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Test Coverage
 * e107 website system
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
 * File Upload Handler
 * $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_handlers/upload_handler.php,v $
 * $Revision$
 * $Date$
 * $Author$

 *    File upload handler
 *    @package    e107
 *    @subpackage    e107_handlers
 *    @version     $Id$;
 *    @todo - option to restrict by total size irrespective of number of uploads

if (!defined('e107_INIT'))



//FIXME need another name
// define('e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR', e_MEDIA.'temp/');
define('e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR', e_TEMP);    // Temporary directory - used if PHP's OPEN_BASEDIR active
define('e_READ_FILETYPES', 'filetypes.xml');     // Upload permissions
define('e_SAVE_FILETYPES', 'filetypes_.xml');

 * File upload handler - this is the preferred interface for new code
 *    Routine processes the array of uploaded files according to both specific options set by the caller, and
 *        system options configured by the main admin.
 *    function process_uploaded_files($uploaddir, $fileinfo = FALSE, $options = array())
 *    Parameters:
 *        @param string $uploaddir - target directory (checked that it exists, but path not otherwise changed)
 *        @param string $fileinfo - determines any special handling of file name (combines previous $fileinfo and $avatar parameters):
 *            FALSE - default option; no processing
 *            "attachment+extra_text" - indicates an attachment (related to forum post or PM), and specifies some optional text which is
 *                incorporated into the final file name (the original $fileinfo parameter).
 *            "prefix+extra_text" - indicates an attachment or file, and specifies some optional text which is prefixed to the file name
 *            "unique"
 *                - if the proposed destination file doesn't exist, saved under given name
 *                - if the proposed destination file does exist, prepends time() to the file name to make it unique
 *            'avatar'
 *                - indicates an avatar is being uploaded (not used - options must be set elsewhere)
 *        @param array $options - an array of supplementary options, all of which will be given appropriate defaults if not defined:
 *            'filetypes' - name of file containing list of valid file types
 *                - Always looks in the admin directory
 *                - defaults to e_ADMIN.filetypes.xml, else e_ADMIN.admin_filetypes.php for admins (if file exists), otherwise e_ADMIN.filetypes.php for users.
 *                - FALSE disables this option (which implies that 'extra_file_types' is used)
 *            'file_mask' - comma-separated list of file types which if defined limits the allowed file types to those which are in both this list and the
 *                file specified by the 'filetypes' option. Enables restriction to, for example, image files.
 *            'extra_file_types' - if is FALSE or undefined, rejects totally unknown file extensions (even if in $options['filetypes'] file).
 *                if TRUE, accepts totally unknown file extensions which are in $options['filetypes'] file.
 *                otherwise specifies a comma-separated list of additional permitted file extensions
 *            'final_chmod' - chmod() to be applied to uploaded files (0644 default)  (This routine expects an integer value, so watch formatting/decoding - its normally
 *                specified in octal. Typically use intval($permissions,8) to convert)
 *            'max_upload_size' - maximum size of uploaded files in bytes, or as a string with a 'multiplier' letter (e.g. 16M) at the end.
 *                - otherwise uses $pref['upload_maxfilesize'] if set
 *                - overriding limit of the smaller of 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_size' if set in php.ini
 *                (Note: other parts of E107 don't understand strings with a multiplier letter yet)
 *            'file_array_name' - the name of the 'input' array - defaults to file_userfile[] - otherwise as set.
 *            'max_file_count' - maximum number of files which can be uploaded - default is 'unlimited' if this is zero or not set.
 *            'overwrite' - if TRUE, existing file of the same name is overwritten; otherwise returns 'duplicate file' error (default FALSE)
 *            'save_to_db' - [obsolete] storage type - if set and TRUE, uploaded files were saved in the database (rather than as flat files)
 *    @return boolean|array
 *        Returns FALSE if the upload directory doesn't exist, or various other errors occurred which restrict the amount of meaningful information.
 *        Returns an array, with one set of entries per uploaded file, regardless of whether saved or
 *        discarded (not all fields always present) - $c is array index:
 *             $uploaded[$c]['name'] - file name - as saved to disc
 *            $uploaded[$c]['rawname'] - original file name, prior to any addition of identifiers etc (useful for display purposes)
 *            $uploaded[$c]['type'] - mime type (if set - as sent by browser)
 *            $uploaded[$c]['size'] - size in bytes (should be zero if error)
 *            $uploaded[$c]['error'] - numeric error code (zero = OK)
 *            $uploaded[$c]['index'] - if upload successful, the index position from the file_userfile[] array - usually numeric, but may be alphanumeric if coded
 *            $uploaded[$c]['message'] - text of displayed message relating to file
 *            $uploaded[$c]['line'] - only if an error occurred, has line number (from __LINE__)
 *            $uploaded[$c]['file'] - only if an error occurred, has file name (from __FILE__)
 *    On exit, uploaded files should all have been removed from the temporary directory.
 *    No messages displayed - its caller's responsibility to handle errors and display info to
 *    user (or can use handle_upload_messages() from this module)
 *    Details of uploaded files are in $_FILES['file_userfile'] (or other array name as set) on entry.
 *    Elements passed (from PHP) relating to each file:
 *        ['name']    - the original name
 *        ['type']    - mime type (if provided - not checked by PHP)
 *        ['size']    - file size in bytes
 *        ['tmp_name'] - temporary file name on server
 *        ['error']    - error code. 0 = 'good'. 1..4 main others, although up to 8 defined for later PHP versions
 *    Files stored in server's temporary directory, unless another set
function process_uploaded_files($uploaddir, $fileinfo = FALSE, $options = NULL)
    $admin_log = e107::getLog();

