* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2020 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
$builder = new e107Build();
class e107Build
var $releaseDir = "";
var $tempDir = null;
var $exportDir = null;
var $gitDir = null;
var $stagingDir = null;
protected $config;
protected $version;
public function __construct()
$this->config['baseDir'] = dirname(__FILE__);
$iniFile = $this->config['baseDir'] . '/make.ini';
if (is_readable($iniFile))
$this->status('Reading config file: ' . $iniFile);
$this->config = parse_ini_file($iniFile, true);
throw new RuntimeException("Configuration file " . escapeshellarg($iniFile) . " not found.");
foreach ($this->config as $k => $v)
if (preg_match('#release_(\d*)#', $k, $matches))
$this->config['releases'][] = $v;
$this->config['baseDir'] = dirname(__FILE__);
$this->exportDir = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/export/";
$this->tempDir = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/temp/";
$this->stagingDir = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/staging/";
$rc = 255;
$output = [];
exec("git rev-parse --show-toplevel", $output, $rc);
$gitRoot = array_pop($output);
if (!is_dir($gitRoot))
throw new RuntimeException("Error getting Git repo root (rc=$rc). Output was garbage: $gitRoot");
$this->gitDir = realpath($gitRoot);
exec("git describe --tags", $output, $rc);
$gitVersion = array_pop($output);
$verFileVersion = OsHelper::getVerFileVersion($this->gitDir . "/e107_admin/ver.php");
$this->version = OsHelper::gitVersionToPhpVersion($gitVersion, $verFileVersion);
private function status($msg, $heading = false)
if ($heading == false)
echo date('m/d/Y h:i:s') . ' ';
echo "\n\n>>>> ";
echo $msg . "\n";
if ($heading != false)
echo "\n";
private function validateReadme()
//check for readme files associated with configured releases
foreach ($this->config['releases'] as $rel)
if (isset($rel['readme']))
$fname = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/readme/{$this->config['main']['name']}/{$rel['readme']}";
if (!is_readable($fname))
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: readme file $fname does not exist.");
public function makeBuild()
$this->status("Building release " . $this->version);
echo "\n\nDONE!!!\n\n\n";
private function cleanupFiles()
$dir = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}";
if (file_exists($dir))
$this->status("Cleaning up old target directory ($dir)");
$cmd = "rm -rf " . escapeshellarg($dir);
$this->status("Creating new target directory ($dir)");
$cmd = "mkdir -pv " . escapeshellarg($dir);
if (file_exists($dir . '/temp'))
throw new RuntimeException("Target Directory Not Clean! Aborting...");
$cmd = "mkdir -pv " . escapeshellarg($dir . "/temp");
$cmd = "mkdir -pv " . escapeshellarg($dir . "/release");
$releaseDir = "e107_" . $this->version;
$this->releaseDir = $releaseDir;
$this->status("Creating new release directory ($releaseDir)", true);
$cmd = "mkdir -pv " . escapeshellarg($dir . "/release/" . $releaseDir);
return true;
private function targetClone()
$rc = 255;
$output = [];
exec("git rev-parse --show-toplevel", $output, $rc);
$gitRoot = array_pop($output);
if (!is_dir($gitRoot))
$this->status("Error getting Git repo root (rc=$rc). Output was garbage: $gitRoot");
return false;
$gitRoot = realpath($gitRoot);
mkdir($this->stagingDir, 0755, true);
$stagingDir = realpath($this->stagingDir);
$stagingDirLocalSegment = preg_replace("/^" . preg_quote($gitRoot, "/") . "/", "", $stagingDir);
if ($stagingDirLocalSegment == $stagingDir)
$this->status("Staging dir \"$stagingDir\" is currently not supported outside repo root \"$gitRoot\"");
$cloneCommand =
"rsync -avHXShPs" .
" --exclude=" . escapeshellarg($stagingDirLocalSegment . "/") .
" --delete-after --delete-excluded" .
" --link-dest=" . escapeshellarg($gitRoot) .
" " . escapeshellarg($gitRoot . "/") .
