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1 day
Test Coverage
 * e107 website system
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)

if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }

 * Legacy Navigation class.
 * Class sitelinks
class sitelinks
    var $eLinkList = array();
    var $eSubLinkLevel = 0;
    var $sefList = array();

    const LINK_DISPLAY_FLAT     = 1;
    const LINK_DISPLAY_MENU     = 2;
    const LINK_DISPLAY_OTHER    = 3;
    const LINK_DISPLAY_SLIDER   = 4;

     * @param $cat
     * @return void
    function getlinks($cat=1)

        $this->eLinkList = array(); // clear the array in case getlinks is called 2x on the same page.
        $sql = e107::getDb('sqlSiteLinks');
        $ins = ($cat > 0) ? "link_category = ". (int) $cat ." AND " : "";
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #links WHERE ".$ins."  ((link_class >= 0 AND link_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")) OR (link_class < 0 AND ABS(link_class) NOT IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")) ) ORDER BY link_order ASC";
            while ($row = $sql->fetch())

                //    if (substr($row['link_name'], 0, 8) == 'submenu.'){
                //        $tmp=explode('.', $row['link_name'], 3);
                //        $this->eLinkList[$tmp[1]][]=$row;
                if (isset($row['link_parent']) && $row['link_parent'] != 0)

                    $this->eLinkList['head_menu'][] = $row;
                        $parm = false;
                        list($path,$method) = explode("::",$row['link_function']);
                            list($method,$prm) = explode("(",$method);
                            $parm = rtrim($prm,")");    
                        if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$path."/e_sitelink.php") && include_once(e_PLUGIN.$path."/e_sitelink.php"))
                            $class = $path."_sitelink";
                            $sublinkArray = e107::callMethod($class,$method,$parm); //TODO Cache it.
                                $this->eLinkList['sub_'.$row['link_id']] = $sublinkArray;



     * @return array
    function getLinkArray()
        return $this->eLinkList;

     * @param $cat
     * @param $style
     * @param $css_class
     * @return string|null
    function get($cat = 1, $style = null, $css_class = false)
        global $pref, $ns, $e107cache, $linkstyle;
        $ns = e107::getRender();
        $pref = e107::getPref();
        $e107cache = e107::getCache();

        $usecache = (!(trim(defset('LINKSTART_HILITE')) != "" || trim(defset('LINKCLASS_HILITE')) != ""));

        if($usecache && !strpos(e_SELF, e_ADMIN) && ($data = $e107cache->retrieve('sitelinks_' . $cat . md5($linkstyle . e_PAGE . e_QUERY))))
            return $data;

            require_once(e_PLUGIN . 'ypslide_menu/ypslide_menu.php');
            return null;


        if (empty($this->eLinkList))  { return ''; }

        // are these defines used at all ?
            define('PRELINKTITLE', '');
            define('POSTLINKTITLE', '');
        // -----------------------------

        // where did link alignment go?
            define('LINKALIGN', '');

            $style = array();
            $style['prelink'] = defined('PRELINK') ? PRELINK : '';
            $style['postlink'] = defined('POSTLINK') ? POSTLINK : '';
            $style['linkclass'] = defined('LINKCLASS') ? LINKCLASS : "";
            $style['linkclass_hilite'] = defined('LINKCLASS_HILITE') ? LINKCLASS_HILITE : "";
            $style['linkstart_hilite'] = defined('LINKSTART_HILITE') ? LINKSTART_HILITE : "";
            $style['linkstart'] = defined('LINKSTART') ? LINKSTART : '';
            $style['linkdisplay'] = defined('LINKDISPLAY') ? LINKDISPLAY : '';
            $style['linkend'] = defined('LINKEND') ? LINKEND : '';
            $style['linkseparator'] = defined('LINKSEPARATOR') ? LINKSEPARATOR : '';
            $style['sublinkstart'] = defined('SUBLINKSTART') ? SUBLINKSTART : '';
            $style['sublinkend'] = defined('SUBLINKEND') ? SUBLINKEND : '';
            $style['sublinkclass'] = defined('SUBLINKCLASS') ? SUBLINKCLASS : '';

            $style['linkseparator'] = '';

        // Sublink styles.- replacing the tree-menu.
        if(isset($style['sublinkdisplay']) || isset($style['subindent']) || isset($style['sublinkclass']) || isset($style['sublinkstart']) || isset($style['sublinkend']) || isset($style['subpostlink']))
            foreach($style as $key => $val)
                $aSubStyle[$key] = vartrue($style["sub" . $key]) ? $style["sub" . $key] : $style[$key];
            $style['subindent'] = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            $aSubStyle = $style;

        $text = "\n\n\n<!-- Sitelinks ($cat) -->\n\n\n" . $style['prelink'];

        // php warnings
            $this->eLinkList['head_menu'] = array();

        $render_link = array();

        if($style['linkdisplay'] != self::LINK_DISPLAY_OTHER)

            foreach($this->eLinkList['head_menu'] as $key => $link)
                $main_linkid = "sub_" . $link['link_id'];
                $link['link_expand'] = ((isset($pref['sitelinks_expandsub']) && $pref['sitelinks_expandsub']) && empty($style['linkmainonly']) && !defined("LINKSRENDERONLYMAIN") && isset($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid]) && is_array($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid]));
                $render_link[$key] = $this->makeLink($link, '', $style, $css_class);

                if(!defined("LINKSRENDERONLYMAIN") && !isset($style['linkmainonly']))  /* if this is defined in theme.php only main links will be rendered */
                    $render_link[$key] .= $this->subLink($main_linkid, $aSubStyle, $css_class);

                $style['linkseparator'] = '';

            $text .= implode($style['linkseparator'], $render_link);

            $text .= $style['postlink'];

            if($style['linkdisplay'] == self::LINK_DISPLAY_MENU)
                $text = $ns->tablerender(LAN_SITELINKS_183, $text, 'sitelinks', true);
        else // link_DISPLAY_3
            foreach($this->eLinkList['head_menu'] as $link)
                if(!count($this->eLinkList['sub_' . $link['link_id']]))
                    $text .= $this->makeLink($link, '', $style, $css_class);
                $text .= $style['postlink'];

            $text = $ns->tablerender(LAN_SITELINKS_183, $text, 'sitelinks_main', true);

            foreach(array_keys($this->eLinkList) as $k)
                $mnu = $style['prelink'];
                foreach($this->eLinkList[$k] as $link)
                    if($k !== 'head_menu')
                        $mnu .= $this->makeLink($link, true, $style, $css_class);
                $mnu .= $style['postlink'];
                $text .= $ns->tablerender($k, $mnu, 'sitelinks_sub', true);

        $text .= "\n\n\n<!-- end Site Links -->\n\n\n";

            $e107cache->set('sitelinks_' . $cat . md5($linkstyle . e_PAGE . e_QUERY), $text);

        return $text;

     * Manage Sublink Rendering
     * @param string $main_linkid
     * @param array $aSubStyle
     * @param string $css_class
     * @param int $level [optional]
     * @return string|null
    function subLink($main_linkid,$aSubStyle=array(),$css_class='',$level=0)
        global $pref;

        if(!isset($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid]) || !is_array($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid]))
            return null;