    $ul_temp_dir = '';
    if (ini_get('open_basedir') != '') // Need to move file to intermediate directory before we can read its contents to check it.
        $ul_temp_dir = e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR;
    if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0)
        define("UH_DEBUG", true);    
        define("UH_DEBUG", false);        
    if (UH_DEBUG)
        e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, debug_backtrace(), "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Process uploads to {$uploaddir}, fileinfo  ".$fileinfo, FALSE, LOG_TO_ROLLING);
    //    $admin_log->addEvent(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Intermediate directory: {$ul_temp_dir} ",FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);

    $overwrite = varset($options['overwrite'], FALSE);

    $uploaddir = realpath($uploaddir); // Mostly to get rid of the grot that might be passed in from legacy code. Also strips any trailing '/'
    if (!is_dir($uploaddir))
        if (UH_DEBUG)
    //        e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Invalid directory: ".$uploaddir, FALSE, FALSE);
        return FALSE; // Need a valid directory
    if (UH_DEBUG)
    //    e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Destination directory: ".$uploaddir, FALSE, FALSE);
    $final_chmod = varset($options['final_chmod'], 0644);

    if (isset($options['file_array_name']))
        $files = $_FILES[$options['file_array_name']];
        $files = $_FILES['file_userfile'];

    $max_file_count = varset($options['max_file_count'], 0);

    if (empty($files))
        if (deftrue('UH_DEBUG'))
            e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "No files uploaded", FALSE, FALSE);
        return FALSE;

    $uploaded = array();

    $max_upload_size     = calc_max_upload_size(varset($options['max_upload_size'], -1)); // Find overriding maximum upload size
    $allowed_filetypes     = get_filetypes(varset($options['file_mask'], ''), varset($options['filetypes'], ''));
    $max_upload_size     = set_max_size($allowed_filetypes, $max_upload_size);

    // That's the basics set up - we can start processing files now

    if (deftrue('UH_DEBUG'))
    //    e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Start individual files: ".count($files['name'])." Max upload: ".$max_upload_size, FALSE, FALSE);
    $c = 0;
    $tp = e107::getParser();
    $uploadfile = null;
    foreach ($files['name'] as $key=>$name)
        $name = $tp->filter($name, 'str');

