* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $Id$
* Most balanced config - performance and friendly URLs
* It contains a lot of examples (mostly complex), use them to play around and learn things :/
* Generally, things are much more simpler...
if (!defined('e107_INIT')){ exit; }
class core_news_sef_url extends eUrlConfig
public function config()
return array(
'config' => array(
'legacy' => '{e_BASE}news.php', // [optional] default empty; if it's a legacy module (no single entry point support) - URL to the entry point script; override per rule is allowed
'format' => 'path', // get|path - notify core for the current URL format, if set to 'get' rules will be ignored
'defaultRoute' => 'list/items', // [optional] default empty; route (no leading module) used when module is found with no additional controller/action information e.g. /news/
'urlSuffix' => '',
'allowMain' => true,
### default vars mapping (create URL), override per rule is allowed
'mapVars' => array(
'news_id' => 'id',
'news_sef' => 'name',
### match will only check if parameter is empty to invalidate the assembling vs current rule
'matchValue' => 'empty',
### Numerical array containing allowed vars by default (create URL, used for legacyQuery parsing in parse routine as well),
### false means - disallow all vars beside those required by the rules
### Override per rule is allowed
'allowVars' => false,
### Best news - you don't need to write one and the same
### regex over and over again. Even better news - you might avoid
### writing regex at all! Just use the core regex templates, they
### should fit almost every case.
### Here is a test custom regex template:
'varTemplates' => array('testIt' => '[\d]+'),
/* Predefined Core regex templates, see usage below
'az' => '[A-Za-z]+', // NOTE - it won't match non-latin word characters!
'alphanum' => '[\w\pL]+',
'sefsecure' => '[\w\pL.\-\s!,]+',
'secure' => '[^\/\'"\\<%]+',
'number' => '[\d]+',
'username' => '[\w\pL.\-\s!,]+',
'azOptional' => '[A-Za-z]{0,}',
'alphanumOptional' => '[\w\pL]{0,}',
'sefsecureOptional' => '[\w\pL.\-\s!,]{0,}',
'secureOptional' => '[^\/\'"\\<%]{0,}',
'numberOptional' => '[\d]{0,}',
'usernameOptional' => '[\w\pL.\-\s!,]{0,}',
'rules' => array(
### simple matches first - PERFORMANCE
'' => array('list/items', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'default.0.{page}', ),
'Category' => array('list/items', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'default.0.{page}', ),
## URL with ID and Title - no DB call, balanced performance, name optional
## Demonstrating the usage of custom user defined regex template defined above - 'testIt'
'Category/<id:{testIt}>/<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('list/category', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'mapVars' => array('category_id' => 'id', 'category_sef' => 'name'), 'legacyQuery' => 'list.{id}.{page}'),
## URL with Title only - prettiest and slowest! Example with direct regex - no templates
//'Category/<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('list/category', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'mapVars' => array('category_sef' => 'name'), 'legacyQuery' => 'list.{name}.{page}', 'parseCallback' => 'categoryIdByTitle'),
## URL with ID only - best performance, fallback when no sef name provided
'Category/<id:{number}>' => array('list/category', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'list.{id}.{page}', 'mapVars' => array('category_id' => 'id')),
### View item requested by id or string, if you remove the catch ALL example, uncomment at least on row from this block
### leading category name example - could be enabled together with the next example to handle creating of URLs without knowing the category title
// 'View/<category:[\w\pL.\-\s]+>/<name:[\w\pL.\-\s]+>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('news_sef' => 'name', 'category_sef' => 'category'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{name}', 'parseCallback' => 'itemIdByTitle'),
// to be noted here - value 'name' is replaced by item id within the callback method; TODO replace news_sef with news_sef field
// 'View/<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('news_sef' => 'name', 'news_id' => 'id'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{name}', 'parseCallback' => 'itemIdByTitle'),
// 'View/<id:{number}>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('news_id' => 'id'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{id}'),
## All news
'All' => array('list/all', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'all.0.{page}'),
## URL with ID and Title - no DB call, balanced performance!
'Short/<id:{number}>/<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('list/short', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'mapVars' => array('category_id' => 'id', 'category_sef' => 'name'), 'legacyQuery' => 'cat.{id}.{page}'),
## fallback when name is not provided
'Short/<id:{number}>' => array('list/short', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'mapVars' => array('category_id' => 'id'), 'legacyQuery' => 'cat.{id}.{page}'),
// less used after
//'Brief/<id:[\d]+>' => array('list/short', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'cat.{id}.{page}', 'mapVars' => array('category_id' => 'id')),
'Day/<id:{number}>' => array('list/day', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'day.{id}.{page}'),
'Month/<id:{number}>' => array('list/month', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'month.{id}.{page}'),
//'Year/<id:[\d]+>' => array('list/year', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'year.{id}.{page}'), not supported yet
### View news item - kinda catch all - very bad performance when News is chosen as default namespace - two additional DB queries on every site call!
