID].postal){ formattedAddress += locationset[markerID].postal + ' '; }
            if(locationset[markerID].country){ formattedAddress += locationset[markerID].country + ' '; }

            return formattedAddress;

         * Clear the markers from the map
        clearMarkers: function() {
            var locationsLimit = null;

            if (locationset.length < this.settings.storeLimit) {
                locationsLimit = locationset.length;
            else {
                locationsLimit = this.settings.storeLimit;

            for (var i = 0; i < locationsLimit; i++) {

         * Handle inline direction requests
         * @param origin {string} origin address
         * @param locID {number} location ID
         * @param map {Object} Google Map
        directionsRequest: function(origin, locID, map) {

            // Directions request callback
            if (this.settings.callbackDirectionsRequest) {
                this.settings.callbackDirectionsRequest.call(this, origin, locID, map);

            var destination = this.getAddressByMarker(locID);

            if(destination) {
                // Hide the location list
                $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul').hide();
                // Remove the markers

                // Clear the previous directions request
                if(directionsDisplay !== null && typeof directionsDisplay !== 'undefined') {
                    directionsDisplay = null;

                directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
                directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();

                // Directions request

                var request = {
                    origin: origin,
                    destination: destination,
                    travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING
                directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
                    if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {

                $('.' + this.settings.locationList).prepend('<div class="bh-sl-close-directions-container"><div class="' + this.settings.closeIcon + '"></div></div>');

            $(document).off('click', '.' + this.settings.locationList + ' li .loc-directions a');

         * Close the directions panel and reset the map with the original locationset and zoom
        closeDirections: function() {

            // Close directions callback
            if (this.settings.callbackCloseDirections) {

            // Remove the close icon, remove the directions, add the list back

            if ((olat) && (olng)) {
                if (this.countFilters() === 0) {
                    this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = originalZoom;
                else {
                    this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = 0;

            $(document).off('click.'+pluginName, '.' + this.settings.locationList + ' .bh-sl-close-icon');

         * Process the form values and/or query string
         * @param e {Object} event
        processForm: function (e) {
            var _this = this,
                distance = null,
                $addressInput = $('#' + this.settings.addressID),
                $searchInput = $('#' + this.settings.searchID),
                $distanceInput = $('#' + this.settings.maxDistanceID),
                region = '';

            // Stop the form submission
            if(typeof e !== 'undefined' && e !== null) {

            // Query string parameters
            if(this.settings.querystringParams === true) {
                // Check for query string parameters
                if(this.getQueryString(this.settings.addressID) || this.getQueryString(this.settings.searchID) || this.getQueryString(this.settings.maxDistanceID)){
                    addressInput = this.getQueryString(this.settings.addressID);
                    searchInput = this.getQueryString(this.settings.searchID);
                    distance = this.getQueryString(this.settings.maxDistanceID);

                    // The form should override the query string parameters
                    if($addressInput.val() !== '') {
                        addressInput = $addressInput.val();
                    if($searchInput.val() !== '') {
                        searchInput = $searchInput.val();
                    if($distanceInput.val() !== '') {
                        distance = $distanceInput.val();
                    // Get the user input and use it
                    addressInput = $addressInput.val() || '';
                    searchInput = $searchInput.val() || '';
                    // Get the distance if set
                    if (this.settings.maxDistance === true) {
                        distance = $distanceInput.val() || '';
            else {
                // Get the user input and use it
                addressInput = $addressInput.val() || '';
                searchInput = $searchInput.val() || '';
                // Get the distance if set
                if (this.settings.maxDistance === true) {
                    distance = $distanceInput.val() || '';

            // Region
            if (this.settings.callbackRegion) {
                // Region override callback
                region = this.settings.callbackRegion.call(this, addressInput, searchInput, distance);
            } else {
                // Region setting
                region = $('#' + this.settings.regionID).val();

            if (addressInput === '' && searchInput === '') {
            else if(addressInput !== '') {

