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5 days
Test Coverage
 * e107 website system
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)

if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }

 * @package     e107
 * @category    e107_handlers
 * @author      e107inc
 *    Plugin administration handler

e107::coreLan('plugin', true);

// new in v2.1.5 - optimized for speed.

class e_plugin

    protected $_data         = array();
    protected $_ids          = array();
    protected $_installed    = array();
    protected $_addons       = array();
    protected $_plugdir      = null; // the currently loaded plugin

    const CACHETIME  = 120; // 2 hours
    const CACHETAG   = "Meta_plugin";

    protected $_addon_types = array(

        'e_meta', // @deprecated
        'e_emailprint', /* @deprecated - see e_print */
        'e_print', // new v2.2
        'e_latest', /* @deprecated  - see e_dashboard */
        'e_status', /* @deprecated  - see e_dashboard */
        'e_dashboard', // Admin Front-Page addon.
    //    'e_userprofile', @deprecated @see e_user
        'e_header', // loaded in header prior to javascript manager.
        'e_footer', // Loaded in footer prior to javascript manager.
    //    'e_userinfo', @deprecated @see e_user
        'e_url', // simple mod-rewrite.
        'e_sitelink', // sitelinks generator.
        'e_tohtml', /* @deprecated  - use e_parse */
        'e_print',  // new v2.3.1
        'e_library', // For third-party libraries are defined by plugins/themes.
        'e_output', //hook into all pages at the end (after closing </html>)

    protected $_core_plugins = array(
        "chatbox_menu", "comment_menu",
        "contact", "download", "featurebox", "forum","gallery",
        "gsitemap", "hero", "import", "linkwords", "list_new",  "login_menu",
         "newforumposts_main", "news", "newsfeed",
        "newsletter","online", "page", "pm","poll",
        "rss_menu","search_menu","siteinfo", "social", "tagcloud", "tinymce4",

    private $_accepted_categories = array('settings'=>EPL_ADLAN_147, 'users'=>EPL_ADLAN_148, 'content'=>EPL_ADLAN_149,'tools'=> EPL_ADLAN_150, 'manage'=>EPL_ADLAN_151,'misc'=> EPL_ADLAN_152, 'menu'=>EPL_ADLAN_153, 'about'=> EPL_ADLAN_154);

    function __construct()


        if(empty($this->_ids) )
        //    e107::getDebug()->log("Running e_plugin::_initIDs()");
        //    e107::getDebug()->log(debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS));


     * Load specified plugin data.
     * @param string $plugdir
     * @return e_plugin
    public function load($plugdir)
        $this->_plugdir = (string) $plugdir;

        return $this;

     * @return array
    public function getCategoryList()
        return $this->_accepted_categories;

     * @return int[]|string[]
    public function getDetected()
        return array_keys($this->_data);

     * @return string[]
    public function getCorePluginList()
        return $this->_core_plugins;

     * @return $this
    public function clearCache()
        $this->_installed = array();
        $this->_addons = array();

        return $this;

     * @return array|false[]|string[]
    public function getInstalledWysiwygEditors()
        $result = array();

        foreach(array_keys($this->_installed) as $k)
            $pl = new e_plugin();
            $keys = $pl->getKeywords();
            // check the keywords
            if (is_array($keys) && in_array('wysiwyg', $keys['word']))
                if (in_array('default', $keys['word']))
                    // add "default" editor to the beginning of the array
                    $result = array_merge(array($k => $pl->getName()), $result);
                    // add all "wysiwyg" editors to the array
                    $result[$k] = $pl->getName();

        return $result;

     * @return array
    public function getInstalled()
        return $this->_installed;

     * @return false|mixed
    public function getId()
            e107::getDebug()->log("\$this->_plugdir is empty ".__FILE__." ". __CLASS__ ."::".__METHOD__);

            return $this->_ids[$this->_plugdir];

        return false;

     * @return false|mixed
    public function getCompat()

            return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['compatibility'];

        return false;

     * @return bool
    public function getInstallRequired()

            e107::getDebug()->log("\$this->_plugdir is empty ".__FILE__." ". __CLASS__ ."::".__METHOD__);

            return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['installRequired'] !== 'false';

        return false;

     * @return false|mixed
    public function getVersion()
            e107::getDebug()->log("\$this->_plugdir is empty ".__FILE__." ". __CLASS__ ."::".__METHOD__);

            return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['version'];

        return false;

     * @return false|mixed
    public function getDate()
            return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['date'];

        return false;

     * @param $type
     * @return false|mixed
    public function getAuthor($type='name')
            return false;

        return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['author']['@attributes'][$type];


     * @return false|string
    public function getCategory()
            return false;

        return (string) $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['category'];


     * @return false|mixed
    public function getKeywords()
            return false;

        return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['keywords'];


     * @return false|mixed
    public function getDescription()
            return false;

        return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['description']['@value'];


     * @param $size
     * @param $opt
     * @return mixed|string|null
    public function getIcon($size = 16, $opt='')
            return null;

        $link = varset($this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']);

        $k = array(16 => 'iconSmall', 24 => 'icon', 32 => 'icon', 128=>'icon128');
        $def = array(16 => defset('E_16_PLUGIN'), 24 => defset('E_24_PLUGIN'), 32 => defset('E_32_PLUGIN'));

        $key = $k[$size];

            return $def[$size];

        $caption = $this->getName();

        if($opt === 'path')
            return e107::getParser()->createConstants(e_PLUGIN_ABS.$this->_plugdir.'/'.$link[$key], 2);

        return "<img src='".e_PLUGIN.$this->_plugdir.'/'.$link[$key] ."' alt=\"".$caption."\"  class='icon S".$size."'  />";

     * @return array|false|string|string[]
    public function getAdminCaption()
        $att = $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes'];

            return false;

        return str_replace("'", '', e107::getParser()->toHTML($att['description'], FALSE, 'defs, emotes_off'));


     * @return false|string
    public function getAdminUrl()
            return e_PLUGIN_ABS.$this->_plugdir.'/'.$this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['administration']['configFile'];

        return false;


     * Check if the current plugin is a legacy plugin which doesn't use plugin.xml
     * @return mixed
    public function isLegacy()
            e107::getDebug()->log("\$this->_plugdir is empty ".__FILE__." ". __CLASS__ ."::".__METHOD__);

        return varset($this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['legacy']);

     * Check if the current plugin has a global lan file
     * @return mixed
    public function hasLanGlobal()
            e107::getDebug()->log("\$this->_plugdir is empty ".__FILE__." ". __CLASS__ ."::".__METHOD__);
            return null;

        return isset($this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['lan']) ? $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['lan'] : false;

     * @param $plug
     * @param $version
     * @return $this
    function setInstalled($plug, $version)
        $this->_installed[$plug] = $version;

        return $this;

     * Check if the currently loaded plugin is installed
     * @return bool
    public function isInstalled()
            e107::getDebug()->log("\$this->_plugdir is empty ".__FILE__." ". __CLASS__ ."::".__METHOD__);

        return array_key_exists($this->_plugdir, $this->_installed);

     * Check if the currently loaded plugin's addon has errors.
     * @param string e_xxxx addon
     * @return int|array
    public function getAddonErrors($e_xxx)

        if(substr($e_xxx, -3) === '.sc')
            $filename =  $e_xxx;
            $sc = true;
            $filename =   $e_xxx.".php";
            $sc = false;

        if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$this->_plugdir."/".$filename))
            $content = file_get_contents(e_PLUGIN.$this->_plugdir."/".$filename);
            return 2;

        if(substr($e_xxx, - 4, 4) == '_sql')

            if(strpos($content,'INSERT INTO')!==false)
                return array('type'=> 'error', 'msg'=>"INSERT sql commands are not permitted here. Use a ".$this->_plugdir."_setup.php file instead.");
                return 0;

        // Generic markup check
        if ($sc === false && !$this->isValidAddonMarkup($content))
            return 1;

        if($e_xxx == 'e_meta' && strpos($content,'<script')!==false)
            return array('type'=> 'warning', 'msg'=>"Contains script tags. Use e_header.php with the e107::js() function instead.");

        if($e_xxx == 'e_latest' && strpos($content,'<div')!==false)
            return array('type'=> 'warning', 'msg'=>"Using deprecated method. See e_latest.php in the forum plugin for an example.");

        if($e_xxx == 'e_status' && strpos($content,'<div')!==false)
            return array('type'=> 'warning', 'msg'=>"Using deprecated method. See e_status.php in the forum plugin for an example.");

        return 0;


     * @param $content
     * @return bool
    public function isValidAddonMarkup($content='')
       if ((strpos($content, '<' . '?php') !== 0))
            return false;

      if ((substr($content, -2, 2) != '?'.'>') && (strrpos(substr($content, -20, 20), '?'.'>') !== false))
            return false;

      return true;


     * @return array|false
    public function getUpgradableList()
        $needed = array();

        foreach($this->_installed as $path=>$curVal)

            $version = $this->load($path)->getVersion();

            if(version_compare($curVal,$version,"<")) // check pref version against file version.
                e107::getDebug()->log($curVal."  vs  ".$version);
                $needed[$path] = $version;


        return !empty($needed) ? $needed : false;

     * @return void|null
    private function _initIDs()
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $cfg = e107::getConfig();

        $pref = $cfg->get('plug_installed');
        $detected = $this->getDetected();

        $toRemove = array();

        $save = false;
        if ($rows = $sql->retrieve("plugin", "*", "plugin_id != 0 ORDER by plugin_path ", true))

            foreach($rows as $row)

                $path = $row['plugin_path'];

                if(!empty($detected) && !in_array($path,$detected))
                    $toRemove[] = (int) $row['plugin_id'];

                $this->_ids[$path] = (int) $row['plugin_id'];

                if(!empty($row['plugin_installflag']) )
                    $this->_installed[$path] = $row['plugin_version'];

                        $cfg->setPref('plug_installed/'.$path, $row['plugin_version']);
                        e107::getLog()->addDebug($path)->save("plug_installed pref updated");
                        $save = true;

                $this->_addons[$path] = !empty($row['plugin_addons']) ? explode(',',$row['plugin_addons']) : null;// $path;


        $runUpdate = false;

            $runUpdate = true;
            $delList = implode(",", $toRemove);

            if($sql->delete('plugin', "plugin_id IN (".$delList.")"))
                e107::getLog()->addDebug("Deleted missing plugins with id(s): ".$delList)->save("Plugin Table Updated");
                // e107::getDebug()->log("Deleted missing plugins with id(s): ".$delList);

        if(e_PAGE == 'e107_update.php')
            return null;

        foreach($detected as $path) // add a missing plugin to the database table.

            if(!isset($this->_ids[$path]) && !empty($this->_data[$path]['@attributes']))
                $row = $this->getFields();

                if(!$id = $sql->insert('plugin',$row))
                    e107::getDebug()->log("Unable to insert plugin data into table".print_a($row,true));
                    e107::getLog()->addDebug("Unable to insert plugin data into table".print_a($row,true))->save("plug_installed pref updated");
                    $this->_ids[$path] = (int) $id;
                    $this->_addons[$path] = !empty($row['plugin_addons']) ? explode(',',$row['plugin_addons']) : null;
                    $runUpdate = true;

                    e107::getDebug()->log("Inserting plugin data into table".print_a($row,true));
                    e107::getLog()->addArray($row)->save("Plugin Table Entry Added");

                    if($row['plugin_installflag'] == 1)
                        e107::getConfig()->setPref('plug_installed/'.$path, $row['plugin_version'])->save(false,true,false);




        if($runUpdate === true) // clearCache



     * @param $currentStatus
     * @return array
    public function getFields($currentStatus = false)
            return false;

        $ret = array(
             'plugin_name'          => $this->getName('db'),
             'plugin_version'       => $this->getVersion(),
             'plugin_path'          => $this->_plugdir,
             'plugin_installflag'   => ($this->getInstallRequired() === true) ? 0 : 1,
             'plugin_addons'        => $this->getAddons(),
             'plugin_category'      => $this->getCategory()

            $ret['plugin_installflag'] = (int) $this->isInstalled();
            $ret['plugin_id'] = $this->getId();

        return $ret;


     *Returns a list of addons available for the currently loaded plugin.
     * @return string  (comma separated)
    public function getAddons()

        $allFiles = isset($this->_data[$this->_plugdir]) ? $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['files']: array();

        $addons = array();

        foreach($this->_addon_types as $ad)
            $file = $ad.".php";

                $addons[] = $ad;


        foreach($allFiles as $file)

            if(substr($file, -8) === "_sql.php")
                $addons[] = str_replace(".php", '', $file);

            if(substr($file, -3) === ".bb")
                $addons[] = $file;

            if(substr($file, -3) === ".sc")
                $addons[] = $file;

                $addons[] = $file;


            foreach($this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['shortcodes'] as $val)
                $addons[] = 'sc_'.$val;


        return implode(',', $addons);


     * @param $force
     * @return bool|null
    private function _init($force=false)

        $cacheTag = self::CACHETAG;

        if($force === false && $tmp = e107::getCache()->retrieve($cacheTag, self::CACHETIME, true, true))
            $this->_data = e107::unserialize($tmp);
            return true;

        $dirs = scandir(e_PLUGIN);

        $arr = array();

        foreach($dirs as $plugName)
            $ret = null;

            if((htmlentities($plugName) != $plugName) || empty($plugName) || $plugName === '.' || $plugName === '..' || !is_dir(e_PLUGIN.$plugName))

            if (file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/plugin.xml'))
                $ret = $this->parse_plugin_xml($plugName);
            elseif (file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/plugin.php'))
                $ret = $this->parse_plugin_php($plugName);

            if(!empty($ret['@attributes']['name'])) // make sure it's a valid plugin.
                $arr[$plugName] = $ret;

            return false;

        $cacheSet = e107::serialize($arr,'json');

            $error = json_last_error_msg();
            e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Plugin Cache JSON encoding is failing! (".__METHOD__.") Line: ".__LINE__);
            e107::getMessage()->addDebug("JSON Error: ".$error);


        $this->_data = $arr;

        return null;

     * @return false|mixed
    public function getMeta()

            return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir];

        return false;

     * @param $mode
     * @return false|mixed|string
    public function getName($mode=null)
            if($mode === 'db')
                return $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['lan'];
            elseif(defined(    $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['lan']))
                return constant($this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['lan']);

            return ($mode === 'db') ? $this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['name'] : e107::getParser()->toHTML($this->_data[$this->_plugdir]['@attributes']['name'],FALSE,"defs, emotes_off");

        return false;


     * @param string $plugName plugin folder name
     * @return array|false
    private function parse_plugin_xml($plugName)
        // $tp = e107::getParser();
        //    loadLanFiles($plugName, 'admin');                    // Look for LAN files on default paths
        $xml = e107::getXml();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        //    $xml->setOptArrayTags('extendedField,userclass,menuLink,commentID'); // always arrays for these tags.
        //    $xml->setOptStringTags('install,uninstall,upgrade');
    //    if(null === $where) $where = 'plugin.xml';

        $where = 'plugin.xml';
        $ret = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/'.$where, 'advanced');

        if ($ret === FALSE)
            $mes->addError("Error reading {$plugName}/plugin.xml");
            return FALSE;

        $ret['folder'] = $plugName; // remove the need for <folder> tag in plugin.xml.
        $ret['category'] = (isset($ret['category'])) ? $this->checkCategory($ret['category']) : "misc";
        $ret['files'] = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir(e_PLUGIN.$plugName,SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING));
        $ret['lan'] = $this->_detectLanGlobal($plugName);

        $ret['@attributes']['version'] = $this->_fixVersion($ret['@attributes']['version']);
        $ret['@attributes']['compatibility'] = $this->_fixCompat($ret['@attributes']['compatibility']);

            if (is_array($ret['description']))
                if (isset($ret['description']['@attributes']['lan']) && defined($ret['description']['@attributes']['lan']))
                    // Pick up the language-specific description if it exists.
                    $ret['description']['@value'] = constant($ret['description']['@attributes']['lan']);
                $diz = $ret['description'];

                $ret['description']['@value'] = $diz;

         // Very useful debug code.to compare plugin.php vs plugin.xml
         $testplug = 'forum';
         if($plugName == $testplug)
         $plug_vars1 = $ret;
         $plug_vars2 = $ret;
         echo "<table>
         <tr><td style='border-right:1px solid black'>";
         echo "</td><td>";
         echo "</table>";

        // TODO search for $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['primary']==true.
        $ret['administration']['icon'] = varset($ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['icon']);
        $ret['administration']['caption'] = varset($ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['description']);
        $ret['administration']['iconSmall'] = varset($ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['iconSmall']);
        $ret['administration']['configFile'] = varset($ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['url']);
        $ret['legacy'] = false;

        if (is_dir(e_PLUGIN.$plugName."/shortcodes/single/"))
            $ret['shortcodes'] = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir(e_PLUGIN.$plugName,SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING));

        return $ret;


     * @param $plugName
     * @return array
    private function parse_plugin_php($plugName)
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        $sql = e107::getDb(); // in case it is used inside plugin.php

        $PLUGINS_FOLDER = '{e_PLUGIN}'; // Could be used in plugin.php file.