        $sub['link_expand'] = ((isset($pref['sitelinks_expandsub']) && $pref['sitelinks_expandsub']) && empty($style['linkmainonly']) && !defined("LINKSRENDERONLYMAIN") && isset($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid]) && is_array($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid]));
        foreach($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid] as $val) // check that something in the submenu is actually selected.
            if($this->hilite($val['link_url'],TRUE)== TRUE || $sub['link_expand'] == FALSE)
                 $substyle = "block"; // previously (non-W3C compliant): compact
                $substyle = "none";

        $text = "";
        $text .= "\n\n<div id='{$main_linkid}' style='display:$substyle' class='d_sublink'>\n";

        foreach ($this->eLinkList[$main_linkid] as $sub)
            $id = (!empty($sub['link_id'])) ? "sub_".$sub['link_id'] : 'sub_0';
            $sub['link_expand'] = ((isset($pref['sitelinks_expandsub']) && $pref['sitelinks_expandsub']) && empty($style['linkmainonly']) && !defined("LINKSRENDERONLYMAIN") && isset($this->eLinkList[$id]) && is_array($this->eLinkList[$id]));
            $class = "sublink-level-".($level+1);
            $class .= ($css_class) ? " ".$css_class : "";
            $class .= ($aSubStyle['sublinkclass']) ? " ".$aSubStyle['sublinkclass'] : ""; // backwards compatible
            $text .= $this->makeLink($sub, TRUE, $aSubStyle,$class );
            $text .= $this->subLink($id,$aSubStyle,$css_class,($level+1));                

        $text .= "\n</div>\n\n";
        return $text;    

     * @param $linkInfo
     * @param $submenu
     * @param $style
     * @param $css_class
     * @return string
    function makeLink($linkInfo=array(), $submenu = FALSE, $style=array(), $css_class = false)
        global $pref,$tp;

        // Start with an empty link
        $linkstart = $indent = $linkadd = $screentip = $href = $link_append = '';
        $highlighted = FALSE;
        if(!isset($style['linkstart_hilite'])) // Notice removal
            $style['linkstart_hilite'] = "";    
            $style['linkclass_hilite'] = "";    

        if(!empty($linkInfo['link_sefurl']) && !empty($linkInfo['link_owner']))
            $linkInfo['link_url'] = e107::url($linkInfo['link_owner'],$linkInfo['link_sefurl']) ; //  $linkInfo['link_sefurl'];

        // If submenu: Fix Name, Add Indentation.
        if ($submenu == true)
            if(strpos($linkInfo['link_name'], 'submenu.') === 0)
                $tmp = explode('.', $linkInfo['link_name'], 3);
                $linkInfo['link_name'] = $tmp[2];
            $indent = ($style['linkdisplay'] != self::LINK_DISPLAY_OTHER && !empty($style['subindent'])) ? ($style['subindent']) : "";

        // Convert any {e_XXX} to absolute URLs (relative ones sometimes get broken by adding e_HTTP at the front)
        $linkInfo['link_url'] = $tp -> replaceConstants($linkInfo['link_url'], TRUE, TRUE); // replace {e_xxxx}

        if(strpos($linkInfo['link_url'],"{") !== false)
            $linkInfo['link_url'] = $tp->parseTemplate($linkInfo['link_url'], TRUE); // shortcode in URL support - dynamic urls for multilanguage.
        elseif($linkInfo['link_url'][0] !== '/' && strpos($linkInfo['link_url'],'http') !== 0)
            $linkInfo['link_url'] = e_HTTP.ltrim($linkInfo['link_url'],'/');
        // By default links are not highlighted.
        if (isset($linkInfo['link_expand']) && $linkInfo['link_expand'])
            // $href = " href=\"javascript:expandit('sub_".$linkInfo['link_id']."')\"";
            $css_class .= " e-expandit";
        $linkstart = $style['linkstart'];
        $linkadd = ($style['linkclass']) ? " class='".$style['linkclass']."'" : "";
        $linkadd = ($css_class) ? " class='".$style['linkclass'].$css_class."'" : $linkadd;

        // Check for screentip regardless of URL.
        if (isset($pref['linkpage_screentip']) && $pref['linkpage_screentip'] && $linkInfo['link_description'])
            $screentip = " title = \"".$tp->toHTML($linkInfo['link_description'],"","value, emotes_off, defs, no_hook")."\"";

        // Check if its expandable first. It should override its URL.
        if (isset($linkInfo['link_expand']) && $linkInfo['link_expand'])
            // $href = " href=\"javascript:expandit('sub_".$linkInfo['link_id']."')\"";
            $href = "href='#sub_".$linkInfo['link_id']."'";
        elseif ($linkInfo['link_url'])
            // Only add the e_BASE if it actually has an URL.
        //    $linkInfo['link_url'] = (strpos($linkInfo['link_url'], '://') === FALSE && strpos($linkInfo['link_url'], 'mailto:') !== 0 ? $linkInfo['link_url'] : $linkInfo['link_url']);

            // Only check if its highlighted if it has an URL
            if ($this->hilite($linkInfo['link_url'], $style['linkstart_hilite'])== TRUE) 
                $linkstart = (isset($style['linkstart_hilite'])) ? $style['linkstart_hilite'] : "";
                $highlighted = TRUE;

            if ($this->hilite(varset($linkInfo['link_url']), !empty($style['linkclass_hilite'])))
                $linkadd = (isset($style['linkclass_hilite'])) ? " class='".$style['linkclass_hilite']."'" : "";
                $highlighted = TRUE;

            if ($linkInfo['link_open'] == 4 || $linkInfo['link_open'] == 5)
                $dimen = ($linkInfo['link_open'] == 4) ? "600,400" : "800,600";
                $href = " href=\"javascript:open_window('".$linkInfo['link_url']."',{$dimen})\"";
                $href = " href='".$linkInfo['link_url']."'";

            // Open link in a new window.  (equivalent of target='_blank' )
            $link_append = ($linkInfo['link_open'] == 1) ? " rel='external'" : "";

        // Remove default images if its a button and add new image at the start.
        if ($linkInfo['link_button'])
            $linkstart = preg_replace('/\<img.*\>/si', '', $linkstart);
            $linkstart .= $tp->toIcon($linkInfo['link_button'],array('legacy'=> "{e_IMAGE}icons/"));
        /*    if($linkInfo['link_button'][0]=='{')
                $linkstart .= "<img src='".$tp->replaceConstants($linkInfo['link_button'],'abs')."' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle' />";    

                $linkstart .= "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."icons/".$linkInfo['link_button']."' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle' />";

        // mobile phone support.
        $accesskey = (isset($style['accesskey']) && $style['accesskey']==TRUE) ? " accesskey='".$linkInfo['link_order']."' " : "";
        $accessdigit = (isset($style['accessdigit'],$style['accesskey']) && $style['accessdigit']==TRUE && $style['accesskey']==TRUE) ? $linkInfo['link_order'].". " : "";