                // Geocode the origin if needed
                if(typeof originalOrigin !== 'undefined' && typeof olat !== 'undefined' && typeof olng !== 'undefined' && (addressInput === originalOrigin)) {
                    // Run the mapping function
                    mappingObj.lat = olat;
                    mappingObj.lng = olng;
                    mappingObj.origin = addressInput;
                    mappingObj.name = searchInput;
                    mappingObj.distance = distance;
                else {
                    var g = new this.googleGeocode(this);
                    g.geocode({'address': addressInput, 'region': region}, function (data) {
                        if (data !== null) {
                            olat = data.latitude;
                            olng = data.longitude;

                            // Run the mapping function
                            mappingObj.lat = olat;
                            mappingObj.lng = olng;
                            mappingObj.origin = addressInput;
                            mappingObj.name = searchInput;
                            mappingObj.distance = distance;
                            mappingObj.geocodeResult = data.geocodeResult;
                        } else {
                            // Unable to geocode
            else if(searchInput !== '') {
                // Check for existing origin and remove if address input is blank.
                if ( addressInput === '' ) {
                    delete mappingObj.origin;

                mappingObj.name = searchInput;

         * Checks distance of each location and sets up the locationset array
         * @param data {Object} location data object
         * @param lat {number} origin latitude
         * @param lng {number} origin longitude
         * @param origin {string} origin address
         * @param maxDistance {number} maximum distance if set
        locationsSetup: function (data, lat, lng, origin, maxDistance) {
            if (typeof origin !== 'undefined') {
                if (!data.distance) {
                    data.distance = this.geoCodeCalcCalcDistance(lat, lng, data.lat, data.lng, GeoCodeCalc.EarthRadius);

            // Create the array
            if (this.settings.maxDistance === true && typeof maxDistance !== 'undefined' && maxDistance !== null) {
                if (data.distance <= maxDistance) {
                    locationset.push( data );
                else {
            else if(this.settings.maxDistance === true && this.settings.querystringParams === true && typeof maxDistance !== 'undefined' && maxDistance !== null) {
                if (data.distance <= maxDistance) {
                    locationset.push( data );
                else {
            else {
                locationset.push( data );

         * Count the selected filters
         * @returns {number}
        countFilters: function () {
            var filterCount = 0;

            if (!this.isEmptyObject(filters)) {
                for (var key in filters) {
                    if (filters.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                        filterCount += filters[key].length;

            return filterCount;

         * Find the existing checked boxes for each checkbox filter - private
         * @param key {string} object key
        _existingCheckedFilters: function(key) {
            $('#' + this.settings.taxonomyFilters[key] + ' input[type=checkbox]').each(function () {
                if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
                    var filterVal = $(this).val();

                    // Only add the taxonomy id if it doesn't already exist
                    if (typeof filterVal !== 'undefined' && filterVal !== '' && filters[key].indexOf(filterVal) === -1) {

         * Find the existing selected value for each select filter - private
         * @param key {string} object key
        _existingSelectedFilters: function(key) {
            $('#' + this.settings.taxonomyFilters[key] + ' select').each(function () {
                var filterVal = $(this).val();

                // Only add the taxonomy id if it doesn't already exist
                if (typeof filterVal !== 'undefined' && filterVal !== '' &&  filters[key].indexOf(filterVal) === -1) {
                    filters[key] = [filterVal];

         * Find the existing selected value for each radio button filter - private
         * @param key {string} object key
        _existingRadioFilters: function(key) {
            $('#' + this.settings.taxonomyFilters[key] + ' input[type=radio]').each(function () {
                if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
                    var filterVal = $(this).val();

                    // Only add the taxonomy id if it doesn't already exist
                    if (typeof filterVal !== 'undefined' && filterVal !== '' && filters[key].indexOf(filterVal) === -1) {
                        filters[key] = [filterVal];

         * Check for existing filter selections
        checkFilters: function () {
            for(var key in this.settings.taxonomyFilters) {

                if(this.settings.taxonomyFilters.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    // Find the existing checked boxes for each checkbox filter

                    // Find the existing selected value for each select filter

                    // Find the existing value for each radio button filter

         * Check query string parameters for filter values.
        checkQueryStringFilters: function () {
            // Loop through the filters.
            for(var key in filters) {
                if(filters.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    var filterVal = this.getQueryString(key);