        $eplug_conffile     = null;
        $eplug_table_names  = null;
        $eplug_prefs        = null;
        $eplug_module       = null;
        $eplug_userclass    = null;
        $eplug_status       = null;
        $eplug_latest       = null;
        $eplug_icon         = null;
        $eplug_icon_small   = null;
        $eplug_compatible   = null;
        $eplug_version      = null;

        $ret = array();


        $ret['@attributes']['name'] = varset($eplug_name);
        $ret['@attributes']['lan'] = varset($eplug_name);
        $ret['@attributes']['version'] =  $this->_fixVersion($eplug_version, true);
        $ret['@attributes']['date'] = varset($eplug_date);
        $ret['@attributes']['compatibility'] = $this->_fixCompat($eplug_compatible);
        $ret['@attributes']['installRequired'] = ($eplug_conffile || is_array($eplug_table_names) || is_array($eplug_prefs) || $eplug_module || $eplug_userclass || $eplug_status || $eplug_latest) ? 'true' : '';
        $ret['@attributes']['xhtmlcompliant'] = vartrue($eplug_compliant) ? 'true' : '';
        $ret['folder'] = $plugName; // (varset($eplug_folder)) ? $eplug_folder : $plugName;

        $ret['author']['@attributes']['name'] = varset($eplug_author);
        $ret['author']['@attributes']['url'] = varset($eplug_url);
        $ret['author']['@attributes']['email'] = varset($eplug_email);
        $ret['description']['@value'] = varset($eplug_description);
        $ret['description']['@attributes']['lan'] = varset($eplug_description);

        $ret['category'] = !empty($eplug_category) ? $this->checkCategory($eplug_category) : "misc";
        $ret['readme'] = !empty($eplug_readme);

        $ret['menuName'] = varset($eplug_menu_name);

        if (!empty($eplug_prefs) && is_array($eplug_prefs))
            $c = 0;
            foreach($eplug_prefs as $name => $value)
                $ret['mainPrefs']['pref'][$c]['@attributes']['name'] = $name;
                $ret['mainPrefs']['pref'][$c]['@value'] = $value;

        // For BC.
        $ret['administration']['icon'] = $this->_fixPath($eplug_icon,$plugName);
        $ret['administration']['caption'] = varset($eplug_caption);
        $ret['administration']['iconSmall'] = $this->_fixPath($eplug_icon_small,$plugName);
        $ret['administration']['configFile'] = varset($eplug_conffile);

            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['url'] = varset($eplug_conffile);
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['description'] = LAN_CONFIGURE;
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['icon'] = $this->_fixPath($eplug_icon,$plugName); // str_replace($plugName."/","",$eplug_icon);
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['iconSmall'] = $this->_fixPath($eplug_icon_small,$plugName);
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['primary'] = 'true';
        if(!empty($eplug_link) && isset($eplug_link_name) && isset($eplug_link_url))
            $ret['siteLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['url'] = $tp->createConstants($eplug_link_url, 1);
            $ret['siteLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['perm'] = varset($eplug_link_perms);
            $ret['siteLinks']['link'][0]['@value'] = varset($eplug_link_name);

        if(!empty($eplug_userclass) && !empty($eplug_userclass_description))
            $ret['userClasses']['class'][0]['@attributes']['name'] = $eplug_userclass;
            $ret['userClasses']['class'][0]['@attributes']['description'] = $eplug_userclass_description;

        $ret['files'] = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir(e_PLUGIN.$plugName,SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING));
        $ret['lan'] = $this->_detectLanGlobal($plugName);
        $ret['legacy'] = true;

        return $ret;


     * @param $pluginDir
     * @return false|mixed
    private function _detectLanGlobal($pluginDir)
        $path_a = e_PLUGIN.$pluginDir."/languages/English_global.php"; // always check for English so we have a fall-back
        $path_b = e_PLUGIN.$pluginDir."/languages/English/English_global.php";

        if(file_exists($path_a) || file_exists($path_b))
            return $pluginDir;

        return false;

     * @param $ver
     * @param $legacy
     * @return array|string|string[]|null
    private function _fixVersion($ver, $legacy=false)

            return '';

        $ver = str_replace('e107','',$ver);

        $regex = ($legacy === true) ? '/([^\d\.ab])/' : '/([^\d\.])/';

        return preg_replace($regex,'',$ver); // eg. 2.0.1b okay for BC plugin.


     * @param $ver
     * @return array|string|string[]
    private function _fixCompat($ver)
        $ver = $this->_fixVersion($ver);
        $ver = str_replace('0.8','2.0',$ver);
        if($ver == 7 || intval($ver) < 1)
            $ver = "1.0";

        return $ver;

     * @param $path
     * @param $plugName
     * @return array|string|string[]
    private function _fixPath($path, $plugName)
        $pathFilter = array(


        return str_replace($pathFilter,'', (string) $path);

     * @param $cat
     * @return mixed|string
    private function checkCategory($cat)
        $okayCats = array_keys($this->_accepted_categories);

        if (!empty($cat) && in_array($cat, $okayCats))
            return $cat;
            return 'misc';

     * @return void
    public function buildAddonPrefLists()
        $core = e107::getConfig('core');

        $urlsBefore = $core->get('e_url_list', array()); // get URL settings to be restored after.

        foreach ($this->_addon_types as $var) // clear all existing prefs.
            $core->update($var.'_list', "");

        // reset
        $core->set('bbcode_list', array())
             ->set('shortcode_legacy_list', array())
             ->set('shortcode_list', array())
             ->set('lan_global_list', array())
             ->set('wysiwyg_list', array());

        $paths = $this->getDetected();

         * Prevent this method from wiping out the variable that is tracking
         * the currently loaded plugin by moving the currently loaded plugin to
         * the end of the iterated array.
         * @see https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues/3531
         * @see https://github.com/e107inc/e107-test/issues/9
        $paths = array_diff($paths, [$this->_plugdir]);
        $paths[] = $this->_plugdir;

        foreach($paths as $path)


            $is_installed = $this->isInstalled();
            $tmp = explode(",", $this->getAddons());

            if ($is_installed)
                if($hasLAN = $this->hasLanGlobal())
                    $core->setPref('lan_global_list/'.$hasLAN, $hasLAN);

                foreach ($tmp as $val)
                    if (strpos($val, 'e_') === 0)
                        $core->setPref($val.'_list/'.$path, $path);

                // search for .bb and .sc files.
            $scl_array = array();
            $sc_array = array();
            $bb_array = array();
        //    $sql_array = array();

            foreach ($tmp as $adds)
                // legacy shortcodes - plugin root *.sc files
                if (substr($adds, -3) === ".sc")
                    $sc_name = substr($adds, 0, -3); // remove the .sc
                    if ($is_installed)
                        $scl_array[$sc_name] = "0"; // default userclass = e_UC_PUBLIC
                        $scl_array[$sc_name] = e_UC_NOBODY; // register shortcode, but disable it
                // new shortcodes location - shortcodes/single/*.php
                elseif (strpos($adds, "sc_") === 0)
                    $sc_name = substr(substr($adds, 3), 0, -4); // remove the sc_ and .php

                    if ($is_installed)
                        $sc_array[$sc_name] = "0"; // default userclass = e_UC_PUBLIC
                        $sc_array[$sc_name] = e_UC_NOBODY; // register shortcode, but disable it

                    // simple bbcode
                    if(substr($adds,-3) == ".bb")
                        $bb_name = substr($adds, 0,-3); // remove the .bb
                        $bb_array[$bb_name] = "0"; // default userclass.
                    // bbcode class
                    elseif(strpos($adds, "bb_") === 0 && substr($adds, -4) == ".php")
                        $bb_name = substr($adds, 0,-4); // remove the .php
                        $bb_name = substr($bb_name, 3);
                        $bb_array[$bb_name] = "0"; // TODO - instance and getPermissions() method

                    if ($is_installed && (substr($adds, -4) == "_sql"))
                        $core->setPref('e_sql_list/'.$path, $adds);

                // Build Bbcode list (will be empty if plugin not installed)
                if (count($bb_array) > 0)
                    $core->setPref('bbcode_list/'.$path, $bb_array);

                // Build shortcode list - do if uninstalled as well
                if (count($scl_array) > 0)
                    $core->setPref('shortcode_legacy_list/'.$path, $scl_array);

                if (count($sc_array) > 0)
                    $core->setPref('shortcode_list/'.$path, $sc_array);

        // Restore e_url settings
        $urlsAfter = $core->get('e_url_list', array());
        foreach($urlsAfter as $k=>$v)
                $core->setPref('e_url_list/'.$k, $urlsBefore[$k]);

        $editors = $this->getInstalledWysiwygEditors();

        $core->save(false, true, false);



 * @outdated in part. To eventually be replaced with e_plugin above.
class e107plugin
    // Reserved Addon names.
    var $plugin_addons = array(
        'e_meta', // @Deprecated 
        'e_print', // new v2.2
        'e_latest', /* @deprecated  - see e_dashboard */
        'e_status', /* @deprecated  - see e_dashboard */
        'e_dashboard', // Admin Front-Page addon. 
    //    'e_userprofile', @deprecated @see e_user
        'e_header', // loaded in header prior to javascript manager. 
        'e_footer', // Loaded in footer prior to javascript manager. 
    //    'e_userinfo', @deprecated @see e_user
        'e_url', // simple mod-rewrite. 
        'e_sitelink', // sitelinks generator. 
        'e_tohtml', /* @deprecated  - use e_parse */
        'e_library', // For third-party libraries are defined by plugins/themes.
        'e_output', //hook into all pages at the end (after closing </html>)

    /** Deprecated or non-v2.x standards */
    private $plugin_addons_deprecated = array(
        'e_bb',     // @deprecated
        'e_meta',   // @deprecated
        'e_latest', // @deprecated
        'e_status', // @deprecated
        'e_tohtml', // @deprecated rename to e_parser ?

    private $plugin_addons_diz = array(
        'e_admin'       => "Add form elements to existing core admin areas.",
        'e_cron'        => "Include your plugin's cron in the 'Scheduled Tasks' admin area.",
        'e_notify'      => "Include your plugin's notification to the Notify admin area.",
        'e_linkgen'     => "Add link generation into the sitelinks area.",
        'e_frontpage'   => "Add your plugin as a frontpage option.",
        'e_menu'        => "Gives your plugin's menu(s) configuration options in the Menu Manager.",
        'e_featurebox'  => "Allow your plugin to generate content for the featurebox plugin.",
        'e_search'      => "Add your plugin to the search page.",
        'e_shortcode'   => "Add a global shortcode which can be used site-wide. (use sparingly)",
        'e_module'      => "Include a file within class2.php (every page of the site).",
        'e_event'       => "Hook into core events and process them with custom functions.",
        'e_comment'     => "Override the core commenting system.",
        'e_dashboard'   => "Add something to the default admin dashboard panel.", // Admin Front-Page addon.
        'e_header'      => "Have your plugin include code in the head of every page of the site. eg. css", // loaded in header prior to javascript manager.
        'e_footer'      => "Have your plugin include code in the foot of every page of the site. eg. javascript", // Loaded in footer prior to javascript manager.
        'e_url'         => "Give your plugin search-engine-friendly URLs", // simple mod-rewrite.
        'e_mailout'     => "Allow the mailing engine to use data from your plugin's database tables.",
        'e_sitelink'    => "Create dynamic navigation links for your plugin.", // sitelinks generator.
        'e_related'     => "Allow your plugin to be included in the 'related' links.",
        'e_rss'         => "Give your plugin an rss feed.",
        'e_upload'      => "Use data from your plugin in the user upload form.",
        'e_user'        => "Have your plugin include data on the user-profile page.",
        'e_library'     => "Include a third-party library",
        'e_parse'       => "Hook into e107's text/html parser",
        'e_output'      => "Hook into all pages at the end (after closing </html>)"

    var $disAllowed = array(

    protected $core_plugins = array(
        "chatbox_menu",    "comment_menu",
        "contact", "download", "featurebox", "forum","gallery",
        "gsitemap","hero", "import", "linkwords", "list_new", "log", "login_menu",
        "metaweblog", "newforumposts_main", "news", "newsfeed",
        "newsletter","online", "page", "pm","poll",
        "rss_menu","search_menu","siteinfo", "social", "tagcloud", "tinymce4",

    // List of all plugin variables which need to be checked - install required if one or more set and non-empty
    // Deprecated in 0.8 (used in plugin.php only). Probably delete in 0.9
    var $all_eplug_install_variables = array(
        //    'eplug_sc',                // Not used in 0.8 (or later 0.7)
        //    'eplug_bb',                // Not used in 0.8 (or later 0.7)

    // List of all plugin variables involved in an update (not used ATM, but worth 'documenting')
    // Deprecated in 0.8 (used in plugin.php only). Probably delete in 0.9
    var $all_eplug_update_variables = array(
        //    'upgrade_add_eplug_sc',                // Not used in 0.8 (or later 0.7)
        //    'upgrade_remove_eplug_sc',            // Not used in 0.8 (or later 0.7)
        //    'upgrade_add_eplug_bb',                // Not used in 0.8 (or later 0.7)
        //    'upgrade_remove_eplug_bb',            // Not used in 0.8 (or later 0.7)

    // List of all 'editable' DB fields ('plugin_id' is an arbitrary reference which is never edited)
    var $all_editable_db_fields = array(
        'plugin_name', // Name of the plugin - language dependent
        'plugin_version', // Version - arbitrary text field
        'plugin_path', // Name of the directory off e_PLUGIN - unique
        'plugin_installflag', // '0' = not installed, '1' = installed
        'plugin_addons', // List of any extras associated with plugin - bbcodes, e_XXX files...
        'plugin_category' // Plugin Category: settings, users, content, management, tools, misc, about

    var $accepted_categories = array('settings', 'users', 'content', 'tools', 'manage', 'misc', 'menu', 'about');

    var $plug_vars;
    var $current_plug;
    var $parsed_plugin  = array();
    var $plugFolder;
    var $plugConfigFile;
    var $unInstallOpts;
    var $module = array();
    private $options = array();
    private $log = array();

    function __construct()
        //$parsed_plugin = array();

    * Return a list of core plugins. 
    public function getCorePlugins()
        return $this->core_plugins;    

    * Return a list of non-core plugins
    public function getOtherPlugins()
        $allplugs = e107::getFile()->get_dirs(e_PLUGIN);
        return array_diff($allplugs,$this->core_plugins);        

