* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $Id$
* SEF URLs support, example of manually (rules-less) created/parsed urls
if (!defined('e107_INIT')){ exit; }
class core_news_sef_noid_url extends eUrlConfig
public function config()
return array(
'config' => array(
'allowMain' => true,
'noSingleEntry' => false, // [optional] default false; disallow this module to be shown via single entry point when this config is used
'legacy' => '{e_BASE}news.php', // [optional] default empty; if it's a legacy module (no single entry point support) - URL to the entry point script
'format' => 'path', // get|path - notify core for the current URL format, if set to 'get' rules will be ignored
'selfParse' => true, // [optional] default false; use only this->parse() method, no core routine URL parsing
'selfCreate' => true, // [optional] default false; use only this->create() method, no core routine URL creating
'defaultRoute' => 'list/items', // [optional] default empty; route (no leading module) used when module is found with no additional controller/action information e.g. /news/
'urlSuffix' => '.html', // [optional] default empty; string to append to the URL (e.g. .html)
* When returning array, module or it's corresponding alias will be prefixed
* Create link so that it can be mapped by the parse() method
* - view/item?id=xxx -> news/xxx
* - list/items[?page=xxx] -> news[?page=xxx]
* - list/category?id=xxx[&page=xxx] -> news/Category/xxx?page=xxx
* - list/category?id=0[&page=xxx] -> news?page=xxx
* - list/short?id=xxx[&page=xxx] -> news/Short/xxx?page=xxx
* - list/category?id=xxx[&page=xxx] -> news?page=xxx
* - list/day?id=xxx -> news/Day-id
* - list/month?id=xxx -> news/Month-id
* - list/year?id=xxx -> news/Year-id
* - list/nextprev?route=xxx -> PARSED_ROUTE?page=[FROM] (recursive parse() call)
* - list/all
* - list/tag
public function create($route, $params = array(), $options = array())
if('--FROM--' != vartrue($params['page'])) $page = varset($params['page']) ? intval($params['page']) : '0';
else $page = '--FROM--';
if(!$route) $route = 'list/items';
if(is_string($route)) $route = explode('/', $route, 2);
if('index' == $route[0])
$route[0] = 'list';
$route[1] = 'items';
elseif('index' == $route[1])
$route[1] = 'items';
$r = array();
$parm = array();
if($route[0] == 'view')
## news are passing array as it is retrieved from the DB, map vars to proper values
if(isset($params['news_id']) && !empty($params['news_id'])) $params['id'] = $params['news_id'];
if(isset($params['news_sef']) && !empty($params['news_sef'])) $params['id'] = $params['news_sef']; // TODO - news_sef
switch ($route[1])
case 'item':
$r[0] = varset($params['id']); // news/ID
elseif($route[0] == 'list')
## news are passing array as it is retrieved from the DB, map vars to proper values
if(isset($params['category_id']) && !empty($params['category_id'])) $params['id'] = $params['category_id'];
if(isset($params['category_sef']) && !empty($params['category_sef'])) $params['name'] = $params['category_sef']; // TODO - news_sef
switch ($route[1])
case 'items':
$r[0] = '';
if($page) $parm = array('page' => $page); // news?page=xxx
case 'all':
$r[0] = 'All';
if($page) $parm = array('page' => $page); // news/All?page=xxx
case 'tag': // news/tag/xxxx
$r[0] = 'tag';
$r[1] = eHelper::dasherize($params['tag']);
if($page) $parm = array('page' => $page);
case 'author': // news/author/xxxx
$r[0] = 'author';
$r[1] = $params['author'];
if($page) $parm = array('page' => $page);
case 'category':
case 'short':
$r[0] = '';
if($page) $parm = array('page' => $page); // news?page=xxx
// news/Category/Category-Name?page=xxx
// news/Short/Category-Name?page=xxx
$r[0] = $route[1] == 'category' ? 'Category' : 'Short';
$r[1] = !empty($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : $params['id'];
if($page) $parm = array('page' => $page);
case 'day':
case 'month':
case 'year':
$r = array($route[1], intval($params['id']));
if($page) $parm = array('page' => $page);
if(empty($r)) return false;
//XXX TODO Find a better place to put this check.
$urlFormat = e107::getConfig()->get('url_sef_translate');
if($urlFormat == 'dashl' || $urlFormat == 'underscorel' || $urlFormat == 'plusl') // convert template to lowercase when using lowercase SEF URL format.