        $first_error = FALSE; // Clear error flag
        if (($name != '') || $files['size'][$key]) // Need this check for things like file manager which allow multiple possible uploads
            $origname = $name; 
            //$name = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9._-]/", '', str_replace(' ', '_', str_replace('%20', '_', strtolower($name))));
            // FIX handle non-latin file names
            $name = preg_replace("/[^\w\pL.-]/u", '', str_replace(' ', '_', str_replace('%20', '_', $tp->ustrtolower($name))));
            $raw_name = $name; // Save 'proper' file name - useful for display
            $file_ext = trim(strtolower(substr(strrchr($name, "."), 1)));     // File extension - forced to lower case internally

            if (!trim($files['type'][$key]))
                $files['type'][$key] = 'Unknowm mime-type';

            if (UH_DEBUG)
                e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Process file {$name}, size ".$files['size'][$key], FALSE, FALSE);
            if ($max_file_count && ($c >= $max_file_count))
                $first_error = 249; // 'Too many files uploaded' error
                $first_error = $files['error'][$key]; // Start with whatever error PHP gives us for the file

            if (!$first_error)
            { // Check file size early on
                if ($files['size'][$key] == 0)
                    $first_error = 4; // Standard error code for zero size file
                elseif ($files['size'][$key] > $max_upload_size)
                    $first_error = 254;
                elseif (isset($allowed_filetypes[$file_ext]) && ($allowed_filetypes[$file_ext] > 0) && ($files['size'][$key] > $allowed_filetypes[$file_ext]))
                { // XML file set limits per extension
                    $first_error = 254;

            if (!$first_error)
                $uploadfile = $files['tmp_name'][$key]; // Name in temporary directory
                if (!$uploadfile)
                    $first_error = 253;

            if (!$first_error)
                // Need to support multiple files with the same 'real' name in some cases
                if (strpos($fileinfo, "attachment") === 0)
                { // For attachments, add in a prefix plus time and date to give a unique file name
                    $addbit = explode('+', $fileinfo, 2);
                    $name = time()."_".USERID."_".trim($addbit[1]).$name;
                elseif (strpos($fileinfo, "prefix") === 0)
                { // For attachments, avatars, photos etc alternatively just add a prefix we've been passed
                    $addbit = explode('+', $fileinfo, 2);
                    $name = trim($addbit[1]).$name;

                $destination_file = $uploaddir."/".$name;

                if ($fileinfo == "unique" && file_exists($destination_file))
                { // Modify destination name to make it unique - but only if target file name exists
                    $name = time()."_".$name;
                    $destination_file = $uploaddir."/".$name;

                if (file_exists($destination_file) && !$overwrite)
                    $first_error = 250; // Invent our own error number - duplicate file

            if (!$first_error)
                $tpos = FALSE;
                if ($file_ext != '') // Require any uploaded file to have an extension
                    if ($ul_temp_dir)
                    { // Need to move file to our own temporary directory
                        $tempfilename = $uploadfile;
                        $uploadfile = $ul_temp_dir.basename($uploadfile);
                        if (UH_DEBUG)
                            e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Move {$tempfilename} to {$uploadfile} ", FALSE, LOG_TO_ROLLING);
                        @move_uploaded_file($tempfilename, $uploadfile); // This should work on all hosts
                    $tpos = (($file_status = vet_file($uploadfile, $name, $allowed_filetypes, varset($options['extra_file_types'], FALSE))) === TRUE);
                if ($tpos === FALSE)
                    // File type upload not permitted - error message and abort
                    $first_error = 251; // Invent our own error number - file type not permitted

            if (!$first_error)  // All tests passed - can store it somewhere
                // File upload broken - temp file renamed.
                // FIXME - method starting with 'get' shouldn't do system file changes.
                $uploaded[$c] = e107::getFile()->getFileInfo($uploadfile, true, false);

                $uploaded[$c]['name'] = $name;
                $uploaded[$c]['rawname'] = $raw_name;
                $uploaded[$c]['origname'] = $origname;
                $uploaded[$c]['type'] = $files['type'][$key];
                $uploaded[$c]['size'] = 0;
                $uploaded[$c]['index'] = $key; // Store the actual index from the file_userfile array

            //    e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($uploaded[$c],true));

                // Store as flat file
                if ((!$ul_temp_dir && @move_uploaded_file($uploadfile, $destination_file)) || ($ul_temp_dir && @rename($uploadfile, $destination_file))) // This should work on all hosts
                    @chmod($destination_file, $final_chmod);
                    if (UH_DEBUG)
                        e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Final chmod() file {$destination_file} to {$final_chmod} ", FALSE, FALSE);
                    $uploaded[$c]['size'] = $files['size'][$key];
                    $uploaded[$c]['fullpath'] = $uploaddir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name;
                    if (UH_DEBUG)
                        e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Saved file {$c} OK: ".$uploaded[$c]['name'], FALSE, FALSE);
                    $first_error = 252; // Error - "couldn't save destination"