     * Returns an array containing details of all plugins in the plugin table - should normally use e107plugin::update_plugins_table() first to
     * make sure the table is up to date. (Primarily called from plugin manager to get lists of installed and uninstalled plugins.
     * @param string $path
     * @return int
    private function getId($path)
        $sql = e107::getDb();

        if ($sql->select("plugin", "plugin_id", "plugin_path = '".(string) $path."' LIMIT 1"))
            $row = $sql->fetch();
            return intval($row['plugin_id']);
        return false;
     * Checks all installed plugins and returns an array of those needing an update. 
     * @param string $mode  'boolean' for a quick true/false or null for full array returned. 
     * @return array|bool
    public function updateRequired($mode=null)
    //    $xml             = e107::getXml();
        $mes             = e107::getMessage();    
        $needed         = array();
        $log             = e107::getLog();

        if(!$plugVersions = e107::getConfig('core')->get('plug_installed'))
            return FALSE;

        $dbv = e107::getObject('db_verify', null, e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php");
        $plg = e107::getPlug();

        foreach($plugVersions as $path=>$version)

            $data = $plg->load($path)->getMeta();

            if($plg->isLegacy() === true)

            if(!in_array($path, $this->core_plugins)) // check non-core plugins for sql file changes.
                $dbv->errors = array();
                    $mes->addDebug("Plugin Update(s) Required - db structure change [".$path."]");
                    $needed[$path] = $data;

            $curVal = $version;
            $fileVal = $plg->getVersion();

            if($ret = $this->execute_function($path, 'upgrade', 'required', array($this, $curVal, $fileVal))) // Check {plugin}_setup.php and run a 'required' method, if true, then update is required.
                $mes->addDebug("Plugin Update(s) Required in ".$path."_setup.php [".$path."]");

                if($mode === 'boolean')
                    return TRUE;

                $needed[$path] = $data;

            if(version_compare($curVal,$fileVal,"<")) // check pref version against file version.
                $mes->addDebug("Plugin Update(s) Required - different version [".$path."]");

                if($mode === 'boolean')
                    return TRUE;

            //    $mes->addDebug("Plugin: <strong>{$path}</strong> requires an update.");

            //    $log->flushMessages();
                $needed[$path] = $data;


        // Display debug and log to file. 
        foreach($needed as $path=>$tmp)
            $log->addDebug("Plugin: <strong>{$path}</strong> requires an update.");

        if($mode === 'boolean')
            return count($needed) ? true : FALSE;

        return count($needed) ? $needed : FALSE;        

     * Check for new plugins, create entry in plugin table and remove deleted plugins
     * @deprecated by e_plugin::init() some parts might still need to be integrated into the new method.
     *    @param string $mode = install|upgrade|refresh|uninstall - defines the intent of the call
     *    'upgrade' and 'refresh' are very similar in intent, and often take the same actions:
     *        'upgrade' signals a possible change to the installed list of plugins
     *        'refresh' validates the stored data for existing plugins, recreating any that has gone missing
    function update_plugins_table($mode = 'upgrade')
        $sql     = e107::getDb();
        $sql2     = e107::getDb('sql2');
        $tp     = e107::getParser();
        $fl     = e107::getFile();
        $mes     = e107::getMessage();
        $mes->addDebug("Updating plugins Table");
        $log = e107::getLog();

        global $mySQLprefix, $menu_pref;
        $pref = e107::getPref();

        $sp = FALSE;

        $pluginDBList = array();
        if ($sql->select('plugin', "*")) // Read all the plugin DB info into an array to save lots of accesses

            while ($row = $sql->fetch())
                $pluginDBList[$row['plugin_path']] = $row;
                $pluginDBList[$row['plugin_path']]['status'] = 'read';
                //    echo "Found plugin: ".$row['plugin_path']." in DB<br />";
        e107::getDebug()->logTime('Start Scanning Plugin Files');
        $plugList = $fl->get_files(e_PLUGIN, "^plugin\.(php|xml)$", "standard", 1);
        $pluginList = [];

        foreach ($plugList as $num => $val) // Remove Duplicates caused by having both plugin.php AND plugin.xml.
            $key = basename($val['path']);
            $pluginList[$key] = $val;

        e107::getDebug()->logTime('After Scanning Plugin Files');
        $p_installed = e107::getPref('plug_installed', array()); // load preference;
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        foreach ($pluginList as $p)
            $p['path'] = substr(str_replace(e_PLUGIN, "", $p['path']), 0, -1);
            $plugin_path = $p['path'];

            if (strpos($plugin_path, 'e107_') !== FALSE)
                $mes->addWarning("Folder error: <i>{$p['path']}</i>.  'e107_' is not permitted within plugin folder names.");
            if(in_array($plugin_path, $this->disAllowed))
                $mes->addWarning("Folder error: <i>{$p['path']}</i> is not permitted as an acceptable folder name.");
            $plug['plug_action'] = 'scan'; // Make sure plugin.php knows what we're up to

            if (!$this->parse_plugin($p['path']))
                //parsing of plugin.php/plugin.xml failed.
                $mes->addError("Parsing failed - file format error: {$p['path']}");
                continue; // Carry on and do any others that are OK

            $plug_info = $this->plug_vars;
            $eplug_addons = $this->getAddons($plugin_path);
            //Ensure the plugin path lives in the same folder as is configured in the plugin.php/plugin.xml - no longer relevant. 
            if ($plugin_path == $plug_info['folder'])
                if (array_key_exists($plugin_path, $pluginDBList))
                { // Update the addons needed by the plugin
                    $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['status'] = 'exists';
                        // Check for name (lan) changes
                    if (vartrue($plug_info['@attributes']['lan']) && $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_name'] != $plug_info['@attributes']['lan'])
                        // print_a($plug_info);
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['status'] = 'update';
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_name'] = $plug_info['@attributes']['lan'];
                        $this->plugFolder = $plugin_path;
                    if ($mode == 'refresh')
                        if ($this->XmlLanguageFileCheck('_log', 'lan_log_list', 'refresh', $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_installflag'], FALSE, $plugin_path)) $sp = TRUE;
                        if ($this->XmlLanguageFileCheck('_global', 'lan_global_list', 'refresh', $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_installflag'], TRUE, $plugin_path)) $sp = TRUE;

                    // Check for missing plugin_category in plugin table.
                    if ($pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_category'] == '' || $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_category'] != $plug_info['category'])
                        // print_a($plug_info);
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['status'] = 'update';
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_category'] = (vartrue($plug_info['category'])) ? $plug_info['category'] : "misc";

                    // If plugin not installed, and version number of files changed, update version as well
                    if (($pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_installflag'] == 0) && ($pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_version'] != $plug_info['@attributes']['version']))
                    { // Update stored version
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_version'] = $plug_info['@attributes']['version'];
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['status'] = 'update';
                    if ($pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_addons'] != $eplug_addons)
                    { // Update stored addons list
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_addons'] = $eplug_addons;
                        $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['status'] = 'update';

                    if ($pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_installflag'] == 0) // Plugin not installed - make sure $pref not set

                        if (isset($p_installed[$plugin_path]))
                            $sp = TRUE;
                    { // Plugin installed - make sure $pref is set
                        if (!isset($p_installed[$plugin_path]) || ($p_installed[$plugin_path] != $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_version']))
                        { // Update prefs array of installed plugins
                            $p_installed[$plugin_path] = $pluginDBList[$plugin_path]['plugin_version'];
                            //                  echo "Add: ".$plugin_path."->".$ep_row['plugin_version']."<br />";
                            $sp = TRUE;
                else // New plugin - not in table yet, so add it. If no install needed, mark it as 'installed'
                    if ($plug_info['@attributes']['name'])
                        $pName = vartrue($plug_info['@attributes']['lan']) ? $plug_info['@attributes']['lan'] : $plug_info['@attributes']['name'] ;
                        $_installed = ($plug_info['@attributes']['installRequired'] == 'true' || $plug_info['@attributes']['installRequired'] == 1 ? 0 : 1);
                        $pInsert = array(
                            'plugin_id'             => 0,
                            'plugin_name'            => $tp->toDB($pName, true),
                            'plugin_version'        => $tp->toDB($plug_info['@attributes']['version'], true),
                            'plugin_path'            => $tp->toDB($plugin_path, true),
                            'plugin_installflag'    => $_installed,
                            'plugin_addons'            => $eplug_addons,
                            'plugin_category'        => $this->manage_category($plug_info['category'])
                    //        if (e107::getDb()->db_Insert("plugin", "0, '".$tp->toDB($pName, true)."', '".$tp->toDB($plug_info['@attributes']['version'], true)."', '".$tp->toDB($plugin_path, true)."',{$_installed}, '{$eplug_addons}', '".$this->manage_category($plug_info['category'])."' "))
                            if (e107::getDb()->insert("plugin", $pInsert))
                                $log->addDebug("Added <b>".$tp->toHTML($pName,false,"defs")."</b> to the plugin table.");
                                $log->addDebug("Failed to add ".$tp->toHTML($pName,false,"defs")." to the plugin table.");
                            $log->flushMessages("Updated Plugins table");
        //    else
            { // May be useful that we ignore what will usually be copies/backups of plugins - but don't normally say anything
                //                            echo "Plugin copied to wrong directory. Is in: {$plugin_path} Should be: {$plug_info['folder']}<br /><br />";

            // print_a($plug_info);

        // Now scan the table, updating the DB where needed
        foreach ($pluginDBList as $plug_path => $plug_info)
            if ($plug_info['status'] == 'read')
            { // In table, not on server - delete it
                $sql->delete('plugin', "`plugin_id`={$plug_info['plugin_id']}");
                //            echo "Deleted: ".$plug_path."<br />";
            if ($plug_info['status'] == 'update')
                $temp = array();
                foreach ($this->all_editable_db_fields as $p_f)
                    $temp[] = "`{$p_f}` = '{$plug_info[$p_f]}'";
                $sql->update('plugin', implode(", ", $temp)."  WHERE `plugin_id`={$plug_info['plugin_id']}");
                //            echo "Updated: ".$plug_path."<br />";
        if ($sp/* && vartrue($p_installed)*/)
            e107::getConfig('core')->setPref('plug_installed', $p_installed);

        // Triggering system (post) event.
        e107::getEvent()->trigger('system_plugins_table_updated', array(
            'mode' => $mode,

     * @param $cat
     * @return mixed|string
    private function manage_category($cat)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        if (vartrue($cat) && in_array($cat, $this->accepted_categories))
            return $cat;
            return 'misc';

     * @param $plugin
     * @param $function
     * @return void|null
    private function manage_icons($plugin = '', $function = '')
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        if ($plugin == '')
            return null;

        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        $med = e107::getMedia();

        if ($function == 'install' || $function == 'upgrade')
            return null;

        if ($function == 'uninstall')
            if (vartrue($this->unInstallOpts['delete_ipool'], FALSE))
                $status = ($med->removePath(e_PLUGIN.$plugin, 'icon')) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                $mes->add(IMALAN_164, $status);
                $this->log("Deleted Icons from Media-Manager "); // No LANS
            return null;


     * Returns details of a plugin from the plugin table from it's ID
     * @deprecated
     * @param int|string $id
     * @return array plugin info
    static function getPluginRecord($id)

        $path = (!is_numeric($id)) ? $id : false;
        $id = (int)$id;

        //    $bla = e107::getPlug()->load($path);
            if($tmp = e107::getPlug()->load($path)->getFields(true))
                return $tmp;
        else // log all deprecated calls made using an integer so they can be removed in future.
            $dbgArr = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS,3);
            trigger_error("Deprecated call to getPluginRecord() using integer.".print_r($dbgArr,true), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            e107::getLog()->addDebug("Deprecated call to getPluginRecord() using integer.".print_a($dbgArr,true));


        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $getinfo_results = array();

        $qry = "plugin_id = " . $id;
        $qry .= ($path != false) ? " OR plugin_path = '" . $path . "' " : "";

        if ($sql->select('plugin', '*', $qry)) {
            $getinfo_results[$id] = $sql->fetch();

        return $getinfo_results[$id];

     * @return void
    private function setUe()
        if (!isset($this->module['ue']))
            $this->module['ue'] = new e107_user_extended;
     * User field name, based on its type
     * @param string $folder plugin folder
     * @param int $type normalized field type
     * @param string $name field name
     * @return string  field name
    private function ue_field_name($folder, $type, $name)
        if($type == defset('EUF_PREFIELD') || $type == defset('EUF_CATEGORY'))
            return $name; // no plugin_plugname_ prefix
        return 'plugin_'.$folder.'_'.$name;
     * Normalize type
     * @param array $attrib parsed from XML user field definitions
     * @return integer type ID
    private function ue_field_type($attrib)
        $field_type = $attrib['type'];
        $type = defined($field_type) ? constant($field_type) : $field_type;
            // normalize further
            $type = $this->module['ue']->typeArray[$type];
        return $type;
     * Type number to type name
     * @param integer $typeId
     * @return string type name
    private function ue_field_type_name($typeId)
            return array_search($typeId, $this->module['ue']->typeArray);
        return $typeId;
     * Field attributes ($field_attrib array) as they have to be defined in plugin.xml:
     * name - REQUIRED string
     * text -  (string|constant name) field label 
     * type - REQUIRED (constant name) see EUF_* constants in e107_user_extended class
     * regex - regex validation string
     * required - 0-not requried, don't show on signup; 1 - required, show on signup; 2-not required, show on signup
     * allow_hide (0|1) - allow user to hide this field on profile page
     * read, write, applicable - classes, see e_UC_* defines
     * values - comma separated values (if required)
     * default - default value
     * order - (number)
     * parent - (string) category name for this field
     * system - (0|1) - field wont be shown if it's system, NOTE - default value if system is not set is 1!
     * @param string $action - add|remove
     * @param string $field_name normalized field name (see self::ue_field_name())
     * @param array $field_attrib
     * @param string $field_source used for system user fields 
     * @return boolean success
    private function manage_extended_field($action, $field_name, $field_attrib, $field_source = '')
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        $type = $this->ue_field_type($field_attrib);
        $type_name = $this->ue_field_type_name($type);
        $mes->addDebug("Extended Field: ".$action.": ".$field_name." : ".$type_name);

        // predefined
        if($type == defset('EUF_PREFIELD'))
            $preList = $this->module['ue']->parse_extended_xml(''); // passed value currently not used at all, could be file path in the near future
            if($preList && isset($preList[$field_name]))
                $preField = $preList[$field_name];
                    $field_attrib = array_merge($preField, $field_attrib); // merge
                    // predefined type - numeric value, constant or as defined in user_extended_class::typeArray
                    $field_attrib['type'] = $type = $this->ue_field_type($preField); // override type
                    return false;
        // not allowed for categories
        elseif($type == defset('EUF_CATEGORY'))
            $field_attrib['parent'] = 0;

        if ($action == 'add')
            // system field
                return $this->module['ue']->user_extended_add_system($field_name, $type, varset($field_attrib['default'], ''), $field_source);
            // new - add non-system extended field

            // classes
            $field_attrib['read'] = varset($field_attrib['read'], 'e_UC_MEMBER');
            $field_attrib['write'] = varset($field_attrib['write'], 'e_UC_MEMBER');
            $field_attrib['applicable'] = varset($field_attrib['applicable'], 'e_UC_MEMBER');
            // manage parent
                foreach ($this->module['ue']->catDefinitions as $key => $value) 
                    if($value['user_extended_struct_name'] == $field_attrib['parent'])
                        $field_attrib['parent'] = $key;
                if(!is_numeric($field_attrib['parent'])) $field_attrib['parent'] = 0;
            else $field_attrib['parent'] = 0;

