Avoid variables with short names like $ch. Configured minimum length is 3.
private static $ch = null;
Missing class import via use statement (line '54', column '23').
throw new \Exception("Curl error: " . curl_error(self::$ch));
Missing class import via use statement (line '61', column '23').
throw new \Exception("CoinMarketCap API error: {$json['error']}");
Avoid using static access to class '\coinmarketcap\api\tools\Request' in method 'getTicker'.
return Request::exec(self::API_URL . "ticker/", [
'limit' => $limit,
'convert' => $convert
Avoid using static access to class '\coinmarketcap\api\tools\Request' in method 'getGlobalData'.
return Request::exec(self::API_URL . "global/", [
'convert' => $convert
Avoid using static access to class '\coinmarketcap\api\tools\Request' in method 'getCurrencyTicker'.
return Request::exec(self::API_URL . "ticker/{$currency}/", [
'convert' => $convert