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Test Coverage
 * e107 website system
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
 *    Common admin/configuration functions for alt_auth plugin
 * $URL$
 * $Id$

 *    e107 Alternate authorisation plugin
 *    @package    e107_plugins
 *    @subpackage    alt_auth
 *    @version     $Id$;

    1. Header
    2. Support array of defaults for table
    3. Get rid of all the globals (put into a class?)

if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }


  define('AUTH_SUCCESS', -1);
  define('AUTH_NOUSER', 1);
  define('AUTH_BADPASSWORD', 2);
  define('AUTH_NOCONNECT', 3);
  define('AUTH_UNKNOWN', 4);
  define('AUTH_NOT_AVAILABLE', 5);

require_once(e_PLUGIN.'alt_auth/alt_auth_login_class.php');        // Has base methods class

class alt_auth_admin extends alt_auth_base
    private $euf = FALSE;

    public function __construct()
        $this->euf = new e107_user_extended;

     *    Get list of supported authentication methods
     *    Searches for files *_auth.php in the plugin directory
     *    @param boolean $incE107 - if TRUE, 'e107' is included as an authentication method.
     *    @return array of authentication methods in value fields
    public static function alt_auth_get_authlist($incE107 = TRUE)
        $authlist = $incE107 ? array('e107') : array();
        $handle = opendir(e_PLUGIN.'alt_auth');

        while ($file = readdir($handle))
            if(preg_match("/^(.+)_auth\.php/", $file, $match))
                $authlist[] = $match[1];

        return $authlist;

     *    Return HTML for selector for authentication method
     * @param string $name   - the name of the selector
     * @param string $curval - current value (if any)
     * @param string $options
     * @return string
    public function alt_auth_get_dropdown($name, $curval = '', $options = '')
        $optList = explode(',', $options);
        $authList = array_merge($optList, self::alt_auth_get_authlist());
        $authList = array_unique($authList);
        $ret = "<select class='tbox' name='{$name}'>\n";
        foreach ($authList as $v)
            $sel = ($curval == $v ? " selected = 'selected' " : '');
            $ret .= "<option value='{$v}'".$sel." >{$v}</option>\n";
        $ret .= "</select>\n";
        return $ret;

     *    All user fields which might, just possibly, be transferred. The array key is the corresponding field in the E107 user database; code prefixes it
     *    with 'xf_' to get the parameter
     *    'default' may be a single value to set the same for all connect methods, or an array to set different defaults.
    private $alt_auth_user_fields = array(
      'user_id'         => array('prompt' => "User Id", 'help'=>'Use with caution', 'default' => false, 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' =>  FALSE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => FALSE),
      'user_email'         => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_12, 'default' => 'user_email', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' =>  TRUE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => TRUE, 'ldap_field' => 'mail'),
      'user_hideemail'     => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_13, 'default' => 'user_hideemail', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' => TRUE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => TRUE, 'ldap_field' => '', 'method' => 'bool1'),
      'user_name'         => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_14, 'default' => 'user_name', 'optional' => TRUE, 'otherdb' =>  TRUE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => TRUE, 'ldap_field' => ''),
      'user_login'        => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_15, 'default' => 'user_login', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' =>  TRUE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => TRUE, 'ldap_field' => 'sn'),
      'user_customtitle'=> array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_16, 'default' => 'user_customtitle', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' => FALSE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => FALSE),
      'user_signature'     => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_17, 'default' => 'user_signature', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' =>  TRUE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => FALSE),
      'user_image'         => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_18, 'default' => 'user_image', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' =>  TRUE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => FALSE),
      'user_sess'         => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_19, 'default' => 'user_sess', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' =>  TRUE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => FALSE),
      'user_join'         => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_20, 'default' => 'user_join', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' => FALSE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => TRUE, 'ldap_field' => ''),
      'user_ban'        => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_21, 'default' => 'user_ban', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' => FALSE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => FALSE),
      'user_class'        => array('prompt' => LAN_ALT_22, 'default' => 'user_class', 'optional' =>  TRUE, 'otherdb' => FALSE, 'e107db' => TRUE, 'importdb' => FALSE, 'ldap' => FALSE)

     *    Returns a block of table rows with user DB fields and either checkboxes or entry boxes
     * @param string $tableType is the prefix used, without the following underscore
     * @param object $frm       is the form object to use to create the text
     * @param array  $parm      is the array of options for the current auth type as read from the DB
     * @param bool   $asCheckboxes
     * @return string
    public function alt_auth_get_field_list($tableType, $frm, $parm, $asCheckboxes = false)
        $ret = '';
        foreach ($this->alt_auth_user_fields as $f => $v)
            if (vartrue($v['showAll']) || vartrue($v[$tableType]))
                $ret .= "<tr><td>";
                if ($v['optional'] == FALSE) $ret .= '*&nbsp;';
                $ret .= $v['prompt'].':';