            // manage required (0, 1, 2)
                $field_attrib['required'] = 0;
            // manage params
            $field_attrib['parms'] = varset($field_attrib['parms'], '');
            // validation and parms
            $include = varset($field_attrib['include_text']);
            $regex = varset($field_attrib['regex']);
            $hide = vartrue($field_attrib['allow_hide']) ? 1 : 0;
            $failmsg = '';
            if($regex || $hide)
                // failmsg only when required
                if($field_attrib['required'] == 1 || $regex)
                    $failmsg = vartrue($field_attrib['error']) ? $field_attrib['error'] : 'LAN_UE_FAIL_'.strtoupper($field_name);
                $field_attrib['parms'] = $include."^,^".$regex."^,^".$failmsg.'^,^'.$hide;
            //var_dump($field_attrib, $field_name, $type);
            $mes->addDebug("Extended Field: ".print_a($field_attrib,true));
            $status = $this->module['ue']->user_extended_add(
                varset($field_attrib['text'], "LAN_UE_".strtoupper($field_name)), 
                varset($field_attrib['values'], ''), 
                varset($field_attrib['default'], ''),
                varset($field_attrib['read'], e_UC_MEMBER),
                varset($field_attrib['write'], e_UC_MEMBER),
                varset($field_attrib['applicable'], e_UC_MEMBER),
                varset($field_attrib['order'], ''),
            // db fields handling
            if($status && $type == defset('EUF_DB_FIELD'))
                // handle DB, use original non-modified name value
                $status = !$this->manage_extended_field_sql('add', $field_attrib['name']); // reverse logic - sql method do a error check
            // refresh categories - sadly the best way so far... need improvement (inside ue class)
            if($status && $type == defset('EUF_CATEGORY'))
                $cats = $this->module['ue']->user_extended_get_categories(false);
                foreach ($cats as $cat) 
                    $this->module['ue']->catDefinitions[$cat['user_extended_struct_id']] = $cat;
            return $status;

        if ($action == 'remove')
            //var_dump($field_attrib, $field_name, $type);
            $status = $this->module['ue']->user_extended_remove($field_name, $field_name);
            if($status && $type == defset('EUF_DB_FIELD') && strpos($field_name, 'plugin_') != 0)
                $status = $this->manage_extended_field_sql('remove', $field_attrib['name']);
            return $status;

        return false;

     * @param $action
     * @param $field_name
     * @return bool|void
    private function manage_extended_field_sql($action, $field_name)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $f = e_CORE.'sql/extended_'.preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '', $field_name).'.php'; // quick security, always good idea
        if(!is_readable($f)) return false;
        // TODO - taken from user_extended Administration, need to be refined :/
        // FIXME - use sql parse handler
        $error = FALSE;
        $count = 0;

        $sql = e107::getDb();

        if($action == 'add')
            $sql_data = file_get_contents($f);
            $search[0] = "CREATE TABLE ";    $replace[0] = "CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX;
            $search[1] = "INSERT INTO ";    $replace[1] = "INSERT INTO ".MPREFIX;
            preg_match_all("/create(.*?)myisam;/si", $sql_data, $creation);
            foreach($creation[0] as $tab)
                $query = str_replace($search,$replace,$tab);
                    $error = TRUE;
            preg_match_all("/insert(.*?);/si", $sql_data, $inserts);
            foreach($inserts[0] as $ins)
                $qry = str_replace($search,$replace,$ins);
                      $error = TRUE;
            if(!$count) $error = TRUE;
            return $error;
        if($action == 'remove')
            // executed only if the sql file exists!
            return $sql->gen("DROP TABLE ".MPREFIX."user_extended_".$field_name) ? true : false;

     * @param $action
     * @param $class_name
     * @param $class_description
     * @return bool|null
    private function manage_userclass($action, $class_name, $class_description='')
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $e107 = e107::getInstance();
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        $mes->addDebug("Userclass: ".$action.": ".$class_name." : ".$class_description);

        if (!$e107->user_class->isAdmin())
            $e107->user_class = new user_class_admin; // We need the extra methods of the admin extension

        $class_name = strip_tags(strtoupper($class_name));
        if ($action == 'add')
            if ($e107->user_class->ucGetClassIDFromName($class_name) !== FALSE)
            { // Class already exists.
                return TRUE; // That's probably OK
            $i = $e107->user_class->findNewClassID();
            if ($i !== FALSE)
                $tmp = array();
                $tmp['userclass_id'] = $i;
                $tmp['userclass_name'] = $class_name;
                $tmp['userclass_description'] = $class_description;
                $tmp['userclass_editclass'] = e_UC_ADMIN;
                $tmp['userclass_visibility'] = e_UC_ADMIN;
                $tmp['userclass_type'] = UC_TYPE_STD;
                $tmp['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_NOBODY;
                $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['userclass_editclass'] = 'int';
                $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['userclass_visibility'] = 'int';
                $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['userclass_id'] = 'int';
                $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['_DEFAULT'] = 'todb';
                return $e107->user_class->add_new_class($tmp);
                return NULL;
        if ($action == 'remove')
            $classID = $e107->user_class->ucGetClassIDFromName($class_name);
            if (($classID !== FALSE) && ($e107->user_class->deleteClassAndUsers($classID) === TRUE))
                return TRUE;
                return FALSE;

        return null;

     * @param $action
     * @param $link_url
     * @param $link_name
     * @param $link_class
     * @param $options
     * @return int|void|null
    private function manage_link($action, $link_url, $link_name, $link_class = 0, $options=array())

        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        if (!is_numeric($link_class))
            $link_class = strtolower($link_class);
            $plug_perm['everyone'] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
            $plug_perm['guest'] = e_UC_GUEST;
            $plug_perm['member'] = e_UC_MEMBER;
            $plug_perm['mainadmin'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
            $plug_perm['admin'] = e_UC_ADMIN;
            $plug_perm['nobody'] = e_UC_NOBODY;
            $link_class = ($plug_perm[$link_class]) ? intval($plug_perm[$link_class]) : e_UC_PUBLIC;

        $link_url = $tp->toDB($link_url, true);
        $link_name = $tp->toDB($link_name, true);
        $path = str_replace("../", "", $link_url); // This should clean up 'non-standard' links
        $path = $tp->createConstants($path); // Add in standard {e_XXXX} directory constants if we can    
        if ($action == 'add')
            $link_t = $sql->count('links');

            $countQry = !empty($options['link_owner']) ? "link_owner = '".$options['link_owner']."' AND link_url = '".$path."'" : "link_url = '{$path}' OR link_name = '".$link_name."'";

            if (!$sql->count('links', '(*)', "WHERE ".$countQry))
                    $linkData = array(
                        'link_name'             => $link_name,
                        'link_url'             => $path,
                        'link_description'     => vartrue($options['link_desription']),
                        'link_button'         => vartrue($options['link_icon']),
                        'link_category'         => vartrue($options['link_category'],'1'),
                        'link_order'         => $link_t + 1,
                        'link_parent'         => '0',
                        'link_open'             => '0',
                        'link_class'         => vartrue($link_class,'0'),
                        'link_function'         => vartrue($options['link_function']),
                        'link_sefurl'         => vartrue($options['link_sef']),
                        'link_owner'         => vartrue($options['link_owner'])
                    return $sql->insert('links', $linkData); 
                e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Skipped inserting of sitelink. Count Qry: ".$countQry);
                return null;
        if ($action == 'remove') 
            if(!empty($options['link_owner']) && $sql->select('links', 'link_id', "link_owner = '".$options['link_owner']."'"))
                return $sql->delete('links', "link_owner = '".$options['link_owner']."' ");    
            // Look up by URL if we can - should be more reliable. Otherwise try looking up by name (as previously)
            if (($path && $sql->select('links', 'link_id,link_order', "link_url = '{$path}'")) || $sql->select('links', 'link_id,link_order', "link_name = '{$link_name}'"))
                    $row = $sql->fetch();
                    $sql->update('links', "link_order = link_order - 1 WHERE link_order > {$row['link_order']}");
                    return $sql->delete('links', "link_id = {$row['link_id']}");

    // DEPRECATED in 0.8 -
    // Update prefs array according to $action
    // $prefType specifies the storage type - may be 'pref', 'listPref' or 'arrayPref'
     * @outdated See XmlPrefs(); Left for BC.
     * @param        $action
     * @param        $var
     * @param string $prefType
     * @param string $path
     * @param bool   $unEscape
     * @return null|void
    function manage_prefs($action, $var, $prefType = 'pref', $path = '', $unEscape = FALSE)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        global $pref;
        if (!is_array($var))
            return null;
        if (($prefType == 'arrayPref') && ($path == ''))
            return null;
        foreach ($var as $k => $v)
            if ($unEscape)
                $v = str_replace(array('\{', '\}'), array('{', '}'), $v);
            switch ($prefType)
                case 'pref':
                    switch ($action)
                        case 'add':
                            $pref[$k] = $v;

                        case 'update' :
                        case 'upgrade' :
                        case 'refresh':
                            // Only update if $pref doesn't exist
                            if (!isset($pref[$k]))
                                $pref[$k] = $v;

                        case 'remove':
                            if (is_numeric($k))
                            { // Sometimes arrays specified with value being the name of the key to delete
                            { // This is how the array should be specified - key is the name of the pref
                case 'listPref':
                    $tmp = array();
                    if (isset($pref[$k]))
                        $tmp = explode(',', $pref[$k]);
                    switch ($action)
                        case 'add':
                        case 'update' :
                        case 'upgrade' :
                        case 'refresh':
                            if (!in_array($v, $tmp))
                                $tmp[] = $v;
                        case 'remove':
                            if (($tkey = array_search($v, $tmp)) !== FALSE)
                    $pref[$k] = implode(',', $tmp); // Leaves an empty element if no values - probably acceptable or even preferable
                case 'arrayPref':
                    switch ($action)
                        case 'add':
                            $pref[$k][$path] = $v;
                        case 'update' :
                        case 'upgrade' :
                        case 'refresh':
                            if (!isset($pref[$k][$path]))
                                $pref[$k][$path] = $v;
                        case 'remove':
                            if (isset($pref[$k][$path]))
                                unset($pref[$k][$path]); // Leaves an empty element if no values - probably acceptable or even preferable


        return null;


     * @param $action
     * @param $comment_id
     * @return int|void
    function manage_comments($action, $comment_id)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $tp = e107::getParser();

        $tmp = array();
        if ($action == 'remove')
            foreach ($comment_id as $com)
                $tmp[] = "comment_type='".$tp->toDB($com, true)."'";
            $qry = implode(" OR ", $tmp);
            //            echo $qry."<br />";
            return $sql->delete('comments', $qry);

    // Handle table updates - passed an array of actions.
    // $var array:
    //   For 'add' - its a query to create the table
    //     For 'upgrade' - its a query to modify the table (not called from the plugin.xml handler)
    //     For 'remove' - its a table name
    //  'upgrade' and 'remove' operate on all language variants of the same table
     * @param $action
     * @param $var
     * @return bool|string
    function manage_tables($action, $var)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        if (!is_array($var))
            return FALSE; // Return if nothing to do
        $error = false;
        $error_data = array();
        switch ($action)
            case 'add':
                foreach ($var as $tab)
                    $tab = str_replace("TYPE=MyISAM","ENGINE=MyISAM",$tab);
                    $tab = str_replace("IF NOT EXISTS", "", $tab);
                    if(!preg_match("/MyISAM.*CHARSET ?= ?utf8/i",$tab))
                        $tab = str_replace("MyISAM", "MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8", $tab);        
                    if (false === $sql->db_Query($tab))
                        $error = true;
                        $error_data[] = $tab;
            case 'upgrade':
                foreach ($var as $tab)
                    if (false === $sql->db_Query_all($tab))
                        $error = true;
                        $error_data[] = $tab;
            case 'remove':
                foreach ($var as $tab)
                    $qry = 'DROP TABLE '.MPREFIX.$tab;
                    if (!$sql->db_Query_all($qry))
                        $error = true;
                        $error_data[] = $tab;
        // doesn't exit the loop now, returns true on success
        // or error queries (string)
        return (!$error ? true : (!empty($$error_data) ? implode('<br />', $error_data) : false));

    // DEPRECATED for 0.8 xml files - See XmlPrefs();
    // Handle prefs from arrays (mostly 0.7 stuff, possibly apart from the special cases)
     * @param $action
     * @param $prefname
     * @param $plugin_folder
     * @param $varArray
     * @return void
    function manage_plugin_prefs($action, $prefname, $plugin_folder, $varArray = '')
    { // These prefs are 'cumulative' - several plugins may contribute an array element
        //    global $pref;
         if ($prefname == 'plug_sc' || $prefname == 'plug_bb')
         {  // Special cases - shortcodes and bbcodes - each plugin may contribute several elements
         foreach($varArray as $code)
         $prefvals[] = "$code:$plugin_folder";
        $pref = e107::getPref();

        $newvals = [];

        $prefvals[] = $varArray;
        //            $prefvals[] = $plugin_folder;
        //        }
        $curvals = explode(',', $pref[$prefname]);

        if ($action == 'add')
            $newvals = array_merge($curvals, $prefvals);
        if ($action == 'remove')
            foreach ($prefvals as $v)
                if (($i = array_search($v, $curvals)) !== FALSE)
            $newvals = $curvals;
        $newvals = array_unique($newvals);
        $pref[$prefname] = implode(',', $newvals);

        if (strpos($pref[$prefname], ",") === 0)
            $pref[$prefname] = substr($pref[$prefname], 1);



     * @param $action
     * @param $eplug_folder
     * @return void
    function manage_search($action, $eplug_folder)
        global $sysprefs;
        $sql = e107::getDb();

        $search_prefs = e107::getConfig('search')->getPref();

        //    $search_prefs = $sysprefs -> getArray('search_prefs');
        $default = file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder.'/e_search.php') ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $comments = file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder.'/search/search_comments.php') ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if ($action == 'add')
            $install_default = $default ? TRUE : FALSE;
            $install_comments = $comments ? TRUE : FALSE;
            if ($action == 'remove')
                $uninstall_default = isset($search_prefs['plug_handlers'][$eplug_folder]) ? TRUE : FALSE;
                $uninstall_comments = isset($search_prefs['comments_handlers'][$eplug_folder]) ? TRUE : FALSE;
                if ($action == 'upgrade')
                    if (isset($search_prefs['plug_handlers'][$eplug_folder]))
                        $uninstall_default = $default ? FALSE : TRUE;
                        $install_default = $default ? TRUE : FALSE;
                    if (isset($search_prefs['comments_handlers'][$eplug_folder]))
                        $uninstall_comments = $comments ? FALSE : TRUE;
                        $install_comments = $comments ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if (vartrue($install_default))
            $search_prefs['plug_handlers'][$eplug_folder] = array('class' => 0, 'pre_title' => 1, 'pre_title_alt' => '', 'chars' => 150, 'results' => 10);
            if (vartrue($uninstall_default))
        if (vartrue($install_comments))
            $comments_type_id = '';
            $search_prefs['comments_handlers'][$eplug_folder] = array('id' => $comments_type_id, 'class' => 0, 'dir' => $eplug_folder);
            if (vartrue($uninstall_comments))

    //    e107::getConfig('search')->setPref($search_prefs)->save(true,false,false);


     * @param $action
     * @param $eplug_folder
     * @return void
    function manage_notify($action, $eplug_folder)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        //    $notify_prefs = $sysprefs -> get('notify_prefs');
        //    $notify_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> ReadArray($notify_prefs);

        $notify_prefs = e107::getConfig('notify');
        $e_notify = file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder.'/e_notify.php') ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if ($action == 'add')
            $install_notify = $e_notify ? TRUE : FALSE;
            if ($action == 'remove')
                $uninstall_notify = $notify_prefs->isData('plugins/'.$eplug_folder); //isset($notify_prefs['plugins'][$eplug_folder]) ? TRUE : FALSE;
                if ($action == 'upgrade')
                    if ($notify_prefs->isData('plugins/'.$eplug_folder))
                        $uninstall_notify = $e_notify ? FALSE : TRUE;
                        $install_notify = $e_notify ? TRUE : FALSE;

        $config_events = array(); // Notice removal
        if (vartrue($install_notify))
            $notify_prefs->setPref('plugins/'.$eplug_folder, 1); //$notify_prefs['plugins'][$eplug_folder] = TRUE;

            foreach ($config_events as $event_id => $event_text)
                $notify_prefs->setPref('event/'.$event_id.'/class', e_UC_NOBODY)
                    ->setPref('event/'.$event_id.'/email', '');
                //$notify_prefs['event'][$event_id] = array('class' => e_UC_NOBODY, 'email' => '');
            if (vartrue($uninstall_notify))
                foreach ($config_events as $event_id => $event_text)
        //$s_prefs = $tp -> toDB($notify_prefs);
        //$s_prefs = e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($s_prefs);
        //e107::getDb() -> db_Update("core", "e107_value='".$s_prefs."' WHERE e107_name='notify_prefs'");