        // If its a link.. make a link
        $_link = "";
        $_link .= $accessdigit;
        if (!empty($href) && ((isset($style['hilite_nolink']) && $highlighted)!=TRUE))
            $_link .= "<a".$linkadd.$screentip.$href.$link_append.$accesskey.">".$tp->toHTML($linkInfo['link_name'],"","emotes_off, defs, no_hook")."</a>";
        elseif (!empty($linkadd) || !empty($screentip))
        {    // If its not a link, but has a class or screentip do span:
            $_link .= "<span".$linkadd.$screentip.">".$tp->toHTML($linkInfo['link_name'],"","emotes_off, defs, no_hook")."</span>";
        {    // Else just the name:
            $_link .= $tp->toHTML($linkInfo['link_name'],"","emotes_off, defs, no_hook");

        $_link = $linkstart.$indent.$_link;
        return $_link.$style['linkend']."\n";


        $search[0] = "/\{LINK\}(.*?)/si";
        $replace[0] = $_link.$style['linkend']."\n";
        $search[1] = "/\{LINK_DESCRIPTION\}(.*?)/si";
        $replace[1] = $tp -> toHTML($linkInfo['link_description'], true);

        $text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $SITELINKSTYLE);

        return $text;*/

     *    Determine whether link highlighting needs to be active
     *    @param string $link - the full link as stored in the DB
     *    @param boolean $enabled - TRUE if the link is enabled
     *    @return boolean TRUE if link to be highlighted, FALSE if not
    function hilite($link,$enabled = FALSE)
        global $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY;
        if(!$enabled){ return FALSE; }

        $tp = e107::getParser();

        $link = $tp->replaceConstants($link, '', TRUE);            // The link saved in the DB
        $tmp = explode('?',$link);
        $link_qry = (isset($tmp[1])) ? $tmp[1] : '';
        $link_slf = (isset($tmp[0])) ? $tmp[0] : '';
        $link_pge = basename($link_slf);
        $link_match = (empty($tmp[0])) ? "": strpos(e_SELF,$tmp[0]);    // e_SELF is the actual displayed page

        if(e_MENU === "debug" && getperms('0'))
            echo "<br />link= ".$link;
            echo "<br />link_q= ".$link_qry;
            echo "<br />url= ".e_PAGE;
            echo "<br />self= ".e_SELF;
            echo "<br />url_query= ".e_QUERY."<br />";

        // ----------- highlight overriding - set the link matching in the page itself.
                return TRUE;

        // --------------- highlighting for 'HOME'. ----------------
        // See if we're on whatever is set as 'home' page for this user

        // Although should be just 'index.php', allow for the possibility that there might be a query part
    //    global $pref;
        $pref = e107::pref();

        if (($link_slf == e_HTTP."index.php") && count($pref['frontpage']))
        {    // Only interested if the displayed page is index.php - see whether its the user's home (front) page
            $full_url = 'news.php';                    // Set a default in case
            $uc_array = explode(',', USERCLASS_LIST);
            foreach ($pref['frontpage'] as $fk=>$fp)
                if (in_array($fk,$uc_array))
                    $full_url = ((strpos($fp, 'http') === FALSE) ? SITEURL : '').$fp;
            list($fp,$fp_q) = explode("?",$full_url."?"); // extra '?' ensure the array is filled
            if (e_MENU === "debug" && getperms('0'))
                echo "\$fp = ".$fp."<br />";
                echo "\$fp_q = ".$fp_q."<br />";
            $tmp = str_replace("../", "", e_SELF);
            if ((strpos($fp, $tmp) !== FALSE) && ($fp_q == $link_qry))
                return TRUE;

        // --------------- highlighting for plugins. ----------------
        if(stripos($link, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY) !== false && stripos($link, "custompages") === false)
            {    // plugin links with queries
                return (strpos(e_SELF, $link_slf) && e_QUERY == $link_qry);
            {    // plugin links without queries
                $link = str_replace("../", "", $link);
                   if(stripos(dirname(e_SELF), dirname($link)) !== false)
                      return TRUE;
            return FALSE;

        // --------------- highlight for news items.----------------
        // eg. news.php, news.php?list.1 or news.php?cat.2 etc
        if(strpos(basename($link), "news.php") === 0)
            if (strpos($link, "news.php?") !== FALSE && strpos(e_SELF,"/news.php")!==FALSE) 
                $lnk = explode(".",$link_qry); // link queries.
                $qry = explode(".",e_QUERY); // current page queries.

                if($qry[0] === "item")
                    return $qry[2] == $lnk[1];

                if($qry[0] === "all" && $lnk[0] === "all")
                    return TRUE;

                if($lnk[0] == $qry[0] && $lnk[1] == $qry[1])
                    return TRUE;

                if($qry[1] === "list" && $lnk[0] === "list" && $lnk[1] == $qry[2])
                    return TRUE;
            elseif (!e_QUERY && defset('e_PAGE') === "news.php")
                return true;
            return FALSE;

        // --------------- highlight for Custom Pages.----------------
        // eg. page.php?1, or page.php?5.7    [2nd parameter is page # within item]

        //echo "Link: {$link}, link query: {$link_qry}, e_SELF: ".e_SELF.", link_slf: {$link_slf}, link_pge: {$link_pge}, e_PAGE: ".e_PAGE."<br />";
        if (($link_slf == e_HTTP.'page.php') && (e_PAGE === 'page.php'))
            list($custom,$page) = explode('.',$link_qry.'.');
            list($q_custom,$q_page) = explode('.',e_QUERY.'.');
            if($custom == $q_custom)
                return TRUE;
                  return FALSE;

        // --------------- highlight default ----------------
        if(strpos($link, '?') !== FALSE)
            $thelink = str_replace("../", "", $link);
            if(!preg_match("/all|item|cat|list/", e_QUERY) && (empty($link) == false) && (strpos(e_SELF, str_replace("../", "",$link)) !== false))
                   return true;
        if(!preg_match("/all|item|cat|list/", e_QUERY) && (strpos(e_SELF, str_replace("../", "",$link)) !== false))
              return true;

        if((!$link_qry && !e_QUERY) && (empty($link) == FALSE) && (strpos(e_SELF,$link) !== FALSE))
            return TRUE;

        if(($link_slf == e_SELF && !$link_qry) || (e_QUERY && empty($link) == FALSE && strpos(e_SELF."?".e_QUERY,$link)!== FALSE) )
              return TRUE;
        if($link_pge == basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) // mod_rewrite support
            return TRUE;
           return FALSE;

 * Class for handling all navigation links site-wide. ie. admin links, admin-menu links, admin-plugin links, front-end sitelinks etc. 
class e_navigation
     * @var array Admin link structure
    var $admin_cat = array();
     * @var boolean active check main
    public $activeSubFound = false;
     * @var boolean active check sub
    public $activeMainFound = false;
    var $iconArray = array();

    function __construct()
        if(defined('E_32_MAIN')) // basic check so that it's not loaded on the front-end. 