## Leading category name - uncomment to enable
//'<category:{sefsecure}>/<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('category_sef' => 'category', 'news_sef' => 'name', 'news_id' => 'id'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{name}', 'parseCallback' => 'itemIdByTitle'),
'View/<id:{number}>/<category:{sefsecure}>/<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('category_sef' => 'category', 'news_sef' => 'name', 'news_id' => 'id'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{id}'),
// Base location as item view - fallback if category sef is missing
//'<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('news_id' => 'id', 'news_sef' => 'name'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{name}', 'parseCallback' => 'itemIdByTitle'),
// fallback if news sef is missing
'View/<id:{number}>/<name:{sefsecure}>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('news_id' => 'id', 'news_sef' => 'name'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{id}'),
'View/<id:{number}>' => array('view/item', 'mapVars' => array('news_id' => 'id'), 'legacyQuery' => 'extend.{id}'),
'Tag/<tag:{secure}>' => array('list/tag', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'tag={tag}&page={page}'),
'Author/<author:{secure}>' => array('list/author', 'allowVars' => array('page'), 'legacyQuery' => 'author={author}&page={page}'),
* Query mapping in format route?params:
* - item/view?id=xxx -> ?extend.id
* - list/items[?page=xxx] -> default.0.page
* - list/category?id=xxx[&page=xxx] -> list.id.page
* - list/category?id=0[&page=xxx] -> default.0.page
* - list/short?id=xxx[&page=xxx] -> cat.id.page
* - list/day?id=xxx -> ?day-id
* - list/month?id=xxx -> ?month-id
* - list/year?id=xxx -> ?year-id
* - list/nextprev?route=xxx -> PARSED_ROUTE.[FROM] (recursive parse() call)
* Admin callback
* Language file not loaded as all language data is inside the lan_eurl.php (loaded by default on administration URL page)
public function admin()
// static may be used for performance
static $admin = array(
'labels' => array(
'name' => LAN_EURL_CORE_NEWS, // Module name
'label' => LAN_EURL_NEWS_REWRITEX_LABEL, // Current profile name
'description' => LAN_EURL_NEWS_REWRITEX_DESCR, //
'examples' => array('{SITEURL}news/view/1/news-category/news-title')
'generate' => array('table'=> 'news', 'primary'=>'news_id', 'input'=>'news_title', 'output'=>'news_sef'),
'form' => array(), // Under construction - additional configuration options
'callbacks' => array(), // Under construction - could be used for e.g. URL generator functionallity
return $admin;
* view/item by name callback
* @param eRequest $request
/*public function itemIdByTitle(eRequest $request)
$name = $request->getRequestParam('name');
if(($id = $request->getRequestParam('id')))
$request->setRequestParam('name', $id);
elseif(!$name) return;
$sql = e107::getDb('url');
$name = e107::getParser()->toDB($name);
if($sql->select('news', 'news_id', "news_sef='{$name}'")) // TODO - it'll be news_sef (new) field
$name = $sql->fetch();
$request->setRequestParam('name', $name['news_id']);
else $request->setRequestParam('name', 0);
* list/items by name callback
* @param eRequest $request
/*public function categoryIdByTitle(eRequest $request)
$name = $request->getRequestParam('name');
if(($id = $request->getRequestParam('id')))
$request->setRequestParam('name', $id);
elseif(!$name) return;
$sql = e107::getDb('url');
$id = e107::getParser()->toDB($name);
if($sql->select('news_category', 'category_id', "category_sef='{$name}'")) // TODO - it'll be category_sef (new) field
$name = $sql->fetch();
$request->setRequestParam('name', $name['category_id']);
else $request->setRequestParam('name', 0);