     * Rebuild URL configuration values
     * Note - new core system pref values will be set, but not saved
     * e107::getConfig()->save() is required outside after execution of this method 
     * @return void
    public function rebuildUrlConfig()
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $modules = eRouter::adminReadModules(); // get all available locations, non installed plugins will be ignored
        $config = eRouter::adminBuildConfig(e107::getPref('url_config'), $modules); // merge with current config
        $locations = eRouter::adminBuildLocations($modules); // rebuild locations pref
        $aliases = eRouter::adminSyncAliases(e107::getPref('url_aliases'), $config); // rebuild aliases
        // set new values, changes should be saved outside this methods
    /*    e107::getConfig()
            ->set('url_aliases', $aliases)
            ->set('url_config', $config)
            ->set('url_modules', $modules)
            ->set('url_locations', $locations);

     * @param $array
     * @param $msg
     * @return string
    function displayArray(&$array, $msg = '')
        $txt = ($msg ? $msg.'<br />' : '');
        foreach ($array as $_k => $_v)
            $txt .= "{$_k} -> {$_v}<br />";
        $txt .= '<br />';
        return $txt;

     * @param $message
     * @return void
    private function log($message)
        $this->log[] = $message;

     * @return array
    public function getLog()
        $text = $this->log;

        $this->log = array();

        return $text;


     * Install routine for XML file
     * @param mixed $id (the number of the plugin in the DB) or the path to the plugin folder. eg. 'forum'
     * @param string $function install|upgrade|uninstall|refresh (adds things that are missing, but doesn't change any existing settings)
     * @param array $options [optional] an array of possible options - ATM used only for uninstall:
     *             'delete_userclasses' - to delete userclasses created
     *             'delete_tables' - to delete DB tables
     *             'delete_xfields' - to delete extended fields
     *             'delete_ipool' - to delete icon pool entry
     *             + any defined in <pluginname>_setup.php in the uninstall_options() method.
     * @return bool
    function install_plugin_xml($id, $function = '', $options = null)
        $pref = e107::getPref();
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
          $event = e107::getEvent();

          $this->log("Running Plugin: ".$function);

        $error = array(); // Array of error messages
        $canContinue = TRUE; // Clear flag if must abort part way through

        if(is_array($id)) // plugin info array
            $plug = $id;    
            $id = (int) $plug['plugin_id'];
        elseif(is_numeric($id)) // plugin database id
            $id = (int) $id;
            $plug = e107plugin::getPluginRecord($id); // Get plugin info from DB
        else // Plugin Path.
            $id = $this->getId($id);
            $plug = e107plugin::getPluginRecord($id); // Get plugin info from DB
        $this->current_plug = $plug;
        $txt = '';
        $path = e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/';

        $this->plugFolder = $plug['plugin_path'];
        $this->unInstallOpts = $options;

        $addons = explode(',', $plug['plugin_addons']);
        $sql_list = array();
        foreach ($addons as $addon)
            if (substr($addon, -4) == '_sql')
                $sql_list[] = $addon.'.php';

        if (!file_exists($path.'plugin.xml') || $function == '')
            $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_77;
            $this->log("Cannot find plugin.xml"); // Do NOT LAN. Debug Only.
            $canContinue = false;

        if ($canContinue && $this->parse_plugin_xml($plug['plugin_path']))
            $plug_vars = $this->plug_vars;
            $this->log("Vars: ".print_r($plug_vars,true));
            $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_76;
            $this->log("Error in plugin.xml");
            $canContinue = FALSE;
        // Load install language file and set lan_global pref. 
        $this->XmlLanguageFiles($function, varset($plug_vars['languageFiles']), 'pre'); // First of all, see if there's a language file specific to install

        // Next most important, if installing or upgrading, check that any dependencies are met
        if($canContinue && ($function != 'uninstall') && isset($plug_vars['dependencies']))
            $canContinue = $this->XmlDependencies($plug_vars['dependencies']);

        if ($canContinue === false)
            $this->log("Cannot Continue. Line:".__LINE__); // Do NOT LAN. Debug Only.
            return false;

        // All the dependencies are OK - can start the install now
        // Run custom {plugin}_setup install/upgrade etc. for INSERT, ALTER etc. etc. etc. 
        $ret = $this->execute_function($plug['plugin_path'], $function, 'pre'); 
        if (!is_bool($ret))
            $txt .= $ret;
        // Handle tables
        $this->XmlTables($function, $plug, $options);

        if (varset($plug_vars['adminLinks']))
            $this->XmlAdminLinks($function, $plug_vars['adminLinks']);

        if (!empty($plug_vars['siteLinks']))
            $this->XmlSiteLinks($function, $plug_vars);

        if (varset($plug_vars['mainPrefs'])) //Core pref items <mainPrefs>
            $this->XmlPrefs('core', $function, $plug_vars['mainPrefs']);

        if (varset($plug_vars['pluginPrefs'])) //Plugin pref items <pluginPrefs>
            $this->XmlPrefs($plug['plugin_path'], $function, $plug_vars['pluginPrefs']);

        if (varset($plug_vars['userClasses']))
            $this->XmlUserClasses($function, $plug_vars['userClasses']);

        if (varset($plug_vars['extendedFields']))
            $this->XmlExtendedFields($function, $plug_vars['extendedFields']);

        if (varset($plug_vars['languageFiles']))
            $this->XmlLanguageFiles($function, $plug_vars['languageFiles']);
        if (varset($plug_vars['bbcodes']))
            $this->XmlBBcodes($function, $plug_vars);
        if (varset($plug_vars['mediaCategories']))
            $this->XmlMediaCategories($function, $plug_vars);

        $this->addonMenu($this->plugFolder, $function, $plug_vars['files']);
        $this->addonUser($this->plugFolder, $function);

        $this->manage_icons($this->plugFolder, $function);

        //If any commentIDs are configured, we need to remove all comments on uninstall
        if ($function == 'uninstall' && isset($plug_vars['commentID']))
            $txt .= 'Removing all plugin comments: ('.implode(', ', $plug_vars['commentID']).')<br />';
            $commentArray = array();
            $this->manage_comments('remove', $commentArray);

        $this->manage_search($function, $plug_vars['folder']);
        $this->manage_notify($function, $plug_vars['folder']);

        $eplug_addons = $this->getAddons($plug['plugin_path']);

        $p_installed = e107::getPref('plug_installed', array()); // load preference;

        if ($function == 'install' || $function == 'upgrade' || $function == 'refresh')
            $sql->update('plugin', "plugin_installflag = 1, plugin_addons = '{$eplug_addons}', plugin_version = '{$plug_vars['@attributes']['version']}', plugin_category ='".$this->manage_category($plug_vars['category'])."' WHERE plugin_id = ".$id);
            $p_installed[$plug['plugin_path']] = $plug_vars['@attributes']['version'];

            e107::getConfig('core')->setPref('plug_installed', $p_installed);
            //e107::getConfig('core')->save(); - save triggered below

        if ($function == 'uninstall')
            $sql->update('plugin', "plugin_installflag = 0, plugin_addons = '{$eplug_addons}', plugin_version = '{$plug_vars['@attributes']['version']}', plugin_category ='".$this->manage_category($plug_vars['category'])."' WHERE plugin_id = ".$id);
            e107::getConfig('core')->setPref('plug_installed', $p_installed);




        $this->log("Updated 'plug_installed' core pref. ");

        e107::getConfig('core')->save(true, false, false);

        if($function === 'install')

    //    e107::getPlug()->setInstalled($plug_vars['folder'],$plug_vars['@attributes']['version'])->buildAddonPrefLists();

    //    e107::getPlug()->clearCache()->setInstalled($plug_vars['folder'],$plug_vars['@attributes']['version'])->buildAddonPrefLists();

    //    $this->save_addon_prefs('update'); // to be replaced with buildAddonPrefLists(); once working correctly.

        /*    if($function == 'install')
         $mes->add($plug_vars['management']['installDone'][0], E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);

         $xmlInstallStatus = $this->XmlInstallXml($function, $plug_vars['folder']);

            e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Default content added to table(s).");
         elseif($xmlInstallStatus === false)
             e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Failed to add content to table(s).");

        // Run custom {plugin}_setup install/upgrade etc. for INSERT, ALTER etc. etc. etc. 
        // Call any custom post functions defined in <plugin>_setup.php or the deprecated <management> section
        if (!$this->execute_function($plug['plugin_path'], $function, 'post')) 
            if ($function == 'install')
                $text = EPL_ADLAN_238;

                if ($this->plugConfigFile)
                    $text .= "<br /><a class='btn btn-primary' href='".$this->plugConfigFile."'>".LAN_CONFIGURE."</a>";



        $event->trigger('admin_plugin_'.$function, $plug);

        return null;


     * Check for /xml/install.xml file and import database content only.
     * @param string $function
     * @param string $folder
     * @return bool|null
    function XmlInstallXml($function, $folder)

        if($function !== 'install')
            return null;

        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);

        $path = e_PLUGIN.$folder.'/xml/install.xml';

            $this->log("No xml/install.xml file found.");
            return null;

        $ret = e107::getXml()->e107Import($path, 'install');

            return true;

        return false;


     * @param $plug_vars
     * @return false
    private function removeCrons($plug_vars)
        $this->log("Running ".__METHOD__);

        if(!file_exists(e_PLUGIN. $plug_vars['folder']."/e_cron.php"))
            return false;

        if(e107::getDb()->delete('cron', 'cron_function LIKE "'. $plug_vars['folder'] . '::%"'))
            $this->log($plug_vars['folder']." crons removed successfully."); // no LANs.
            e107::getMessage()->addDebug($plug_vars['folder']." crons removed successfully."); // No LAN necessary

        return false;


     * Manager e_user extended fields
     * @param string $plug
     * @param string $function
     * @param array $opts
     * @return null
    private function addonUser($plug, $function, $opts=array())
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $path = e_PLUGIN.$plug.'/e_user.php';

            $this->log("No e_user.php addon found.");
            return null;


        if(!$list = e107::callMethod($plug.'_user', 'settings'))
            $this->log("Settings method NOT found");
            return null;

        $this->log("Settings method found: ".print_r($list, true));

        $ue = e107::getUserExt();

        foreach($list as $field=>$attrib)
            $read = varset($attrib['read'], e_UC_MEMBER);
            $write = varset($attrib['write'], e_UC_MEMBER);
            $applic = varset($attrib['applicable'], e_UC_MEMBER);
            $req   = varset($attrib['required'], 0);
            $type  = varset($attrib['fieldType'], 'VARCHAR(255)');

            unset($attrib['read'], $attrib['write'], $attrib['applicable'], $attrib['required'], $attrib['fieldType']);

            $name = $this->ue_field_name($plug, defset('EUF_ADDON'), $field);

            $insert = array(
                    'name'      => $name,
                    'text'      => varset($attrib['title'], "None Specified"),
                    'type'      => defset('EUF_ADDON'),
                    'parms'     => $plug,
                    'values'    => e107::serialize($attrib, 'json'),
                    'default'   => null,
                    'parent'    => 0,
                    'required'  => $req,
                    'read'      => $read,
                    'write'     => $write,
                    'applicable' => $applic,
                    'fieldType' => $type,

                case "install":
                        $this->log("User Ext. field added. (".$field.")");
                        e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(EPL_ADLAN_249 .$name.' ... ');
                        e107::getMessage()->addError(EPL_ADLAN_249 .$name.' ... ');
                        $this->log("ERROR: User Ext. field couldn't be added. ".print_r($insert,true));

                case "uninstall":
                    if($ue->user_extended_remove($name, $name))
                        e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(EPL_ADLAN_250 .$name.' ... ');
                        $this->log("User Ext. field removed. (".$field.")");
                        e107::getMessage()->addError(EPL_ADLAN_250 .$name.' ... ');
                        $this->log("ERROR: User Ext. field couldn't be removed. (".$field.")");

                    // code to be executed if n is different from all labels;



     * Manage xxxxx_menu files.
     * @param string $plug
     * @param string $function
     * @param $files
     * @return false|null
    private function addonMenu($plug, $function, $files)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);

        $menuFiles = array();

        foreach($files as $file)
            if($file === 'e_menu.php')

            if(substr($file,-9) === '_menu.php')
                $menuFiles[] = basename($file, '.php');


        $this->log("Scanning for _menu.php files - ". count($menuFiles)." found."); // Debug info, no LAN

            return false;

            case "install":
            case "refresh":

                $this->log("Adding menus to menus table."); // NO LANS - debug info!

                foreach($menuFiles as $menu)
                    if(!e107::getMenu()->add($plug, $menu))
                        $this->log("Couldn't add ".$menu." to menus table."); // NO LAN


            case "uninstall":

                $this->log("Removing menus from menus table."); // No Lan

                    $this->log("Couldn't remove menus for plugin: ".$plug); // NO LAN



        return null;

     * Parse {plugin}_sql.php file and install/upgrade/uninstall tables.
     * @param $function string install|upgrade|uninstall
     * @param $plug - array of plugin data - mostly $plug['plugin_path']
     * @param array $options
    function XmlTables($function, $plug, $options = array())
        $txt = '';
        $this->log("Running ".__METHOD__);

        $sqlFile = e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/'.str_replace("_menu","", $plug['plugin_path'])."_sql.php";

        if(!file_exists($sqlFile)) // No File, so return;
            $this->log("No SQL File Found at: ".$sqlFile);
            return null;

        if(!is_readable($sqlFile)) // File Can't be read.
            e107::getMessage()->addError("Can't read SQL definition: ".$sqlFile);
            $this->log("Can't read SQL definition: ".$sqlFile);
            return null;

        /** @var db_verify $dbv */
        $dbv = e107::getSingleton('db_verify', e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php");
        $sql = e107::getDb();

        // Add or Remove Table --------------
        if($function == 'install' || $function == 'uninstall')
            $contents = file_get_contents($sqlFile);

                e107::getMessage()->addError("Can't read SQL definition: ".$sqlFile);
                $this->log("Can't read SQL definition: ".$sqlFile);
                return null;

            $tableData = $dbv->getSqlFileTables($contents);

            $query = '';
            $status = E_MESSAGE_INFO;

            foreach($tableData['tables'] as $k=>$v)
                $engine = $dbv->getIntendedStorageEngine($tableData['engine'][$k]);
                $charset = $dbv->getIntendedCharset($tableData['charset'][$k]);

                    case "install":
                        $query = "CREATE TABLE  `".MPREFIX.$v."` (\n";
                        $query .= $tableData['data'][$k];
                        $query .= "\n) ENGINE=$engine DEFAULT CHARSET=$charset ";

                        $txt = EPL_ADLAN_239." <b>{$v}</b> ";
                        $status = $sql->db_Query($query) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;

                    case "uninstall":
                        if (!empty($options['delete_tables']))
                            $query = "DROP TABLE  `".MPREFIX.$v."`; ";
                            $txt = EPL_ADLAN_240." <b> {$v} </b><br />";
                            $status = $sql->db_Query_all($query) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;

                            $status = E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS;
                            $txt = "Table {$v} left in place.";

                e107::getMessage()->add($txt, $status);


        // Upgrade Table --------------
        if($function == 'upgrade')
            $dbv->errors = array();

     * Check if plugin is being used by another plugin before uninstalling it.
     * @param array $plugin
     *  Plugin name.
     * @return boolean
     *  TRUE if plugin is used, otherwise FALSE.
    function isUsedByAnotherPlugin($plugin)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $db = e107::getDb();
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        $xml = e107::getXml();

        $pluginIsUsed = false;
        $enPlugs = array();
        $usedBy = array();

        // Get list of enabled plugins.
        $db->select("plugin", "*", "plugin_id !='' order by plugin_path ASC");
        while($row = $db->fetch())
            if($row['plugin_installflag'] == 1)
                $enPlugs[] = $row['plugin_path'];

        foreach($enPlugs as $enPlug)
            if(!file_exists(e_PLUGIN . $enPlug . '/plugin.xml'))