            if (!$first_error) // This file succeeded
                $uploaded[$c]['message'] = LANUPLOAD_3." '".$raw_name."'";
                $uploaded[$c]['error'] = 0;
                $uploaded[$c]['error'] = $first_error;
                $uploaded[$c]['size'] = 0;
                switch ($first_error)
                    case 1: // Exceeds upload_max_filesize in php.ini
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_5;
                    case 2: // Exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE in form
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_6;
                    case 3: // Partial upload
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_7;
                    case 4: // No file uploaded
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_8;
                    case 5: // Undocumented code (zero file size)
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_9;
                    case 6: // Missing temporary folder
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_13;
                    case 7: // File write failed
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_14;
                    case 8: // Upload stopped by extension
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_15;
                    case 249: // Too many files  (our error code)
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_19;
                    case 250: // Duplicate File  (our error code)
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_10;
                    case 251: // File type not allowed (our error code)
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_1." ".$files['type'][$key]." ".LANUPLOAD_2." ({$file_status})";
                    case 252: // File uploaded OK, but couldn't save it
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_4." [".str_replace("../", "", $uploaddir)."]";
                    case 253: // Bad name for uploaded file (our error code)
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_17;
                    case 254: // file size exceeds allowable limits (our error code)
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_18;
                    default: // Shouldn't happen - but at least try and make it obvious if it does!
                        $error = LANUPLOAD_16;

                $uploaded[$c]['message'] = LANUPLOAD_11." '".$name."' <br />".LAN_ERROR.": ".$error;
                $uploaded[$c]['line'] = __LINE__;
                $uploaded[$c]['file'] = __FILE__;
                if (UH_DEBUG) // If we need to abort on first error, do so here - could check for specific error codes
                    e107::getLog()->addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Main routine error {$first_error} file {$c}: ".$uploaded[$c]['message'], FALSE, FALSE);
            if (is_file($uploadfile))
                @unlink($uploadfile); // Don't leave the file on the server if error (although should be auto-deleted)

    return $uploaded;

 *    Utility routine to handle the messages returned by process_uploaded_files().
 *    @param array $upload_array is the list of uploaded files (as returned by process_uploaded_files())
 *    @param boolean $errors_only - if TRUE, no message is shown for a successful upload.
 *    @param boolean $use_handler - if TRUE, message_handler is used to display the message.
 *    @return string - a list of all accumulated messages. (Non-destructive call, so can be called several times with different options).

function handle_upload_messages(&$upload_array, $errors_only = TRUE, $use_handler = FALSE)
    // Display error messages, accumulate FMESSAGE
    // Write as a separate routine - returns all messages displayed. Option to only display failures.
    $f_message = [];
    foreach ($upload_array as $k=>$r)
        if (!$errors_only || $r['error'])
            if ($use_handler)
                require_once (e_HANDLER."message_handler.php");
                message_handler("MESSAGE", $r['message'], $r['line'], $r['file']);
            $f_message[] = $r['message'];
    return implode("<br />", $f_message);

//                    LEGACY FILE UPLOAD HANDLER

 *    This is the 'legacy' interface, which handles various special cases etc.
 *    It was the only option in E107 0.7.8 and earlier, and is still used in some places in core.
 *    It also attempts to return in the same way as the original, especially when any errors occur
 *  @deprecated
 *    @param string $uploaddir - target directory for file. Defaults to e_FILE/public
 *    @param boolean|string $avatar - sets the 'type' or destination of the file:
 *                 FALSE             - its a 'general' file
 *                'attachment'    - indicates an attachment (related to forum post or PM)
 *                'unique'         - indicates that file name must be unique - new name given (prefixed with time()_ )
 *                'avatar'        - indicates an avatar is being uploaded
 *    @param string $fileinfo        - included within the name of the saved file with attachments - can be an identifier of some sort
 *                                     (Forum adds 'FT{$tid}_' - where $tid is the thread ID.
 *    @param boolean $overwrite    - if true, an uploaded file can overwrite an existing file of the same name (not used in 0.7 core)
 *    Preference used:
 *        $pref['upload_storagetype'] - now ignored - used to be 1 for files, 2 for database storage
 *    @return boolean|array        - For backward compatibility, returns FALSE if only one file uploaded and an error;
 *                                  otherwise returns an array with per-file error codes as appropriate.
 *     On exit, F_MESSAGE is defined with the success/failure message(s) that have been displayed - one file per line
 * @Deprecated use e107::getFile()->getUploaded();
 * @param $uploaddir
 * @param bool|false $avatar
 * @param string $fileinfo
 * @param string $overwrite
 * @return array|bool
function file_upload($uploaddir, $avatar = FALSE, $fileinfo = "", $overwrite = "")
    $admin_log = e107::getLog();
    $options = array(
    ); // As default, allow any filetype enabled in filetypes.php