                    // Only add the taxonomy id if it doesn't already exist
                    if (typeof filterVal !== 'undefined' && filterVal !== '' && filters[key].indexOf(filterVal) === -1) {
                        filters[key] = [filterVal];

         * Get the filter key from the taxonomyFilter setting
         * @param filterContainer {string} ID of the changed filter's container
        getFilterKey: function (filterContainer) {
            for (var key in this.settings.taxonomyFilters) {
                if (this.settings.taxonomyFilters.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < this.settings.taxonomyFilters[key].length; i++) {
                        if (this.settings.taxonomyFilters[key] === filterContainer) {
                            return key;

         * Initialize or reset the filters object to its original state
        taxonomyFiltersInit: function () {

            // Set up the filters
            for(var key in this.settings.taxonomyFilters) {
                if(this.settings.taxonomyFilters.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    filters[key] = [];

         * Taxonomy filtering
        taxonomyFiltering: function() {
            var _this = this;

            // Set up the filters
            // Check query string for taxonomy parameter keys.

            // Handle filter updates
            $('.' + this.settings.taxonomyFiltersContainer).on('change.'+pluginName, 'input, select', function (e) {

                var filterVal, filterContainer, filterKey;

                // Handle checkbox filters
                if ($(this).is('input[type="checkbox"]')) {
                    // First check for existing selections

                    filterVal = $(this).val();
                    filterContainer = $(this).closest('.bh-sl-filters').attr('id');
                    filterKey = _this.getFilterKey(filterContainer);

                    if (filterKey) {
                        // Add or remove filters based on checkbox values
                        if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
                            // Add ids to the filter arrays as they are checked
                            if(filters[filterKey].indexOf(filterVal) === -1) {

                            if ($('#' + _this.settings.mapID).hasClass('bh-sl-map-open') === true) {
                                if ((olat) && (olng)) {
                                    _this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = 0;
                                else {
                        else {
                            // Remove ids from the filter arrays as they are unchecked
                            var filterIndex = filters[filterKey].indexOf(filterVal);
                            if (filterIndex > -1) {
                                filters[filterKey].splice(filterIndex, 1);
                                if ($('#' + _this.settings.mapID).hasClass('bh-sl-map-open') === true) {
                                    if ((olat) && (olng)) {
                                        if (_this.countFilters() === 0) {
                                            _this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = originalZoom;
                                        else {
                                            _this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = 0;
                                    else {
                // Handle select or radio filters
                else if ($(this).is('select') || $(this).is('input[type="radio"]')) {
                    // First check for existing selections

                    filterVal = $(this).val();
                    filterContainer = $(this).closest('.bh-sl-filters').attr('id');
                    filterKey = _this.getFilterKey(filterContainer);

                    // Check for blank filter on select since default val could be empty
                    if (filterVal) {
                        if (filterKey) {
                            filters[filterKey] = [filterVal];
                            if ($('#' + _this.settings.mapID).hasClass('bh-sl-map-open') === true) {
                                if ((olat) && (olng)) {
                                    _this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = 0;
                                else {
                    // Reset if the default option is selected
                    else {
                        if (filterKey) {
                            filters[filterKey] = [];
                        if ((olat) && (olng)) {
                            _this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = originalZoom;
                        else {

         * Updates the location list to reflect the markers that are displayed on the map
         * @param markers {Object} Map markers
         * @param map {Object} Google map
        checkVisibleMarkers: function(markers, map) {
            var _this = this;
            var locations, listHtml;

            // Empty the location list
            $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul').empty();

            // Set up the new list
            $(markers).each(function(x, marker){
                if(map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition())) {
                    // Define the location data
                    _this.listSetup(marker, 0, 0);

                    // Set up the list template with the location data
                    listHtml = listTemplate(locations);
                    $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' ul').append(listHtml);

            // Re-add the list background colors
            $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul li:even').css('background', this.settings.listColor1);
            $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul li:odd').css('background', this.settings.listColor2);