                $ret .= "</td><td class='form-inline'>";
    //            $fieldname = $tableType.'_'.$v['optname'];
                $fieldname = $tableType.'_xf_'.$f;            // Name of the input box
                $value = varset($v['default']);
                if (is_array($value))
                    $value = varset($value[$tableType]);
                if (isset($v[$tableType.'_field'])) $value = $v[$tableType.'_field'];
                if (isset($parm[$fieldname])) $value = $parm[$fieldname];
    //              echo "Field: {$fieldname} => {$value}<br />";
                if ($asCheckboxes)
                    $ret .= $frm -> form_checkbox($fieldname, 1, $value);
                    $ret .= $frm -> form_text($fieldname, 35, $value, 120);
                    if (isset($v['method']) && $v['method'])
                        $fieldMethod = $tableType.'_pm_'.$f;            // Processing method ID code
                        $method = varset($parm[$fieldMethod]);
                        $ret .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$this->alt_auth_processing($fieldMethod,$v['method'], $method);
                if (isset($v['help']))
                    $ret .= "<span class='field-help smalltext'>".$v['help']."</span>";

                $ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
        return $ret;

     *    Returns a list of all the user-related fields allowed as an array, whhere the key is the field name
     *    @param string $tableType is the prefix used, without the following underscore
     *    @return array
    public function alt_auth_get_allowed_fields($tableType)
        $ret = array();
        foreach ($this->alt_auth_user_fields as $f => $v)
            if (vartrue($v['showAll']) || vartrue($v[$tableType]))
    //      $fieldname = $tableType.'_'.$v['optname'];
                $fieldname = $tableType.'_xf_'.$f;            // Name of the input box
                $ret[$fieldname] = '1';
        return $ret;

     *    Routine adds the extended user fields which may be involved into the table of field definitions, so that they're displayed
    public function add_extended_fields()
        global $pref;

        if (!isset($pref['auth_extended'])) return;
        if (!$pref['auth_extended']) return;

        static $fieldsAdded = FALSE;

        if ($fieldsAdded) return;
        $xFields = $this->euf->user_extended_get_fieldList('','user_extended_struct_name');
    //    print_a($xFields);
        $fields = explode(',',$pref['auth_extended']);
        foreach ($fields as $f)
            if (isset($xFields[$f]))
                $this->alt_auth_user_fields['x_'.$f] = array('prompt' => varset($xFields[$f]['user_extended_struct_text']).' ('.$f.')',
                                                        'default' => varset($xFields[$f]['default']),
                                                        'optional' => TRUE,
                                                        'showAll' => TRUE,            // Show for all methods - in principle, its likely to be wanted for all
                                                        'method'  => '*'             // Specify all convert methods - have little idea what may be around
        $fieldsAdded = TRUE;

     *    List of the standard fields which may be displayed for any method.
    private $common_fields = array(
      'server' => array('fieldname' => 'server',    'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_32, 'help' => ''),
       'port' => array('fieldname' => 'port',    'size' => 4, 'max_size' => 7, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_80, 'help' => 'eg. 3306'),

      'uname'  => array('fieldname' => 'username',    'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_33, 'help' => ''),
      'pwd'    => array('fieldname' => 'password',    'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_34, 'help' => ''),
      'db'     => array('fieldname' => 'database',    'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_35, 'help' => ''),
      'table'  => array('fieldname' => 'table',        'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_36, 'help' => ''),
      'prefix' => array('fieldname' => 'prefix',    'size' => 35, 'max_size' =>  35, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_39, 'help' => ''),
      'ufield' => array('fieldname' => 'user_field','size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_37, 'help' => ''),
      'pwfield'=> array('fieldname' => 'password_field','size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_38, 'help' => ''),
      'salt'   => array('fieldname' => 'password_salt','size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120,  'prompt' => LAN_ALT_24, 'help' => LAN_ALT_25),
      'classfilt' => array('fieldname' => 'filter_class', 'size' => 10, 'max_size' =>  8, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_76, 'help' => LAN_ALT_77)