    if (!$uploaddir)
        $uploaddir = e_UPLOAD;

    if (strpos($avatar, '=') !== FALSE)
        list($avatar, $param) = explode('=', $avatar, 2);
        $param = USERID;
    switch ($avatar)
        case 'attachment':
            $avatar = "attachment+".$fileinfo;
        case 'avatar':
            $avatar = 'prefix+ap_'.$param.'_'; // Prefix unique to user
            $options['overwrite'] = TRUE; // Allow update of avatar with same file name

    if (UH_DEBUG)
            addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Legacy call, directory ".$uploaddir, FALSE, FALSE);

    $ret = process_uploaded_files(getcwd()."/".$uploaddir, $avatar, $options); // Well, that's the way it was done before

    if ($ret === FALSE)
        if (UH_DEBUG)
                addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Legacy return FALSE", FALSE, FALSE);
        return FALSE;

    if (UH_DEBUG)
            addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Legacy return with ".count($ret)." files", FALSE, FALSE);
    $messages = handle_upload_messages($ret, FALSE, TRUE); // Show all the error and acknowledgment messages
    define('F_MESSAGE', $messages);

    if (count($ret) == 1)
        if ($ret[0]['error'] != 0)
            return FALSE; // Special case if errors
    return $ret;


 * @param $filename
 * @param bool|false $extended
 * @return array|string
 *@see e_file::getImageMime();
 * or when extended - array [(string) mime-type, (array) associated extensions)].
 * A much faster way to retrieve mimes than getimagesize()
 * @deprecated Get image (string) mime type
function get_image_mime($filename, $extended = false)
    trigger_error(__METHOD__.' is deprecated. Use e107::getFile()->getImageMime($filename, $extended); instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);

    return e107::getFile()->getImageMime($filename, $extended);


 *    Check uploaded file to try and identify dodgy content.
 *    @param string $filename is the full path+name to the uploaded file on the server
 *    @param string $target_name is the intended name of the file once transferred
 *    @param array $allowed_filetypes is an array of permitted file extensions, in lower case, no leading '.'
 *            (usually generated from filetypes.xml/filetypes.php)
 *    @param boolean|string $unknown - handling of file types unknown to us/define additional types
 *            if FALSE, rejects totally unknown file extensions (even if in $allowed_filetypes).
 *            if $unknown is TRUE, accepts totally unknown file extensions.
 *            otherwise $unknown is a comma-separated list of additional permitted file extensions
 *    @return boolean|int - TRUE if file acceptable, a numeric 'fail' code if unacceptable:
 *        1 - file type not allowed
 *        2 - can't read file contents
 *        3 - illegal file contents (usually '<?php')
 *        4 - not an image file
 *        5 - bad image parameters - REMOVED
 *        6 - not in supplementary list
 *        7 - suspicious file contents
 *        8 - unknown file type
 *        9 - unacceptable file type (prone to exploits)

 //TODO - Move this function to file_class.php
    function vet_file($filename, $target_name, $allowed_filetypes = '', $unknown = false)

        // 1. Start by checking against filetypes - that's the easy one!
        $file_ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($target_name, '.'), 1));

                return 1;
            } // Reject out of hand if no possible alternative extensions
            // Otherwise, it could be in the supplementary list

            $tmp = explode(',', $unknown);
            for($i = 0, $iMax = count($tmp); $i < $iMax; $i++)
                $tmp[$i] = strtolower(trim(str_replace('.', '', $tmp[$i])));

            if(!in_array($file_ext, $tmp))
                return 6;

        // 2. For all files, read the first little bit to check for any flags etc
        $res = fopen($filename, 'rb');
        $tstr = fread($res, 2048);

        if($tstr === false)
            return 2; // If can't read file, not much use carrying on!