         * Performs a new search when the map is dragged to a new position
         * @param map {Object} Google map
        dragSearch: function(map) {
            var newCenter = map.getCenter(),
                _this = this;

            // Save the new zoom setting
            this.settings.mapSettings.zoom = map.getZoom();

            olat = mappingObj.lat = newCenter.lat();
            olng = mappingObj.lng = newCenter.lng();

            // Determine the new origin addresss
            var newAddress = new this.reverseGoogleGeocode(this);
            newCenterCoords = new google.maps.LatLng(mappingObj.lat, mappingObj.lng);
            newAddress.geocode({'latLng': newCenterCoords}, function (data) {
                if (data !== null) {
                    mappingObj.origin = addressInput = data.address;
                } else {
                    // Unable to geocode

         * Handle no results
        emptyResult: function() {
            var center,
                locList =  $('.' + this.settings.locationList + ' ul'),
                myOptions = this.settings.mapSettings,

            // Create the map
            this.map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(this.settings.mapID), myOptions);

            // Callback
            if (this.settings.callbackNoResults) {
                this.settings.callbackNoResults.call(this, this.map, myOptions);

            // Empty the location list

            // Append the no results message
            noResults = $('<li><div class="bh-sl-noresults-title">' + this.settings.noResultsTitle +  '</div><br><div class="bh-sl-noresults-desc">' + this.settings.noResultsDesc + '</li>').hide().fadeIn();

            // Center on the original origin or 0,0 if not available
            if ((olat) && (olng)) {
                center = new google.maps.LatLng(olat, olng);
            } else {
                center = new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0);


            if (originalZoom) {

         * Origin marker setup
         * @param map {Object} Google map
         * @param origin {string} Origin address
         * @param originPoint {Object} LatLng of origin point
        originMarker: function(map, origin, originPoint) {

            if (this.settings.originMarker !== true) {

            var marker,
                originImg = '';

            if (typeof origin !== 'undefined') {
                if(this.settings.originMarkerImg !== null) {
                    if(this.settings.originMarkerDim === null) {
                        originImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.originMarkerImg);
                    else {
                        originImg = this.markerImage(this.settings.originMarkerImg, this.settings.originMarkerDim.width, this.settings.originMarkerDim.height);
                else {
                    originImg = {
                        url: 'https://mt.googleapis.com/vt/icon/name=icons/spotlight/spotlight-waypoint-a.png'

                marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                    position : originPoint,
                    map      : map,
                    icon     : originImg,
                    draggable: false

         * Modal window setup
        modalWindow: function() {

            if (this.settings.modal !== true) {

            var _this = this;

            // Callback
            if (_this.settings.callbackModalOpen) {

            // Pop up the modal window
            $('.' + _this.settings.overlay).fadeIn();
            // Close modal when close icon is clicked and when background overlay is clicked
            $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '.' + _this.settings.closeIcon + ', .' + _this.settings.overlay, function () {
            // Prevent clicks within the modal window from closing the entire thing
            $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '.' + _this.settings.modalWindow, function (e) {
            // Close modal when escape key is pressed
            $(document).on('keyup.'+pluginName, function (e) {
                if (e.keyCode === 27) {

         * Handle clicks from the location list
         * @param map {Object} Google map
         * @param infowindow
         * @param storeStart
         * @param page
        listClick: function(map, infowindow, storeStart, page) {
            var _this = this;

            $(document).on('click.' + pluginName, '.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' li', function () {
                var markerId = $(this).data('markerid');
                var selectedMarker = markers[markerId];

                // List click callback
                if (_this.settings.callbackListClick) {
                    _this.settings.callbackListClick.call(this, markerId, selectedMarker);

                var listLoc = 'left';
                if (_this.settings.bounceMarker === true) {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                            _this.createInfowindow(selectedMarker, listLoc, infowindow, storeStart, page);
                        }, 700
                else {
                    _this.createInfowindow(selectedMarker, listLoc, infowindow, storeStart, page);

                // Custom selected marker override
                if (_this.settings.selectedMarkerImg !== null) {