     * Guess the admin menu item icon based on the path
     * @param $key
     * @return string
    public static function guessMenuIcon($key)
        $tmp = explode('/', $key);
        $mode = varset($tmp[0]);
        $action = varset($tmp[1]);

            case 'main':
            case 'list':
                $ret = $ret = ($mode === 'cat') ? 'fa-folder.glyph' : 'fa-list.glyph';

            case 'options':
            case 'prefs':
            case 'settings':
            case 'config':
            case 'configure':
                $ret = 'fa-cog.glyph';

            case 'create':
                $ret = ($mode === 'cat') ? 'fa-folder-plus.glyph' : 'fa-plus.glyph';

            case 'tools':
            case 'maint':
                $ret = 'fas-toolbox.glyph';

            case 'import':
            case 'upload':
                $ret = 'fa-upload.glyph';

                $ret = 'fa-question.glyph';
            // code to be executed if n is different from all labels;

        return $ret;


     * @return array
    function getIconArray()
        return $this->iconArray;    

     * @return void
    function setIconArray()
        //    e107::getCoreTemplate('admin_icons');
        $this->iconArray = array(
                'main'             => E_32_MAIN,
                'admin'         => E_32_ADMIN,
                'admin_pass'     => E_32_ADPASS,
                'banlist'         => E_32_BANLIST,
                'cache'         => E_32_CACHE,
                'comment'         => E_32_COMMENT,
                'credits'         => E_32_CREDITS,
                'cron'            => E_32_CRON,
                'custom'         => E_32_CUST,
                // 'custom_field' => E_32_CUSTOMFIELD,
                'database'         => E_32_DATAB,
                'docs'             => E_32_DOCS,
                //'download' => E_32_DOWNL,
                'emoticon'         => E_32_EMOTE,
                'filemanage'     => E_32_FILE,
                'fileinspector' => E_32_INSPECT,
                'frontpage'     => E_32_FRONT,
                'image'         => E_32_IMAGES,
                'language'         => E_32_LANGUAGE,
                'links'         => E_32_LINKS,
                'mail'             => E_32_MAIL,
                'maintain'         => E_32_MAINTAIN,
                'menus'         => E_32_MENUS,
                'meta'             => E_32_META,
                'newsfeed'         => E_32_NEWSFEED,
                'news'             => E_32_NEWS,
                'notify'         => E_32_NOTIFY,
                'phpinfo'         => E_32_PHP,
                'plug_manage'     => E_32_PLUGMANAGER,
                'poll'             => E_32_POLLS,
                'prefs'         => E_32_PREFS,
                'search'         => E_32_SEARCH,
                'syslogs'         => E_32_ADMINLOG,
                'theme_manage'     => E_32_THEMEMANAGER,
                'upload'         => E_32_UPLOADS,
                'eurl'             => E_32_EURL,
                'userclass'     => E_32_USERCLASS,
                'user_extended' => E_32_USER_EXTENDED,
                'users'         => E_32_USER,
                'wmessage'         => E_32_WELCOME 

     * Structure $this->_md5cache[$category] = md5HASH
     * @var md5 hash used for build unique cache string per category and user classes
    protected $_md5cache = array();
    //FIXME array structure - see $this->admin();

     * @return array
    function adminCats()
        $tp = e107::getParser();
             return $this->admin_cat;
        $pref = e107::getPref();
        $this->admin_cat['title'][1] = LAN_SETTINGS;
        $this->admin_cat['id'][1] = 'setMenu';
        $this->admin_cat['img'][1] = 'fa-cogs.glyph';
        $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][1] = $tp->toGlyph('e-settings-32');
        $this->admin_cat['sort'][1] = true;

 * i.e-cat_content-32{ background-position: -370px 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; } 
i.e-cat_files-32{ background-position: -407px 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; } 
i.e-cat_plugins-32{ background-position: -444px 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; } 
i.e-cat_settings-32{ background-position: -481px 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; } 
i.e-cat_tools-32{ background-position: -518px 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; } 
i.e-cat_users-32{ background-position: -555px 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; } 
 * e-manage-32

        $this->admin_cat['title'][2] = ADLAN_CL_2;
        $this->admin_cat['id'][2] = 'userMenu';
        $this->admin_cat['img'][2] = 'fa-users.glyph'; // $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_users-16');
        $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][2] = $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_users-32'); 
        $this->admin_cat['sort'][2] = true;
        $this->admin_cat['title'][3] = ADLAN_CL_3;
        $this->admin_cat['id'][3] = 'contMenu';
        $this->admin_cat['img'][3] = 'fa-file-text-o.glyph'; // $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_content-16');
        $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][3] = $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_content-32'); 
        $this->admin_cat['sort'][3] = true;
        $this->admin_cat['title'][4] = ADLAN_CL_6;
        $this->admin_cat['id'][4] = 'toolMenu';
        $this->admin_cat['img'][4] = 'fa-wrench.glyph'; // $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_tools-16');
        $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][4] = $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_tools-32'); 
        $this->admin_cat['sort'][4] = true;
        // Manage
        $this->admin_cat['title'][5] = LAN_MANAGE;
        $this->admin_cat['id'][5] = 'managMenu';
        $this->admin_cat['img'][5] = 'fa-desktop.glyph' ; // $tp->toGlyph('e-manage-16');
        $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][5] = $tp->toGlyph('e-manage-32'); 
        $this->admin_cat['sort'][5] = TRUE;
            $this->admin_cat['title'][6] = ADLAN_CL_7;
            $this->admin_cat['id'][6] = 'plugMenu'; 
            $this->admin_cat['img'][6] = 'fa-puzzle-piece.glyph'; // $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_plugins-16');
            $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][6] = $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_plugins-32'); 
            $this->admin_cat['sort'][6] = false;    
            // Misc.
            $this->admin_cat['title'][6] = ADLAN_CL_8;
            $this->admin_cat['id'][6] = 'miscMenu';
            $this->admin_cat['img'][6] = 'fa-puzzle-piece.glyph';  // E_16_CAT_MISC;
            $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][6] = ''; // E_32_CAT_MISC;
            $this->admin_cat['sort'][6] = TRUE;
        //About menu    - No 20 -  leave space for user-categories.
        $this->admin_cat['title'][20] = LAN_ABOUT;
        $this->admin_cat['id'][20] = 'aboutMenu';
        $this->admin_cat['img'][20] = 'fa-info-circle.glyph'; // E_16_CAT_ABOUT;//E_16_NAV_DOCS
        $this->admin_cat['lrg_img'][20] = ''; // $tp->toGlyph('e-cat_about-32'); ; // E_32_CAT_ABOUT;
        $this->admin_cat['sort'][20] = false;    
        return $this->admin_cat;
    // Previously $array_functions variable. 