     *    Return the HTML for all server-related fields required for configuration of a particular method.
     *    Each is a row of a table having two columns (no <table>...</table> etc added, so can be embedded in a larger table
     * @param string $prefix is the prefix used, without the following underscore
     * @param object $frm    is the form object to use
     * @param array  $parm   is an array of the current values of each item
     * @param string $fields is a list of the fields to display, separated by '|'. The names are the key values from $common_fields table
     * @return string
    public function alt_auth_get_db_fields($prefix, $frm, $parm, $fields = 'server|uname|pwd|db|table|ufield|pwfield')
        $opts = explode('|',$fields);
        $ret = '';
        foreach ($this->common_fields as $fn => $cf)
            if (in_array($fn,$opts))
                $ret .= "<tr><td>".$cf['prompt'];

                $ret .= "</td><td>";

                if ($cf['fieldname'] == 'password')
                    $ret .= $frm->form_password($prefix.'_'.$cf['fieldname'], $cf['size'], $parm[$prefix.'_'.$cf['fieldname']], $cf['max_size']);
                    $ret .= $frm->form_text($prefix.'_'.$cf['fieldname'], $cf['size'], $parm[$prefix.'_'.$cf['fieldname']], $cf['max_size']);
                if ($cf['help']) $ret .= "<br /><span class='field-help'>".$cf['help']."</span>";
                $ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
        return $ret;

     *    Write all the options for a particular authentication type to the DB
     * @return string
     * @var string $prefix - the prefix string representing the authentication type (currently importdb|e107db|otherdb|ldap|radius). Must NOT have a trailing underscore
    public function alt_auth_post_options($prefix)
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $lprefix = $prefix.'_';

        $user_fields = $this->alt_auth_get_allowed_fields($prefix);        // Need this list in case checkboxes for parameters
        foreach ($user_fields as $k => $v)
            if (!isset($_POST[$k]))
                $_POST[$k] = '0';

        // Now we can post everything
        foreach($_POST as $k => $v)
            if (strpos($k,$lprefix) === 0)
                $v = base64_encode(base64_encode($v));
                if($sql -> select('alt_auth', '*', "auth_type='{$prefix}' AND auth_parmname='{$k}' "))
                    $sql -> update('alt_auth', "auth_parmval='{$v}' WHERE  auth_type='{$prefix}' AND auth_parmname='{$k}' ");
                    $sql -> insert('alt_auth', "'{$prefix}','{$k}','{$v}' ");
        return LAN_ALT_UPDATED;

     * Get the HTML for a password type selector.
     * @param string  $name             - name to be used for selector
     * @param         $frm              - form object to use
     * @param string  $currentSelection - current value (if any)
     * @param boolean $getExtended      - return all supported password types if TRUE, 'core' password types if FALSE
     * @return string
    public function altAuthGetPasswordSelector($name, $frm, $currentSelection = '', $getExtended = FALSE)
        $ext = new ExtendedPasswordHandler;
        $password_methods = $ext->getPasswordTypes($getExtended);
        $text = "";
        $text .= $frm->form_select_open($name);
        foreach($password_methods as $k => $v)
            $sel = ($currentSelection == $k) ? " Selected='selected'" : '';
            $text .= $frm -> form_option($v, $sel, $k);
        $text .= $frm->form_select_close();
        return $text;

     *    Return the HTML needed to display the test form.
     * @param string $prefix - the type of connection being tested
     * @param        $frm    - the form object to use
     *    if $_POST['testauth'] is set, attempts to validate the connection, and displays any returned values
     * @return string
    public function alt_auth_test_form($prefix, $frm)
        $text = '';

            // Try and connect to DB/server, and maybe validate user name
            e107::getDebug()->log('Loading: alt_auth/'.$prefix.'_auth.php');

            $_login = new auth_login;
            $log_result = defset('AUTH_UNKNOWN');
            $pass_vars = array();
            $val_name = trim(varset($_POST['nametovalidate']));

            if(isset($_login->Available) && ($_login->Available === FALSE))
            {    // Relevant auth method not available (e.g. PHP extension not loaded)
                $log_result = defset('AUTH_NOT_AVAILABLE');
                $log_result = $_login->login($val_name, $_POST['passtovalidate'], $pass_vars, ($val_name == ''));

            $text = "<table class='table'>
        <col class='col-label' />
        <col class='col-control' />
            <tr><th colspan='2'>".LAN_ALT_48."</th></tr>";
            $text .= "<tr><td>";

            if ($val_name)
                $text .= LAN_ALT_49.": ".$val_name.'<br />'.LAN_ALT_50.": ";
                if (varset($_POST['passtovalidate'])) $text .= str_repeat('*',strlen($_POST['passtovalidate'])); else $text .= LAN_ALT_51;
            $text .= "</td><td>";