                // Focus on the list
                $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' li').removeClass('list-focus');
                $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' li[data-markerid=' + markerId + ']').addClass('list-focus');

            // Prevent bubbling from list content links
            $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' li a', function(e) {

         * Output total results count if HTML element with .bh-sl-total-results class exists
         * @param locCount
        resultsTotalCount: function(locCount) {

            var $resultsContainer = $('.bh-sl-total-results');

            if (typeof locCount === 'undefined' || locCount <= 0 || $resultsContainer.length === 0) {


         * Inline directions setup
         * @param map {Object} Google map
         * @param origin {string} Origin address
        inlineDirections: function(map, origin) {

            if(this.settings.inlineDirections !== true || typeof origin === 'undefined') {

            var _this = this;

            // Open directions
            $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' li .loc-directions a', function (e) {
                var locID = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-markerid');
                _this.directionsRequest(origin, locID, map);

                // Close directions
                $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' .bh-sl-close-icon', function () {

         * Visible markers list setup
         * @param map {Object} Google map
         * @param markers {Object} Map markers
        visibleMarkersList: function(map, markers) {

            if(this.settings.visibleMarkersList !== true) {

            var _this = this;

            // Add event listener to filter the list when the map is fully loaded
            google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function(){
                _this.checkVisibleMarkers(markers, map);

            // Add event listener for center change
            google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'center_changed', function() {
                _this.checkVisibleMarkers(markers, map);

            // Add event listener for zoom change
            google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function() {
                _this.checkVisibleMarkers(markers, map);

         * The primary mapping function that runs everything
         * @param mappingObject {Object} all the potential mapping properties - latitude, longitude, origin, name, max distance, page
        mapping: function (mappingObject) {
            var _this = this;
            var orig_lat, orig_lng, geocodeData, origin, originPoint, page;
            if (!this.isEmptyObject(mappingObject)) {
                orig_lat = mappingObject.lat;
                orig_lng = mappingObject.lng;
                geocodeData = mappingObject.geocodeResult;
                origin = mappingObject.origin;
                page = mappingObject.page;

            // Set the initial page to zero if not set
            if ( _this.settings.pagination === true ) {
                if (typeof page === 'undefined' || originalOrigin !== addressInput ) {
                    page = 0;

            // Data request
            if (typeof origin === 'undefined' && this.settings.nameSearch === true) {
                dataRequest = _this._getData();
            else {
                // Setup the origin point
                originPoint = new google.maps.LatLng(orig_lat, orig_lng);

                // If the origin hasn't changed use the existing data so we aren't making unneeded AJAX requests
                if((typeof originalOrigin !== 'undefined') && (origin === originalOrigin) && (typeof originalData !== 'undefined')) {
                    origin = originalOrigin;
                    dataRequest = originalData;
                else {
                    // Do the data request - doing this in mapping so the lat/lng and address can be passed over and used if needed
                    dataRequest = _this._getData(olat, olng, origin, geocodeData);

            // Check filters here to handle selected filtering after page reload
            if(_this.settings.taxonomyFilters !== null && _this.hasEmptyObjectVals(filters)) {
             * Process the location data
            // Raw data
            if( _this.settings.dataRaw !== null ) {
                _this.processData(mappingObject, originPoint, dataRequest, page);
            // Remote data
            else {
                dataRequest.done(function (data) {
                    _this.processData(mappingObject, originPoint, data, page);

         * Processes the location data
         * @param mappingObject {Object} all the potential mapping properties - latitude, longitude, origin, name, max distance, page
         * @param originPoint {Object} LatLng of origin point
         * @param data {Object} location data
         * @param page {number} current page number
        processData: function (mappingObject, originPoint, data, page) {
            var _this = this;
            var i = 0;
            var orig_lat, orig_lng, origin, name, maxDistance, marker, bounds, storeStart, storeNumToShow, myOptions, distError, openMap, infowindow;
            var taxFilters = {};
            if (!this.isEmptyObject(mappingObject)) {
                orig_lat = mappingObject.lat;
                orig_lng = mappingObject.lng;
                origin = mappingObject.origin;
                name = mappingObject.name;
                maxDistance = mappingObject.distance;

            var $mapDiv = $('#' + _this.settings.mapID);
            // Get the length unit
            var distUnit = (_this.settings.lengthUnit === 'km') ? _this.settings.kilometersLang : _this.settings.milesLang;