            $plugInfo = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_PLUGIN . $enPlug . '/plugin.xml', 'advanced');

            if($plugInfo === false)

            if (!isset($plugInfo['dependencies']))

            // FIXME too many nested foreach, need refactoring.
            foreach($plugInfo['dependencies'] as $dt => $da)
                foreach($da as $dv)
                    if(isset($dv['@attributes']) && isset($dv['@attributes']['name']))
                            case 'plugin':
                                if ($dv['@attributes']['name'] == $plugin)
                                    $usedBy[] = $enPlug;

            $pluginIsUsed = true;
            $text = '<b>' . LAN_UNINSTALL_FAIL . '</b><br />';
            $text .= $tp->lanVars(LAN_PLUGIN_IS_USED, array('x' => $plugin), true) . ' ';
            $text .= implode(', ', $usedBy);

        return $pluginIsUsed;

     * Process XML Tag <dependencies> (deprecated 'depend' which is a brand of adult diapers)
     * @param array $tags
     *  Tags (in <dependencies> tag) from XML file.
     * @return boolean
    function XmlDependencies($tags)
        $this->log("Running ".__METHOD__);
        $db = e107::getDb();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        $canContinue = true;
        $enabledPlugins = array();
        $error = array();

        // Get list of enabled plugins.
        $db->select("plugin", "*", "plugin_id !='' order by plugin_path ASC");
        while($row = $db->fetch())
            if($row['plugin_installflag'] == 1)
                $enabledPlugins[$row['plugin_path']] = $row['plugin_version'];

        // FIXME too many nested foreach, need refactoring.
        foreach($tags as $dt => $da)
            foreach($da as $dv)
                if(isset($dv['@attributes']) && isset($dv['@attributes']['name']))
                        case 'plugin':
                            { // Plugin not installed
                                $canContinue = false;
                                $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_70 . $dv['@attributes']['name'];
                            elseif(isset($dv['@attributes']['min_version']) && (version_compare($dv['@attributes']['min_version'], $enabledPlugins[$dv['@attributes']['name']], '<=') === false))
                                $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_71 . $dv['@attributes']['name'] . EPL_ADLAN_72 . $dv['@attributes']['min_version'];
                                $canContinue = false;
                        case 'extension':
                                $canContinue = false;
                                $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_73 . $dv['@attributes']['name'];
                            elseif(isset($dv['@attributes']['min_version']) && (version_compare($dv['@attributes']['min_version'], phpversion($dv['@attributes']['name']), '<=') === false))
                                $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_71 . $dv['@attributes']['name'] . EPL_ADLAN_72 . $dv['@attributes']['min_version'];
                                $canContinue = false;
                        case 'php': // all should be lowercase
                            if(isset($dv['@attributes']['min_version']) && (version_compare($dv['@attributes']['min_version'], phpversion(), '<=') === false))
                                $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_74 . $dv['@attributes']['min_version'];
                                $canContinue = false;
                        case 'mysql': // all should be lowercase
                            if(isset($dv['@attributes']['min_version']) && (version_compare($dv['@attributes']['min_version'], $db->getServerInfo(), '<=') === false)
                                $error[] = EPL_ADLAN_75 . $dv['@attributes']['min_version'];
                                $canContinue = false;
                            // TODO lan
                            echo "Unknown dependency: {$dt}<br />";

            $text = '<b>' . LAN_INSTALL_FAIL . '</b><br />' . implode('<br />', $error);

        return $canContinue;

     *    Look for a language file in the two acceptable places.
     *    If found, update the appropriate pref 
     *    @param string $fileEnd - the suffix of the file name (e.g. '_global')
     *    @param string $prefName - the name of the pref to be updated
     *    @param string $when = install|upgrade|refresh|uninstall ('update' also supported as alias for 'upgrade')
     *    @param string $isInstalled - flag indicates whether plugin installed
     *            - if false, any preference is removed.
     *            - if TRUE, any preference is added
     *            - so set TRUE to add value to pref regardless
     *    @param boolean $justPath 
     *        - if TRUE, plugin name is written to pref, as a generic string which requires a search to locate the file. 
     *        - if FALSE, a precise path within the plugin folder, which includes '--LAN--' strings to substitute for language, is written
     *    @param string $plugin - name of plugin folder. If empty string, $this->plugFolder is used (may not always exist).
     *    @return boolean TRUE if pref changed
    public function XmlLanguageFileCheck($fileEnd, $prefName, $when, $isInstalled, $justPath = FALSE, $plugin = '')
        $core = e107::getConfig('core');
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        if (trim($plugin) == '') $plugin = $this->plugFolder;
        if (!$plugin) return FALSE;            // No plugin name - error

        if (!$isInstalled) $when = 'uninstall';
        $updated = false;

        $path_a = e_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/languages/English'.$fileEnd.'.php';  // always check for English so we have a fall-back
        $path_b = e_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/languages/English/English'.$fileEnd.'.php';
        $pathEntry = '';

        if (file_exists($path_a))
            $pathEntry = $justPath ? $plugin : '--LAN--'.$fileEnd.'.php';
        elseif (file_exists($path_b))
            $pathEntry = $justPath ? $plugin : '--LAN--/--LAN--'.$fileEnd.'.php';

        $currentPref = $core->getPref($prefName.'/'.$plugin);
        //echo 'Path: '.$plugin.' Pref: '.$prefName.' Current: '.$currentPref.'  New: '.$pathEntry.'<br />';
        switch ($when)
            case 'install':
            case 'upgrade':
            case 'update' :
            case 'refresh':
                if ($currentPref != $pathEntry)
                    $mes->addDebug('Adding '.$plugin.' to '.$prefName);
                    $core->setPref($prefName.'/'.$plugin, $pathEntry);
                    $updated = true;
            case 'uninstall':
                if ($currentPref)
                    $mes->addDebug('Removing '.$plugin.' from '.$prefName);
                    $updated = true;
        return $updated;

     * Process XML Tag <LanguageFiles> // Tag is DEPRECATED - using _install _log and _global
     * @param string $function install|uninstall|upgrade|refresh- should $when have been used?
     * @param object $tag (not used?)
     * @param string $when = install|upgrade|refresh|uninstall
     * @return null
    function XmlLanguageFiles($function, $tag='', $when = '')
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $core = e107::getConfig('core');
        $updated = false;
        $path_a = e_PLUGIN.$this->plugFolder."/languages/English_install.php"; // always check for English so we have a fall-back
        $path_b = e_PLUGIN.$this->plugFolder."/languages/English/English_install.php";        
        if(file_exists($path_a) || file_exists($path_b))
        $path_a = e_PLUGIN.$this->plugFolder."/languages/English_global.php"; // always check for English so we have a fall-back
        $path_b = e_PLUGIN.$this->plugFolder."/languages/English/English_global.php";        
        if(file_exists($path_a) || file_exists($path_b))
            switch ($function)
                case 'install':
                case 'upgrade':
                case 'refresh':
                    e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Adding ".$this->plugFolder." to lan_global_list");
                    $core->setPref('lan_global_list/'.$this->plugFolder, $this->plugFolder);
                    $updated = true;
                case 'uninstall':
                    $update = true;
        $path_a = e_PLUGIN.$this->plugFolder."/languages/English_log.php";  // always check for English so we have a fall-back
        $path_b = e_PLUGIN.$this->plugFolder."/languages/English/English_log.php";
        if(file_exists($path_a) || file_exists($path_b))
            switch ($function)
                case 'install':
                case 'upgrade':
                case 'refresh':
                    $core->setPref('lan_log_list/'.$this->plugFolder, $this->plugFolder);
                    $updated = true;
                case 'uninstall':
                    $updated = true;
        if($updated === true)
            $this->log("Prefs saved");
            $core->save(true,false,false);    //FIXME do this quietly without an s-message

        return null;

     * Process XML Tag <siteLinks>
     * @param string $function install|upgrade|refresh|uninstall
     * @param array $plug_vars
     * @return null
    function XmlSiteLinks($function, $plug_vars)

        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);

        $status = false;

        $mes = e107::getMessage();
            return null;

        if($function == 'refresh')
            $mes->addDebug("Checking Plugin Site-links");

        $array = $plug_vars['siteLinks'];

        foreach ($array['link'] as $link)
            $attrib     = $link['@attributes'];
            $linkName     = (defset($link['@value'])) ? constant($link['@value']) : vartrue($link['@value'],'');
            $remove     = varset($attrib['deprecate']) == 'true';
            $url         = vartrue($attrib['url']);
            $perm         = vartrue($attrib['perm'],'everyone'); 
            $sef        = vartrue($attrib['sef']);
            $options     = array(
                'link_function'    =>    !empty($attrib['function']) ? $plug_vars['folder'].'::'.$attrib['function'] : null,
                'link_owner'    =>     vartrue($plug_vars['folder']),
                'link_sef'        => $sef,
                'link_icon'     => vartrue($attrib['icon']),
                'link_description'  => vartrue($attrib['description'])

                $options['link_category'] = (int) $attrib['category'];

            switch ($function)
                case 'upgrade':
                case 'install':
                case 'refresh':

                    if (!$remove) // Add any non-deprecated link

                        if($function == 'refresh')
                            $perm = 'nobody';


                        $result = $this->manage_link('add', $url, $linkName, $perm, $options);
                        if($result !== NULL)
                            $status = ($result) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                            $mes->add(EPL_ADLAN_233." {$linkName} URL: [{$url}] ".EPL_ADLAN_252." {$perm} ", $status);

                    if ($function == 'upgrade' && $remove) //remove inactive links on upgrade
                        $status = ($this->manage_link('remove', $url, $linkName,false, $options)) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                        $mes->add(EPL_ADLAN_234." {$linkName} URL: [{$url}]", $status);

                case 'uninstall': //remove all links

                    $status = ($this->manage_link('remove', $url, $linkName, $perm, $options)) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                    $mes->add(EPL_ADLAN_234." {$linkName} URL: [{$url}]", $status);

        return $status === E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS;

     * Process XML Tag <adminLinks>
     * @return null
    function XmlAdminLinks($function, $tag)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        foreach ($tag['link'] as $link)
            $attrib = $link['@attributes'];
            $url = e_PLUGIN_ABS.$this->plugFolder."/".$attrib['url'];
            if (isset($attrib['primary']) && $attrib['primary'] == 'true')
                $this->plugConfigFile = $url;

        return null;

     * @param $type
     * @param $default
     * @return int|mixed
    function getPerm($type, $default = 'member')
            $type = $default;     
        $plug_perm = array(); 
        $plug_perm['everyone']     = e_UC_PUBLIC;
        $plug_perm['guest']     = e_UC_GUEST;
        $plug_perm['member']     = e_UC_MEMBER;
        $plug_perm['mainadmin'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
        $plug_perm['admin']     = e_UC_ADMIN;
        $plug_perm['nobody']     = e_UC_NOBODY;    
            return $plug_perm[$type];     
        return $plug_perm[$default]; 

    // Only 1 category per file-type allowed. ie. 1 for images, 1 for files. 

     * @param $function
     * @param $tag
     * @return null
    function XmlMediaCategories($function, $tag)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
    //    print_a($tag);
        $folder = $tag['folder'];
        $prevType = "";
        switch ($function)
            case 'install':
            case 'refresh':
                $c = 1;
                $i = array('file'=>1, 'image'=>1, 'video'=>1);

                foreach($tag['mediaCategories']['category'] as $v)
                    $type = $v['@attributes']['type'];
                    if(strpos($type, 'image') !== 0 && strpos($type, 'file') !== 0 && strpos($type, 'video') !== 0)
                    if($c == 4)
                //    $prevType = $type;
                    $data['owner']         = $folder;
                    $data['image']        = vartrue($v['@attributes']['image']);
                    $data['category']     = $folder."_".$type;

                    if($i[$type] > 1)
                        $data['category']     .= "_".$i[$type];

                    $data['title']         = $v['@value'];
                    $data['sef']         = vartrue($v['@attributes']['sef']);
                //    $data['type'] = $v['@attributes']['type']; //TODO
                    $data['class']         = $this->getPerm(varset($v['@attributes']['perm']), 'member');
                    $status = e107::getMedia()->createCategory($data) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                    $message = e107::getParser()->lanVars(EPL_ADLAN_245,$data['category'],true);
                //    $message = str_replace('[x]', $data['category'], EPL_ADLAN_245);
                    $mes->add($message, $status);                 
                    e107::getMedia()->import($data['category'],e_PLUGIN.$folder, false,'min-size=20000'); 
            case 'uninstall': // Probably best to leave well alone
                $status = e107::getMedia()->deleteAllCategories($folder)? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
            //    $message = str_replace('[x]', $folder, EPL_ADLAN_246);
                $message = e107::getParser()->lanVars(EPL_ADLAN_246,$folder,true);
                $mes->add($message, $status);    
        return null;

     * Process XML Tag <bbcodes>
     * @return null
    function XmlBBcodes($function, $tag)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);

        switch ($function)
            case 'install': // Probably best to leave well alone
                    e107::getConfig('core')->setPref('resize_dimensions/'.$this->plugFolder."-bbcode", array('w'=>300,'h'=>300));
                    $this->log('Adding imageResize for: '.$this->plugFolder);
            case 'uninstall': // Probably best to leave well alone
                    $this->log('Removing imageResize for: '.$this->plugFolder."-bbcode");
        return null;


     * Process XML Tag <userClasses>
     * @param string $function install|upgrade|refresh|uninstall
     * @param array $array
     * @return null
    function XmlUserClasses($function, $array)
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);

        foreach ($array['class'] as $uclass)
            $attrib = $uclass['@attributes'];
            $name = $attrib['name'];
            $description = $attrib['description'];
            $remove = varset($attrib['deprecate']) == 'true';

            switch ($function)
                case 'install':
                case 'upgrade':
                case 'refresh':

                    if (!$remove) // Add all active userclasses (code checks for already installed)
                        $result = $this->manage_userclass('add', $name, $description);
                        if($result !== NULL)
                            $status = ($result) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                            $mes->add('Adding Userclass: '.$name, $status);    

                    if ($function == 'upgrade' && $remove) //If upgrading, removing any inactive userclass

                        $status = $this->manage_userclass('remove', $name, $description) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                        $mes->add('Removing Userclass: '.$name, $status);


                case 'uninstall': //If uninstalling, remove all userclasses (active or inactive)

                    if (vartrue($this->unInstallOpts['delete_userclasses'], FALSE))
                        $status = $this->manage_userclass('remove', $name, $description) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                        $mes->add('Removing Userclass: '.$name, $status);
                        $mes->add('Userclass: '.$name.' left in place', E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);


        return null;

     * Process XML Tag <extendedFields>
     * @param string $function install|upgrade|refresh|uninstall
     * @param array $array
     * @return null
    function XmlExtendedFields($function, $array)
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        $ret = array();

        foreach ($array['field'] as $efield)
            $attrib = $efield['@attributes'];
            $attrib['default'] = varset($attrib['default']);
            $type = $this->ue_field_type($attrib);
            $name = $this->ue_field_name($this->plugFolder, $type, $attrib['name']);
            //$name = 'plugin_'.$this->plugFolder.'_'.$attrib['name'];
            $source = 'plugin_'.$this->plugFolder;
            $remove = varset($attrib['deprecate']) == 'true';

                 $attrib['system'] = true; // default true
                $attrib['system'] = $attrib['system'] === 'true';

            switch ($function)
                case 'install': // Add all active extended fields
                case 'upgrade':

                    if (!$remove)
                        //$status = $this->manage_extended_field('add', $name, $type, $attrib['default'], $source) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;

                        $status = $this->manage_extended_field('add', $name, $attrib, $source) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                        $mes->add(EPL_ADLAN_249 .$name.' ... ', $status);

                    if ($function == 'upgrade' && $remove) //If upgrading, removing any inactive extended fields

                        $status = $this->manage_extended_field('remove', $name, $attrib, $source) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                        $mes->add(EPL_ADLAN_250 .$name.' ... ', $status);

                case 'uninstall': //If uninstalling, remove all extended fields (active or inactive)

                    if (vartrue($this->unInstallOpts['delete_xfields'], FALSE))
                        $status = ($this->manage_extended_field('remove', $name, $attrib, $source)) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR;
                        $mes->add(EPL_ADLAN_250 .$name.' ... ', $status);
                        $mes->add(EPL_ADLAN_251 .$name, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);

                case 'test': // phpunit
                    $ret[] = array('name' => $name, 'attrib' => $attrib, 'source' => $source);

            return $ret;

        return null;

     * Process XML tags <mainPrefs> and <pluginPrefs>
     * @param string $mode 'core' or the folder name of the plugin.
     * @param string $function install|uninstall|upgrade|refresh
     * @param array $prefArray XML array of prefs. eg. mainPref() or pluginPref();
     * @return null
    function XmlPrefs($mode = 'core', $function='', $prefArray=array())
        $this->log("Running ".__FUNCTION__);

        $mes = e107::getMessage();

            return null;

        $config = ($mode === 'core') ? e107::getConfig('core') : e107::getPlugConfig($mode);

        foreach ($prefArray['pref'] as $tag)
            $key = varset($tag['@attributes']['name']);
            $value = varset($tag['@value']);

        //    $this->log("&nbsp;   Pref:  ".$key." => ".$value);
            if(strpos($value,"e_UC_") === 0) // Convert Userclass constants.
                $value = constant($value);    
            elseif($tmp = e107::unserialize($value)) // check for array data and convert when required. .
                $value = $tmp;
            $remove = varset($tag['@attributes']['deprecate']) == 'true';

            if (varset($tag['@attributes']['value']))
                $mes->addError("Deprecated plugin.xml spec. found. Use the following format: ".htmlentities("<pref name='name'>value</pref>"));

            switch ($function)
                case 'install':
                case 'upgrade':
                    $ret = $config->add($key, $value);
                        $mes->addSuccess(EPL_ADLAN_241, $key);    

                case 'refresh':
                    if ($remove) // remove active='false' prefs.