     * @param $mode
     * @return array|array[]|string
    function adminLinks($mode=false)
        if($mode === 'plugin')
             return $this->pluginLinks(E_16_PLUGMANAGER, "array") ;   

        if($mode === 'plugin2')
             return $this->pluginLinks(E_16_PLUGMANAGER, "standard") ;

        if($mode === 'sub')
                //FIXME  array structure suitable for e_admin_menu - see shortcodes/admin_navigation.php
                 * Info about sublinks array structure
                 * key = $array_functions key
                 * attribute 1 = link
                 * attribute 2 = title
                 * attribute 3 = description
                 * attribute 4 = perms
                 * attribute 5 = category
                 * attribute 6 = 16 x 16 image
                 * attribute 7 = 32 x 32 image
                $array_sub_functions = array();
                $array_sub_functions[17][] = array(e_ADMIN.'newspost.php', LAN_MANAGE, ADLAN_3, 'H', 3, E_16_MANAGE, E_32_MANAGE);
                $array_sub_functions[17][] = array(e_ADMIN.'newspost.php?create', LAN_CREATE, ADLAN_2, 'H', 3, E_16_CREATE, E_32_CREATE);
                $array_sub_functions[17][] = array(e_ADMIN.'newspost.php?pref', LAN_PREFS, LAN_PREFS, 'H', 3, E_16_SETTINGS, E_32_SETTINGS);    
                return $array_sub_functions;
            //FIXME array structure suitable for e_admin_menu (NOW admin() below) - see shortcodes/admin_navigation.php
            //TODO find out where is used $array_functions elsewhere, refactor it
            //XXX DO NOT EDIT without first checking perms in user_handler.php !!!!
            $array_functions = array(
            0 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'administrator.php', ADLAN_8,    ADLAN_9,    '3', 2, E_16_ADMIN, E_32_ADMIN),
            1 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'updateadmin.php',     ADLAN_10,    ADLAN_11,    false, 2, E_16_ADPASS, E_32_ADPASS),
            2 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'banlist.php',         ADLAN_34,    ADLAN_35,    '4', 2, E_16_BANLIST, E_32_BANLIST),
            4 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'cache.php',         ADLAN_74,    ADLAN_75,    'C', 1, E_16_CACHE, E_32_CACHE),
            5 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'cpage.php',         ADLAN_42,    ADLAN_43,    '5|J', 3, E_16_CUST, E_32_CUST),
            6 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'db.php',             ADLAN_44,    ADLAN_45,    '0', 4, E_16_DATAB, E_32_DATAB),
        //    7 => array(e_ADMIN.'download.php', ADLAN_24, ADLAN_25, 'R', 3, E_16_DOWNL, E_32_DOWNL),
            8 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'emoticon.php',         ADLAN_58,    ADLAN_59,    'F', 1, E_16_EMOTE, E_32_EMOTE),
        //    9 => array(e_ADMIN.'filemanager.php',     ADLAN_30,    ADLAN_31,    '6', 5, E_16_FILE, E_32_FILE), // replaced by media-manager
            10 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'frontpage.php',     ADLAN_60,    ADLAN_61,    'G', 1, E_16_FRONT, E_32_FRONT),
            11 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'image.php',         LAN_MEDIAMANAGER, LAN_MEDIAMANAGER, 'A', 5, E_16_IMAGES, E_32_IMAGES),
            12 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'links.php',         LAN_NAVIGATION,    ADLAN_139,    'I', 1, E_16_LINKS, E_32_LINKS),
            13 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'wmessage.php',     ADLAN_28,    ADLAN_29,    'M', 3, E_16_WELCOME, E_32_WELCOME),
            14 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'ugflag.php',         ADLAN_40,    ADLAN_41,    '9', 4, E_16_MAINTAIN, E_32_MAINTAIN),
            15 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'menus.php',         ADLAN_6,    ADLAN_7,    '2', 5, E_16_MENUS, E_32_MENUS),
            16 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'meta.php',         ADLAN_66,    ADLAN_67,    'T', 1, E_16_META, E_32_META),
            17 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'newspost.php',     ADLAN_0,    ADLAN_1,    'H|N|7|H0|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5', 3, E_16_NEWS, E_32_NEWS),
            18 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'phpinfo.php',         ADLAN_68,     ADLAN_69,    '0', 20, E_16_PHP, E_32_PHP),
            19 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'prefs.php',         LAN_PREFS,     ADLAN_5,    '1', 1, E_16_PREFS, E_32_PREFS),
            20 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'search.php',         LAN_SEARCH,    ADLAN_143,    'X', 1, E_16_SEARCH, E_32_SEARCH),
            21 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'admin_log.php',     ADLAN_155,    ADLAN_156,    'S', 4, E_16_ADMINLOG, E_32_ADMINLOG),
            22 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'theme.php',         ADLAN_140,    ADLAN_141,    '1|TMP', 5, E_16_THEMEMANAGER, E_32_THEMEMANAGER),
            23 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'upload.php',         ADLAN_72,    ADLAN_73,    'V', 3, E_16_UPLOADS, E_32_UPLOADS),
            24 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'users.php',         ADLAN_36,    ADLAN_37,    '4|U0|U1|U2|U3', 2, E_16_USER, E_32_USER),
            25 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'userclass2.php',     ADLAN_38,    ADLAN_39,    '4', 2, E_16_USERCLASS, E_32_USERCLASS),
            26 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'language.php',     ADLAN_132,    ADLAN_133,    'L', 1, E_16_LANGUAGE, E_32_LANGUAGE),
            27 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'mailout.php',         ADLAN_136,    ADLAN_137,    'W', 2, E_16_MAIL, E_32_MAIL),
            28 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'users_extended.php', ADLAN_78, ADLAN_79,    '4', 2, E_16_USER_EXTENDED, E_32_USER_EXTENDED),
            29 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'fileinspector.php', ADLAN_147, ADLAN_148,    'Y', 4, E_16_INSPECT, E_32_INSPECT),
            30 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'notify.php',         ADLAN_149,    ADLAN_150,    'O', 4, E_16_NOTIFY, E_32_NOTIFY),
            31 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'cron.php',         ADLAN_157,    ADLAN_158,    'U', 4, E_16_CRON, E_32_CRON),
            32 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'eurl.php',         ADLAN_159,    ADLAN_160,    'K', 1, E_16_EURL, E_32_EURL),
            33 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'plugin.php',         ADLAN_98,    ADLAN_99,    'Z', 5 , E_16_PLUGMANAGER, E_32_PLUGMANAGER),
            34 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'docs.php',         ADLAN_12,    ADLAN_13,    false,    20, E_16_DOCS, E_32_DOCS),
        // TODO System Info.
        //    35 => array('#TODO', 'System Info', 'System Information', '', 20, '', ''),
            36 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'credits.php', LAN_CREDITS, LAN_CREDITS, false, 20, E_16_E107, E_32_E107),
        //    37 => array(e_ADMIN.'custom_field.php', ADLAN_161, ADLAN_162, 'U', 4, E_16_CUSTOMFIELD, E_32_CUSTOMFIELD),
            38 => array(e_ADMIN_ABS.'comment.php', LAN_COMMENTMAN, LAN_COMMENTMAN, 'B', 5, E_16_COMMENT, E_32_COMMENT),

        if($mode === 'legacy')
            return $array_functions; // Old BC format.      

        $newarray = asortbyindex($array_functions, 1);
        $array_functions_assoc = $this->convert_core_icons($newarray);

       if($mode === 'core') // Core links only.
            return $array_functions_assoc;          
        $merged = array_merge($array_functions_assoc, $this->pluginLinks(E_16_PLUGMANAGER, "array")); 
        $sorted = multiarray_sort($merged,'title'); // this deleted the e-xxxx and p-xxxxx keys. 
        return $this->restoreKeys($sorted); // we restore the keys with this. 