            // Save data and origin separately so we can potentially avoid multiple AJAX requests
            originalData = dataRequest;
            if ( typeof origin !== 'undefined' ) {
                originalOrigin = origin;

            // Callback
            if (_this.settings.callbackSuccess) {

            openMap = $mapDiv.hasClass('bh-sl-map-open');

            // Set a variable for fullMapStart so we can detect the first run
            if (
                ( _this.settings.fullMapStart === true && openMap === false ) ||
                ( _this.settings.autoGeocode === true && openMap === false ) ||
                ( _this.settings.defaultLoc === true && openMap === false )
            ) {
                firstRun = true;
            else {


            // Process the location data depending on the data format type
            if (_this.settings.dataType === 'json' || _this.settings.dataType === 'jsonp') {

                // Process JSON
                for(var x = 0; i < data.length; x++){
                    var obj = data[x];
                    var locationData = {};

                    // Parse each data variable
                    for (var key in obj) {
                        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                            locationData[key] = obj[key];

                    _this.locationsSetup(locationData, orig_lat, orig_lng, origin, maxDistance);

            else if (_this.settings.dataType === 'kml') {
                // Process KML
                $(data).find('Placemark').each(function () {
                    var locationData = {
                        'name'       : $(this).find('name').text(),
                        'lat'        : $(this).find('coordinates').text().split(',')[1],
                        'lng'        : $(this).find('coordinates').text().split(',')[0],
                        'description': $(this).find('description').text()

                    _this.locationsSetup(locationData, orig_lat, orig_lng, origin, maxDistance);

            else {
                // Process XML
                $(data).find(_this.settings.xmlElement).each(function () {
                    var locationData = {};

                    for (var key in this.attributes) {
                        if (this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                            locationData[this.attributes[key].name] = this.attributes[key].value;

                    _this.locationsSetup(locationData, orig_lat, orig_lng, origin, maxDistance);


            // Name search - using taxonomy filter to handle
            if (_this.settings.nameSearch === true) {
                if(typeof searchInput !== 'undefined') {
                    filters[_this.settings.nameAttribute] = [searchInput];

            // Taxonomy filtering setup
            if (_this.settings.taxonomyFilters !== null || _this.settings.nameSearch === true) {

                for(var k in filters) {
                    if (filters.hasOwnProperty(k) && filters[k].length > 0) {
                        // Let's use regex
                        for (var z = 0; z < filters[k].length; z++) {
                            // Creating a new object so we don't mess up the original filters
                            if (!taxFilters[k]) {
                                taxFilters[k] = [];
                            taxFilters[k][z] = '(?=.*\\b' + filters[k][z].replace(/([^\x00-\x7F]|[.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '') + '\\b)';
                // Filter the data
                if (!_this.isEmptyObject(taxFilters)) {
                    locationset = $.grep(locationset, function (val) {
                        return _this.filterData(val, taxFilters);

            // Sort the multi-dimensional array by distance
            if (typeof origin !== 'undefined') {

            // Featured locations filtering
            if (_this.settings.featuredLocations === true) {
                // Create array for featured locations
                featuredset = $.grep(locationset, function (val) {
                    return val.featured === 'true';

                // Create array for normal locations
                normalset = $.grep(locationset, function (val) {
                    return val.featured !== 'true';

                // Combine the arrays
                locationset = [];
                locationset = featuredset.concat(normalset);