                        $mes->addSuccess(EPL_ADLAN_242, $key);
                        $config->update($key, $value);
                        $mes->addSuccess(EPL_ADLAN_243, $key);


                case 'uninstall':
                    $mes->addSuccess(EPL_ADLAN_242, $key);
                    $this->log("Removing Pref: ".$key);

        if ($mode != "core") // Do only one core pref save during install/uninstall etc.
            $config->save(true, false, false);

        return null;

     * @param object $path [unused]
     * @param object $what install|uninstall|upgrade
     * @param object $when pre|post
     * @param array $callbackData callback method arguments
     * @return boolean FALSE
    function execute_function($path = null, $what = '', $when = '', $callbackData = null)
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        if($path == null)
            $path = $this->plugFolder;    
        $class_name = $path."_setup"; // was using $this->pluginFolder; 
        $method_name = $what."_".$when;
            // {PLUGIN}_setup.php should ALWAYS be the name of the file.. 
    //    if (varset($this->plug_vars['@attributes']['setupFile']))
    //    {
    //        $setup_file = e_PLUGIN.$this->plugFolder.'/'.$this->plug_vars['@attributes']['setupFile'];
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
            $setup_file = e_PLUGIN.$path.'/'.$path.'_setup.php';
    //    }

        if(!is_readable($setup_file) && substr($path,-5) == "_menu")
            $setup_file = e_PLUGIN.$path.'/'.str_replace("_menu","",$path).'_setup.php';

            e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Checking for SetUp File: ".$setup_file);

        if (is_readable($setup_file))
            if(e_PAGE == 'e107_update.php' && E107_DBG_INCLUDES)
                $mes->addDebug("Found setup file <b>".$path."_setup.php</b> ");

            if (class_exists($class_name))
                $obj = new $class_name;
                $obj->version_from = $this;
                if (method_exists($obj, $method_name))
                    if(e_PAGE == 'e107_update.php' && E107_DBG_INCLUDES)
                        $mes->addDebug("Executing setup function <b>".$class_name." :: ".$method_name."()</b>");
                    if(null !== $callbackData) return call_user_func_array(array($obj, $method_name), $callbackData);
                    return call_user_func(array($obj, $method_name), $this);
                    if(e_PAGE == 'e107_update.php' && E107_DBG_INCLUDES)
                        $mes->addDebug("Setup function ".$class_name." :: ".$method_name."() NOT found.");
                    return FALSE;
            //    $mes->add("Setup Class ".$class_name." NOT found.", E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
                return FALSE;
    //    else
    //    {
            //$mes->add("Optional Setup File NOT Found ".$path."_setup.php ", E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    //    }

        return FALSE; // IMPORTANT.

/* @deprecated
    // @deprecated - See XMLPrefs();
    function parse_prefs($pref_array, $mode = 'simple')
        $ret = array();
        if (!isset($pref_array[0]))
            $pref_array = array($pref_array);
        if (is_array($pref_array))
            foreach ($pref_array as $k => $p)
                $attrib = $p['@attributes'];
                if (isset($attrib['type']) && $attrib['type'] == 'array')
                    $name = $attrib['name'];
                    $tmp = $this->parse_prefs($pref_array[$k]['key']);
                    $ret['all'][$name] = $tmp['all'];
                    $ret['active'][$name] = $tmp['active'];
                    $ret['inactive'][$name] = $tmp['inactive'];
                    $ret['all'][$attrib['name']] = $attrib['value'];
                    if (!isset($attrib['active']) || $attrib['active'] == 'true')
                        $ret['active'][$attrib['name']] = $attrib['value'];
                        $ret['inactive'][$attrib['name']] = $attrib['value'];
        return $ret;


    function install_plugin_php($id)
        $function = 'install';
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        $mySQLprefix = MPREFIX; // Fix for some plugin.php files.

        $this->log("Running Legacy Plugin: ".$function);

            $plug = $id;    
            $id = $plug['plugin_id'];
            $plug = e107plugin::getPluginRecord($id);
        $_path = e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/';

        $plug['plug_action'] = 'install';

        $plug_vars = $this->plug_vars;

        $eplug_folder = '';
        $text = '';


        $func = $eplug_folder.'_install';
        if (function_exists($func))
            $text .= call_user_func($func);

        if(!empty($eplug_tables) && is_array($eplug_tables))
            $result = $this->manage_tables('add', $eplug_tables);
            if ($result === true)
                $text .= EPL_ADLAN_19.'<br />';
                $this->log("Tables added");
                $this->log("Unable to create tables for this plugin."); // NO LANS - debug info!


        /*        if (is_array($eplug_prefs))
         $this->manage_prefs('add', $eplug_prefs);
         $text .= EPL_ADLAN_8.'<br />';

        if (varset($plug_vars['mainPrefs'])) //Core pref items <mainPrefs>
            $this->XmlPrefs('core', $function, $plug_vars['mainPrefs']);
            $this->log("Prefs added");
            //$text .= EPL_ADLAN_8.'<br />';

        if (!empty($eplug_array_pref) && is_array($eplug_array_pref))
            foreach ($eplug_array_pref as $key => $val)
                $this->manage_plugin_prefs('add', $key, $eplug_folder, $val);
            $this->log("Adding Prefs: ". print_r($eplug_array_pref, true));

        if (varset($plug_vars['siteLinks']))
            $this->XmlSiteLinks($function, $plug_vars);

        if (varset($plug_vars['userClasses']))
            $this->XmlUserClasses($function, $plug_vars['userClasses']);

        $this->manage_search('add', $eplug_folder);

        $this->manage_notify('add', $eplug_folder);

        $this->addonMenu($plug_vars['folder'], $function, $plug_vars['files']);

        $eplug_addons = $this->getAddons($eplug_folder);

        $sql->update('plugin', "plugin_installflag = 1, plugin_addons = '{$eplug_addons}' WHERE plugin_id = ".(int) $id);

        $p_installed = e107::getPref('plug_installed', array()); // load preference;
        $p_installed[$plug['plugin_path']] = $plug['plugin_version'];

        e107::getConfig('core')->setPref('plug_installed', $p_installed);

    //    $this->save_addon_prefs('update');

        $text .= (isset($eplug_done) ? "<br />{$eplug_done}" : "<br />".LAN_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL);

        if (!empty($eplug_conffile))
            $text .= "<br /><a class='btn btn-primary' href='".e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder."/".$eplug_conffile."'>".LAN_CONFIGURE."</a>";

        // Event triggering after plugin installation.
        $event = e107::getEvent();
        $event->trigger('admin_plugin_install', $plug);

        return $text;

     * BC Alias for install();
    public function install_plugin($id)
        global $sysprefs, $mySQLprefix;
        return $this->install($id);    

     * Refresh Plugin Info, Install flag, e_xxx, ignore existing tables. etc. 
     * @param int $dir - plugin folder. 
    function refresh($dir)
            return null;
        global $sysprefs, $mySQLprefix;

        $text = '';
        $ns = e107::getRender();
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $tp = e107::getParser();        
        $plug = e107plugin::getPluginRecord($dir);
    //    $this->options = array('nolinks'=>true);
            return "'{$dir}' is missing from the plugin db table";
        $_path = e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/';
        if (file_exists($_path.'plugin.xml'))
            $this->install_plugin_xml($plug, 'refresh');
            e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Missing xml file at : ".$_path."plugin.xml");
            $text = EPL_ADLAN_21;

        e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Running Refresh of ".$_path);

    //    $this->save_addon_prefs();


        return $text;

     * Installs a plugin by ID or folder name
     * @param int|string $id
     * @param array $options (currently only 'nolinks' - set to true to prevent sitelink creation during install)
    function install($id, $options = array())
        global $sysprefs, $mySQLprefix;
        $this->log("Running ".__METHOD__);

        $ns = e107::getRender();
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        $this->options = $options;

        $text = '';


        // install plugin ...
        $plug = e107plugin::getPluginRecord($id);

        // XXX: The code below does not actually check if the plugin is in the database table.
            $message = $id." is missing from the plugin db table";
            return $message;
        // XXX: The code above does not actually check if the plugin is in the database table.
        $plug['plug_action'] = !empty($options['function']) ? $options['function'] : 'install';

        if (!vartrue($plug['plugin_installflag']))
            $_path = e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/';

            $this->log("Installing: ".$plug['plugin_path']);
            if (file_exists($_path.'plugin.xml'))
                $text = $this->install_plugin_xml($plug, 'install');
            elseif (file_exists($_path.'plugin.php'))
                $text = $this->install_plugin_php($plug);
            $text = EPL_ADLAN_21;

        $this->log("Installation completed"); // no LANs


        return $text;

     * @param $id
     * @param $options
     * @return false|string
    public function uninstall($id, $options = array())
        $pref = e107::getPref();
        $admin_log = e107::getLog();
        $plugin = e107::getPlugin();
        $tp = e107::getParser();

        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $plug = e107plugin::getPluginRecord($id);

        $this->log("Uninstalling :" . $plug['plugin_path'] . " with options: " . print_r($options, true));

        $this->log("e107plugin::getPluginRecord() returned: " . print_r($plug, true));

        // Check if plugin is being used by another plugin before uninstalling it.
        if (isset($plug['plugin_path']))
            if ($this->isUsedByAnotherPlugin($plug['plugin_path']))
                $this->action = 'installed'; // Render plugin list.
                return false;

        $text = '';
        //Uninstall Plugin
        $eplug_folder = $plug['plugin_path'];
        if ($plug['plugin_installflag'] == true)
            $this->log("plugin_installflag = true, proceeding to uninstall");

            $_path = e_PLUGIN . $plug['plugin_path'] . '/';

            if (file_exists($_path . 'plugin.xml'))
                $this->install_plugin_xml($plug, 'uninstall', $options); //$_POST must be used.
            {    // Deprecated - plugin uses plugin.php
                $eplug_table_names = null;
                $eplug_prefs = null;
                $eplug_comment_ids = null;
                $eplug_array_pref = null;
                $eplug_menu_name = null;
                $eplug_link = null;
                $eplug_link_url = null;
                $eplug_link_name = null;
                $eplug_userclass = null;
                $eplug_version = null;

                include(e_PLUGIN . $plug['plugin_path'] . '/plugin.php');

                $func = $eplug_folder . '_uninstall';
                if (function_exists($func))
                    $text .= call_user_func($func);

                if (!empty($options['delete_tables']))

                    if (is_array($eplug_table_names))
                        $result = $this->manage_tables('remove', $eplug_table_names);
                        if ($result !== TRUE)
                            $text .= EPL_ADLAN_27 . ' <b>' . MPREFIX . $result . '</b> - ' . EPL_ADLAN_30 . '<br />';
                            $this->log("Unable to delete table."); // No LANS
                            $text .= EPL_ADLAN_28 . "<br />";
                            $this->log("Deleting tables."); // NO LANS
                    $text .= EPL_ADLAN_49 . "<br />";
                    $this->log("Tables left intact by request."); // No LANS

                if (is_array($eplug_prefs))
                    $this->manage_prefs('remove', $eplug_prefs);
                    $text .= EPL_ADLAN_29 . "<br />";

                if (is_array($eplug_comment_ids))
                    $text .= ($this->manage_comments('remove', $eplug_comment_ids)) ? EPL_ADLAN_50 . "<br />" : "";

                if (is_array($eplug_array_pref))
                    foreach ($eplug_array_pref as $key => $val)
                        $this->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', $key, $eplug_folder, $val);
                                    if ($eplug_menu_name)
                                        $sql->delete('menus', "menu_name='{$eplug_menu_name}' ");
                $folderFiles = scandir(e_PLUGIN . $plug['plugin_path']);
                $this->addonMenu($eplug_folder, 'uninstall', $folderFiles);

                if ($eplug_link)
                    $this->manage_link('remove', $eplug_link_url, $eplug_link_name);

                if ($eplug_userclass)
                    $this->manage_userclass('remove', $eplug_userclass);

                $sql->update('plugin', "plugin_installflag=0, plugin_version='{$eplug_version}' WHERE plugin_path='{$eplug_folder}' ");
                $this->manage_search('remove', $eplug_folder);

                $this->manage_notify('remove', $eplug_folder);

                // it's done inside install_plugin_xml(), required only here
                if (isset($pref['plug_installed'][$plug['plugin_path']]))
                e107::getConfig('core')->save(false, true, false);

            $logInfo = deftrue($plug['plugin_name'], $plug['plugin_name']) . " v" . $plug['plugin_version'] . " ({e_PLUGIN}" . $plug['plugin_path'] . ")";
            e107::getLog()->add('PLUGMAN_03', $logInfo, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
            $this->log("plugin_installflag = false, uninstall skipped.");

        if (!empty($options['delete_files']) && ($plug['plugin_installflag'] == true))
            if (!empty($eplug_folder))
                $result = e107::getFile()->rmtree(e_PLUGIN . $eplug_folder);
                e107::getDb()->delete('plugin', "plugin_path='" . $eplug_folder . "'");
                $text .= ($result ? '<br />' . EPL_ADLAN_86 . e_PLUGIN . $eplug_folder : '<br />' . EPL_ADLAN_87 . '<br />' . EPL_ADLAN_31 . ' <b>' . e_PLUGIN . $eplug_folder . '</b> ' . EPL_ADLAN_32);
            $text .= '<br />' . EPL_ADLAN_31 . ' <b>' . e_PLUGIN . $eplug_folder . '</b> ' . EPL_ADLAN_32;


        //    $this->save_addon_prefs('update');

        $this->log("Uninstall completed");

        return $text;

     *    scan the plugin table and create path-array-prefs for each addon.
     *  @deprecated Replaced by e107::getPlug()->clearCache()->buildAddonPrefLists()
     *    @param string $mode = install|upgrade|refresh|uninstall - defines the intent of the call
     *    'upgrade' and 'refresh' are very similar in intent, and often take the same actions:
     *        'upgrade' signals a possible change to the installed list of plugins - usually an upgrade
     *        'refresh' validates the stored data for existing plugins, recreating any that has gone missing
    function save_addon_prefs($mode = 'upgrade') 
        $this->log('Running save_addon_prefs('.$mode.')');

        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $core = e107::getConfig('core');

        foreach ($this->plugin_addons as $var) // clear all existing prefs.