        if(stripos($tstr, '<?php') !== false)
            return 3; // Pretty certain exploit

        if(strpos($tstr, '<?') !== false)                // Bit more tricky - can sometimes be OK
            if(stripos($tstr, '<?xpacket') === false)    // Allow the XMP header produced by CS4
                return 7;

        // 3. Now do what we can based on file extension

            case 'jpg':
            case 'gif':
            case 'png':
            case 'jpeg':
            case 'pjpeg':
            case 'bmp':
            case 'swf':
            case 'fla':
            case 'flv':
            case 'swc':
            case 'psd':
            case 'ai':
            case 'eps':
            case 'svg':
            case 'tiff':
            case 'jpc': // http://fileinfo.com/extension/jpc
            case 'jpx': // http://fileinfo.com/extension/jpx
            case 'jb2': // http://fileinfo.com/extension/jb2
            case 'jp2': // http://fileinfo.com/extension/jp2
            case 'iff':
            case 'wbmp':
            case 'xbm':
            case 'ico':
                $ret = get_image_mime($filename);
                if($ret === false)
                    return 4; // exif_imagetype didn't recognize the image mime
                // getimagesize() is extremely slow + it can't handle all required media!!! Abandon this check!
                //    return 5; // Zero size picture or bad file format

            case 'zip':
            case 'gzip':
            case 'gz':
            case 'tar':
            case 'bzip':
            case 'pdf':
            case 'doc':
            case 'docx':
            case 'xls':
            case 'xlsx':
            case 'rar':
            case '7z':
            case 'csv':
            case 'mp3':
            case 'wav':
            case 'mp4':
            case 'mpg':
            case 'mpa':
            case 'wma':
            case 'wmv':
        //    case 'flv': //Flash stream
            case 'f4v': //Flash stream
            case 'mov': //media
            case 'avi': //media
                break; // Just accept these

            case 'php':
            case 'htm':
            case 'html':
            case 'cgi':
            case 'pl':
                return 9; // Never accept these! Whatever the user thinks!

                    return ($unknown ? true : 8);

        return true; // Accepted here

     *    Get array of file types (file extensions) which are permitted - reads a definition file.
     *    (Similar to @See{get_XML_filetypes()}, but expects an XML file)
     *    @param string $def_file - name of a file containing a comma-separated list of file types, which is sought in the E_ADMIN directory
     *    @param string $file_mask - comma-separated list of allowed file types - only those specified in both $file_mask and $def_file are returned
     *    @return array - where key is the file type (extension); value is max upload size
    function get_allowed_filetypes($def_file = FALSE, $file_mask = '')
        $ret = array(
        if ($def_file === FALSE)
            return $ret;

        if ($file_mask)
            $file_array = explode(',', $file_mask);
            foreach ($file_array as $k=>$f)
                $file_array[$k] = trim($f);

        if ($def_file && is_readable(e_ADMIN.$def_file))
            $a_filetypes = trim(file_get_contents(e_ADMIN.$def_file));
            $a_filetypes = explode(',', $a_filetypes);

        foreach ($a_filetypes as $ftype)
            $ftype = strtolower(trim(str_replace('.', '', $ftype)));
            if ($ftype && (!$file_mask || in_array($ftype, $file_array)))
                $ret[$ftype] = -1;
        return $ret;

     *    Parse a file size string (e.g. 16M) and compute the simple numeric value.
     *    Proxy to e_file::file_size_decode().
     *    @see e_file::file_size_decode()
     *    @param string $source - input string which may include 'multiplier' characters such as 'M' or 'G'. Converted to 'decoded value'
     *    @param int $compare - a 'compare' value
     *    @param string $action - values (gt|lt)
     *    @return int file size value.
     *        If the decoded value evaluates to zero, returns the value of $compare
     *        If $action == 'gt', return the larger of the decoded value and $compare
     *        If $action == 'lt', return the smaller of the decoded value and $compare
    function file_size_decode($source, $compare = 0, $action = '')
        return e107::getFile(true)->file_size_decode($source, $compare, $action);