            // Check the closest marker
            if (_this.isEmptyObject(taxFilters)) {
                if (_this.settings.maxDistance === true && maxDistance) {
                    if (typeof locationset[0] === 'undefined' || locationset[0].distance > maxDistance) {
                        _this.notify(_this.settings.distanceErrorAlert + maxDistance + ' ' + distUnit);
                else {
                    if (typeof locationset[0] !== 'undefined') {
                        if (_this.settings.distanceAlert !== -1 && locationset[0].distance > _this.settings.distanceAlert) {
                            _this.notify(_this.settings.distanceErrorAlert + _this.settings.distanceAlert + ' ' + distUnit);
                            distError = true;
                    else {
                        throw new Error('No locations found. Please check the dataLocation setting and path.');

            // Slide in the map container
            if (_this.settings.slideMap === true) {

            // Handle no results
            if (_this.isEmptyObject(locationset) || locationset[0].result === 'none') {

            // Output page numbers if pagination setting is true
            if (_this.settings.pagination === true) {

            // Set up the modal window

            // Avoid error if number of locations is less than the default of 26
            if (_this.settings.storeLimit === -1 || locationset.length < _this.settings.storeLimit || (this.settings.fullMapStart === true && firstRun === true && (isNaN(this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit) || this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit > 26 || this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit === -1))) {
                storeNum = locationset.length;
            else {
                storeNum = _this.settings.storeLimit;

            // If pagination is on, change the store limit to the setting and slice the locationset array
            if (_this.settings.pagination === true) {
                storeNumToShow = _this.settings.locationsPerPage;
                storeStart = page * _this.settings.locationsPerPage;

                if( (storeStart + storeNumToShow) > locationset.length ) {
                    storeNumToShow = _this.settings.locationsPerPage - ((storeStart + storeNumToShow) - locationset.length);

                locationset = locationset.slice(storeStart, storeStart + storeNumToShow);
                storeNum = locationset.length;
            else {
                storeNumToShow = storeNum;
                storeStart = 0;

            // Output location results count

            // Google maps settings
            if ((_this.settings.fullMapStart === true && firstRun === true) || (_this.settings.mapSettings.zoom === 0) || (typeof origin === 'undefined') || (distError === true)) {
                myOptions = _this.settings.mapSettings;
                bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
            else if (_this.settings.pagination === true) {
                // Update the map to focus on the first point in the new set
                var nextPoint = new google.maps.LatLng(locationset[0].lat, locationset[0].lng);

                if (page === 0) {
                    _this.settings.mapSettings.center = originPoint;
                    myOptions = _this.settings.mapSettings;
                else {
                    _this.settings.mapSettings.center = nextPoint;
                    myOptions = _this.settings.mapSettings;
            else {
                _this.settings.mapSettings.center = originPoint;
                myOptions = _this.settings.mapSettings;

            // Create the map
            _this.map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(_this.settings.mapID), myOptions);

            // Re-center the map when the browser is re-sized
            google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'resize', function() {
                var center = _this.map.getCenter();
                google.maps.event.trigger(_this.map, 'resize');

            // Add map drag listener if setting is enabled and re-search on drag end
            if (_this.settings.dragSearch === true ) {
                _this.map.addListener('dragend', function() {

            // Load the map
            $this.data(_this.settings.mapID.replace('#', ''), _this.map);

            // Map set callback.
            if (_this.settings.callbackMapSet) {
                _this.settings.callbackMapSet.call(this, _this.map, originPoint, originalZoom, myOptions);

            // Initialize the infowondow
            if ( typeof InfoBubble !== 'undefined' && _this.settings.infoBubble !== null ) {
                var infoBubbleSettings = _this.settings.infoBubble;
                infoBubbleSettings.map = _this.map;

                infowindow = new InfoBubble(infoBubbleSettings);
            } else {
                infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

            // Add origin marker if the setting is set
            _this.originMarker(_this.map, origin, originPoint);

            // Handle pagination
            $(document).on('click.'+pluginName, '.bh-sl-pagination li', function (e) {
                // Run paginationChange

            // Inline directions
            _this.inlineDirections(_this.map, origin);