            $core->update($var.'_list', "");
        // reset
        $core->set('bbcode_list', array())
             ->set('shortcode_legacy_list', array())
             ->set('shortcode_list', array());
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #plugin WHERE plugin_addons !='' ORDER BY plugin_path ASC";

        if ($sql->gen($query))
            while ($row = $sql->fetch())
                $is_installed = ($row['plugin_installflag'] == 1);
                $tmp = explode(",", $row['plugin_addons']);
                $path = $row['plugin_path'];
                if ($is_installed)
                    foreach ($tmp as $val)
                        if (strpos($val, 'e_') === 0)
                            // $addpref[$val."_list"][$path] = $path;
                            $core->setPref($val.'_list/'.$path, $path);

                // search for .bb and .sc files.
                $scl_array = array();
                $sc_array = array();
                $bb_array = array();
                $sql_array = array();

                foreach ($tmp as $adds)
                    // legacy shortcodes - plugin root *.sc files
                    if (substr($adds, -3) === ".sc")
                        $sc_name = substr($adds, 0, -3); // remove the .sc
                        if ($is_installed)
                            $scl_array[$sc_name] = "0"; // default userclass = e_UC_PUBLIC
                            $scl_array[$sc_name] = e_UC_NOBODY; // register shortcode, but disable it
                    // new shortcodes location - shortcodes/single/*.php
                    elseif (strpos($adds, "sc_") === 0)
                        $sc_name = substr(substr($adds, 3), 0, -4); // remove the sc_ and .php
                        if ($is_installed)
                            $sc_array[$sc_name] = "0"; // default userclass = e_UC_PUBLIC
                            $sc_array[$sc_name] = e_UC_NOBODY; // register shortcode, but disable it
                        // simple bbcode
                        if(substr($adds,-3) == ".bb")
                            $bb_name = substr($adds, 0,-3); // remove the .bb
                            $bb_array[$bb_name] = "0"; // default userclass.
                        // bbcode class
                        elseif(strpos($adds, "bb_") === 0 && substr($adds, -4) == ".php")
                            $bb_name = substr($adds, 0,-4); // remove the .php
                            $bb_name = substr($bb_name, 3);
                            $bb_array[$bb_name] = "0"; // TODO - instance and getPermissions() method

                    if ($is_installed && (substr($adds, -4) == "_sql"))
                        $core->setPref('e_sql_list/'.$path, $adds);
                // Build Bbcode list (will be empty if plugin not installed)
                if (count($bb_array) > 0)
                    $core->setPref('bbcode_list/'.$path, $bb_array);

                // Build shortcode list - do if uninstalled as well
                if (count($scl_array) > 0)
                    $core->setPref('shortcode_legacy_list/'.$path, $scl_array);
                if (count($sc_array) > 0)
                    $core->setPref('shortcode_list/'.$path, $sc_array);

        $core->save(FALSE, false, false);
        if ($this->manage_icons())
            //     echo 'IT WORKED';
            // echo "didn't work!";

        return null;

     * @return array
    public function getAddonsList()
        $list = array_diff($this->plugin_addons,$this->plugin_addons_deprecated);

        return $list;

     * @param $v
     * @return mixed|string|null
    public function getAddonsDiz($v)
            return $this->plugin_addons_diz[$v];

        return null;


    // return a list of available plugin addons for the specified plugin. e_xxx etc.
    // $debug = TRUE - prints diagnostics
    // $debug = 'check' - checks each file found for php tags - prints 'pass' or 'fail'
     * @param $plugin_path
     * @param $debug
     * @return string
    function getAddons($plugin_path, $debug = FALSE)
        $fl = e107::getFile();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        $p_addons = array();

        foreach ($this->plugin_addons as $addon) //Find exact matches only.
            //    if(preg_match("#^(e_.*)\.php$#", $f['fname'], $matches))

            $addonPHP = $addon.".php";

            if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$addonPHP))
                if ($debug === 'check')
                    $passfail = '';
                    $file_text = file_get_contents(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$addonPHP);
                    if ((strpos($file_text, '<' . '?php') !== 0) || ((substr($file_text, -2, 2) != '?'.'>') && (strrpos($file_text, '?'.'>') !== FALSE)))
                        $passfail = '<b>fail</b>';
                        $passfail = 'pass';
                    echo $plugin_path."/".$addon.".php - ".$passfail."<br />";
                // $mes->add('Detected addon: <b>'.$addon.'</b>', E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);

                $p_addons[] = $addon;

        // Grab List of Shortcodes & BBcodes
        $shortcodeLegacyList = $fl->get_files(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path, '\.sc$', "standard", 1);
        $shortcodeList = $fl->get_files(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path.'/shortcodes/single', '\.php$', "standard", 1);
        $bbcodeList        = $fl->get_files(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path, '\.bb$', "standard", 1);
        $bbcodeClassList= $fl->get_files(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path, '^bb_(.*)\.php$', "standard", 1);
        $bbcodeList = array_merge($bbcodeList, $bbcodeClassList);
        $sqlList = $fl->get_files(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path, '_sql\.php$', "standard", 1);
        // Search Shortcodes
        foreach ($shortcodeLegacyList as $sc)
            if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$sc['fname']))
                $p_addons[] = $sc['fname'];
        foreach ($shortcodeList as $sc)
            if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/shortcodes/single/".$sc['fname']))
                $p_addons[] = 'sc_'.$sc['fname'];

        // Search Bbcodes.
        foreach ($bbcodeList as $bb)
            if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$bb['fname']))
                $p_addons[] = $bb['fname'];

        // Search _sql files.
        foreach ($sqlList as $esql)
            if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$esql['fname']))
                $fname = str_replace(".php", "", $esql['fname']);
                if (!in_array($fname, $p_addons))
                    $p_addons[] = $fname; // Probably already found - avoid duplication

        if ($debug == true)
            echo $plugin_path." = ".implode(",", $p_addons)."<br />";

        $this->log("Detected Addons: ".print_r($p_addons,true));

        return implode(",", $p_addons);

     * Check Plugin Addon for errors. 
     * @return array|int array or numeric. 0 = OK, 1 = Fail, 2 = inaccessible
    function checkAddon($plugin_path, $e_xxx) 
        if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$e_xxx.".php"))
            $content = file_get_contents(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$e_xxx.".php");    
            return 2;
        if(substr($e_xxx, - 4, 4) == '_sql')
            if(strpos($content,'INSERT INTO')!==false)
                return array('type'=> 'error', 'msg'=>"INSERT sql commands are not permitted here. Use a ".$plugin_path."_setup.php file instead.");    
                return 0;    

        // Generic markup check
        if ((strpos($content, '<' . '?php') !== 0) || ((substr($content, -2, 2) != '?'.'>') && (strrpos($content, '?'.'>') !== FALSE)))
            return 1;

        if($e_xxx == 'e_meta' && strpos($content,'<script')!==false)
            return array('type'=> 'warning', 'msg'=>"Contains script tags. Use e_header.php with the e107::js() function instead.");        
        if($e_xxx == 'e_latest' && strpos($content,'<div')!==false)
            return array('type'=> 'warning', 'msg'=>"Using deprecated method. See e_latest.php in the forum plugin for an example.");    

        if($e_xxx == 'e_status' && strpos($content,'<div')!==false)
            return array('type'=> 'warning', 'msg'=>"Using deprecated method. See e_status.php in the forum plugin for an example.");    
        return 0;

    // Entry point to read plugin configuration data

     * @param $plugName
     * @param $force
     * @return bool|string
    function parse_plugin($plugName, $force = false)
        $ret = "";

        if (isset($this->parsed_plugin[$plugName]) && $force != true)
            $this->plug_vars = $this->parsed_plugin[$plugName];
            return true;
        unset($this->parsed_plugin[$plugName]); // In case forced parsing which fails
        if (file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/plugin.xml'))
            $ret = $this->parse_plugin_xml($plugName);
        elseif (file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/plugin.php'))
            $ret = $this->parse_plugin_php($plugName);
        if ($ret == true)
            $this->parsed_plugin[$plugName] = $this->plug_vars;

        return $ret;
    // return the Icon of the 

     * @param $plugName
     * @param $size
     * @param $defaultOverride
     * @return false|mixed|string|null
    function getIcon($plugName='', $size=32, $defaultOverride=false)
        if(!$plugName) return false;
        $tp = e107::getParser();


        $plug_vars = $this->parsed_plugin[$plugName];

        //return print_r($plug_vars,TRUE);

        $sizeArray = array(32=>'icon', 16=>'iconSmall');
        $default = ($size == 32) ? $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_plugins-32') : "<img class='icon S16' src='".defset('E_16_CAT_PLUG')."' alt='' />";
        $sz = $sizeArray[$size];
        $icon_src = e_PLUGIN.$plugName."/".$plug_vars['administration'][$sz];
        $plugin_icon = $plug_vars['administration'][$sz] ? "<img src='{$icon_src}' alt='' class='icon S".intval($size)."' />" : $default;

         if($defaultOverride !== false && $default === $plugin_icon)
            return $defaultOverride;

         return $plugin_icon;

    // Called to parse the (deprecated) plugin.php file

     * @param $plugName
     * @return bool
    function parse_plugin_php($plugName)
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        $sql = e107::getDb(); // in case it is used inside plugin.php

        $PLUGINS_FOLDER = '{e_PLUGIN}'; // Could be used in plugin.php file.

        $eplug_conffile     = null;
        $eplug_table_names  = null;
        $eplug_prefs        = null;
        $eplug_module       = null;
        $eplug_userclass    = null;
        $eplug_status       = null;
        $eplug_latest       = null;
        $eplug_icon         = null;
        $eplug_icon_small   = null;

        e107::getDebug()->log("Legacy Plugin Parse (php): ".$plugName);

    //    if (include(e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/plugin.php'))
    //    {
            //$mes->add("Loading ".e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/plugin.php', E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
    //    }
        $ret = array();

        //        $ret['installRequired'] = ($eplug_conffile || is_array($eplug_table_names) || is_array($eplug_prefs) || is_array($eplug_sc) || is_array($eplug_bb) || $eplug_module || $eplug_userclass || $eplug_status || $eplug_latest);

        $ret['@attributes']['name'] = varset($eplug_name);
        $ret['@attributes']['lang'] = varset($eplug_name);
        $ret['@attributes']['version'] = varset($eplug_version);
        $ret['@attributes']['date'] = varset($eplug_date);
        $ret['@attributes']['compatibility'] = varset($eplug_compatible);
        $ret['@attributes']['installRequired'] = ($eplug_conffile || is_array($eplug_table_names) || is_array($eplug_prefs) || $eplug_module || $eplug_userclass || $eplug_status || $eplug_latest) ? 'true' : '';
        $ret['@attributes']['xhtmlcompliant'] = vartrue($eplug_compliant) ? 'true' : '';
        $ret['folder'] = (varset($eplug_folder)) ? $eplug_folder : $plugName;

        $ret['author']['@attributes']['name'] = varset($eplug_author);
        $ret['author']['@attributes']['url'] = varset($eplug_url);
        $ret['author']['@attributes']['email'] = varset($eplug_email);
        $ret['description']['@value'] = varset($eplug_description);
        $ret['description']['@attributes']['lang'] = varset($eplug_description);

        $ret['category'] = varset($eplug_category) ? $this->manage_category($eplug_category) : "misc";
        $ret['readme'] = varset($eplug_readme);

        $ret['menuName'] = varset($eplug_menu_name);

        if (!empty($eplug_prefs) && is_array($eplug_prefs))
            $c = 0;
            foreach($eplug_prefs as $name => $value)
                $ret['mainPrefs']['pref'][$c]['@attributes']['name'] = $name;
                $ret['mainPrefs']['pref'][$c]['@value'] = $value;

        // For BC.
        $ret['administration']['icon'] = str_replace($plugName."/","",$eplug_icon);
        $ret['administration']['caption'] = varset($eplug_caption);
        $ret['administration']['iconSmall'] = str_replace($plugName."/","",$eplug_icon_small);
        $ret['administration']['configFile'] = varset($eplug_conffile);

            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['url'] = varset($eplug_conffile);
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['description'] = LAN_CONFIGURE;
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['icon'] = str_replace($plugName."/","",$eplug_icon);
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['iconSmall'] = str_replace($plugName."/","",$eplug_icon_small);
            $ret['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['primary'] = 'true';
        if(!empty($eplug_link) && varset($eplug_link_name) && varset($eplug_link_url))
            $ret['siteLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['url'] = $tp->createConstants($eplug_link_url, 1);
            $ret['siteLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['perm'] = varset($eplug_link_perms);
            $ret['siteLinks']['link'][0]['@value'] = varset($eplug_link_name);

        if(!empty($eplug_userclass) && !empty($eplug_userclass_description))
            $ret['userClasses']['class'][0]['@attributes']['name'] = $eplug_userclass;
            $ret['userClasses']['class'][0]['@attributes']['description'] = $eplug_userclass_description;

        $ret['files'] = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir(e_PLUGIN.$plugName,SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING));

        // Set this key so we know the vars came from a plugin.php file
        // $ret['plugin_php'] = true; // Should no longer be needed. 
        $this->plug_vars = $ret;

        return true;

    // Called to parse the plugin.xml file if it exists

     * @deprecated To eventually be replaced by e_plugin::parse_plugin_xml.
     * @param      $plugName
     * @param null $where
     * @return bool
    function parse_plugin_xml($plugName, $where = null)

        $tp = e107::getParser();
        //    loadLanFiles($plugName, 'admin');                    // Look for LAN files on default paths
        $xml = e107::getXml();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();

        if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0)
            $dbgArr = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS,3);
            e107::getDebug()->log("Legacy Plugin Parse (xml): ".$plugName. print_a($dbgArr,true));

        //    $xml->setOptArrayTags('extendedField,userclass,menuLink,commentID'); // always arrays for these tags.
        //    $xml->setOptStringTags('install,uninstall,upgrade');
        if(null === $where) $where = 'plugin.xml';

        $this->plug_vars = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/'.$where, 'advanced');
        if ($this->plug_vars === FALSE)
            $mes->addError("Error reading {$plugName}/plugin.xml");
            return FALSE;

        $this->plug_vars['folder'] = $plugName; // remove the need for <folder> tag in plugin.xml.
        $this->plug_vars['category'] = (isset($this->plug_vars['category'])) ? $this->manage_category($this->plug_vars['category']) : "misc";
        $this->plug_vars['files'] = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir(e_PLUGIN.$plugName,SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING));

            if (is_array($this->plug_vars['description']))
                if (isset($this->plug_vars['description']['@attributes']['lan']) && defined($this->plug_vars['description']['@attributes']['lan']))
                    // Pick up the language-specific description if it exists.
                    $this->plug_vars['description']['@value'] = constant($this->plug_vars['description']['@attributes']['lan']);
                $diz = $this->plug_vars['description'];
                $this->plug_vars['description']['@value'] = $diz;        
         // Very useful debug code.to compare plugin.php vs plugin.xml
         $testplug = 'forum';
         if($plugName == $testplug)
         $plug_vars1 = $this->plug_vars;
         $plug_vars2 = $this->plug_vars;
         echo "<table>
         <tr><td style='border-right:1px solid black'>";
         echo "</td><td>";
         echo "</table>";

        // TODO search for $this->plug_vars['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['primary']==true.
        $this->plug_vars['administration']['icon'] = varset($this->plug_vars['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['icon']);
        $this->plug_vars['administration']['caption'] = varset($this->plug_vars['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['description']);
        $this->plug_vars['administration']['iconSmall'] = varset($this->plug_vars['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['iconSmall']);
        $this->plug_vars['administration']['configFile'] = varset($this->plug_vars['adminLinks']['link'][0]['@attributes']['url']);

        return TRUE;