" " . escapeshellarg($stagingDir . "/");
exec($cloneCommand, $output, $rc);
return $rc;
private function changeDir($dir)
$this->status("Changing to dir: " . $dir);
private function preprocess()
return true;
private function createReleases()
foreach ($this->config['releases'] as $c => $rel)
$this->status(" ------------------ Release " . $c . "--------------------------- ", true);
$zipExportFile = 'release_' . $c . ".zip";
$since = isset($rel['since']) ? $rel['since'] : null;
$this->gitArchive($zipExportFile, $since);
foreach ($rel as $name => $val)
switch ($name)
case "files_create" :
case "files_rename" :
case "files_delete" :
case "plugin_delete" :
if ($rel['type'] == 'full')
$this->createCoreImage(); // Create Image
$this->copyCoreImage($this->exportDir . "e107_system/core_image.phar");
if (isset($rel['readme']))
$zipsince = '';
$ts = '';
$newfile = "";
if ($rel['type'] == 'full')
$newfile = "e107_" . $this->version . "_full";
$this->status("Creating Release " . $c . " Packages : full", true);
elseif ($rel['type'] == "upgrade")
$newfile = "e107_" . $rel['from_version'] . "_to_" . $this->version . "_upgrade";
$this->status("Creating Release " . $c . " Packages : upgrade from {$rel['from_version']}", true);
$releaseDir = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/release/" . $this->releaseDir;
$this->copyCoreImage($releaseDir . "/core_image.phar");
* git archive -o update.zip HEAD $(git diff --name-only [id])
* Of course you need to replace the ‘[id]’-part with the ID of your commit. So if the ID of your commit is ‘599313e986c56e5451caa14d32c6b18273f4331b’ then your command would look like this:
* git archive -o update.zip HEAD $(git diff --name-only 599313e986c56e5451caa14d32c6b18273f4331b)
* 1
* git archive -o update.zip HEAD $(git diff --name-only 599313e986c56e5451caa14d32c6b18273f4331b)
$zipfile = $releaseDir . '/' . $newfile . '.zip';
$tarfile = $releaseDir . '/' . $newfile . '.tar';
$zipcmd = "zip -9 -r{$zipsince} $zipfile . 2>&1";
$tarcmd = "tar --owner=0 --group=0 -cf $tarfile {$ts} . 2>&1";
$this->status('Creating ZIP archive');
$this->status('Creating TAR archive');
$this->status('Creating TAR.GZ archive');
OsHelper::runValidated("(cat $tarfile | gzip -9 > $tarfile.gz)");
$this->status('Creating TAR.XZ archive');
OsHelper::runValidated("(cat $tarfile | xz -9 > $tarfile.xz)");
$this->status('Removing TAR archive');
} // end loop
$this->status('Removing export folder', true);
private function emptyExportDir()
if (is_dir($this->exportDir))
$this->status("Making export directory. ");
mkdir($this->exportDir, 0755);
private function rmdir($dir)
if (!is_dir($dir))
return false;
$this->status("Removing directory: " . $dir);
$dir = rtrim($dir, "/");
$cmd = "rm -rf " . escapeshellarg($dir);
return true;
private function gitArchive($zipFile, $since = null)
$file = $this->tempDir . $zipFile;
$this->status("Zipping up temp Release archive..");
if (!empty($since))
$cmd = "git archive -o " . escapeshellarg($file) . " HEAD $(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB " . escapeshellarg($since) . ")";
$cmd = "git archive -o " . escapeshellarg($file) . " HEAD";
private function gitArchiveUnzip($file)
$this->status("Unzipping temp archive to export folder", true);
$filepath = $this->tempDir . $file;
$cmd = 'unzip -q -o ' . escapeshellarg($filepath) . ' -d ' . escapeshellarg($this->exportDir);
OsHelper::runValidated('chmod -R a=,u+rwX,go+rX ' . escapeshellarg($this->exportDir));
private function editVersion($dir = 'export')
$version = $this->version;
if (preg_match("/" . OsHelper::REGEX_MATCH_GIT_DESCRIBE_TAGS . "$/", $version))
$version .= " nightly build " . date('Ymd');
$fname = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/" . $dir . "/e107_admin/ver.php";
$this->status("Writing new version {$version} to ver.php in " . $dir . " directory.", true);
$contents = "<?php\n";
$contents .= "/*\n";
$contents .= "* Copyright (c) " . date("Y") . " e107 Inc e107.org, Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)\n";
$contents .= "*\n";
$contents .= "* Version file\n";
$contents .= "*/\n\n";
$contents .= "if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }\n\n";
$contents .= "\$e107info['e107_version'] = \"{$version}\";\n\n";
return file_put_contents($fname, $contents);
private function filesCreate($parm)
$fnames = explode(",", $parm);
foreach ($fnames as $fn)
$fn = trim($fn);
$result = touch($fn);
$this->status("Creating $fn - " . ($result ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"));
if (!$result) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to touch: $fn");
private function filesRename($parm)
$pair = explode(',', $parm);
foreach ($pair as $fn)
list($old, $new) = explode('->', $fn);
$result = rename($old, $new);
$this->status("Renaming {$old} to {$new} " . ($result ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"));
if (!$result)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failed to rename " . escapeshellarg($old) . " to " . escapeshellarg($new)
private function filesDelete($parm)
$fnames = explode(',', $parm);
foreach ($fnames as $fn)
$fn = trim($fn);
if (file_exists($fn))
if (is_file($fn)) $result = unlink($fn);
elseif (is_dir($fn)) $result = $this->rmdir($fn);
else $result = false;
$this->status("Deleting $fn - " . ($result ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"));
if (!$result) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to delete: $fn");
$this->status("File already deleted or absent - " . $fn);
private function pluginRemove($parm, $restore = false)
if ($restore)
$this->status("Running Plugin-Restore", true);
$this->status("Running Plugin-Remove", true);
$fnames = explode(',', $parm);
if ($restore == true)
foreach ($fnames as $fn)
$fn = trim($fn);
$dir = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/export/e107_plugins/" . $fn;
private function createCoreImage()
//create new image file - writes directly to cvsroot
$imageFile = $this->tempDir . "core_image.phar";
$this->status("Creating new core_image.phar file ({$imageFile})", true);
new JsonPharCoreImage($this->exportDir, $this->tempDir, $this->version, $imageFile);
$dir = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/export";
private function copyCoreImage($destination)
$source = $this->tempDir . "core_image.phar";
if (!file_exists($source))
throw new RuntimeException("Core image file not found: {$source}");
$this->status("Copying Core Image into: $destination", true);
OsHelper::runValidated("cp -rf " . escapeshellarg($source) . " " . escapeshellarg($destination));
if (!file_exists($destination))
throw new RuntimeException("Core image file didnt copy to: {$destination}");
private function moveReadme($readme)
$from = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/readme/{$this->config['main']['name']}/{$readme}";
$to = "{$this->config['baseDir']}/target/{$this->config['main']['name']}/export/README.txt";
$result = copy($from, $to);
$this->status("Copying readme file $readme to $to - " . ($result ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"));
if (!$result) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to copy $readme to $to");