$r[0] = strtolower($r[0]);
return array($r, $parm);
* Manually parse request
* Pathinfo DOESN'T contain leading 'module' (e.g news or alias 'Blog')
* Retruned route shouldn't contain module as well, unless you manipulate $request directly and set $request->routed to true
* Mapped URLs:
* - news/News-Item -> extend.xxx
* - news/Category/Category-Name?page=10 -> list.xxx.10
* - news/Day|Month-xxx -> day|month-xxx
public function parse($pathInfo, $params = array(), eRequest $request = null, eRouter $router = null, $config = array())
$page = !empty($params['page']) ? intval($params['page']) : '0';
## this var is used by default from legacy() method
## you may override legacy() method
## Keep in mind legacy() is not triggered at all if parse() returns false or $request->routed is set to true
$this->legacyQueryString = $page ? 'default.0.'.$page : '';
return $config['defaultRoute'];
## no controller/action pair - news item view - map to extend.xxx
if(strpos($pathInfo, '/') === false && strtolower($pathInfo) != 'all')
$route = 'view/item';
$id = is_numeric($pathInfo) ? intval($pathInfo) : $this->itemIdByTitle($pathInfo);
## let news.php handle missing news item
$this->legacyQueryString = 'extend.0';
return $route;
$this->legacyQueryString = 'extend.'.$id;
return $route;
$parts = explode('/', $pathInfo, 2);
$parts[0] = strtolower($parts[0]);
switch ($parts[0])
# map to list.xxx.xxx
case 'short':
case 'category':
# Hardcoded leading string for categories, could be pref or LAN constant
## force not found as we don't want to have duplicated content (default.0.xxx)
return false;
if(!is_numeric($parts[1])) $id = $this->categoryIdByTitle($parts[1]);
else $id = (int) $parts[1];
# let news.php handle it
$id = 0;
$action = $parts[0] == 'short' ? 'cat' : 'list';
$this->legacyQueryString = $action.'.'.$id.'.'.$page;
return 'item/list';
# could be pref or LAN constant
case 'day':
if(!vartrue($parts[1])) $id = 0;
else $id = intval($parts[1]);
$this->legacyQueryString = 'day.'.$id.'.'.$page;
return 'list/day';
# could be pref or LAN constant
case 'month':
if(!vartrue($parts[1])) $id = 0;
else $id = intval($parts[1]);
$this->legacyQueryString = 'month.'.$id.'.'.$page;
return 'list/month';
# could be pref or LAN constant - not supported yet
case 'year':
if(!vartrue($parts[1])) $id = 0;
else $id = intval($parts[1]);
$this->legacyQueryString = 'year.'.$id.'.'.$page;
//return 'list/year';
case 'all':
$this->legacyQueryString = 'all.0.'.$page;
return 'list/all';
case 'tag': // url: news/tag/xxxxx
$this->legacyQueryString = 'tag='.$parts[1];
return 'list/tag';
case 'author': // url: news/author/xxxxx
$this->legacyQueryString = 'author='.$parts[1].'&page='.$page;
return 'list/author';
# force not found
return false;
return false;
* Admin callback
* Language file not loaded as all language data is inside the lan_eurl.php (loaded by default on administration URL page)
public function admin()
// static may be used for performance
static $admin = array(
'labels' => array(
'name' => LAN_EURL_CORE_NEWS, // Module name
'label' => LAN_EURL_NEWS_REWRITE_LABEL, // Current profile name
'description' => LAN_EURL_NEWS_REWRITE_DESCR, //
'examples' => array("{SITEURL}news/news-title")
'generate' => array('table'=> 'news', 'primary'=>'news_id', 'input'=>'news_title', 'output'=>'news_sef'),
'form' => array(), // Under construction - additional configuration options
'callbacks' => array(), // Under construction - could be used for e.g. URL generator functionallity
return $admin;
//retrieve news_id by news_sef (
public function itemIdByTitle($id)
$sql = e107::getDb('url');
$tp = e107::getParser();
$id = $tp->toDB($id);
if($sql->select('news', 'news_id', "news_sef='{$id}'"))
$id = $sql->fetch();
return $id['news_id'];
return false;
//retrieve category_id by Title (XXX - category_sef column, equals to category_sef if not set explicit)
public function categoryIdByTitle($id)
$sql = e107::getDb('url');
$tp = e107::getParser();
$id = $tp->toDB($id);
if($sql->select('news_category', 'category_id', "category_sef='{$id}'"))
$id = $sql->fetch();
return $id['category_id'];
return false;