            $err = '';

            switch ($log_result)
                case AUTH_SUCCESS :
                    $text .= "<div class='alert alert-success' style='margin:0'>";
                    $text .= LAN_ALT_58;
                    if (count($pass_vars))
                      $text .= '<br />'.LAN_ALT_59;
                      foreach ($pass_vars as $k => $v)
                        $text .= '<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$k.'=>'.$v;
                    $text .= "</div>";
                case AUTH_NOUSER :
                    $err = LAN_ALT_52.LAN_ALT_55;
                case AUTH_BADPASSWORD :
                    $err = LAN_ALT_52.LAN_ALT_56;
                case AUTH_NOCONNECT :
                    $err = LAN_ALT_52.LAN_ALT_54;
                case AUTH_UNKNOWN :
                    $err = LAN_ALT_52.LAN_ALT_53;
                case AUTH_NOT_AVAILABLE :
                    $err = LAN_ALT_52.LAN_ALT_57;
                case LOGIN_CONTINUE:
                    $err = "wrong encoding?";
                default :
                    $err = "Coding error";

                $text .= "<div class='alert alert-danger' style='margin:0'>".$err."</div>";

            if(!empty($_login ->ErrorText))
                $text .= "<div class='alert alert-danger' style='margin:0'>".$_login ->ErrorText."</div>";

            $text .= "</td></tr></table>";

        //    $text = "<div class='alert'>".$text."</div>";

        $text .= $frm -> form_open('post', e_SELF, 'testform');
        $text .= "<table class='table adminlist'>
        <col class='col-label' />
        <col class='col-control' />
        <tr><th colspan='2'>".LAN_ALT_42."</th></tr>";

        $text .= "<tr><td>".LAN_ALT_33."</td><td>";
    //    $text .= $frm->form_text('nametovalidate', 35, '', 120);
        $text .= e107::getForm()->text('nametovalidate','',35);
        $text .= "</td></tr>";

        $text .= "<tr><td>".LAN_ALT_34."</td><td>";
        $text .= $frm->form_password('passtovalidate', 35, '', 120);
        $text .= "</td></tr>";

        $text .= "</table>";

            $text .= "<div class='buttons-bar center'>";
    //    $text .= $frm->form_button("submit", 'testauth', LAN_ALT_47);
        $text .= e107::getForm()->admin_button('testauth', LAN_ALT_47,'other');
        $text .= "</div>";

        $text .= $frm->form_close();

        return e107::getMessage()->render().$text;


    private $procListOpts = array(
                    'none' => LAN_ALT_70,
                    'bool1' => LAN_ALT_71,
                    'ucase' => LAN_ALT_72,
                    'lcase' => LAN_ALT_73,
                    'ucfirst' => LAN_ALT_74,
                    'ucwords' => LAN_ALT_75

     *    Return a 'select' box for available processing methods
     * @param        $selName
     * @param string $allowed
     * @param string $curVal
     * @return string
    public function alt_auth_processing($selName, $allowed='*', $curVal='')
        if (($allowed == 'none') || ($allowed == '')) return '';
        if ($allowed == '*')
            $valid = $this->procListOpts;        // We just want all the array keys to exist!
            $valid = array_flip(explode(',', $allowed));
            $valid['none'] = '1';        // Make sure this key exists - value doesn't matter
        $ret = "<select class='tbox' name='{$selName}' id='{$selName}'>\n";
        foreach ($this->procListOpts as $k => $v)
            if (isset($valid[$k]))
                $s = ($curVal == $k) ? " selected='selected'" : '';
                $ret .= "<option value='{$k}'{$s}>{$v}</option>\n";
        $ret .= "</select>\n";
    //    $ret .= $selName.':'.$curVal;
        return $ret;


function alt_auth_adminmenu()
    echo ' ';
//    if(!is_array($authlist))
        $authlist = alt_auth_admin::alt_auth_get_authlist();

        define('ALT_AUTH_ACTION', 'main');

    $var['main']['text'] = LAN_ALT_31;
    $var['main']['link'] = e_PLUGIN . 'alt_auth/alt_auth_conf.php';

    // $icon = e107::getParser()->toIcon(e_PLUGIN . 'alt_auth/images/alt_auth_32.png');
    $caption = "<span>alt auth</span>";

    show_admin_menu($caption, ALT_AUTH_ACTION, $var);

    $var = array();
    foreach ($authlist as $a)
        if ($a != 'e107')
            $var[$a]['text'] = LAN_ALT_30 . $a;
            $var[$a]['link'] = e_PLUGIN . "alt_auth/{$a}_conf.php";

    show_admin_menu(LAN_ALT_29, ALT_AUTH_ACTION, $var);