     * @deprecated @see e_file::getAllowedFileTypes();
     *    Get array of file types (file extensions) which are permitted - reads an XML-formatted definition file.
     *    (Similar to @See{get_allowed_filetypes()}, but expects an XML file)
     *    @param string $def_file - name of an XML-formatted file, which is sought in the E_ADMIN directory
     *    @param string $file_mask - comma-separated list of allowed file types - only those specified in both $file_mask and $def_file are returned
     *    @return array - where key is the file type (extension); value is max upload size
    function get_XML_filetypes($def_file = FALSE, $file_mask = '')
        trigger_error(__METHOD__.' is deprecated. Use e107::getFile()->getAllowedFileTypes(); instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);

        return e107::getFile()->getAllowedFileTypes();

     *    Calculate 'global' maximum upload size - the maximum before extension-specific restrictions taken into account
     *    @param int $max_up - if > 0, its a global maximum permitted. If < 0, $pref['upload_maxfilesize'] is used (if set)
     *    @return int maximum allowed upload size for file
    function calc_max_upload_size($max_up = -1)
        global $pref;
        $admin_log = e107::getLog();
        // Work out maximum allowable file size
        if (deftrue('UH_DEBUG'))
                addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "File size limits - user set: ".$pref['upload_maxfilesize']." Post_max_size: ".ini_get('post_max_size')." upload_max_size: ".ini_get('upload_max_size'), FALSE, FALSE);
        $max_upload_size = file_size_decode(ini_get('post_max_size'));
        $max_upload_size = file_size_decode(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), $max_upload_size, 'lt');
        if ($max_up > 0)
            $max_upload_size = file_size_decode($max_up, $max_upload_size, 'lt');
            if (varset($pref['upload_maxfilesize'], 0) > 0)
                $max_upload_size = file_size_decode($pref['upload_maxfilesize'], $max_upload_size, 'lt');
        if (deftrue('UH_DEBUG'))
                addEvent(10, __FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__, "DEBUG", "Upload Handler test", "Final max upload size: {$max_upload_size}", FALSE, FALSE);
        return $max_upload_size;

     *    Get an array of permitted filetypes according to a set hierarchy.
     *    If a specific file name given, that's used. Otherwise the default hierarchy is used
     *    @param string $file_mask - comma-separated list of allowed file types
     *    @param string $filename - optional override file name - defaults ignored
     *    @return array of filetypes
    function get_filetypes($file_mask = FALSE, $filename = '')
        if ($filename != '')
            if (strtolower(substr($filename, -4) == '.xml'))
                return get_XML_filetypes($filename, $file_mask);
            return get_allowed_filetypes($filename, $file_mask);

        if (is_readable(e_SYSTEM.e_READ_FILETYPES))
            return get_XML_filetypes(e_READ_FILETYPES, $file_mask);

        if (ADMIN && is_readable(e_ADMIN.'admin_filetypes.php'))
            return get_allowed_filetypes('admin_filetypes.php', $file_mask);

        if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php'))
            return get_allowed_filetypes('filetypes.php', $file_mask);
        return array(); // Just an empty array

     *     Scans the array of allowed file types, updates allowed max size as appropriate.
     *    If the value is larger than the site-wide maximum, reduces it.
     *    @param array $allowed_filetypes - key is file type (extension), value is maximum size allowed
     *    @param int $max_upload_size - site-wide maximum file upload size
     *    @return int largest allowed file size across all file types
    function set_max_size(&$allowed_filetypes, $max_upload_size)
        $new_max = 0;
        foreach ($allowed_filetypes as $t=>$s)
            if ($s < 0)
            { // Unspecified max - use the global value
                $allowed_filetypes[$t] = $max_upload_size;
            elseif ($s > $max_upload_size)
                $allowed_filetypes[$t] = $max_upload_size;
            if ($allowed_filetypes[$t] > $new_max)
                $new_max = $allowed_filetypes[$t];
        return $new_max;

     *    Quick routine if all we want is the size of the largest file the current user can upload
     *    @return int largest allowed file size across all file types
 * @return int
function get_user_max_upload()
        $a_filetypes = get_filetypes();
        if (count($a_filetypes) == 0)
            return 0; // Return if no upload allowed
        $max_upload_size = calc_max_upload_size(-1); // Find overriding maximum upload size
        $max_upload_size = set_max_size($a_filetypes, $max_upload_size);
        return $max_upload_size;