            // Add markers and infowindows loop
            for (var y = 0; y <= storeNumToShow - 1; y++) {
                var letter = '';

                if (page > 0) {
                    letter = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt(0) + (storeStart + y));
                else {
                    letter = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt(0) + y);

                var point = new google.maps.LatLng(locationset[y].lat, locationset[y].lng);
                marker = _this.createMarker(point, locationset[y].name, locationset[y].address, letter, _this.map, locationset[y].category);
                marker.set('id', y);
                markers[y] = marker;
                if ((_this.settings.fullMapStart === true && firstRun === true) || (_this.settings.mapSettings.zoom === 0) || (typeof origin === 'undefined') || (distError === true)) {
                // Pass variables to the pop-up infowindows
                _this.createInfowindow(marker, null, infowindow, storeStart, page);

            // Center and zoom if no origin or zoom was provided, or distance of first marker is greater than distanceAlert
            if ((_this.settings.fullMapStart === true && firstRun === true) || (_this.settings.mapSettings.zoom === 0) || (typeof origin === 'undefined') || (distError === true)) {

            // Create the links that focus on the related marker
            var locList =  $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' ul');

            // Set up the location list markup
            if (firstRun && _this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit !== false && !isNaN(_this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit) && _this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit !== -1) {
                for (var m = 0; m < _this.settings.fullMapStartListLimit; m++) {
                    var currentMarker = markers[m];
                    _this.listSetup(currentMarker, storeStart, page);
            } else {
                $(markers).each(function (x) {
                    var currentMarker = markers[x];
                    _this.listSetup(currentMarker, storeStart, page);

            // MarkerClusterer setup
            if ( typeof MarkerClusterer !== 'undefined' && _this.settings.markerCluster !== null ) {
                var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(_this.map, markers, _this.settings.markerCluster);

            // Handle clicks from the list
            _this.listClick(_this.map, infowindow, storeStart, page);

            // Add the list li background colors - this wil be dropped in a future version in favor of CSS
            $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' ul > li:even').css('background', _this.settings.listColor1);
            $('.' + _this.settings.locationList + ' ul > li:odd').css('background', _this.settings.listColor2);

            // Visible markers list
            _this.visibleMarkersList(_this.map, markers);

            // Modal ready callback
            if (_this.settings.modal === true && _this.settings.callbackModalReady) {

            // Filters callback
            if (_this.settings.callbackFilters) {
                _this.settings.callbackFilters.call(this, filters);

         * console.log helper function
         * http://www.briangrinstead.com/blog/console-log-helper-function
        writeDebug: function () {
            if (window.console && this.settings.debug) {
                // Only run on the first time through - reset this function to the appropriate console.log helper
                if (Function.prototype.bind) {
                    this.writeDebug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.log, console, 'StoreLocator :');
                } else {
                    this.writeDebug = function () {
                        arguments[0] = 'StoreLocator : ' + arguments[0];
                        Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments);
                this.writeDebug.apply(this, arguments);


    // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor,
    // preventing against multiple instantiations and allowing any
    // public function (ie. a function whose name doesn't start
    // with an underscore) to be called via the jQuery plugin,
    // e.g. $(element).defaultPluginName('functionName', arg1, arg2)
    $.fn[ pluginName ] = function (options) {
        var args = arguments;
        // Is the first parameter an object (options), or was omitted, instantiate a new instance of the plugin
        if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') {
            return this.each(function () {
                // Only allow the plugin to be instantiated once, so we check that the element has no plugin instantiation yet
                if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) {
                    // If it has no instance, create a new one, pass options to our plugin constructor, and store the plugin instance in the elements jQuery data object.
                    $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ));
            // Treat this as a call to a public method
        } else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') {
            // Cache the method call to make it possible to return a value
            var returns;

            this.each(function () {
                var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName);

                // Tests that there's already a plugin-instance and checks that the requested public method exists
                if (instance instanceof Plugin && typeof instance[options] === 'function') {

                    // Call the method of our plugin instance, and pass it the supplied arguments.
                    returns = instance[options].apply( instance, Array.prototype.slice.call( args, 1 ) );

                // Allow instances to be destroyed via the 'destroy' method
                if (options === 'destroy') {
                    $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, null);

            // If the earlier cached method gives a value back return the value, otherwise return this to preserve chainability.
            return returns !== undefined ? returns : this;

})(jQuery, window, document);