* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2021 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
namespace e107\Shims\Internal;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;
trait StrftimeTrait
* Polyfill for {@see strftime()}, which was deprecated in PHP 8.1
* The implementation is an approximation that may be wrong for some obscure formatting characters.
* This function will attempt to use the locale features provided by
* {@link https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php ext-intl} and fall back to the PHP-builtin {@see DateTime}.
* Note that without ext-intl, formatted times will be in English.
* @param string $format The old {@see strftime()} format string
* @param int|null $timestamp A Unix epoch timestamp. If null, defaults to the value of {@see time()}.
* @return string Datetime formatted according to the provided arguments
public static function strftime($format, $timestamp = null)
if ($timestamp === null) $timestamp = time();
$datetime = date_create("@$timestamp");
$datetime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
foreach (self::getFormatMap() as $strftime_key => $date_format_key)
if (!is_string($date_format_key) && is_callable($date_format_key))
$replacement = self::escapeDateTimePattern($date_format_key($datetime));
$replacement = $date_format_key;
$format = str_replace($strftime_key, $replacement, $format);
return self::date_format($datetime, $format);
* @param DateTimeInterface $datetime
* @param string $format
* @return string
protected static function date_format($datetime, $format)
if (!extension_loaded('intl'))
return date_format($datetime, $format);
$timezone = 'GMT'.date('P');
$formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(
null, // More accurate timezone. @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31707395/why-php-intldateformatter-returns-wrong-date-1-hour
datefmt_set_timezone($formatter, $timezone);
return $formatter->format($datetime);
* Try to figure out the e107 locale, falling back to the {@see setlocale()} value, and falling back again to "C"
* @return string An {@link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1766 RFC 1766} language tag such as "en_US"
protected static function getSensibleLocale()
if (defined('CORE_LC') && defined('CORE_LC2'))
return strtolower(CORE_LC) . "_" . strtoupper(CORE_LC2);
$setlocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "0");
return $setlocale ?: 'C';
* Escape a literal string for use inside a datetime pattern
* Implementation differs depending on whether {@link https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php ext-intl} is
* enabled
* @param string $input
* @return string
protected static function escapeDateTimePattern($input)
if (extension_loaded('intl'))
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $input) . "'";
return chunk_split($input, 1, "\\");
* Get the {@see strftime()} format to date format pattern mapping depending on if
* {@link https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php ext-intl} is enabled
* @return array<string, string|callable>
protected static function getFormatMap()
if (extension_loaded('intl'))
return self::getFormatMapForIntlDateFormatter();
return self::getFormatMapForDateTime();
* @return array
protected static function getFormatMapForIntlDateFormatter()
return [
'%a' => 'eee',
'%A' => 'eeee',
'%d' => 'dd',
'%e' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'd'), 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%j' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'D'), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%u' => 'e',
'%w' => function($datetime)
return date_format($datetime, 'w');
'%U' => 'w',
'%V' => 'ww',
'%W' => function($datetime)
return date_format($datetime, 'W');
'%b' => 'MMM',
'%B' => 'MMMM',
'%h' => 'MMM',
'%m' => 'MM',
'%C' => function($datetime)
return (string) ((int) self::date_format($datetime, 'y') / 100);
'%g' => 'yy',
'%G' => 'y',
'%y' => 'yy',
'%Y' => 'y',
'%H' => 'HH',
'%k' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'H'), 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%I' => 'hh',
'%l' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'h'), 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%M' => 'mm',
'%p' => function($datetime)
return strtoupper(self::date_format($datetime, 'a'));
'%P' => 'a',
'%r' => 'hh:mm:ss a',
'%R' => 'HH:mm',
'%S' => 'ss',
'%T' => 'HH:mm:ss',
'%X' => 'HH:mm:ss',
'%z' => 'Z',
'%Z' => 'z',
'%c' => function($datetime)
/** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
return \IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($datetime);
'%D' => 'MM/dd/yy',
'%F' => 'y-MM-dd',
'%s' => function($datetime)
return date_timestamp_get($datetime);
'%x' => function($datetime)
/** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
return \IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($datetime, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT);
'%n' => "\n",
'%t' => "\t",
'%%' => "'%'",
* @return array
protected static function getFormatMapForDateTime()
return [
'%a' => 'D',
'%A' => 'l',
'%d' => 'd',
'%e' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'n'), 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%j' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'z'), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%u' => 'N',
'%w' => 'w',
'%U' => 'W',
'%V' => 'W',
'%W' => 'W',
'%b' => 'M',
'%B' => 'F',
'%h' => 'M',
'%m' => 'm',
'%C' => function($datetime)
return (string) ((int) self::date_format($datetime, 'Y') / 100);
'%g' => 'y',
'%G' => 'Y',
'%y' => 'y',
'%Y' => 'Y',
'%H' => 'H',
'%k' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'G'), 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%I' => 'h',
'%l' => function($datetime)
return str_pad(self::date_format($datetime, 'g'), 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
'%M' => 'i',
'%p' => 'A',
'%P' => 'a',
'%r' => 'h:i:s A',
'%R' => 'H:i',
'%S' => 's',
'%T' => 'H:i:s',
'%X' => 'H:i:s',
'%z' => 'O',
'%Z' => 'T',
'%c' => 'r',
'%D' => 'm/d/y',
'%F' => 'Y-m-d',
'%s' => 'U',
'%x' => 'Y-m-d',
'%n' => "\n",
'%t' => "\t",
'%%' => '\%',