     * @param $newarray
     * @return array
    private function restoreKeys($newarray)  // Put core button array in the same format as plugin button array.
        $array_functions_assoc = array();
        foreach($newarray as $key=>$val)
           if(varset($val['key'])) // Plugin Array.  
                $key = $val['key']; 
                $array_functions_assoc[$key] = $val;   

        return $array_functions_assoc;

     * Return the default array of icon identifiers for the admin "Control Panel". (infopanel and flexpanel)
     * @return array
    public function getDefaultAdminPanelArray()
        $iconlist = $this->adminLinks();

        $defArray = array();

        $exclude = array (

        foreach($iconlist as $k=>$v)
                $defArray[] = $k;

        return $defArray;

     * @param $newarray
     * @return array
    private function convert_core_icons($newarray)  // Put core button array in the same format as plugin button array.
        $array_functions_assoc = array();
        foreach($newarray as $key=>$val)
                $key = "e-".basename($val[0],".php");
                $val['key'] = $key;
                $val['icon'] = $val[5];
                $val['icon_32'] = $val[6];
                $val['title'] = $val[1];
                $val['link'] = $val[0];
                $val['caption'] = $val['2'];
                $val['cat'] = $val['4'];
                $val['perms'] = $val['3'];
                $array_functions_assoc[$key] = $val;

        return $array_functions_assoc;
     * Convert from plugin category found in plugin.xml to Navigation Category ID number. 
    function plugCatToCoreCat($cat)
            $convert = array(
                'settings'  => array(1,'setMenu'),
                'users'     => array(2,'userMenu'),
                'content'   => array(3,'contMenu'),
                'tools'     => array(4,'toolMenu'),
                'manage'    => array(6,'managMenu'),
                'misc'      => array(7,'miscMenu'),
                'help'      => array(20,'helpMenu')

            return (int) vartrue($convert[$cat][0]);

     * Get Plugin Links - rewritten for v2.1.5
     * @param string $iconSize
     * @param string $linkStyle standard = new in v2.1.5 | array | adminb
     * @return array|string
    function pluginLinks($iconSize = E_16_PLUGMANAGER, $linkStyle = 'adminb')
        $plug = e107::getPlug();
        $data = $plug->getInstalled();

        $arr = array();

        $pref = e107::getPref();

        foreach($data as $path=>$ver)


            if(!empty($pref['lan_global_list']) && !in_array($path, $pref['lan_global_list']))
                e107::loadLanFiles($path, 'admin');


            $key = ($linkStyle === 'standard') ? "plugnav-".$path : 'p-'.$path;

            $url = $plug->getAdminUrl();
            $cat = $plug->getCategory();

            if(empty($url) || $cat === 'menu')

            // Keys compatible with legacy and new admin layouts.
            $arr[$key] = array(

                'text'          => $plug->getName(),
                'description'   => $plug->getDescription(),
                'link'          => $url,
                'image'         => $plug->getIcon(16),
                'image_large'   => $plug->getIcon(32),
                'category'      => $cat,
                'perm'           => "P".$plug->getId(),
                'sort'          => 2,
                'sub_class'     => null,

                // Legacy Keys.
                'key'       => $key,
                'title'     => $plug->getName(),
                'caption'   => $plug->getAdminCaption(),
                'perms'     => "P".$plug->getId(),
                'icon'      => $plug->getIcon(16),
                'icon_32'   => $plug->getIcon(32),
                'cat'       => $this->plugCatToCoreCat($plug->getCategory())



        //ksort($arr, SORT_STRING);

        if($linkStyle === "array" || $iconSize === 'assoc' || $linkStyle === 'standard')
               return $arr;

        $text = '';

        foreach ($arr as $plug_key => $plug_value)
            $the_icon =  ($iconSize == E_16_PLUGMANAGER) ?  $plug_value['icon'] : $plug_value['icon_32'];
            $text .= $this->renderAdminButton($plug_value['link'], $plug_value['title'], $plug_value['caption'], $plug_value['perms'], $the_icon, $linkStyle);

        return $text;


     * XXX the NEW version of e_admin_menu(); 
     * Build admin menus - addmin menus are now supporting unlimitted number of submenus
     * TODO - add this to a handler for use on front-end as well (tree, sitelinks.sc replacement)
     * $e107_vars structure:
     * $e107_vars['action']['text'] -> link title
     * $e107_vars['action']['link'] -> if empty '#action' will be added as href attribute
     * $e107_vars['action']['image'] -> (new) image tag
     * $e107_vars['action']['perm'] -> permissions via getperms()
     * $e107_vars['action']['userclass'] -> user class permissions via check_class()
     * $e107_vars['action']['include'] -> additional <a> tag attributes
     * $e107_vars['action']['sub'] -> (new) array, exactly the same as $e107_vars' first level e.g. $e107_vars['action']['sub']['action2']['link']...
     * $e107_vars['action']['sort'] -> (new) used only if found in 'sub' array - passed as last parameter (recursive call)
     * $e107_vars['action']['link_class'] -> (new) additional link class
     * $e107_vars['action']['sub_class'] -> (new) additional class used only when sublinks are being parsed
     * @param string $title
     * @param string $active_page
     * @param array $e107_vars
     * @param array $tmpl
     * @param array $sub_link
     * @param bool $sortlist
     * @return string parsed admin menu (or empty string if title is empty)
    function admin($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $tmpl = array(), $sub_link = false, $sortlist = false)
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        if (!$tmpl)
            $tmpl = e107::getCoreTemplate('admin', 'menu', false);
         * Search for id
        $extraParms = array();
        $temp = explode('--id--', $title, 2);
        $title = $temp[0];
        $id = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', varset($temp[1]));

        if(isset($e107_vars['_extras_'])) // hold icon info, but could be more.
            $extraParms = $e107_vars['_extras_'];

         * SORT
        if ($sortlist == TRUE)
            $temp = $e107_vars;
            $func_list = array();
            foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
                $func_list[] = $temp[$key]['text'];
            usort($func_list, 'strcoll');
            foreach ($func_list as $func_text)
                foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
                    if ($temp[$key]['text'] == $func_text)
                        $e107_vars[] = $temp[$key];
            return null;

        $kpost = '';
        $text = '';
        if ($sub_link)
            $kpost = '_sub';
             $text = $tmpl['start'];

        //FIXME - e_parse::array2sc()
/*        $search = array();
        $search[0] = '/\{LINK_TEXT\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[1] = '/\{LINK_URL\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[2] = '/\{ONCLICK\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[3] = '/\{SUB_HEAD\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[4] = '/\{SUB_MENU\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[5] = '/\{ID\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[6] = '/\{SUB_ID\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[7] = '/\{LINK_CLASS\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[8] = '/\{SUB_CLASS\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[9] = '/\{LINK_IMAGE\}(.*?)/si';
        $search[10] = '/\{LINK_SUB_OVERSIZED\}/si';
        $search[11] = '/\{LINK_DATA\}/si';*/

        foreach (array_keys($e107_vars) as $act)
            if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['perm']) && $e107_vars[$act]['perm'] !== false && !getperms($e107_vars[$act]['perm'])) // check perms first.

            if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['header'])) 
                $text .= str_replace('{HEADING}', $e107_vars[$act]['header'], $tmpl['heading']);
            if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['divider']) && !empty($tmpl['divider']))
                 $text .= $tmpl['divider'];

            // check class so that e.g. e_UC_NOBODY will result no permissions granted (even for main admin)
            if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['userclass']) && !e107::getUser()->checkClass($e107_vars[$act]['userclass'], false)) // check userclass perms 

            $replace = array();

            $rid = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $act).($id ? "-{$id}" : '');
            //XXX  && !is_numeric($act) ???
            if (($active_page == (string) $act)
            || (str_replace("?", "", e_PAGE.e_QUERY) == str_replace("?", "", $act))
            || e_REQUEST_HTTP === varset($e107_vars[$act]['link'])
                $temp = isset($tmpl['button_active' . $kpost]) ? $tmpl['button_active' . $kpost] : '';
                $temp = isset($tmpl['button'.$kpost]) ? $tmpl['button'.$kpost] : '';

   //     e107::getDebug()->log($e107_vars[$act]['link']);

        //    $temp = $tmpl['button'.$kpost];
        //    echo "ap = ".$active_page;
        //    echo " act = ".$act."<br /><br />";

            if($rid === 'adminhome')
                $temp = $tmpl['button_other'.$kpost];    

                $tmplateKey = 'button_'.$e107_vars[$act]['template'].$kpost;
                $temp = varset($tmpl[$tmplateKey]);

            $replace['LINK_TEXT'] = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", varset($e107_vars[$act]['text']));
            $replace['LINK_DESCRIPTION'] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['description']);

            // valid URLs
            $replace['LINK_URL'] = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&'), array('&', '&amp;'), vartrue($e107_vars[$act]['link'], "#{$act}"));
            $replace['ONCLICK'] = '';

            if (vartrue($e107_vars[$act]['include']))
                $replace['ONCLICK'] = $e107_vars[$act]['include'];
                //$replace[2] = $js ? " onclick=\"showhideit('".$act."');\"" : " onclick=\"document.location='".$e107_vars[$act]['link']."'; disabled=true;\"";
            $replace['SUB_HEAD'] = $title;
            $replace['SUB_MENU'] = '';
            $replace['ID'] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}'" : '';
            $replace['SUB_ID'] = $rid;
            $replace['LINK_CLASS'] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class']);
            $replace['SUB_CLASS'] = '';

            if(!isset($e107_vars[$act]['image_src']) && !isset($e107_vars[$act]['icon']))
                $e107_vars[$act]['image_src'] = self::guessMenuIcon($act.'/'.$act);
            if(!empty($e107_vars[$act]['image_src']) && strpos($e107_vars[$act]['image_src'], '.glyph') !== false)
                $replace['LINK_IMAGE'] = $tp->toGlyph($e107_vars[$act]['image_src'], array('space'=>'&nbsp;'));
                $replace['LINK_IMAGE'] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['image']);

            $replace['LINK_SUB_OVERSIZED'] = (isset($e107_vars[$act]['sub']) && count($e107_vars[$act]['sub']) > 15) ? 'oversized' : '';


                $dataTmp = array();
                foreach($e107_vars[$act]['link_data'] as $k=>$v)
                    $dataTmp[] = $k.'="'.$v.'"';

                $replace['LINK_DATA'] = implode(" ", $dataTmp); // $e107_vars[$act]['link_data']


            $replace['LINK_BADGE'] = isset($e107_vars[$act]['badge']['value']) ? $tp->toLabel($e107_vars[$act]['badge']['value'], varset($e107_vars[$act]['badge']['type'])) : '';

            if($rid === 'logout' || $rid === 'home' || $rid === 'language')
                $START_SUB = $tmpl['start_other_sub'];
                $START_SUB = isset($tmpl['start_sub']) ? $tmpl['start_sub'] : '';
                $replace['SUB_ID'] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}-sub'" : '';
                $replace['LINK_CLASS'] = ' '.varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class'], 'e-expandit');
                $replace['SUB_CLASS'] = ' '.varset($e107_vars[$act]['sub_class'], 'e-hideme e-expandme');

                $replace['SUB_MENU']  = $tp->parseTemplate($START_SUB, false, $replace);
                $replace['SUB_MENU'] .= $this->admin(false, $active_page, $e107_vars[$act]['sub'], $tmpl, true, (isset($e107_vars[$act]['sort']) ? $e107_vars[$act]['sort'] : $sortlist));
                $replace['SUB_MENU'] .= isset($tmpl['end_sub']) ? $tmpl['end_sub'] : '';

            $text .= $tp->simpleParse($temp, $replace); 

        $text .= (!$sub_link && isset($tmpl['end'])) ? $tmpl['end'] : '';
        if ($sub_link || empty($title))
            return $text;
        $ns = e107::getRender();

        $srch = array('{ICON}', '{CAPTION}');
        $repl = array(varset($extraParms['icon']), $title);

        $caption = isset($tmpl['caption']) ? (string) $tmpl['caption'] : '';
        $title = str_replace($srch,$repl, $caption);

        $ret = $ns->tablerender($title, $text, 'default', true);

            return $ret;

        echo $ret;

    // Previously admin.php -> render_links();

     * @param $link
     * @param $title
     * @param $description
     * @param $perms
     * @param $icon
     * @param $mode
     * @return string
    function renderAdminButton($link, $title, $description, $perms, $icon = FALSE, $mode = FALSE)
        global $td;
        $tp = e107::getParser();
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        $cols = defset('ADLINK_COLS',5);
        $text = '';
        if (getperms($perms))
            $description = strip_tags($description);
            if ($mode === 'adminb')
                $text = "<tr><td class='forumheader3'>
                    <div class='td' style='text-align:left; vertical-align:top; width:100%'
                    onmouseover=\"eover(this, 'forumheader5')\" onmouseout=\"eover(this, 'td')\" onclick=\"document.location.href='".$link."'\">
                    ".$icon." <b>".$title."</b> ".($description ? "[ <span class='field-help'>".$description."</span> ]" : "")."</div></td></tr>";
                if($mode !== "div" && $mode !== 'div-icon-only')
                    if ($td == ($cols +1))
                        $text .= '</tr>';
                        $td = 1;
                    if ($td == 1)
                        $text .= '<tr>';
                switch ($mode) 
                    case 'default':
                        $text .= "<td class='td' style='text-align:left; vertical-align:top; width:20%; white-space:nowrap'>
                         <a class='core-mainpanel-link-icon e-tip' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'>".$icon." ".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</a></td>";
                    case 'classis':
                        $text .= "<td style='text-align:center; vertical-align:top; width:20%'><a class='core-mainpanel-link-icon' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'>".$icon."</a><br />
                        <a class='core-mainpanel-link-text' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'><b>".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</b></a></td>";            
                    case 'beginner':
                         $text .= "<td style='text-align:center; vertical-align:top; width:20%' ><a class='core-mainpanel-link-icon' href='".$link."' >".$icon."</a>
                        <div style='padding:5px'>
                        <a class='core-mainpanel-link-text' href='".$link."' title='".$description."'><b>".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</b></a></div><br /><br /><br /></td>";        
                    case 'div':
                        $text .= "<div class='core-mainpanel-block col-md-2'><a data-toggle='tooltip' data-bs-toggle='tooltip' class='core-mainpanel-link-icon btn btn-default btn-secondary muted' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'>".$icon."
                        <small class='core-mainpanel-link-text'>".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</small></a>    
                    case 'div-icon-only':
                        $text .= "<div class='core-mainpanel-block  e-tip' title='{$description}'><a class='core-mainpanel-link-icon btn btn-default btn-secondary e-tip' href='".$link."' >".$icon."</a></div>";
            // echo "no Perms";
        return $text;

     * @param $category
     * @param $type
     * @return mixed|string|void
    public function cacheString($category, $type = 'sys')
            $uclist = e107::getUser()->getClassList();
            sort($uclist, SORT_NUMERIC);
            $this->_md5cache[$category] = md5($category.$uclist);
        switch ($type) 
            case 'sys':
                return $this->cacheBase().$this->_md5cache[$category];
            case 'md5':
                return $this->_md5cache[$category];

     * @return string
    public function cacheBase()
        return 'nomd5_sitelinks_';

     * TODO Cache
    public function render($data, $template, $opts = array())
        if(empty($data) || empty($template) || !is_array($template))
            return '';
        /** @var navigation_shortcodes $sc */
        $sc             = e107::getScBatch('navigation');
        $sc->template     = $template;

            $sc->navClass = $opts['class'];

        $head            = e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($template['start'], true, $sc);

        $ret             = "";
        $sc->counter    = 1;
        $this->activeMainFound = false;

        foreach ($data as $_data) 
            $active            = ($this->isActive($_data, $this->activeMainFound)) ? "_active" : ""; 
            $sc->setVars($_data); // isActive is allowed to alter data
            $itemTmpl         = !empty($_data['link_sub']) ? $template['item_submenu'.$active] : $template['item'.$active];
            $ret             .= e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($itemTmpl, true, $sc);
            $sc->active        = ($active) ? true : false;
                $this->activeMainFound = true;

        $foot             = e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($template['end'], true, $sc);

        return ($ret != '') ? $head.$ret.$foot : '';

     * --------------- CODE-EFFICIENT APPROACH -------------------------
     * FIXME syscache
    public function initData($cat=1, $opt=array())
        $sql         = e107::getDb('sqlSiteLinks');

        $ins = ($cat > 0) ? " link_category = ". (int) $cat ." AND " : "";

        $query         = "SELECT * FROM #links WHERE ".$ins." ((link_class >= 0 AND link_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")) OR (link_class < 0 AND ABS(link_class) NOT IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")) ) ORDER BY link_order,link_parent ASC";

        $outArray     = array();
        $data         = $sql->retrieve($query,true);

        $ret = $this->compile($data, $outArray);

            $newArr = array();
            foreach($ret as $row)
                $ignore = (!empty($opt['noempty']) && (empty($row['link_url']) || $row['link_url'] === '#'));

                $tmp = (array) $row['link_sub'];


                if($ignore !== true)
                    $newArr[] = $row;

                    foreach($tmp as $val)

                        $tmp2 = $val['link_sub'];
                        $newArr[] = $val;
                            foreach($tmp2 as $k=>$v)
                                $tmp3 = (array) $v['link_sub'];
                                $newArr[] = $v;
                                foreach($tmp3 as $sub)
                                    $newArr[] = $sub;



            return $newArr;

        return $ret;

     * Compile Array Structure
    public function compile(&$inArray, &$outArray, $pid = 0) 
        if(!is_array($inArray) || !is_array($outArray)){ return null; }

        $frm = e107::getForm();

        foreach($inArray as $key => $val)
            if($val['link_parent'] == $pid) 
                $val['link_sub'] = $this->isDynamic($val);

                if(empty($val['link_identifier']) && !empty($val['link_function']))
                    $val['link_identifier'] = $frm->name2id($val['link_function']);
                // prevent loop of death
                if( $val['link_id'] != $pid)
                    $this->compile($inArray, $val['link_sub'], $val['link_id']);
                $outArray[] = $val;   
        return $outArray;

     * Check for Dynamic Function
     * @example class:method($parm)
    protected function isDynamic($row)
            return $row['link_sub'];    
            $parm = false;    
            list($path,$method) = explode("::",$row['link_function']);

            if($path === 'theme')
                $text = e107::callMethod('theme_shortcodes',$method, $row); // no parms as theme_shortcodes may be added as needed.

                    return '<div class="dropdown-menu">'.$text.'</div>'; // @todo use template?

                e107::getDebug()->log("Theme shortcode (".$method.") could not be found for use in sitelink");
                return array();
            if(!file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$path."/e_sitelink.php") || !e107::isInstalled($path))
                return array();

                    list($method,$prm) = explode("(",$method);
                    $parm = rtrim($prm,")");

                $class = $path."_sitelink";
                if($sublinkArray = e107::callMethod($class,$method,$parm,$row)) //TODO Cache it.
                    return $sublinkArray;
        return array();    
    * TODO Extensive Active Link Detection; 
    public function isActive(&$data=array(), $removeOnly = false, $exactMatch = false)
            return null;

        ### experimental active match added to the URL (and removed after parsing)
        ### Example of main link: {e_BASE}some/url/#?match/string1^match/string2
        ### It would match http://your.domain/match/string/ or http://your.domain/match/string2?some=vars
        ### '#?' is the alternate active check trigger
        if(strpos($data['link_url'], '#?') !== false)
                $arr = explode('#?', $data['link_url'], 2);
                $data['link_url'] = array_shift($arr);
                return null;
            $_temp = explode('#?', $data['link_url'], 2);
            $data['link_url'] = $_temp[0] ? $_temp[0] : '#';
            $matches = explode('^', $_temp[1]);
            foreach ($matches as $match) 
                if(strpos(e_REQUEST_URL, $match) !== false)
                    return true;
        // No need of further checks
            return null;
        // already checked by compile() or external source
            return $data['link_active'];
        $dbLink = e_HTTP. e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($data['link_url'], TRUE, TRUE);
    //    $dbLink =  e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($data['link_url'], TRUE, TRUE);

        $dbLink = str_replace("//","/",$dbLink); // precaution for e_HTTP inclusion above.

        if(!empty($data['link_owner']) && !empty($data['link_sefurl']))
            $dbLink = e107::url($data['link_owner'],$data['link_sefurl']);

        //    e107::getDebug()->log("db=".$dbLink."<br />url=".e_REQUEST_URI."<br /><br />");
    //    }
            if(e_REQUEST_URI == $dbLink)
                return true;
        // XXX this one should go soon - no cotroll at all
        elseif(e_REQUEST_HTTP == $dbLink)
            return true;    
        elseif(e_REQUEST_HTTP."index.php" == $dbLink)
            return true;    
        if(!empty($data['link_active'])) // Can be used by e_sitelink.php
            return true;        

        // New e107 v.2.3.1  - using e107::nav('active', link url);
        $manualOverride = e107::getRegistry('core/e107/navigation/active');
        if(!empty($manualOverride) && empty($data['link_sub']))
            if(strpos($dbLink, $manualOverride) !==false)
                return true;
        // XXX Temporary Fix - @deprecated.
        // Set the URL matching in the page itself. see: forum_viewforum.php and forum_viewtopic.php 
        if(defined("NAVIGATION_ACTIVE") && empty($data['link_sub']))
            if(strpos($data['link_url'], NAVIGATION_ACTIVE)!==false)
                return true;
        return false;